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Why is touch registration so awful on Android devices?
So you develop in Java, your programs suck compared to Google's and they make more money
It's a conspiracy
You're a conspiracy.
You make no sense
He makes perfect sense to me
I support monners
Aaron Out
I can into http
@BartekBanachewicz How long have you been working on that project and how much code do you have?
@copy a few days... it's one unstructured server file of about 200 LoC (+ a small helper) and a bit more structured client file of 300 LoC + html
Doesn't sound too bad
I obviously had the http working before, but I've made a first "real" request finally
We'll see how far you get
gonna be playable soon
it's a really small project
Would have been much faster to write in Python or JavaScript obviously
But I guess you learn quite some Haskell at least
@copy right now, probably.
@copy Yeah I'm encountering new issues pretty much the whole time
and learning Lens in much greater detail
I started making a multiplayer game recently and got tons of shit working already
JavaScript both client and server
I started with Python on the server but code-sharing is nicer
I feel that using Haskell certainly feels slower at the beginning, but it's really gonna pay off very soon.
That's what I said about my stamp collection. 10 years later....
I spent a lot of time actually thinking about how to structure the data.
and right now it kinda even probably makes some sense
Let us know how it works out
And code
Got it
@SomeKittensUx2666 hah awesome, I got Plants vs Zombies warfare for my daughter and BF4 for my younger son
not too bad of a sale, was unexpected
question: what does pipe(through(null, end)) do? Like do you even need through? Can't you just go to the next pipe?
1 hour later…
Using .replace how can I replace everything in a string, e.g. I have this bit of code

                    fs.readFile('./app.js', 'utf8', function(err, data) {
                        if (err) {
                            return console.log(err);

                        var result = data.replace(/postgresql/g, "postgresql://" + req.body['database-username'] +
                            (req.body['database-password'] === '' ? '' : ':' + req.body['database-password']) + "@" +
Also don't write data into source code files
Should I write it separate and require it into app.js instead? And sorry I don't know what you mean by Parse
In PHP that was done sometimes to avoid re-reading a config file in every request, but even then it was terrible
No, store it in a single file and read that file, but don't require() it
I'm just trying to make the database settings changeable from client side instead of having the end-user open app.js to change database settings
Which I'm sure is obvious
Yes, store it in config.txt or so
just the plain connection string?
Ok, but what happens if I have a few more settings in config.txt, I could just read/write to config.txt if it contains one string, but eventually won't I end up with my same problem of having to use .replace?
Then choose a format, for instance json, xml or ini
I'd like to have like a config.json or something then just parse the json settings
Note that it might be a good idea not to make your application dependent on the file system
Can you elaborate?
One less point of failure, problems with different platforms, doesn't work on distributed systems, etc.
Q: javascript - then/ promises can't use variable after for loop

spenfI have this code but I am unable to use this userArray outside of the for loop, not sure why it returns nothing, here is the code: Parse.Cloud.define("test", function(request, response) { var UserFavourite = Parse.Object.extend("UserFavourite"); var queryFavourite = new Parse.Query(UserFavourit...

config.json is a pretty standard approach, but if you don't want to use a file you can use environment variables instead
You can deploy your whole application read-only, which might be an advantage too
Say I give the app to blah company, and they host it on heroku, if it was read-only they wouldn't be able to update their DB information on the client-side, or would they?
Heroku will pass configs in via ENV, iirc.
And handling both cases makes it more complicated again
Lets just go back to my original question for now, is it possible to .replace an entire string with regex if you don't know what the string will be at the time :)?
Not really sure what you're asking. If you're going to replace the entire string why not just write a new string?
!!> 'postgresql://this:isa@test/string'.replace(/postgres/g, "postgresql://new:line@for/database");
@Datsik "postgresql://new:line@for/databaseql://this:isa@test/string"
I know postgresql will be in the string every time, but I don't know what will come after it, so I can only replace for postgres but that leaves the rest of the old string
So you want to replace postgresql+anywhateverelsecomesafterit ?
Solving the problem this way is terrible and will get you killed by a raptor
Your reggae match will look something like: /postgresql.*?$/
What about if I split/join? will that get me killed by a bear?
Which says find a pattern starting with postgres and then (maybe) followed by any number of any character, until the end of the string.
Pop it into a regex tool and see if it does what you want.
!!> 'postgresql://this:isa@test/string'.replace(/postgresql.*?$/g, "postgresql://new:line@for/database");
@Datsik "postgresql://new:line@for/database"
Neat, but according to copy I should have my pee pee slapped
@Datsik It will get you killed by a @monners
I think I'll just make a config.json for now, maybe that's less life threatening
Is BadgerGirl / rlemon / Phenom still here?
I haven't been in this chat in ages
No, it's just @monners and me
@Datsik If you want to use ENV it's pretty easy: var thingy = process.env.THINGY || null;
Expressing complicated configs in ENV is a bit of a pita though.
Well, thanks anyways I gotta go to bed I'll think on it
Actually one last thing, when heroku runs node.app does it refresh when there are changes to the files? because if they change the database information won't the app have to restart to get the new config?
So either... your current config fails, your app crashes, and they boot you a new one, or they may have some graceful restart function if your configs change. Not sure.
@cbednarski See my original plan was to have that appear at first launch, then after hitting create, make the necessary tables, fs.unlink the setup route / view page and just carry on as normal
Datsik yes all of those users are still active/around occasionally in this chat lol... Just not at the moment
Kinda volatile / insecure, though. A model I've seen in the past involves two steps: 1. you fill out the form (as you have) and it spits out the content of the config file. 2. In a separate step you create and upload the config file, then the application detects this and turns off install mode.
In node.js you can probably rig something up to poll and see whether the file is there, but if not you have to restart the node app, and you don't want your node app to have permission to do that in your OS permission scheme, because it means someone can tamper with your process listing.
I'm using fs.existsSync('./routes/setup.js');
Yeah that part is OK.
in my app.js to make sure it doesn't exist as a security measure, though I'm not sure how secure it is, first app I'm making that is this in depth with the client side
The part I don't like is having your app write its own configs to the filesystem.
I'm kinda modeling the initial setup after like a drupal setup or something you know? I don't know how they do theirs I'm just doing mine how I'm capable of doing it or what I think is right, but I guess I'm wrong haha
The tradeoff of convenience might be OK for something like a kiosk. But if it's exposed to the 'net it's likely to be tampered with at some point.
Yeah the drupal form setup is slick / convenient but if you're doing a serious deploy you'd just upload the config yourself, and set read-only permissions on the filesystem.
See my buddy asked me to write a app to keep track of his mechanics (he owns a mechanic shop that deals with refrigeration / air conditioning and what not) he's not computer savvy at all so if I give him the files and say, "oh after you setup this and that open config and write in your postgresql information" he'll just look at me like I have 999 heads
So you set it up for him and charge him a fee. ;)
Good idea :D
You can do what you're describing. Just be cognizant of the security implications.
I think the simple way is to send json to your server, json.parse it, iterate over the keys you know you need and create a new dict, and then json.stringify and write it back out. Then you can just read / write json and you don't need to regexp anything.
Yeah, I'm thinking maybe making a config.json or something and have app.use(function(){}) fetch from the config.json and assign but I don't know how efficient that is, performance and security wise
Reading the config from the filesystem is fine. That's a pretty typical scenario, and (assuming you write it this way) is only going to happen once when you boot the app.
That's why I use app.use to read everything something happens but I don't know if I want to do it like that
expressjs.com/api#app.get - for get requests
app.get("*", fn); // for all ur's
i know but i want .use for parsing before going to actual routes
then do app.use("*", fn);
i know this haha ty
All of that app.use and app.get bootstrapping that happens before app.listen is basically "boot time" and only happens once.
@cbednarski Maybe on first launch, get the info, use it to make a connection string, store information in database after created under settings table somewhere, then build the string from the database from then on out, dunno brain storming still thanks for the help im out
morning guys
@AbhishekHingnikar Nice Hair Style :)
@Abhi lol thx
> Whatsapp Support Through Third party App (ConnectA2)
^ Not a good sign
@Neil i don't use whatsapp
its too much work for me to pickup phone and type... i use Telegram
works on desktop... keeps me happy
works on iPad ... even better
I don't use smartphones. Desktop FTW \o/
works on phone too .. meh
uses the same number everywhere .. and is insanely fast /// even has a web-login
and laptops are cool too.
super awesome <3
@Neil give it a try :P
I honestly don't use my smart phone to do much else than make calls and play spider solitaire
it smokes whatsapp for speed :P
which is shame ;p cause whatsapp has gigantic fb backing it... tut tut tut ..
@Jhawins incase u haven't bought something yet ibuypower.com/Site/15-Inch-Gaming-Laptop
@AbhishekHingnikar None of those come close to the specs I'd be looking for in a gaming rig
fuck facebook supports ie6 and browsers without javascript... disgusting.
Big companies spoil users.
!!afk fucka all big companies
@AwalGarg A site of that size is all about percentages, so they want everyone to be able to use it, even those who use a dorito chip as a CPU processor
@Neil AwalGarg is afk: fucka all big companies
Doesn't mean we have to
anyone has experience with sublime text? it isnt highlighting html tags when I set syntax highlighting to HTML
maybe I should do something extra I missed but I didn't find anything neither on SO neither on GOOGLE
@AdamBarak congrats on your new nick.
Also - no. HTML works for me when syntax highlighting html.
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks, it has a meaning :-)
ummm ok :/
It does?
Both your first and last name have meaning in Hebrew if that's what you were going for.
yes :-) but it has nothing to do with Israeli's government member ;-)
Always Hebrew anyway yes
It has also meaning in Sanskrit and Turkish
erm, also Arabic I see
@AdamBarak what Israeli government member?
Ehud Barak, ex Israel's prime minister
it's half obvious, but I wanted to specify that it has nothing to do
Israel's prime minister has not been Ehud Barak in over 10 years, moreover he was only PM briefly. He quit politics.
What does it mean in Sanskrit or Turkish?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yep. I corrected it ;-)
It means blessed man
Kind of narcissistic but sure :P
in arabic could also be said Ragil Mubarak
yeah I know but I like how it sounds :D
Where are you from?
though I don't think turkish people use "Barak" anymore after Ataturk language reform (ugh)
I'm from Turkey :-)
Izmir (Smyrne in English) exactly
Benjamin, what theme are you using in Sublime Text 3 if I may ask?
I'm thinking the theme could be the culprit ^O^
@AdamBarak Oh cool :) I want to go there. I was in Istanbul and had a lot of fun. Also in Cappadocia. I heard the architecture in Izmir is amazing.
I'm using the default theme usually.
4 hours until my exam
oh boy
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks :-) Yeah Istanbul is one of the best and modern cities in Turkey. Cappadocia among other cities has the amazing architecture and relicts because it has experienced thousand years of multiple different cultures and "races" that can be still seen as of today. Izmir is also beautiful for its beach :P
umm the default as I imagine All Hallow's Eve
@towc What subject? Computer science?
@Neil latin
Well, I'm going to uninstall and install it again and hope I don't have to buy another license
if it was computer science I wouldn't be so scared about it probably
@towc I hear ya
if I don't pass it I'll have to repeat the year
I was never sure that I was pronouncing it correctly when I took it
they asked you about the pronunciation?
do people have a shim/polyfill they use for getElementsByCLassName in MSIE8?
I don't think IE8 still exists
@copy alas it makes up 15% of our customer base
I think it's called "general public"
You know the rule. Once you release code you can never get rid of it. IE8 will be here forever.
Probably longer than any of us.
@cbednarski Programming: the art of supporting your mistakes for the rest of your career
I hope you made good ones.
wait what?! it actually was the theme's fault... it's working yay!! :D
@DrogoNevets That's insane. My website has less than 1% all IEs combined
I don't have any problems putting down a link for IE8 users to follow to upgrade to IE10 or better, and simply not show the page
Anyway, jquery should work for you
You know they say that the majority of those who buy CDs now are 60 years of age and up
I wouldn't be surprised if that same demograph are also using IE8
The sad thing is that Windows is used by most of world's population and it comes prepackaged with IE... which is blatantly wrong (well, it makes more money for Microsoft but still).
@AdamBarak Smart business move by Microsoft
Slightly unethical, but smart nonetheless
Yes, bizness iz bizness
No, software has to be updated and it's completely fine that they're charging for it
At least make a decent product and then do whatever business you like
Google has seen what bad reputation can do to a business, and so they do a remarkably good job of keeping their PR value high, something Microsoft may never fully recover from
I had to install Linux on most of my family's pcs so they couldn't install IE. See how desperate it gets
@AdamBarak actually in the EU it doesn't come prepackaged with IE
I simply introduced my parents to chrome, and I honestly think they couldn't care less either way
You get a "select browser" screen when you boot it where you're presented with alternatives, one of which is IE.
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's still installed though
I've only heard them say once that they thought it was a little faster
@FlorianMargaine well, windows explorer using it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum True, but Microsoft was obliged to do that in Europe by law. I don't think American users see that window
@BenjaminGruenbaum Good catch, didn't know about that. Here in Turkey there's a lot of bs going on so no surprise
I've only heard them say once that they thought it was a little faster
@Neil Who them? Your family or Microsoft?
@AdamBarak Yes, that was referring to my previous statement about my parents using chrome, sorry
Message arrived late
@Neil np. Well actually I don't know of any programmer's family member who didn't say that once when given the choice :D
Apart from my cousin who is also a programmer and CEO.
@copy @Neil, alot of our users are "silver surfers"
@copy we use Angular not jQuery
My parents could even use IE for all I care. I just would have wanted them to have been familiar with Chrome and Firefox first
They were using it because they didn't think to try anything else
@DrogoNevets Doesn't Angular handle how you access elements or something?
my mom uses linux at home
she doesn't care
at least she doesn't have viruses anymore
I have an idea. Let's all put a Javascript (maybe blinking) frame/ad/div that resembles a warning that says "You're using an infected browser, please use tested and with anti-virus builtin browsers like Firefox, Chrome or Safari"
@copy for tyhings like click events and the such yes, but thats not what I am trying to do.
Linux is also vulnerable to viruses.
And ever since my parents have gotten used to the idea of having an e-mail account, my dad has been sending me jokes, political statements, or sometimes both floating around the internet
My dad is a mac guy, my mom doesn't really use her computer much since she got her iPad.
It's ironic. My biggest source of e-mail spam is my dad.
My wife's father uses Arch iirc, traditionally he was on Gentoo. I might be off here.
Then again he's a Hardware Engineer who also codes for fun so his usage profile isn't exactly common among parents.
Wife's mom probably doesn't use a computer.
@Neil ive actually blocked my mother
so ive got a javascript/xss question, anyone up for it?
!!welcome rwollr
@rwollr Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
well basically i've got what may be a vulnerability but i'm not sure, this is on a live site. trying to get a bug bounty from the guy that runs it but i dont really want to submit it yet because i dunno if it's actually a vuln
you can insert arbitrary code into an onclick attribute that looks like this
onclick="loadXMLDoc(firstparam, %STUFF_FROM_THE_URL_GOES_HERE%)"
< > " get filtered, ' does not
now loadXMLDoc is a function defined in a js file in the site that gets broken if you try to use XSS to pass it a non-number, so i can't actually do something like eval(alert('XSS')) and expect it to run
@DrogoNevets I really should block my dad
He has a strong political opinion on things, and he can't seem to wrap his head around the fact that not everything is black and white
so the question is, is there a way to execute code from within a parameter of an undefined function
ere. Using latest Chrome build. I want to set a container's scrollTop value to it's scrollHeight. Yet, while the latter is 1500, the scrollTop value will be 1053. How can that be?
atm all i get is "Uncaught ReferenceError: loadXMLDoc is not defined"
eval doesn't execute if it's passed as the parameter of a broken function, anonymous functions don't execute
@Neil hmmm parents can be a bit like that
so no one got a shim they use?
I suppose we'll all be like that when we're older
@Neil im never getting old
I'd like to think that when I'm older, and there are two clear sides to an issue, I won't be arrogant enough to assume that the other half don't know what they're talking about, despite not being in agreement with them
@DrogoNevets Immortality?
@Neil Immaturity
Q: 1 week+ since joining and I still have the default LGBT flag as chat avatar

Adam BarakI joined 1 week+ ago and come regularly to chat room. The problem is that my avatar in chat has never been changed despite having had a different avatar since joining, and the LGBT flag can be seen as offensive or rude to many people who have nothing to do with it. Nonetheless people with thi...

@Neil went to a talk the other week at a christian festival and actually the speaker seemed to realise more nad more that there were 2 sides to an opinion the olde rhe got
@DrogoNevets I think it is easy to be single-sided, because your brain doesn't want to admit that it may be wrong
@AdamBarak LGBT flag is perfectly fine here.
It takes maturity to admit that there may be some validity in the other argument as well
My coworker and friend is very reasonable, and I think being exposed to him for 7 years has made me understand that
@BenjaminGruenbaum It may well be, but it can be a sign of disrespect of own's belief/values/culture/whatever. Some people may not want to be associated to what they are not.
His take on world problems and other issues is ironically simple: it's complicated
There is not a single course of action you could take that would have only positive effects, so how could one claim that that is the best course of action?
@AdamBarak if you don't like the LGBT flag that's fine, but if someone discriminated you because you used that flag as an avatar let us know and we'll deal with them.
We will not have homophobia in this room, we're perfectly fine with people having their own sexual identity and it's none of our business.
If someone wants to declare their identity because they find it important enough to include as an avatar - it's perfectly within their rights here.
If someone has a problem with that they can find another chat service.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thank you :) I'm not that very bugged, but I'm talking on behalf of future users who will be in such a situation and because that user basically didn't want to choose such an avatar, or better, stay neutral.
That's for sure :-)
Oh, the bug report is legit, but we will not tolerate intolerance here. We've had an issue where a user talked to me about a political avatar and we clarified on meta that it's fine to have those.
We've had that discussion with @SufiDeveloper about a month ago - See this thread.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Of course, intolerance should never be tolerated
That seems like a post worth to read
@AdamBarak "Intolerance is intolerated" is a paradox I think
@Neil A benign paradox in this case :-)
@AdamBarak a friend from this chat put a "Free Palestine" avatar, a user told me it bugged them and I raised it on meta (saying that I think it's perfectly fine). It made for some interesting discussion there. Basically:
Wait, quoting that comment won't really work here - you can read it in that question.
I also see that this user changed his name and avatar on peer pressure :/ but that's political propaganda
Yes I'm doing it
@AdamBarak Just thought you should know. ;)
@Neil Yep :P
Hey peeps
how are you all
Another way to say that would be fighting against intolerance
I am back from vacation, quite relaxed, hope you are all ok
@Neil im never wrong
@ziGi hola zigi
que pasa?
bien bien
estoy casado
The GLBT flag offends people? Jeeze, I guess someone better give Christians the bad news...
what's GLBT flag?
!!wiki GLBT
LGBT is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. In use since the 1990s, the term is an adaptation of the initialism LGB, which itself started replacing the term gay when in reference to the LGBT community beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s, as many felt the term gay community did not accurately represent all those to whom it referred. The initialism has become mainstream as a self-designation and has been adopted by the majority of sexuality and gender identity-based community centers and media in the United States and some other English-speaking countries. It is...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Benjamin I read one of Jack Atali's books and it stated that for jewish people, nothing is good unless it is good for the others, and all the wealth has to be shared with the rest of the world: in that way a corner of a jewish farmers land should be kept for the aliens, who can freely come and harvest the fruits of the trees that jewish farmers produced.
@AdamBarak you are married
Wish I could get married...
Federal handouts baby!
@ziGi still not.. a few years maybe :D
@monners why cant you?
Aus gov. We've fallen behind the yanks
@BenjaminGruenbaum I can give you the quote but it is translated in Bulgarian
Hello world
It is a book by Jack Atali
@monners do you have civil partnerships or anything?
@monners It's not the fact that the flag is offensive, but as I said a handful of times already, the user most likely doesn't want to be associated with what he isn't and should be given free will.
@ziGi you seem to think that someone being Jewish by heritage (or even by religion) makes them somehow different. That there is anything special about it.
@DrogoNevets Yeah, we're more progressive in that regard. Guess I shouldn't be complaining :P
@Psychemaster foo bar
@BenjaminGruenbaum hm, not really, why?
@ziGi there really really isn't, just normal people, pretty much the biggest difference is the holidays.
@monners the skill is not knowing when to complain, but knowing when not too
@AwalGarg FUBAR
@BenjaminGruenbaum there seems to be a misunderstanding
I read this book called "The Jews, the World and Money" by Jacques Attali, a famous investor
@DrogoNevets I'd like to think I'm at least a lvl 12 Mage in that sense
and it is really interesting and I recommend it
@ziGi you said something you thought was positive for the Jewish people. You were trying to be nice, but even "positive" racism is racism.
Asians being good at math is still a stereotype.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what?
hm, so am I a racists if I am african-american and call other african-american people the "n" word
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've got a cash game this Friday with an Asian colleague. I hope you're right.
@ziGi meh, I probably took what you said out of context.
I think so
You just said the book said something, didn't read the book.
It was just out of nowhere :P
No, I liked the concept that the book said because it is something I have come to without reading it, so it was surprising to me that I can read it somewhere
Grouping a whole ethnicity and saying something about them as a whole is usually incorrect.
Books are for burning. Ebooks are fur reedin'
haha yeah, I had to travel yesterday from Luxembourg to the Netherlands by train so I had 7 hours to read
translate do you still work?
@BenjaminGruenbaum quite true, many things are usually much granular than most people think
Just try it I guess
@monners Nooo... books can also be used to make paper airplanes. I do that a lot. :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum but that is what countries try to achieve - to group people by language, culture, religion, and use that against the rest
@ziGi If you've ever listened to african-american rap you could hear they call each other with the n word
Especially 2pac and 50 cent
also DMX
ok so me talking about jews is not a racism cause I have that heritage
that doesn't make me special, nor the rest but it means I can be interested in it
we are all people
But old books should be respected. I like the smell of old books. And their paper too.
just the place and the time we lived in molded us into what we are today
@ziGi [citation-needed]
@ziGi really? since when?
@Psychemaster haha
@AwalGarg ok sorry
I thought we were all made by aliens
Why can't I be drunk when the room's talking about interesting stuff?
question about javascript Arrays
If I have food = Array()
why is food[fruits] = apple undefined?
@monners when does that happen
african american rap? cringe
@ziGi A lot of exceptions exist to that. @SecondRikudo for example is a 'god', Caprica is bot, @Zirak is a potato powered bot, @rlemon is a lemon etc...
@grasshopper because an array's keys, or indices are all integers
I think you might be referring to the world wide movement of hip hop that started with african americans.
also, according to that, you've not assigned any values to your array
@AbhishekHingnikar absolutely! I love it...
so i need an object then
@AbhishekHingnikar why would you need a exit/cancel symbol to become a list upon clicking?
@grasshopper Don't want to go into that discussion, but hiphop is african-american stuff, and only they can do it like they do. Attribution where it is due please.
@grasshopper well depending on what fruits is, im assuming you meant foods['fruits']
I find it cool but I don't get the functionallity

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