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@AbhishekHingnikar @SomeGuy
@RoomOwners also, you obviously don't have to comply here: but I think it is only fair that we announce when we have kicked someone.
/me eats some popcorn
and now someone flagged old messages. I wonder who it was
@rlemon he wasn't spamming though. He was just sort of a douche
stupid fagger
@BenjaminGruenbaum it goes back a while.
ok back to work for me, later guys
they've been at ends for like 45 minutes
Now I'm really off. lata
Freudian lol
Oh ok, I don't know his history @rlemon
@PeeHaa - might want to edit
Oh look it's @BoltClock yay!
We should kick more people so he comes here more.
@PeeHaa - Your message
@BenjaminGruenbaum yea, that is why I said "cool down" -- he was vamping and then got aggressive when m59 started asking him some questions
time for a time out methinks
Not a big deal, but if people are flagging things, that will definitely get tagged
also, I think 1 minute isn't long enough for someone to actually cool off. ten-fifteen would probably work better
I don't think it solves a problem, but that is my unpopular opinion.
@TravisJ it doesn't solve a problem, but it circumvents a worse situation
@TravisJ what do you mean?
having the silly reverse access control was horrible to maintain
uuuh: my particle exploder minigame on codepen just reached 1000 views! (in case you don't remember)
I think it escalates the situation with kicking, all that you really need is the mute part.
I think our problem is that we're not (me including) actually adults :D
if someone doesn't get the point and comes back and trolls we can still mod flag them ( or kick them again )
Ignoring users works, but I can't stand it when something is wrong on the internet.
I like the idea that it is timed, and that it escalates with each kick
lol @Ben
I think it should just be the mute with the same escalation built in.
also: today at school the teacher taught us what harmonic movement is, and I can finally understand and see more formulas and properties of whatever I was doing with it!
I wrote about it on meta: meta.stackexchange.com/a/239091/178816 feel free to down vote :) That is essentially my view on the issue
@towc It's really just x = -a or something like that. Sine/Cosine just happen to fit in.
This sounds like it would annoy users a lot and I'm not sure how it would educate them or help them become more constructive room participants. — Benjamin Gruenbaum Sep 8 at 20:17
Yup :) But kicking them doesn't exactly make them constructive either
@BenjaminGruenbaum y=center of circle, x=cos(t)*omega
@towc Yes, but did your teacher tell you why cos and sin appear there?
@BenjaminGruenbaum sort of douche? damn you. You're speaking behind me like an ...? kicking me out for "not good man" and leaving here people who really offends others. No problem, i'm quiting this room. but If I'll see any word to my address I'll not stop myself from being rude.
Although, the unit circle is pretty good intuition too (where you see the x move).
So... how did that work out for you :P
@heron see, this is exactly what I was talking about. Also, how is this 'speaking around you' this is a google indexed chat.
@BenjaminGruenbaum he said that sin and cos are from there
@towc what is the core charactaristic of harmonic motion? That the acceleration is linear in the X coordinate, like forces on a spring, the lower it is the bigger it accelerates back upwards.
"it's the projection of a moving point from the circunference to the diameter"
In harmonic motion, that is linear.
@towc - Since sin and cos produce values in between 0 and 1 they are essentially limiting the range between 0 and 100%. The range varies at a specific rate and the result of the variance is a wave.
@TravisJ -1 and 1
So really, the only thing you need for harmonic motions - is that the position is linearly inverse to the acceleration, which is why I said x = -a (x being the position and y being the acceleration). This is why sin and cos are used, because of you derive them twice - you get that exact equality.
They just 'happen to work', because of the way a circle looks, that's pretty cool.
@BenjaminGruenbaum *a bieng the acceleration
uhh... yeah, he never taught us x=-a, but makes sense
wait... if the accelleration is constant, shouldn't x be constand aswell?
@AwalGarg yea, that.
wait, don't we now use exponential form to describe waves?
@towc a is a function of x, it should really be x = -a(x) to be fair, just like v is really v(x)
@AwalGarg you're thinking about something else
@heron What you really don't realize is that people here really like helping people. If you would stop with the animosity, I (and probably others) would be glad to help you in the future. You're harming yourself and blaming it on me. What do you think I'm doing? I'm trying to help you!!
@BenjaminGruenbaum what? now accelleration and velocity are functions? could explain that to me?
@BenjaminGruenbaum explain? I thought most advanced wave stuff gets expressed in exponential form only now.
He can't be helped, he's possessed by the devil
@AwalGarg you're probably thinking curves
Well, except for @copy.
@m59 'entitlement' is hard to overcome
@towc yes, can you tell me what velocity is?
@AwalGarg this is first year Physics, not sure how that's related.
ok g night
BenjaminGruenbaum it's the amount of space an object will travel in a certain time... right?
Hey guys.
@towc that's displacement (if that's the right English word). Hmm, would x(t) = -a(t) been better?
@towc rate of change of position over a time
displacement is used often for that
If I go from (0,0) to (100, 100) and back to (0, 0) I moved a lot, but my position hasn't changed and if I stopped at (0, 0) my speed is not zero.
Position is a vector (just a bunch of coordinates) describing where you're at at a given time. So you give it time and it'll tell you where you're at.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I thought displacement was just the variation of position between two points in time. Also, now that you put the t in the function it seems a bit more clear
@BenjaminGruenbaum for a second I read that as: you give the vector some time to think, until he understands where he's pointing to and he'll tell you XD. Looks clear enough now
So I've got this foo = function module(){} thing and I'm throwing an event inside of it and catching it globally. So far, so good. But is there any way to associate that event with the module to avoid naming conflicts? I understand that you listen to an event based off it's string, but would it be possible to listen to events specifically from a function, like addEventListener(foo.string("myEventName"))
should I always write accelleration, velocity and position as functions? Do you do that in advanced physics or do you keep only using normal variables?
I think this might be too hypothetical for a legit question, so I thought I woul ask it here.
@towc I'm sorry, I don't have enough time to explain what a derivative is right now, but you should definitely learn about it, and limits. I think Khan academy has a good tutorial on that. The velocity is the derivative of position in respect to time, and the acceleration is the derivative of that with respect to time. So if you derive position twice (that is, the speed of the speed of where you move) - you'll get the same thing as your position, only negative. That's how a spring's movement
works, sort of.
@Seanny123 - Just to make sure, you are not talking about throwing exceptions right?
@towc You can keep using x,v, a and whatever as long as you know what they stand for, you have to keep the fact they're functions in the back of your head.
@BenjaminGruenbaum perfect. thank you very much for your time and knowledge!
@TravisJ No exceptions. Just an event so that I know that foo has executed something.
@Seanny123 that's actually a very good observation. A lot of JS developers don't realize that DOM events are actually a global event bus that's problematic.
(Just like selectors on documents, for instance)
@Seanny123 - Usually you would use a callback function for that
Okay, so I don't know what that is, so I'm going to Google that and come back.
It is a function that is executed at the end of a code block.
@Seanny123 You can very easily roll your own event emitter and use events on your objects instead of document or a DOM object.
Usually to signal completion
You can very easily do foo.on("myEventName", function(){}) instead of document.addEventListener with your own event emitter.
Oh. I'm getting it.
EventEmitter is awesome and should be used by everyone in every project
Man, I thought on was D3 exclusive thing.... Bahahahaha
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Where did you get on from?
@TravisJ it's very easy to roll that on your own.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Slightly exaggerated
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Okay, so its not part of the standardization. I couldn't find it on MDN but wasn't sure if you were referencing a feature.
Oh. I mis-understood that as well.
foo._handlers = {};
foo.on = function(str, cb){
    this._handlers[str] = (this._handlers[str] || []).concat(cb);
foo.emit = function(str, options){
     this._handlers[str].forEach(function(x){ x(options); });
Woohoo, event emitter :P
Of course, you can easily make that generic (not just for foo)
@rlemon not around, mail me
You both have changes in dev that are not merged into main.

Blahblah– You have a changeset from 2 days ago.
Jason – You have a changeset from yesterday.

If this is what you want, that’s fine.  If it should be in main, please get it merged before it becomes an issue.  Thanks.
lol that enrages me
we work out of 2 branches total... no feature branches
and they treat dev like it just needs to go to main.. like whats the point of dev at all..
I want feature branches.
had a long reply written up..
ended up just saying "Yup well aware, thanks. Jason"
@Loktar good call.
My opinion about source control - have feature branches first, then check if anyone notices, if they do say that you were doing it all along and where were they when you started doing that a year ago.
I don't even have permissions to create branches
@BenjaminGruenbaum That took me awhile, but I'm now understanding what I was doing wrong and where my mental model was failing. I could tell you how I suck, but it would take a long time and you wouldn't learn much, so I'm just going to say thanks.
@Jhawins that's a bunch of shit. There's no way I've only said penis 19 times in 80 days
this project is through TFS
@Seanny123 you're welcome, abstractions are hard, don't feel bad for not getting everything in JS the first time none of us did.
@TravisJ thanks for the help too
@Loktar can't you fork it into your own project on the server and then merge it back to master? It's DCVS after all.
no idea, I haven't really messed with it much I can't stand tfs
Really? We don't use it but I heard people like it.
@SterlingArcher bro I gotta do that interview today. Why tf is it so long
We use SVN on a lot of our work stuff, I just do whatever projects I head on git on bitbucket or GH or whatever and no one ever really bothered me about that, as long as everything is safe, tidy and backed up no one really cares.
It's just an hour.5 man, that's typical
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think its the interface I dislike
Just dont fart
all via Visual Studio
@Loktar can't you commit from the git command line?
its not using git :/
thats what I dislike
git is the version control that we deserve, not the one that we need.
I want my version control to read my mind
Good gracious.... I have my first negative score answer on account of that whole situation.... I'm trying not to assume that this is some kind of revenge, but it's not happening.
was it on an answer?
the one I helped him with.
Oh man, Black Tide radio is being dominated by Rob Zombie I love it
I'm going back to bed and start this day over later :)
yea he's got a -1 recently
when this started I noted his 199 rep - now 198
upvoted to 0
THE PLOT THICKENS! :ominous music:
your mum thickens
dupehammer and vtd?!
That seems over the top.
ahaha vamp
dat q:a
anyway, #no-witch-hunt
Jesus that's less than 1 rep per question
back to node
!!stat 978733
3 hours ago, by rlemon
Bots down until the users bug is fixed. FYI (and stop asking / bitching about it).
shut up i forgot >.<
I'm not even going to be looking at it for at least another 3 hours
Literally just starred the damn sticky post too
It's just... habit D:
like drugs
guys, today I am being a very bad person
I'm writing ugly hacky code and testing it in production
did you extend native objects?
@rlemon sorry bro
@NickDugger no, but I just copied a large chunk of code line for line to another function instead of making it a utility function and calling it from both places
This might not come to a surprise, but I've done that... (and maybe still do in some cases)...
but my app.js main file is still < 500 LoC so I suppose it isn't horrible
if I'm gonna have one function do the same thing, but only twice, making a separate utility function for that just seems silly
@rlemon bot comment made me think of
@rlemon wat.
@SomeKittens my instincts told me to fuck with the user object for the session in serializeUser
not deserializeUser
that reminds me of... "50mb of javascript"
that reminds me of... "I bench 400lbs"
man, are we ever a bunch of caddy bitches or what?
im shocked most of us haven't hit menopause yet
@SterlingArcher I'm having hot flashes
I have. but it is nice to no longer get my period.
@Loktar stop flashing people D:
@rlemon damn you went through it so young!
I get flashes, but they're not hot
Stop going to gay bars then
I literally do get hot flashes.
My celebrity narcolepsy.
I get panic attack flashes on the train, does that count?
Mar 18 '13 at 20:08, by Loktar
I've been to gay clubs more than regular clubs lol
@SterlingArcher I flash when I panic, what does that mean for me?
Most likely some deep, deep Freudian issues.
I've had a sinus infection / flu symptoms last week or so
I've def had hot flashes
We're all so... broken lol
My parents always told me I was fixed when I was a baby
wow, you guys are like rabbits
@SomeKittens "Lead Web Developer Internship" means "Work as hard as an employee, get paid in high-fives" lol
those graphs again
> one fuck every ~2 hours
@CSᵠ we just say fuck a lot, we dont fuck a lot. D:
most of them just prove that if anyone said anything, it was probably rlemon
I swear too much, I guess
@SterlingArcher yeah...
Oh wait, it's a short period range
It's not that bad, then
lol short period
> one fuck every ~2 hours
Every womans dream
@SterlingArcher dat juxtaposition
@BenjaminGruenbaum she's really not back. I just had to complete the illusion
!!define juxtaposition
... i hate life right now
@SterlingArcher GO AHEAD AND DO IT @rlemon
@SterlingArcher It means that you think that women want one fuck every two hours
i wish dude
are you kidding me
I must have misunderstood her. I thought she said "years"
not sure if awesome or horrible:
reminds me of this:
Q: Why is whitespace sometimes needed around metacharacters?

spydonA few months ago I tattooed a fork bomb on my arm, and I skipped the whitespaces, because I think it looks nicer without them. But to my dismay, sometimes (not always) when I run it in a shell it doesn't start a fork bomb, but it just gives a syntax error. bash: syntax error near unexpected tok...

best... question... ever!
@towc definitely awesome
@Jhawins, @Benjamin: Bot code is terrible
@Zirak lol
prove gcd(a,b) = 1 if and only if lcm(a,b) = ab
In before 3 hour long Math discussion
Someday I'll understand proofs enough to answer these by myself
Today is not that day
Until then you post them in a JavaScript room
@Cereal are gcd and lcm specific functions, or can I define them?
Ah, gcd is greatest common denominator, and lcm is lowest common multiple
I wanna say they're placeholders but they're not obvious placeholders lol
@Cereal on in italian one is MCM and the other is mcm (Massimo Comune Moltiplicatore and Minimo Comune Multiplo), italian maths is drunk
His pw probably isn't fdgsdfvsd
@SterlingArcher I really hope this isn't real code someone is putting online somewhere
probably his real username though
@copy it really makes you think about how many poorly made things are out there
fabian ~% mysql --host=db.rompinaround.com --user=rompinadmin --password=fdgsdfvsd rompindatabase
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'rompinadmin'@'bla.impulse.net' (using password: YES)
> My honeypots are bear traps
@copy - did you try guest with no pw
In before FBI
outb4 fbi
@SterlingArcher - Since JavaScript is a weakly typed language, there is no problem doing math with strings (except +). — Derek 朕會功夫 1 min ago
is this true?
!!> "2" + "2"
@SterlingArcher kinda
> If Type(lprim) is String or Type(rprim) is String, then
Return the String that is the result of concatenating ToString(lprim) followed by ToString(rprim)
"1" + 2 === "12";  // yea yea
+"1" + 2 === 3;
make sense?
ok i was gonna say lol
wasn't paying attention
I feel like his arguement directly countered himself
"There is no problem, but there is a problem"
That is the problem.
@SterlingArcher lol that is specifically why there is a problem
so much problems D:
@SterlingArcher would you say the number of problems is ~ 9.9x10^1 ?
Approximately, yes!
@BenjaminGruenbaum is it your opinion that I should have handled the situation differently earlier? If so, in what way? I don't imagine there was anything I could do to help that person, but you guys are reasonable and I certainly don't want to be frowned upon by you.
@m59 bro, I'm frowning so hard right now <3
I mean, I try my best to be an ideal person (quite far to go, of course).
I don't know the context, so I'll shut up :3
@m59 No, that guy was a dick
@SterlingArcher No one like you anyway :)
No one except for EVERYONE.
Oh was this recent drama?
Yeah. Weren't you here? Note the starred message about how I'm a bad person.
@AbhishekHingnikar "one penis every ~19 hours" priceless
@rlemon really gives a **** decodingweb.com/so-room-stats/17/fuck
@m59 I don't think you were out of like (like I said before), I'd just ignore that dude. Your time is more valuable than his and one thing I've learned over time is that I can choose to opt out of these sort of arguments.
Cool. I just don't want to be guilty of the same thing by not realizing when I'm actually being the jerk =D

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