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@towc This sounds like an effective strategy.....?
@taco because she was cute or because she brought pizza? Doesn't that equate to the same thing really?
@allquixotic Just name her Minnow. It's not like cats listen anyways
@AaronSiciliano free pizza
@allquixotic it's not that it helps you find girls, but it helps in case you don't find any
@taco heaven
free pizza + occasional sex show
... My highest starred message was:
Aug 19 at 16:22, by Nick Dugger
Haylee Williams has a topless photo somewhere online.
@taco Yeah, but I like to think mine does. :(
@NickDugger I still love you for it
Army barracks rooms don't have any privacy. Imagine trying to jerk it
@towc Nah, music helps with that more than cats. Extinguishes the fire. Classical music is halon gas.
@taco lol did that work well? I mean i'm sure someone wasn't bashfull
> So by using node I'm assuming that it will be a web app, not a native one?
I thought Haylee Williams was Christian @NickDugger
I just realized I am way over this dudes head.
What does Node have to do with the client hahahaha
@taco Oh shit, better not look then? // as if
@allquixotic or you could start collecting more cats and when you feel like there's too much fire just burn them all to compensate
who is haylee williams goooooogle lol
!!is 3:00 too late for coffee?
@RyanKinal Impossible
Lead singer of a pop band @AaronSiciliano
@AaronSiciliano Eminem's daughter
@taco that "title" doesn't mean much to most people.
@Jhawins apparently a lot: ask rlemon and loktar
And lead singer of PAramore
!!afk coffee
@jhawins is it actually eminem's daughter?
@towc What?
@Jhawins she isn't Eminems daughter. No way
@AaronSiciliano no lol
Joey Williams
Hayley Williams, Father (per google)
@Jhawins where you ironic?
couldn't tell
@towc I was saying that my preference of server-side code has absolutely nothing to do with the client. Are you trying to say otherwise? lmao
My ironic is in my tool shed, next to the circular saw.
2 mins ago, by Jhawins
> So by using node I'm assuming that it will be a web app, not a native one?
@Jhawins exactly: ask loktar or rlemon
theguardian.com/music/2010/dec/23/… There was also the matter of faith. Farro suggests Williams has undergone a spiritual drift away from Christianity.
@towc There is nothing to ask wtf are you smoking
Sounds like she isn't Christian anymore
@Jhawins node can be used for client-related stuff
Why do we care about some pop singers religious views? lol
Bring on the titties. @AaronSiciliano because, titties
Being whatever religion has nothing to do with taking a topless photo. People do stupid things, regardless.
@rlemon @loktar do you know what @towc is trying to say to me? Apparently it'll make sense to you
@Jhawins rlemon is afk.
oh about node-webkit?
@NickDugger the point is it's not very christian-like
@taco well you can win any argument like that.
makes it snow on my desktop (my html5/js snow)
Ah that;s cool
Yeah I think he's just not following
Jhawins done with node
gotta get back to work
@towc yeah with node-webkit github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit
@towc I am using Node as my server-side tech for backend services for an app (notifications, device registration etc).
man I was happy with my gulp task for that project
Sure it can be used for other things but I have no idea how that could apply
Node isn't even my favorite Joyent-supported product (even though I love it); SmartOS is :D
Note: you're kind of an a-hole if you put up a bower package without a minified version AND you didn't use array syntax for dependencies so that other people can minify it.
@Jhawins oh, sorry then
@towc lol you're good. You just confused me
@copy you around ?
@Jhawins -_- can u please come to hangouts ?
Yeah I'm on...
You asked me to write something, then sent me a blank ping and disappeared. So.
o_O oo did i ?
unrest in the ranks
lemme revamp my client
what will unfold next
stay tuned to find out
For anyone who likes this kind of thing, awesome end to the race last night. Kerry Madsen won by 0.005 seconds over Kyle Hirst youtu.be/T-pwXQY_DRw
@AbhishekHingnikar oh my god you just sent me a book
Don't expect a fast response I am busy :/
@m59 you mean me?
@Jhawins its small
@Loktar LOL did you also do that!?
no lol thats why i was confused
but I had just pasted a github repo
was like shit wtf did I do
Ohhhh, LOL. It was no one here. Just a popular repo that is so poorly done.
I've only published 2 bower packages
I kinda have to use this code (I just don't have time to write my own) but EFF the code is awful.
heh I made a color picker that works in angular
but not as fleshed out as that
I want to do a pull request to fix it up but it would take me 2 days to deal with junk (am I just slow?)
damn they dont even close
fucking sad.
you can specify a pallete though that was what I needed
that project actually reads rom files dumps out their contents was so happy with it
was the first atari 7800 sprite ripper
that's sweet
Query: when you create JS modules, do you put them in their own files or include them in your application js file?
currently, I put them in my app file
own files
and use browserify
browserify makes life easy
what's the point of making life easy?
@Jhawins HAPPY BIRTHDAY mY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!
age++ // 20
Wait its hawins birthdaY?!
Happy birthday man
I hope you fall ill
I feel old ;p
4 hours ago, by Jhawins
Last year by this time on my birthday I had rear-ended a car on my motorcycle. The year before that I had hit a telephone pole. So I'm not sure if I should stay inside to stay safe or if that would bring the house down on top of me?
Heh... <4...
It's gone good so far
You have a birthday curse, it seems
@Jhawins stay safe bud... Side note don't eat the food i sent you in the mail
as long as you don't have a BITHDAY curse. you are awoken every bithday to the sound of Bith musicians playing their sax-things at max. volume in your bedroom. Cantina band music.
@Jhawins Go fly an airplane. airplanes are really safe.
we had an old meme on the Lindows forums where someone typoed "bithday" instead of "birthday" and we posted a pic of the Bith playing their instruments... after that it stuck
apparently it wasn't funny enough (or not enough people knew those weird-looking aliens in A New Hope were called Bith) to remain in the internetz' conscience
@Loktar does browserify work outside node.js?
This has proven to be one of the best things I ever bought.
I have bad gas today. I go to the bathroom, let it rip, then come sit back down; then it's built back up in a half hour... My digestive system is all wacked up today
I use them daily and have yet to charge them in 2 weeks.
@Jhawins yeah its client side
And they sound better than half the shit earbuds you can buy
it actually allows you to use NPM modules on the client
which is awesome
Lindows sounds like what would happen if a prostitute had sex with a horse. No telling what's gonna happen.
LG makes some good stuff. I just bought the LG G3 over the weekend
Speaking of phones i wonder if i am out of contract on mine yet o.O
@NickDugger Me too! They gave me half off that headset with it at the AT&T store :)
@NickDugger it must come with the territory of being overweight. I have it too. I can't wait until 6 pm. Then I can rip at my desk once everyone is gone. Unless someone decides to hang around until 7:30 or so >_< then I'm like "GO HOME!!!!"
"trust me you don't want to be here!!!"
@Loktar This is stand alone from NPM - etc... Its a jsp web site (after I'm done with it)
actually I have to leave "early" (relatively speaking) today, so I can't do that either >_<
I use it mainly for the motorcycle, today I decided to pair it with my iMac at work and it's great I can just walk around and keep streaming pandora. Yet also listen to videos and other audio I need to on the computer
@allquixotic your answer there is very nice :) I'm surprised it doesn't mention IPC, and how different CPU architectures like ARM and x86 use different instructions for the same thing
@Jhawins twoc seriously misunderstands what node.js is
just leave it at that
@rlemon :thumb:
Will this code make an array of 1 to 1000, or 1 to 1001? I'm currently a bit fuzzy on whether the `.push` will happen before or after the last `i < 1001` check in the for-loop:

for (i = 1; i < 1001; i++) {
@BenjaminGruenbaum considering the target audience, I didn't really want to get into that. also, those factors turn out to be less important than TDP and the like.
@TylerH 1000
@jhawins i cant ever seem to keep those things in my ears so i would love it but would get frustrated with it falling out all the time
@rlemon Thanks. Somehow I'm failing at the fixed font
@allquixotic really? I don't understand what the TDP has to do with the actual performance (rather than the constraints it places and the constraints on it from the target device)
@Loktar What if I made one module to rule them all and include that in my app header?
@AaronSiciliano Hmm... weird. They stay in better than any I've ever had (I bought them for the motorcycle because I keep tearing apart headphones)
crap sorry got bugs assigned to me
These are the first earbuds I can do 2 hours of straight seat time without them coming out.
@BenjaminGruenbaum architecture stuff is important, but if you have a state-of-the-art architecture and an incredible compiler (we have both on modern ARM and x86_64), IPC and instruction choices matter less than the raw "horsepower" available to the chip, because you don't have enough room to differentiate your design on those aspects when they're already pretty damn great.
you could do that @jbolanos
@Jhawins the only ones i ever like to buy are the around the ear. i.walmartimages.com/i/p/00/02/66/16/02/…
@Loktar yeah - I think that's what I'm going to have to do since a Java Engineer processes all my code into the final release product. I don't want her head exploding.
@AaronSiciliano Yeah I got a good set of them too, they have adjusting "straps" at the top of the ear loop and they are my second favorite
@Jhawins but i will be happy when i can get a bluetooth version of those
@BenjaminGruenbaum this is about differentiation between any two arbitrarily-chosen modern CPUs. what differentiates two modern, state of the art CPUs is different from what are the important things that went into making this CPU fast in the first place.
@AaronSiciliano I'm wearing that exact model right now. Don't buy those, they got really messed up
it seems you're interested in answering the latter question, while I focused on the former.
These ones are great
The left ear one started pealing. Yeah... the rubber started to peel away from itsself
They seriously hold on. The other day I wished it would've come out it fucking torqued my ear
@Jhawins yeah they are great x)
@NickDugger that sucks man lol
ps Apple earpods are good too [build quality]
They were cheap, though. I have a different (much better pair) for working out
They said "guaranteed to not fall out" so I bought them hoping to waste my money, but go "they were wrong". I was wrong
@AbhishekHingnikar I only use ones good at noise canceling. Those are terrible, but if I were say riding a bicycle around town I would wear them so I could hear traffic.
@BenjaminGruenbaum There's a reason why Intel has had two and a half chances to improve upon the Sandy Bridge micorarchitecture (that'd be Ivy Bridge, Haswell and Devil's Canyon), and the performance improvements have been modest across the board, and the improvements that did come, primarily came from the 22nm die shrink, not from architecture improvements.
@Angus : please upvote if it helps.. — pradipta 30 mins ago
I want everything out of ear buds. I want around the ear, blue tooth with a microphone on them that is good enough that i can use it while riding my murdercycle
@allquixotic because they have no real market motivation to improve at the moment?
They'd rather work on mobile, and stuff like thunderbolt, and on their gpus
@Jhawins oh yeah... i am under a rock
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'd say the "motivation" is definitely there, with people like the guy who asked that SU question thinking that ARM chips can just come right in and take over the roles that have been traditionally played by Intel chips.
the apple ones are bangaranging in my head
@Neil Why is selling it even an option? If you'd sell a real light saber, you don't deserve to have it anyways
Even if those beliefs are false, people believing that is enough to threaten Intel's market share.
@allquixotic definitely
People would totally buy a "desktop" with one or two low-power ARM cores in it, and be like "YEA SAVINGS!" when it only costs $150. And for web they probably wouldn't notice much.
@NickDugger because some of us want to sleep on the beach for the rest of our lives i guess lol
@NickDugger Because you want to keep your limbs intact
I'd rather have a lightsaber than anything else in the world
youll poke your eye out.
It has nothing to do with owning a laser sword, it has everything to do with being a Jedi
@BenjaminGruenbaum Problem is, for the workloads that actually need the performance available on a modern Intel core, you aren't getting that level of single-threaded performance anywhere else. Not from AMD, and not from any ARM SoC. Good luck simulating X-Plane or Kerbal Space Program, even on an extremely generous number of ARM cores. A lot of that stuff has to be done serially.
@Loktar nice... christmas story reference...
@NickDugger i can think of tons of things i would rather have....
I'd rather have the funds to fund R&D in creating a lightsaber :P
I dunno.. I think a hoverboard would be pretty sweet
How about this... The force, or the Starship Enterprise, what would you choose?
@NickDugger The starship enterprise isn't exactly something you can have, now is it?
Oh and let's not forget heat dissipation :P Most ARM stuff I've seen is passively cooled. If you suddenly change your specs to say "you can use liquid or air cooling", your thermal ceiling just shot through the roof. Now you're free to make chips that would bake themselves to a 5 minute grave if they were passively cooled.
@Neil, you can captain it, how about that. So, you can either be a Jedi, or be the captain of the Enterprise. What would you choose?
@allquixotic I disagree
have you seen modern handhelds?
@NickDugger I'd be a Jedi and the science officer of the Enterprise and put a Jedi Mind Meld on yo ass!
the vita is one example
passively cooled pushes tons of polygons/calcs
@NickDugger I don't know.. jedi powers seem cool on paper, but they'd probably get you into a lot of trouble, so you'd have to hide it
I mean you're right ofc in terms of passively cooled not being as powerful
It's a really tough decision, but I think I would choose to be Captain of the Enterprise over being a Jedi.
but they are getting to be quite powerful in their own right
If you were a captain of the enterprise, early retirement, live well, kick ass.. Not. That. Bad.
@Loktar It all depends on how much you need for your specific workload, of course. Pushing polygons is embarrassingly parallel; we've got ways to do EP algorithms much more efficiently than algorithms which are constant parallel (i.e. you can only have X number of threads before you hit a wall) or totally serial.
I'm not disagreeing, just saying that the workload of "playing games" (which are not heavy physics simulations) works well on the hardware they have in a Vita.
From what I can tell, the heat dissipation starts to get layered on real thick as you start needing more and more serial performance.
Moreso than parallel workloads, even.
If I could hope for one thing from Star Trek it would be energy shields.
or the holodeck
but i'd use it for porn only.
Warp drive would be amazing.
energy shield porn?
@rlemon naturally
miso gassy
to be able to travel outside of our solar system without even thinking about it...
@rlemon the holodeck is probably the most advanced and far-fetched thing they were depicted as having in the prime universe timeline in all of Star Trek (not counting the futuristic timelines, time travel, etc)
@allquixotic nano swarms
yeah the holodeck is crazy
adaptive environment with nano swarms
@jhawhawhaw Happy birthday
@allquixotic Teleportation is worse, imho
will take forever to get there
totally doable.
TNG > Else
energy shielding I can see being the biggest impact for space exploration
I mean, sure, warp drive, but without energy shields is that feesable ?
It's one thing if you're talking about a portal, but teleportation.. splitting people into small particles and reassembling in another spot.. you could clone people in an instant
@AbhishekHingnikar Such concentrated stupidity...
@AbhishekHingnikar I feel like almost all of those sorts of posts are fake. Nobody could ever be that stupid
@Neil a portal would in essence do the same thing but with your own matter, and not just an description of it.
@rlemon the biggest impact tech we need for space exploration is a way to create propulsion without expelling mass (basically, right now, with conventional physics, if you want to go somewhere, you have to shit out a part of your spacecraft, and that bit is permanently gone, it will never come back)
@NickDugger wait a second
Think about that for a second.. you could clone yourself in an instant.. Startrek conveniently disregarded that aspect of teleportation
@rlemon Portal at least isn't reassembling you
@AbhishekHingnikar oh my god...
What I'm talking about is making spacetime meet at two points
@Neil yeah, it's interesting that they made it seem like you had to destroy the original copy in order to get the other copy on the other side
@allquixotic I still personally think energy shielding (at low energy costs ofc) would serve a larger impact in the overall space exp.
@rlemon why is shielding so important? you have to be relatively close to a star for its radiation to be a problem
@Neil well I'm not sure portal portals would ever be possible.
i still love this one...
no way, propulsion is the most important
we have people living in space right now and they aren't dying significantly faster than they would on earth
@allquixotic I would never do that.. I mean how do I know I'm not going to wind up dead and a clone of me is going to continue my life for me?
For that matter, nobody living would know the truth of that
left :D
@rlemon Less feasible still teleportation imo :)
You guys ever see Moon?
I can see shielding being even more important especially on space stations, like the ISS. Did you even see Gravity?
@allquixotic exit, re-entry, traveling at high speeds in any larger ships would surely have complications with impacts of foreign objects (small and large) - space walks - planetary habitation without the plants own atmosphere. etc.
!!imdb Moon
@Shmiddty That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!google imdb Moon
@NickDugger I don't think energy shielding would be able to stop baryons, only photons (also @rlemon)
@rlemon which is all moot if you can't even get there
the amount of energy you would need to create an energy shield to stop even a fleck of paint... let alone something like an asteroid or meteorite or a piece of space junk...
I think all space ships should be programmed in javascript
sounds like a case of premature optimization
basically anything with significant mass (baryonic matter, i.e. protons, neutrons and electrons) would be waaaaaaaaay too heavy to be practically stopped by energy shielding
> Guys make the body of the car fuckign SAWEET before working on the engine
@Loktar sure. I'm not saying one isn't important. or we won't need both. I just personally think that shielding would be more important.
has any body heard this one : youtube.com/watch?v=-6G6CZT7h4k ?
I saw this article on a fusion engine the other day. Blew my mind.
> guys lets invent airbags before we make cars go 100mph.
not a bad idea....
yeah but not needed :p
unless you plan on sun diving (that is, flying into or extremely close to a sun), you probably don't need to be nearly as concerned about the radiation (high-energy photons) problem; and energy shielding won't help a lick with baryons slamming into you.
it's like a condom. I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it
also, the energy shields would be beneficial on earth as well
ultimately I want fucking energy shields!
sure, but id rather not tell everyone to stop having sex until condoms are invented :P
because then the human race dies.
@Loktar no, just the tip ;)
shields are important but we can brute force it currently and use computers to guide us
@rlemon we already have "energy shields" of a sort that we use in certain fusion reactor designs. problem is, nobody has invented any power generation mechanism that could sustain one that would be capable of being useful in any way, aside from perhaps acting as a barrier during fusion inside a tokamak device.
the push is definitely focused on propulsion fortunately
@allquixotic yea I mentioned that

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