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Argh!, 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!. Angularjs can be a pain to debug sometimes. :-/
Hi everybody!
Just a basic and simple question I have two buttons like .btn-auth login and .btn-auth register And I'm detecting click with JQuery like $('.btn-auth').click.... and if I click one of those I want to select other
I've tried .next() .siblings()
@VeeeneX Sounds to me you want a radio button, instead of a button.
Second Rikudo ! :D Nope,
Thx guys for response
@VeeeneX Yup.
    $('#checkout-auth .auth-btn').click(function(e) {
			var open = $(this).data('open');
			$('#checkout-auth .auth-btn').next().attr("disabled", true);
Unless you have a very good reason to use buttons.
Style is not a good reason.
Nope Imagine two buttons
And I one button you have Register and in another one Login
Are you even listening to what I just said?
Yes, it because I will send data via Ajax and how can i know which form is user using?
And where?
@SecondRikudo Like this
<input type="radio" class="btn btn-extra btn-green auth-btn" name="sex" value="male" data-open="#checkout-auth .checkout.login" >Login<br>
Minimal example ^
Doesn't look like radio buttons, still is radio button.
@SecondRikudo Oh, you saved me again .... Thanks!
PANIC! jsFiddle is down!
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^
I got this when loading ThreeJS objects: Anyone have idea what it may cause? JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property 'getExtension' of undefined or null reference three js
@Marek Hey, it's progress :)
@Neil Haha
anyone into T-SQL
@CustomizedName Whats up with it?
I was having issues with Having clause, but I find a solution now :)
@SecondRikudo: "Troll physics / science" hasn't been funny in a looooong time.
@Cerbrus I can't see where it falls apart though
My geometry skills suck XD
An infinite amount of corners don't suddenly become a curved line
posted on September 15, 2014

I wanted to know which IE versions my readers test on, so I held a survey. The results are below. Last week I restarted my browser testing, after far too many months of working on the book. I wrote a bunch of new tests, but also wen over my browser test arrays once again. I’m getting tired of old IEs, so I considered removing data for IE7 and below from the desktop tables. Before doin

just finished the first day of school!
everything as I remembered: bad teachers, bad girls, annoying schoolmates
bad smell
@SecondRikudo ?
@Neil I need you man.
@SecondRikudo pi is not the perimeter...
@JanDvorak We have an extension that uses the tag notation
Please or
@Marek Sorry, was out to lunch
@SecondRikudo the one that Chrome doesn't let you install if you're on Windows? Meh.
@JanDvorak Wait what?
Download extension file, drag to chrome://extensions? That doesn't work on Windows?
disables on restart
@SecondRikudo: extensions on Chrome for Windows are screwed up: thenextweb.com/google/2014/05/27/…
Why the hell are you still using Windows?!
I didn't quite succeed installing suse
I don't want to overwrite my Windows partition with an experimental OS
@JanDvorak VirtualBox?
@Qantas94Heavy not enough resources
Windows sucks.
Not as much as linux does :V
/me whistles
They are 83% committed on making an emacs SO.. 83%..
I know emacs is complicated, but does it really merit its own SO?
Time to idly complain
@FlorianMargaine Do you ever agree?
(I committed)
My operating systems class just posted the first assignment. Creating some example of multithreaded data processing in C.

School doesn't even offer a course in C. Never used it before. Due on wednesday. Hoo fucking rah
@Cereal copy/paste, there we go, assignment done
@Cereal Because C has fork, which is probably the simplest way to create a thread
change the function signatures, use iostream.h and you're good
@Neil fork creates a process, not a thread
I have to use something called pthread
@Neil C is forked up.
@Cereal lol did you read my link? :D
I'm looking at it now!
@FlorianMargaine Still not so hard
#include <pthread.h>
@Neil no it's not.
be careful, it's a bit of C++ code
Feels silly to learn C by directly hopping into threads. I noticed it was labelled as a c++ tutorial
new Thread(() => {
    // code to run in new thread. Similar in C# and Java 8
@BenjaminGruenbaum not to mention that fork doesn't create a new thread...
but I seem to be repeating myself, so I'll just shut up and go back to my css ._.
@Cereal lol, the PHP room has someone called @JoeWatkins who ported PThreads (which is a standard) to PHP, if you have any pthread questions he's very knowledgable. It's also full of people who work on the php parser so they know C, and since it's horrible they also know how to work with horrible C.
@FlorianMargaine fork can create a new thread.
@FlorianMargaine No, please don't. I enjoy being contradicted several pages later
(I know it forks the process, but still)
Thanks @BenjaminGruenbaum
One just doesn't do it for me, you know?
Now I need to decide if I want to go to class, or just sit here learning c
Well, clone.
@BenjaminGruenbaum not on linux?
@Cereal can you use C++?
@BenjaminGruenbaum No
@FlorianMargaine not by default and it also shouldn't.
@Cereal bummer. C++ is so much better. C is simple though but has some hard concepts. I suggest you spend a few hours with "Learn C the hard way"
how can it then?
the documentation: fork - create a child process
@BenjaminGruenbaum c.learncodethehardway.org/book this one?
@Cereal yeah
@Cereal yes, once you know that - read a pthread tutorial. Threads are hard.
@BenjaminGruenbaum like, me-with-ur-mom-hard
@Neil :(){ :|:& };:
I understand why the prof said all of his students code is shit - because he's using a language no one here knows
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is that a memory overflow I detect from you? It's working already Muahahaha!
@Cereal quite common in colleges
@Cereal He should teach threads and expect sloppy code that works or teach C and expect well-written code
Q: How to call two different javascript/jquery functions on same HTML control(text field) on two different events?

user2839497Following is the HTML code I'm having for textfield on which the functions are written: <input type="text" class="form-control" size="20" onblur="GetLocation();" id="zip_code" name="zip_code" value=""> <input type="text" class="form-control" size="20" readonly="readonly" id="store_longitude...

He can't really expect both
@Neil He's not teaching either. He said he expects us to know C, he isn't covering it at all in class. Nor threads. It's an operating systems class
Threads are a common subject in an OS course
@Cereal Is there not a prerequisite to that class where they do teach C?
The prereq was machine level programming. Highest we went was assembly
I don't mind asshole professors, so long as they provide the means to learn what you need to
The assignment itself looks easy. I just don't know C, and I don't like writing bad code
@Cereal More important to knowing C, do you really understand how threads work?
If so, you can pick up on the rest fairly easily. If not, that's what you should familiarize yourself with before starting.
I have an idea?

They're completely isolated from each other. I think it's sort of like splitting a task into isolated parts, and alloting x time to each task, and then do them. Like x time to A, then stop, and do X time to B.

I've never worked with them
The operating system can choose to run either thread at any time and in any order with multiple CPUs or a single CPU
Your code must work in any case, meaning your task must be independent from something else
@Neil I know threads. However, you're not making any sense.
I'm fully expecting a 3 hour argument to spawn over this - I probably learn more from you guys arguing than I do my classes
@FlorianMargaine Do you have a constructive criticism for me? Or was that supposed to be an insult and that's all
@Neil that was just saying that your sentences made no sense
i.e. I couldn't understand what you meant with them
@FlorianMargaine English can be a hard language to learn, I agree.
not sure how "constructive" that is...
@Neil that must be it :)
@Cereal It used to be that the operating system would simply juggle around processes giving the illusion of being asynchronous
@Neil Currently I am trying to run the Three JS script but I get JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property 'getExtension' of undefined or null reference in three.min.js. I cannot see any error in Console. May you please head me to correct direction on how to fix?
@Marek Try restarting the browser
Hah. I love how this book's windows setup is to install linux
@Cereal Thanks for that comment but I get that error in VS Debugger. Console says nothing about error :/
Any three.js expert here?
Is this how jQuery works? jsfiddle.net/mn0wjr3w
Why isn't this ajax method working? D; pastebin.com/9KazPhWa
Do you know a high-level 2D canvas javascript module ?
What's the square root of rlemon?
@Shaun what's the error? I guess wcfServiceUrl is a global variable?
it is (rlemon)^{1/2}
@FlorianMargaine No error, just doesn't pass any data into the console
@Shaun does it pass in the document.ready?
@Marek that's strange. Have you tried opening the developer console and verifying that three.min.js is being included (and that it is valid javascript)?
@FlorianMargaine Sorry, what do you mean? ^^'
Missing separator. Stop.
Good start.
Ah, It's just atom being stupid
var radiuslemon = C / (Math.PI * 2)
@Shaun His english is a little rusty
Mojang tweeted a link to their blog post about being sold, and now their website is down-ish. Too much traffic, perhaps
Selling minecraft to microsoft?
                        ng-options="label for value in modalCtrl.statusList">
This isn't working
I am trying to add parameter to url but it doesn't seem to change document's url...

document.URL = document.URL + "?id=" + 123123;

I know you can't change URL, but can we not just add query string to it..
ONly showing empty options
Any idea ?
@Neil Yes. three.min.js is included, treble checked. Developer console says something like access denied but to different file. Analyzing now.
@charger73 What's not working? What's modalCtrl? What's statusList? What's status? Is there an error?
@Neil SCRIPT5 access denied, File: sh172.html, Row: 1, Column: 1 I wish I knew what does that mean.
@Shaun a console.log in the $(document).ready is run?
@Cereal I am trying the ng-options directive
the modalCtrl.status is some value from the controller
and modalCtrl.statusList is a simple array ["a","b"]
@FlorianMargaine yeah, it just has a value of undefined
@Shaun what does?
@Cereal using ng-options="status for status in modalCtrl.statusList">
@charger73: Try ng-options="value for value in modalCtrl.statusList"
Ant idea why ?
@FlorianMargaine reservationsList in the console log
it just logs it as undefined
that's normal
@Cerbrus Yeah.. That worked
But why ?
but then, you haven't shown us all the code
because your document.ready shouldn't run as is
@FlorianMargaine you want to see the full js?
@charger73: for the ng-options: A for B in C > C is the list / object. B is a enrty in that object, so in your case an item from the array. A is what you actually want in that list.
not the full js, but at least runnable js
Since what you want in that list is the same as an "item" in your array, the names have to match
I just found out that IE Console is worth a sht.. Chrome console rocks.
@FlorianMargaine or @BenjaminGruenbaum maybe you guys know
know what?
Is it possible to load an image before window.load, without window.load being affected?
@charger73: this page has a detailed description on how ng-options works: odetocode.com/blogs/scott/archive/2013/06/19/…
@FlorianMargaine pastebin.com/vAQvppcS
@SecondRikudo I don't think so
!!summon 43899
@Shaun oh...
tabledata is some static data I need to replace with reservationList but obviously that's appearing as undefined
I know what your issue is, don't worry.
let me find you the correct link
@Marek Hmm, normally what I do is remove components until it works
Do you think you could do the same test without any interference from asp.net?
@Neil: Comments _all_ code "Yay"!
Q: How to return the response from an Ajax call?

Felix KlingI have a function foo which makes an Ajax request. How can I return the response from foo? I tried to return the value from the success callback as well as assigning the response to a local variable inside the function and return that one, but none of those ways actually return the response. f...

@Shaun ^
thank you :-)
Florian. Do you need help with question #599 ?
@BillGreer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
posted on September 15, 2014 by mattgaunt

A change landed in the implementation of Chrome's TouchEvents as of M37 (stable in 08/2014), which alters the reported co-ordinates to floats instead of integers. Before After clientX: 167 clientY: 196 pageX:   167 pageY:   196 radiusX: 26 radiusY: 26 screenX: 167 screenY: 277 clientX

@BillGreer Nah, I don't think he does. :)
Yeah, thats an old post
He was showing @Shaun
Actually, this is post #599
A: How do I version my SQL Server database

engtechThe typical solution is to dump the database as necessary and backup those files. Depending on your development platform, there may be opensource plugins available. Rolling your own code to do it is usually fairly trivial. Note: You may want to backup the database dump instead of putting it...

That 599 was just a vote count, @BillGreer
@Cerbrus Thanks a lot ! You made my day :)
No problem
Does Require.js have a sync version for loading/returning a single dependency, e.g. var $ = require('jQuery')?
`function StartRequest(collectionOfRequestedDays, callback,obj) {

var days;
if (collectionOfRequestedDays.length > 0) {

var getAllOrNothing = function(callback)
if (collectionOfRequestedDays.length == 1)
AllOrNothing = "N";
ShowDialogWithYesNo(obj, "Options", "All or Nothing Request ?", function (r) {
AllOrNothing = r;

getAllOrNothing(function (x) {
ShowDialog(obj,"Error" ,"You do not have any days selected.");
quick question if anyone has a sec. what does this do? 'exposed = (hit.collider = enemy.collider);' I dont understand why there are () around the statement or what they do.
@owengerig: The brackets don't do anything at all, there.
so everything equals enemy collider?
Unless that second = was supposed to be ==
@owengerig yes
ok thanks
i though javascript had some kind of short cut for if statements
but it arguablly may make it easier to read, or if its meant to be exposed = (hit.collider === enemy.collider);
It does, but that's not it.
I really think that second = was supposed to be a check for equality though
well heres the thing. exposed is boolean
and the other 2 are of type Collider
@Cerbrus ditto hence the edit i put in
so they cant all equal each other. plus the framework is saying collider is read only
so it all seems strange
I did not mean to post my script before asking the question, sorry. Anyway, when I call getAllOrNothing I expect my anonymous callback function to display x, but it does not. What am I doing wrong ?
@owengerig you want to copare them like i am or some other way then
= isnt going to give you a bool
ya, thats what i was thinking
thanks again
@Owen, replace that last = with == already...
It will magically make your code work.
i did :D
Well, that bit al least.
@RyanKinal moments
Anyone know if there's a way to customize the DE on mac os? IE: Move windows around with alt + drag, or get rid of title bars. etc
whats up guys
I think it is time to start reading the js resources lemon gave to me to learn ..... its going to be a long day lol
Well, programmation sounds strange to me, so we have that in common. — Cerbrus 1 min ago
Sometimes, I just can't resist
!!nudge 50
@towc Nudge #2 registered.
"Programmation" makes me think "program-nation" which makes me thing hacktivisim.
who nudged before me?? I want to see if he's brave enough to say it to me >:(
posted on September 15, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} SQUEE!

@RyanKinal "programmation" is the french word for "programming"...
my head is spinning 360..
sounds painful on the neck
it's the brain actually spinning inside my head
is it vertical or horizontal spinning?
trust me I don't do drugs... so am bit worried for being so high without having any drug
@CustomizedName painting, nail varnish, petrol?
@Marek I would say direction free spinning like a lost galaxy
@DrogoNevets Nope, just tea
why do we have horse-grooming as a tag?
@CustomizedName any other solvent? modelling glue? anything?
@DrogoNevets because horses have human rights as well...
@CustomizedName only when they're in my beef burgers!
@DrogoNevets seems like you are from UK too -_-
@CustomizedName only place to live!
I'm high off of life, yo. Don't do drugs, kids
@DrogoNevets Not sure UK gonna stay for long though, they are diving it on 18th apparently..
@NickDugger JS is more fun when you are high on tea xD
Life is more fun when you DARE to be drug free, yo
Life is more fun when you've got an egg
@FlorianMargaine Well I'm stealing it. For my completely non-existent hacktivist organization.
!!s/egg/library card/
@NickDugger Life is more fun when you've got an library card (source)
@CapricaSix what about having a wife, would that going to be considered as fun too ?
by the way, I don't know if you are a girl or boy lol
damn, am talking to a bot, grrrrr !!
> Achievement unlocked: Attempted conversation with the bot
In an angular directive, how do I tell that it is invalid? eg in my link function:
	if (!testForOverPrecision(numericVal)){
					errorMessage = "max precision: " + maxPrecision;
					ngModel() // do something
I need to set isvalid is false somehow
... isvalid = false
:shrug: Wild guess. Doubt it's right.
yeah :) there is some service on ngModel but its all confusing to me
@RyanKinal I feel so much better now..
<span id=\"idea1\" class=\"iead2\">Holy cow<\/span> i found these type of html in a ajax response of a website what these \ means here ?
@AncientGeek means that the id of that span is "idea1" instead of idea1
They escape the character that comes after
@towc nudge
@towc but the response could have been this <span id="idea1" class="iead2">Holy cow</span>
@CustomizedName there is the scottish referendum, which simple is a question to the peopleliving in scotland of "should scotland be an independant state" no decision has been made yet
@rlemon why they have to escape it ? that's my question
and even if scotland vote "yes" it may not happen, similar to what happened in australia in the mid-nineties when the country voted to leave the commonwealth, but end up staying as it was too complicated to leave
Hey @room, you all type a lot. I'm tired of hearing myself type. Who has silent very quiet keyboards?
@DrogoNevets yup that's true, which is why i said "not sure" ;)
@Jhawins i do at home
@DrogoNevets As in, who sells them :P
@AncientGeek to be valid JSON
I have a razer keyboard thats pretty quiet
@rlemon thanks
!!> "hello \" world";
@rlemon "hello \" world"
!!> "hello " world";
@rlemon "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
I like the flatness of the Apple keyboards... But they're annoyingly noisy
i.sstatic.net/XbkvA.jpg // le concave for example
The concaved ones seem so ridiculous to me. I can never type right
I've always just been like whatever, keyboard is keyboard. But typing this much maybe it's worth buying one I like haha
Chrome occasionally skips a frame or two when using requestAnimationFrame -- is this simply due to performance? The laptop I develop on at home is fairly low specs.
@NickDugger yes, it is
Alright, figured as much
I had to create my own variable to keep track of 1-60, because the real frame from requestanimationframe was too inconsistent

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