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@KendallFrey not if you can breathe through water.
I'm not a fish. What would make you think that?
in Trash can, Jun 25 at 15:57, by Pratik Joshi
which is the most famous jQuery framework? node.js?
@KendallFrey I could look for some
I propose unpinning the "runnable code snippets" message from the star queue.
(and pin 'this' one instead lol)
Why is that one pinned anyways? It is already featured on the main site, I don't think we need it pinned here...
@AwalGarg lol
in Trash can, Jun 25 at 15:58, by slickplaid
most famous jQuery framework is vanilla.js
I think i should join dribble and be a full time desginer :P
@AbhishekHingnikar nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
stay with us
@AbhishekHingnikar the narrow middle bar is not looking good.
@AwalGarg can't pick a color for it
probably gonna use semi transparency
s/stay/waste your time/
@AwalGarg waste your time with us (source)
@AbhishekHingnikar honestly, I don't understand that design. The second horizontal bar has some important stuff and you squeeze it in such a narrow bar. The bar above it is almost empty and you give it so much padding... why?
the second one is for filters and links [clickable] first one is authoritive
@AbhishekHingnikar which follows, the second one should be taller, and have more space dedicated for it.
otherwise, it is looking fine.
thats a 1980 x 1080
the bar is about 48 px
top bar is about 60px // in actual rendering
you can now add a unit to my game and the client updates
@BartekBanachewicz <pat-back of="Bartek" emotion="apprectiation" times="3"></pat-back>
it's almost playable :3
nobody even saw that -_-
@AbhishekHingnikar yes like that... the second bar should have more padding.
okay will think about it xD
i am confused if to place the hamburger up or down
@AbhishekHingnikar u make me want to post a screenshot of my css layout... but it is for the FBI :P
@AbhishekHingnikar fiddle.jshell.net/vmu7rasz/1/show lolololol...
I promise you, you can't make a better, modern layout than that.
and don't copy that please.
I think I should sell it for $5000 only so that other people can benefit from it too.
@AwalGarg French don't really say that, I think this is a Holywood legend
@dystroy French guys originated the lip-lock kiss. The joke is entirely based on that... nothing else. But the last sentence of the joke is absolutely true, which no one can deny.
which movie is that
ps random idea there must be a movie where RDJ plays steve jobs
@dystroy I know quite a few french that do say that actually
and some who really kiss well (much better than italians, spanish, english, greek and romanians)
@towc how do you know they kiss well ^_^?
@AwalGarg reasons
moving on
guys any good resource for vector icons for web?
@AbhishekHingnikar ^
@AwalGarg google.com
or fontello.com
@AbhishekHingnikar 'icons' -> fonts???
@AbhishekHingnikar XD
@AwalGarg just try fontello
actually google.com seems to be the best, you should try it out
there is a thing on web called icon fonts
we use special faces as icons
@towc thnx
@AwalGarg first link on google btw
@towc i am 2 lazy 2 google
!!tell AwalGarg google vector icons
you don't even have to move from this chat
@towc i am too lazy to type that.
ok :)
@BartekBanachewicz what?
my friend is still refactoring and has now blocked me
so I'm writing random shit
do we know your friend?
I don't think so.
He's a C# guy.
He broke the build but didn't tell me, so I merged and I can't do anything right now
I would poke him with a stick if I had one
I could poke him with my toe
just... puke him
Well I could revert
@AbhishekHingnikar THAT SITE IS BRILLIANT!!!
far better than css sprites!
@AbhishekHingnikar I trust you're enjoying the Fappening
@Zirak why so ?
Because you're you?
Nah i don't watch porn anymore
g'night guys.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That news story is fake. Kids really have been "swatting", which is awful..., but there wasn't a trial like that.
@m59 BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: beer with wife's friends, wish me drunk
and no one's father was shot.
Seriously, what the hell is this? I mean, I also celebrate Israel's 60th birthday but what is that stuff about? I just hope it's propaganda because neither countries and their governments should do such stuff, I'm also including Turkey in the list

In addition to illustrating the latest news and events listed on this Israel 60 mother of all blogs, we are optimizing this news and event blog as we do all news and feature content on the Israel News Agency.

**The Israel 60 Birthday Website will combat Palestine, Iran, Nazi and Syria sites which have started to attack Israel's 60th birthday by
using all of the tools of Web 2.0.
dafuq did I just write? codepen.io/MateiGCopot/full/JkLFD
@AdamBarak Israel is past 60
60 was at 2008
@towc Some mean acid trip...
I'm still staring
yay finally merged
@SecondRikudo Sure let it be, now it's 66 birthday, but what I'm concerned about is their claims about Google search engine collaboration on censoring
never trust people that stuff builds
never again
@AdamBarak Haven't heard any
(Not that I'm the most updated person)
No problem, I happen to read a lot :-)
@AdamBarak aaaaaaah! that design!!! it kills me from the inside!!!
It looks like boasting claims, but one never knows. So I'm asking. I want to get the facts straight
@towc how'd your latin exam go?
@SecondRikudo you count from the birth of jesus?
@AdamBarak What the actual fuck is this crappy website?
@Neil not extremely bad, just bad
@towc So does for me hehe
@towc that's good
@towc I count from the defeat of the Ten Tails at the hand of the Sage of Six Paths.
@Neil I still have the oral exam to catch up
@SecondRikudo That's the same thing I thought about it when I looked at it
@AdamBarak "We opened the mother of all websites"... blogspot...
@towc surely you'll nail the oral examØŸ
Will check if its owners are Israeli or what the hell. I'm not convinced it's not by opposing factions impersonating Jewish people
> Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert commented on Israel’s 60th anniversary...
Oh, you mean the one that's currently in fucking jail?!
It looks like a carefully crafted propaganda by opposing factions who wanted to do something very quick
So, the crappy theme may explain that
It's quick alright, it's not carefully, nor is it crafted.
It's crapped, rather than crafted.
Sure I see. By carefully I mean that it mostly looks written by Israeli people's own hands
Yeah, looks like it
So, address is: P.O.B. 10209 Ramat Gan, 52***, ISRAEL and owner is: Leyden Communications, Joel Leyden
Is that right?
@AdamBarak Looks like it
put asterisks for privacy
The site looks unmaintained for years
Damn. Then they're just idiots.
Just ignore it
Yeah, I'll do it :-) It surely as hell looks unmantained. I mean, now we even have Bootstrap :D
I never know if what I'm reading is going to be right or not, whatever source it comes from. I may be developing a nasty psychological disorder
@AdamBarak It's written on the internet, so it has to be true.
I wonder why it's always the C++ Room flagging things.
@SecondRikudo You say? With all the tools available today you can imagine everyone can manipulate articles or make boastful and believable claims.
@m59 it's really not always and we're not the C++ room
@m59 Because its members are way too harsh
@AdamBarak bullshit
using bold text unnecessarily is harsh
@AdamBarak I once heard a story about a Nazi soldier, who, while he was forced to kill the parents, he secretly saved the children.
@BartekBanachewicz Lol pierdolcze (or however you say that) ;-)
He hid them under his bed, in his barn, even in barrels in the attic
See, the thing is, I just made that up. And many would have believed me if I published it on some blog, even without citing a single source.
@SecondRikudo Well, actually I think I read that somewhere
is createSomeArray(params).forEach(...) idiomatic?
or do you bind it to variable typically?
But you're right, I shall search for source. Not search but search
I think I should stop reading for some days anyway because I'm going to overflow somehow.
@SecondRikudo well duh. If you have a pretty website then everything you say is golden information for the ages.
@BartekBanachewicz It's fine as long as you can easily read it.
findPossibleMoves(game, unit).forEach(function(p) {
      p.x * game.board.tileSize,
      p.y * game.board.tileSize,
@Zirak here, concrete example
@AaronSiciliano Psychology techniques at its best. I would have questioned it lesser if the site had better graphics.
Sure, it reads nicely.
I'd just give the callback a name
drawUnit or something. Also rename p to something more meaningful
I'm saving bandwidth
you know thinking about gprs users
You access x and y, so I guess it's a point, but the function is findPossibleMoves, so it's weird
fair enough
So chat.stackoverflow.com has an estimated worth of $1,703,028
lol my domain name with an empty page has an estimated worth of $18 whereas another one with a few dozens users a day $15
WTF barackobama.com estimated worth of $118,611,291 O:
@BartekBanachewicz I hope you're trolling
@FlorianMargaine think about those 56kbps users tho
@FlorianMargaine He definitely is.
@AdamBarak he usually is. But it's about languages, not practical things like js minification, which he knows nothing about.
@FlorianMargaine Yeah there's always minification and gzip'ing.
Why even bother.
@FlorianMargaine hey! :(
@BartekBanachewicz :P
that's your punishment for trolling me
troll troll you are a troll.
please stop using bold text
@BartekBanachewicz ok sorry I won't use text bold anymore like this when I feel it isn't appropriate and doesn't help to convey what I want to mean and you to see.
@m59 yeah, I figured that much already
there should be a user (up/down)voting system
like, you can upvote and downvote a user
@towc huh? why would you want that?
to downvote ya
You will experience hell on earth
You're going to taste my mom's meat loaf?
this room is always so polite :D
@towc it's explictly unwanted. SO is about content, not about users.
@FlorianMargaine true, but I guess that content is determined by users
Haha even though it seems a response to his message it was merely a continuation to to what I had to say about such a system
@towc If you want that feature you may be better off asking on Reddit.
@Zirak so what was that fap thing ?
So many awesome cat pictures in there.
So what shows up as a function in regular use is appearing as an empty object in testing.
@AbhishekHingnikar The Fappening. Apparently some exploit in iCloud, celebrity nudes were leaked. Lots of them on lots of celebrities.
Visit /b, there's probably a subreddit and tumblr already
didn't even heard about it.
22 hours ago, by copy
http://www.buzzfeed.com/rachelzarrell/jennifer-lawrence-ariana-grande-picture-le‌​ak?bftw=main http://www.reddit.com/r/TheFappening/comments/2f44n0/new_celeb_leaked_pics_all_i‌​n_one_place/
Some users go the extreme by downvoting questions and answers. My suggestion is that you don't do that though.
@copy did you just link to porn?
It's pretty "funny" from a customer perspective.
I think he did lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum Reddit and a news site
@copy seems legit
Just goes to show that if it's on the internet, it'll be accessible
@AaronSiciliano heh, reminds me of this
can someone explain me what 4chan actually is?
People post pictures, other people reply, sometimes with pictures
the site says an image sharer
Ignorite xD
but it's usually related to hackerz, web puzzlez and shitz
I mean, I've mainly heard about it coz of those peepz
Because there're tons of users there, so it's a mush of talent
@towc 4chan is one of the webs oldest still surviving "board" what has eventually evolved into what you see as vbulliten or Invision Power Board IPB now
@AdamBarak do you really need to write everything that comes through your mind?
The people you find on 4chan however are the reason it is interesting..... It is uhhh.... well just google about the stuff that they have done that has made public news in the past
I've mainly heard about the cicada3301 thing
Quite a bit of the stuff that they have been accredited for is not 4chan the community but just some active users of the website that the media links back to 4chan each time
4chan was heavily involved
@Zirak pee
@monners The argument is actually Oak's grandson?
is there a lib that loads a video which is of the proper resolution for the device ?
@AbhishekHingnikar can't you do that with the video api?
AFAIk no
i mean i will have to write my own code for it
@AbhishekHingnikar is that too bad?
12 mb vs 3 mb, you choose ;-)
anyway, I don't know any myself
@AbhishekHingnikar surely VS, never heard about the other 2 IDEs
@Zirak Don't be ridiculous. Trees don't have grandsons.
@monners That's so sad :(
Such is life.
Imagine Grandma Oak, sitting in her rocking chair, knitting a coat of leaves.
@towc It was not something coming through my mind. I thought a message was directed to me so I responded accordingly, before recognizing it was a fault and so deleted the message.
Don't be an asshole please.
Then enters Mother Oak, and tells her that gran, trees don't have grandkids.
Gosh, lookit the time. Ciao!
She must've been devestated
She kept the Smith family warm that winter
13 year old girl, please stop talking.
Talking about website graphics, this one looks really awesome lol copot.eu/matei
so u clicked it :D
Wow, you made someone go to a video they didn't want on a false pretence. That joke is so new. It should be named "Bieb Rolling".
Long live being Rickrolled :P
@Rsauxil Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1st message is this?
@AdamBarak ikr??? I'm planning on changing design as soon as I finish the exams and some other stuff. this will be the style of the main page
you're going to feel at home here.
@Zirak nobody says you cannot enjoy an old joke :P
god damnit i left it playing. in background.
Yeah, "accidentally". And whoops, how did this crate of Bieber posters get here? Oh no, they're up on the wall now
@AbhishekHingnikar punishment :P
@AbhishekHingnikar so funny lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum ha ha ha
I'm in space! Spaaaaace!
@towc Just use something like Bootstrap or Zurb omg.
@Zirak u really hate beiber or something ?
comon i know deep inside you are a belieber.
@towc It's a nice animation, but isn't it a bit too distracting? I mean; you might move the main focus from your content to your animation
@AdamBarak that site is more for me to derp around with rather than for people to actually look at
@Rsauxil it's just a concept for now, I know it shouldn't be so distracting, I'll improve it when I'll fully implement it
@KendallFrey Dad, are you in space?
You're not a true portal 2 player. Imposter!
That's not in the game, is it?
I just finished it. I didn't have time to see any extras
> I'm proud of you son.
Dad, are you in space?
Yes, now we can be family again.
Oh boy!!
it seems that comes from a corrupted core
I didn't have time to listen to what they were saying
I just did a homework assignment for school but i feel like something is missing from the CSS.....

#Never {
#Gonna {
.Give {
.You {
    height: 1200px;
.Up {
    line-height: 1.2;
.Never {
    border:1px solid black;
    margin-right: 50px;
@AaronSiciliano consider showing some html too? In a fiddle perhaps?
also, don't mix class names with id names, and don't capitalize them if you don't feel like it has a meaning
just sayin
@towc.... :)
didn't see it -_-
Sorry towc you just were the fish that bit
I just made a user css that allows giving users in chat bigger or smaller text basing on the user
it's pretty nice
@BartekBanachewicz pic?
might be a bit confusing
but looks cool
well I might think about colours and whatnot
I made an irc bouncer yesterday
function x(a){a?console.log(a+="")-y.write(["nick copy2\nuser x 8 x :a\n",,"join #test123\n"]["se+i".indexOf(a.substr(-4,2))]||""):y=require("net").Socket().connect(6667,"irc.freenode.net").on("data",x).on("close",x)}x()
@AbhishekHingnikar Private Video is private.
wtf youtube
@copy what's that?
yep, public
how exactly does $.inArray work
inb4 "it doesn't"
@AbhishekHingnikar looks awesome!
@AbhishekHingnikar is that Sheha at the end?
@towc sheha ?
there's a girl with you at the end
nah thats my cousin
oh XD
also, your typing...
it's so regular
did you use a machine to autotype?
@copy googled for irc: Italian Resurrection Council
!!define irc
You really need to work on that
@towc It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words.
Internet Relay Chat [r could be wrong]
oh, right
but basically grand daddy of all chats
@towc yeap that was machine type with 0.06 s lag
hmm ===
not really what I want I suppose
If you want ==, you must be doing something wrong
wow instagram is now using fb cdns
@copy no, I want comparison on just two keys
I don't understand what that means
@copy I want to compare .x and .y of an object and don't care about anything else
Oh, JavaScript doesn't have that
JavaScript has nothing
Can i talk about jquery code here?
@Timothy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Timothy yes.
@copy well what a surprise
wait. let me check.
@BartekBanachewicz lol
You have to get back to using plain for loops or reduce or something
@CapricaSix Thanks for the tip
@copy what about length . filter (compareByXY) > 0 ?
@copy enlighten me the python way to do it ?
@BartekBanachewicz Yes that works too
next(True for x in xs if compareByXY(x, y))
@copy god I just wrote compareByXY and tried to partially apply it in the filter call
someone hold me
Anyone else geting a 500 Internal Server Error on jsfiddle?
@AbhishekHingnikar Or build a dict from (x,y) to the object and look it up there, which is even faster if you do multiple lookups
JavaScript can't do that without creating a String key that identifies the point, which is terrible
!!staging or www
@AbhishekHingnikar www
um ... cap u sure ?
!!staging.snapick.me or www.snapick.me
@AbhishekHingnikar www.snapick.me
x/ you gonna get me really embarrased cap :-/ but okay :-) anything for u

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