@tejas-manohar yeah, it looks like you've got some ng-includes and then all of your properties are like createMode rather than something.createMode, so those properties aren't going to be updated across all of your different scopes.
I have been struggling for quiet sometime now with conversion of file chunks to binary data and have come to this point
$.when(chunkBinary(chunk[i][j])).done(function(result){ chunkInBinary = result;console.log(chunkInBinary);} )
Now I want to be able to use the value chunkIn...
@Zirak in this case the items to compare are 2 IDE which try to achieve the same thing, so, it's more like asking is a little apple better than a normal-sized apple
Hello everyone. I would like to know if there is a difference between using a document fragment, and creating an element and appending multiple children THEN inserting into the DOM. I'm new to the idea of using the fragment, so this may be super obvious to everyone else...!
@Dan Not much, if you have one root element that is. But imagine if you wanted a fragment to contain, say, several lists, without them being contained in a parent.
// to explain in code, they're similar if you want to append something like:
// but a fragment is superior if you want to do:
Well, I believe I understand the principle of the fragment, and it looks very useful. In the code I'm working on, I'm getting the <li> items from a menu, then splitting them into two variables. I then need a new parent div to house these two new menus. I also append two new anchor tags, to use with even handlers. So all in all, it looks like a fair sized chunk of HTML to me. I only want to insert once at the end of my script.
I thought the idea of the fragment was not to insert into the DOM more often than needed - so if I create my new div element and fill it full of new stuff, then insert, what's the difference?
Ah ok. To put this into context - I would usually be doing this with jQuery. This morning I looked at my code and thought **** it, maybe I'll do it with vanilla jS for a change. That's why I'm not so sure how to do it.
Setting attributes is a bit pants though? Either one by one, or making a function which iterates over passed values - according to what I've found on SO.
document.write("<td>"); // if prime print the numbers document.write(n); document.write("</td>");
else { // if not prime print the number do nothing
} } document.write("</table>"); </script>
i was here last time with the problem of the prime numbers . i managed to solve it but now i want the code to print 10 prime numbers on the table row then it goes to another row . i have tried using a for loop but no win . here is the code .
@humphrey get a variable whose value is 0. Increment it by 1 every time you find a prime, and whenever it is a multiple of 10 insert a new line
I was thinking about making a turing machine in javascript, with just a simple data tape and the sequences
but if I want to get an addition from a tape, which I guess is one of the simplest things, I can't even figure out how to make a sequence to do that
googlin got me nowhere
this is what I started with:
var tape='0001 0001';
function Adder(){
I decided that I wanted to add 4 digit numbers using the Adder constructor
I would iterate from end to beginning of the tape, and if I found a 1 I'd get it's sequence at the index of his state and turn his state to that object's t value
and f it is 0
if it's neither a 0 or a 1 (for example the space) I'd tell it not to do nothing, so that the tape would be a bit more readable
problem is that I can't figure out how to make that sequence, and again, google didn't help me
As you probably know from approaching the problem, a turing machine is the simplest state machine. Each state says what to write on the current slot, where to move the pointer, and what the next state it.
@Zirak I do, I'm trying to append the remaningi items, but it fails. I don't understand what a htmlcollection is - I assume this is different to a node? Also, I'm just realised that even if it worked, it would probably break by page as I must need to clone these items, right?
@towc Try and write a turing machine which just adds two numbers written in unary, separated by a 0. For instance, a tape could look like: 111011, which means 3 2.
@Zirak I see - and what about removing the first item from the collection? I know I could skip that in the loop, but even so, I'd like to know how it's done!
Nope, sorry, I see. False by default. And, because that's the <li> element, I wasn't seeing any content, so I thought it wasn't working. I'll check the theory now.
Yes, that's right. Makes sense too, which is great.
@AbhishekHingnikar there is option to do that. and this particular screenshot is not looking nice even to me... but it is better in reality.
The new gnome is pretty cool but only on high res screens. 1600 by 900 at the minimum.
Everything is awesome except they just magnified everything by twice as if people are getting blind.
So it doesn't look good (it looks ugly) on low res screens.
But I really like their attempt to provide a nice stable 'modern' system. Specially on the Linux platform which is usually viewed as a difficult to use system.