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@AbhishekHingnikar how do you plan to market your website?
@AwalGarg nah, kind of lost interest
@Zirak You made the right choice, but I am curious, what were you trying to achieve exactly and why?
Also, how do you people manage to ping me exactly when I'm listening to music on my phone?
And on the good parts, too. The SE notification mutes everything else. And I hate every last one of you for it.
s/people/people except awal garg/
You were the first in the series
@AwalGarg kul-wadhwa
@Zirak hi
@Zirak listening to music, are we?
thats completely his deaprtment
and luckily i have him :-) xD
^ That is my point.
@AbhishekHingnikar you 'have' him eh?
@AbhishekHingnikar The top bar is erg
lol the spellcheck :D
@AwalGarg hes my mentor and helping me :P
@AwalGarg we use powerpoint :P for design exchange its much faster :P
embarrsingly i find it lazy to take a screenshot and addd text to it, when ican do that in the design sheet from ppt :P
but @Zirak yeah i hate that too
it was inspired by google's material design but the constant side bar is bothering me.
@AbhishekHingnikar fuck that is a fucking extensively great lucky thing you have.
There used to be a trend away from blocky, overly concealing UIs. Why can't we continue with that?
I am jealous of you because of that.
:P j/k
hrm, there should be an alt+tab like extension for chrome. That way I could be on full-screen...all the time...
Also @FlorianMargaine, I think I've done experimenting with Crunchbang. It's cute, but still just Debian with preinstalls
jquery 1.5.2?
@Zirak plugin default, ignore.
Why not just return an object with both init and switchToInput?
You also don't need to comment every line
It's a demonstration to a noob
Hence the comments
Also, I wanted to demonstrate the ability to create private methods.
Be sure to explain why they're not really "private". It's just scoping.
Your comments also just explain the code, they don't explain the logic taken by the code.
I like the comments. Good job.
It's all nice and well that allInputs isn't an array so you have to do yada yada, but what is that loop doing?
//Disable all inputs
okay, completely missed that. So another one...I'm not a fan of trailing inline comments. They should appear on their own line.
@Zirak That's more of a preference thing
Also, I made sure to not exceed 120 columns.
I find trailing comments to be detached and unreadable
@Zirak wait what ?
@AwalGarg I also have some internal support off microsoft... there were the few poeple who has seen the product in action :-)
and Ankur Warikoo (CEO Groupon Asia) also is supporting us ... the thing that goes wrong is I AM ALONE IN THIS ... as a developer & designer
@AbhishekHingnikar How? And how did you get that guys as a mentor?
@AwalGarg by being awesome ? & ofcourse lucky :P
i was Imagine Cup National Finalist :P last year...
and kul helps everyone :D, hes a very nice person (infact the whole wikimedia team is)
@AbhishekHingnikar So you fished for support for your idea there, right?
@AwalGarg na uh, i just presented it.
Ankur just walked and gave me his card :P [later] we have been in contact via emails :P
@AwalGarg how old are u ? PS i know kul since i was like 17 i would call me being extremely lucky
@AbhishekHingnikar 16
@AwalGarg go for Imagine CUp this year
@AbhishekHingnikar wat's that about?
we had 16 yo last year.. Despite being microsoft the exposure of hte platform is incredible
google that :P
and now sayonara... i need to tweak the ui and publish packages
@Zirak seriously what are u talking about ?
// am probably going to make unified top bar... and menus embedded init
@AbhishekHingnikar For example, hamburger menus on desktop versions of websites
What regular expression is the opposite of /^\/(db|admin)\//?
(I need to match all routes that don’t start with /db/ or /admin/)
Why conceal information when the space is available?
@ŠimeVidas !/^\/(db|admin)\//.test(string)
@SomeGuy oh yeah, thats exactly what i am doing now
@SomeGuy I hate it when they do that
@SecondRikudo I can't use JS API. It's a regular expression that is placed inside Express.js's app.all( ... ).
Ah, Express
For me, it depends. I like it if it's information that I'll pretty much never need to see
You'll just have to use a catchall after your (db|admin) route
@SomeGuy i figured my links on the left were essentially tabs
Well, that seems fine to me
I think Zirak's point was that sites are staying "over-concealing"
@SecondRikudo My approach is to have an initial catch-all (for redirects, setting view locals, validate reqs) but I would like to exclude /db/ and /admin/ paths since those are admin-only and have special logic.
^ that is a much better way though for what i was doing :-)
Not that good with express, sorry :(
Benji would probably be able to help you
But I don't see him here
@ŠimeVidas What Second suggested makes sense to me
Since the priority matters in Express
@SomeGuy I wonder, if I have a bunch of /db/ and /admin/ route handlers in front of my regular site route handlers, will it hurt performance (since the db & admin stuff is only performed occasionally by me, whereas site handlers run all the time).
I doubt it'll be the bottleneck.
Yeah, I doubt it. Unless there are a lot of them
Checking for a regex match is cheap relatively to other things you might have
Accessing file system, network IO, database, etc.
wait wait wait.
Yea, I guess.
@ŠimeVidas aren't middlewares supposed to solve this ?
How many would be lot?
@AwalGarg Benchmark.
(for context)
why is benchmark called a benchmark ?
Changes based on server strength, other things running in memory, etc.
that looks fine to me :-x
The term bench mark, or benchmark, originates from the chiseled horizontal marks that surveyors made in stone structures, into which an angle-iron could be placed to form a "bench" for a leveling rod, thus ensuring that a leveling rod could be accurately repositioned in the same place in the future. These marks were usually indicated with a chiseled arrow below the horizontal line. The term is generally applied to any item used to mark a point as an elevation reference. Frequently, bronze or aluminum disks are set in stone or concrete, or on rods driven deeply into the earth to provide a stable...
atmost you can make a seperate router for admin commands and have them goto that router explictely in case of admin... but that seems laravel
@AbhishekHingnikar What SomeGuy said is true, but not what I meant. Take the website he linked me to (still haven't had the time to read): newyorker.com/magazine/2014/09/01/difficult-girl
^ I don't want them ugly ones :->
How much of the screen realestate is the content spread on? How much wasted space is there? And never mind if the top bar is too large or small, when I start scrolling, it takes even more of my screen
I've got a 23 inch screen. It's not considered overly big, and websites usually waste it.
mine is a desktop app ..
Epic blur
@SecondRikudo ?
Dammit Chrome 37!
Wut ?
chrome 37 has loads of bugs :-(
@Zirak I think they tend to do that because people like reading shorter lines (in width)
My original comment was on those screenshots of the browser you linked to
@Zirak hmm got it... i am removing the left pane
making it either like iTunes.
@SecondRikudo ... windows ?
I can't read it, it makes my eyes hurt (literally)
turn off high dpi scaling by windows
Sadly, yes.
right click -> properties -> compitability -> high dpi settings option
@SomeGuy 71 characters? Please, this isn't budget daycare.
@SecondRikudo ^
I have to run most of my programs that way
darn it windows 8.1
The 80 character limit is fine for code and things like git commit messages. Books are approximately that wide, too. But I assure you you'd be perfectly fine reading 120 character lines.
11 words is the good limit
...Without the weirdo top-bar taking up more space
Haha, I have to admit that the weirdo top bar annoyed me
the search bar is horrific on mobile
@AbhishekHingnikar Looking at your UI (i.imgur.com/YPxSoiD.jpg), it's fine, but it has Windows 8's Xbox Music vibe
don't hit me... but
now looks even more like it ?
i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8299012352/hB8DC058C 4 internet points to whoever gets the reference
@AbhishekHingnikar Doesn't seem to do anything
You lose 2 internet points
@Zirak ;( why?
For being stupid
@SecondRikudo you have to force restart the browser
as in kill every process
and then restart it.
othre option is use Internet Exploder 11, its buttery smooth for fonts and scroll on windows
I logged off
@Zirak Krieger-san!
no seriously IE 11 is decent for everyday browsing
I don't do everyday browsing.
only 80% of websites will act weird... including microsoft's own
And I don't do IE, at least until it's OS
the rest 20% won't work atall
@SomeGuy "I thought we were putting all our eggs in the battery-dying-out basket"
chrome needs a redesign
@AbhishekHingnikar I just tried forcekilling all of the chrome processes
wow thats weird :x
check for chrome flags ?
if they are scaling it up ?
it looks like your font is scaled UP
Any specific flag I'm looking for?
Disable DirectWrite Windows
Disables the use of experimental DirectWrite font rendering system. #disable-direct-write
Overrides the device scale factor on the device. Windows, Linux, Chrome OS
Overrides the device display density to force the use of high DPI mode and assets. #force-device-scale-factor
DirectWrite makes everything look ugly.
force-device-scale-factor is only available for Chrome OS
then you are messed :-(
Google Chrome 38.0.2125.24 (Official Build 290417) beta-m
I am using that ^
When I changed the global setting it worked nicely.
It works well with 38?
I am using 38
1080p it looks perfect to me
Is it possible to switch to the beta channel without reinstalling the browser?
@SecondRikudo I don't think so
You can get Chromium separately
Just download the beta version, Abhishek linked to it above
I use the Chrome dev channel, usually
^ +1
or canary.
Yeah, but I don't want to migrate all of my settings and everything to the beta browser...
You can install it in parallel to chrome without a problem.
its almost as stable as chrome [beta]
Ain't nobody got time for that
What "settings and everything"? You sync your account anyway. Anything else?
@SecondRikudo all you need to do is login from your google account :P
google does everything for u
I have 3 accounts on my browser
I'll just live with it until 38 becomes stable.
Stop using Windows, problem solved.
@SecondRikudo 38 ships with epic account switching support
It's a brand new laptop and until I install Linux on it, I have to use Windows.
@AbhishekHingnikar You had my curiosity, now you have my attention.
38 ships with user switching
I wouldn't say it's epic
and a much improved dev tools.
They've always kind of had this feature
@AbhishekHingnikar I've found the solution: stackoverflow.com/a/25583754/425275
@SomeGuy I love it. how obvious it is nw
@AbhishekHingnikar Yeah? What'd they change?
@ŠimeVidas I wouldn't do that. I recommend you don't supply a path and filter it out in the callback.
@SomeGuy ^ that :P
thats not a addon/ plugin its natie now...
@ŠimeVidas just have your most specific routes first, most general last.
@AbhishekHingnikar I'm pretty sure that's not an addition to 38
I've seen it before that
@SomeGuy works in 37 ?
I don't have 37
But I've definitely seen that before
@Zirak I'm filtering it out via regex, not in the callback.
I got 38 yesterday and this impressed me
@ŠimeVidas And I recommend you don't do that
/me runs fior dinner
Upgraded to 38 beta
Still blurry :(
translate hi: abra kadabra
@SecondRikudo wait what GPU are you using ?
vOv idk then, my nvidia had one scaling setting itself
@Zirak You recommend filtering them out in the callback? Or moving their route handler above?
2 mins ago, by Zirak
@ŠimeVidas I wouldn't do that. I recommend you don't supply a path and filter it out in the callback.
@SecondRikudo !!> window.innerWidth ?
webkitDevicePixelRatio ?
@Zirak That's what I've been doing, but this path regex is more terse.
I add some code lines dynamically in a new script tag
Don't see anything wrong with being a bit more terse.
then, I append some new code lines to it
the first code lines work correctly but new appended code lines don't work. why?
@ŠimeVidas It's weird, goes against the goal of a regexp, and doesn't scale well to more complex rules
@MRS1367 By design.
Once you append a script tag, it gets executed, and that's that.
first code lines:
@Zirak my new appended code lines don't work.
Correct. That's by design.
@AbhishekHingnikar what tool are using to see that details ?
It doesn't matter how you do it...once you insert the script element, it'll ignore any further modifications.
@Zirak so, what can I do?
@MRS1367 Append a new script element
Make a new tag
can I add two of the following in separate tags:
$(document).scroll(function () {
You can add whatever you want
Even syntax errors
I know
@Zirak I mean that if I have two or more of $(document).scroll(function () {}); in separate script tags, all will run or not?
Give it a shot
In Fermi estimation, you can round all your answers to the nearest order of magnitude:
user image
Can someone please go here and see if they can see any broadcasts?
> Adobe®©™ Photoshop®©™ CS®™ 5™
@Zirak I would have to see if I can see if I can see any broadcast there.
And I would have to see that ^ too.
@Zirak I see one
It starts in 20 hours, though
Found the source of their bug, reporting
I think it's a timezone problem
@Zirak Yup, one
does any one knows of a js quiz which can be taken online and isn't easy? I know the one by David Shariff, looking for more trickier ones..
@Zirak thanks. BTW it's your own right?
@Zirak great..
can someone see the name of the following guy?
This is his name: "ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"
@AwalGarg just right click over the rep and see. Its basically some invisible unicode
His name is literally those boxes
Wait, actually
@AmitJoki where to right click?
Use the dev tools to see the element where his name should be
You can copy it from what I posted too
It's a bunch of unicode
Character 12644, apparently
It isn't a single character.
what is the regex to match whitespace characters?
You could have googled it instead of asking
It'd turn up results easily
lazy me. sry
\s didn't detect anything in it in anyway, which seems to be a bad thing.
Because it's not whitespace
And also because regexp character groups only really work for latin characters
@Zirak it looks like that though.
Is an umlaut whitespace?
¨ <-- it is visible so no.
I'm not an expert on Hangul, but it seems to be a part of the word
x.split('').map(function(i,j){return i===i.toLowerCase()?i.toUpperCase() :i.toLowerCase()}).join('')
is it the best way to invert case?
Seems to be the most straightforward way. Can you think of shorter/cooler ones?
> This was actually a problem I had. My solution looked...cleaner...
from the console of the game
I love how people take that personally
sum of digits in a different way: x.toString().split('').reduce(function(i, j){return parseInt(i)+ parseInt(j)})
I need to change it a bit
Q: What to do when you have a Stack Overflow Stalker

ThesisDesignI'm dealing with someone that notoriously answers questions on a topic with criticisms and no help at all. I flagged his comments on my last question because as per usual none of them were helpful and he seemed more interested in arguing and his comments were removed by the moderator. He is now...

Q: What to do when you have a Stack Overflow Stalker

ThesisDesignI'm dealing with someone that notoriously answers questions on a topic with criticisms and no help at all. I flagged his comments on my last question because as per usual none of them were helpful and he seemed more interested in arguing and his comments were removed by the moderator. He is now...

huh, the GS problem is more interesting than I thought...
Why am I debugging it for them? I haven't even submitted the bug report
Wait it's fixed now
Aw man
I was having so much fun
@Zirak You debug sites for others??? Can you debug my code too??? (Not now but when it comes...)
I love debugging obfuscated sites like GS and gmail
Yeah Zirak i have a code that needs to be more efficient with its cpu cycles. You Game?
Is your code fun?
Zirak got a talent man! And that is really special at the age of 94!
@Zirak How do you decide if it is fun? I mean, it is obfuscated, so it would be hard to tell at first sight.
It's fun because I had fun doing it
Debugging a co-worker's code, on the other hand, is more often than not Not Fun
@Zirak Try this then. I made it when I didn't knew how to code... but it still doesn't work. I assure it would be fun debugging it. I had a hard time finding the link back so pls.
@Zirak know why
function(x){ return x.test(/[A-Z]/) ? x.toLowerCase() : x.toUpperCase()
}).join();``` isn't working?
What doesn't work?
@Zirak I had a talent that time - writing unreadable bad code by hand - which I lost after I learnt the standards.
There's a difference between obfuscated code and bad code
@Zirak my code... can you spot where is it? I can't
Heh, me and @somekittens did on workplace.se what me and @florian did on programmers.se
@AmitJoki First off, strings don't have a test function, regexps do
@Zirak ah!!! Knew that but forgot.. thanks..
String.prototype.test = function(){
    return "F"; // all my tests :(
could this replace my avatar image?
Can some1 plz tell me why I cant resize chrome window below 600px after 37 update?

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