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It's like 1000% markup if not more for SMS
didn't do the math but it's ridiculous
@Taco Yes it is. But its the only way that young females communicate. Soooooo.... im inclined to have a cell phone with SMS
I didn't have a cell until 2003 because my family made me get one.
my phone alone is like $105/mo
And I only stream music, not much app usage and I've hit 5GB in two weeks
same here
but again, I don't use my cell data very much
I don't stream on my phone
not often at least
If I can't listen to streamed music in my car I might go back to the "free music" plan
and when I do I generally have a wifi connection avail
I burn car cds, i'm old school
The recent(ish) facebook changes were a killer for me, regarding data usage.
I should probably burn a few cds
The ones where videos now auto-play (on the mobile app)? Yeah. Pain in the ass, but there's a setting for it.
Oh fuck, messenger is going to an app
I bought the gf an ipod
forgot about that
I'm probably going to put an aux input in the car
Hey, I have a question for all of you:
I'm thinking of going bluetooth for my car audio
Why is JSFiddle generally preferred over, e.g. JSBin here?
@kmoe It's kind of just the default
jsfiddle isn't live, and you can't over write someone elses changes
without changing version
And that too
ah, cool
and Codepen?
codepen is more for showing off your work
live editors are a PITA to work in
@ircmaxell you have a website?
What is codepen?
Yeah, it seems codepen is often used for demos, rather than examples
for( var i = 0; i < 10; <editor runs this.. ohh snap endless loop.
@rlemon hah, didn't realise Codepen was live - I've never actually used it
oh wait that game we played yesterday was on codepen
jsbin's done that too me a number of times. because it completes the for() therefore I end up with for(var i = 0; i < 10; )
who made that game? somebody in here
I've never run into that one
@taco oh. wow. you definitely can't do that on JSFiddle...
@taco I'm gonna guess it's @Meredith
brb, invading russia
@RyanKinal oh ok only my second day in here
Don't play as Madagascar. Those guys suck
@kmoe You're thinking too small
I tried Argentina. I think they're too busy eating steak and dancing Tango to bother with military endeavors.
I believe I picked algeria
I'm having a bit of an issue with morocco
I successfully invaded Uruguay, and then failed miserably from there
I have like everything around me. Apparently the counties around morocco are poor
I thought it was a different game so started in Madagascar ... now I'm fucked.
yeah madagascar doesn't win shit
started as Democratic Republic of the Congo, and conquered Republic of the Congo...
through the power of democracy
@kmoe same here. Have you captured Nigeria?
I've tried 4 times
@taco goddamnit
My military is down to 12k...
just tried
ugh I started madagascar too, was thinking it was going to be like pandemic
couldnt do anything
lol told you
yeah Nigeria is OP
fork & nerf?
I have most of africa now
Hah, get fucked spain
beware of Ghana guys
um, *beware of Ghana, guys
When you can't capture Djibouti then you're really fucked
punctuation is important
@taco I am unable to tell whether this is innuendo
Why does egypt have that much army D=
I just sent 1 guy to invade Nigeria. It didn't work. I assume he was told he was no longer the captain and was immediately shot.
The Egyptian Armed Forces (Arabic: القوات المسلحة المصرية‎) are the military forces of Egypt. The Egyptian Armed Forces are the largest in Africa, and the Middle East. In 2014, it was ranked the 13th most powerful in the world, established in 1922 consisting of the Egyptian Army, Egyptian Navy, Egyptian Air Force and Egyptian Air Defense Forces. According to the Egyptian Constitution, The Egyptian Armed Forces is led by a Supreme Council headed by the President who holds the title of the Supreme leader of the Egyptian armed forces, and consists of the 21 military officers who represent the different...
When will Djibouti drop?
Djibouti is down
Started with France, failed once against italy, once against egypt once against Iran and once against north Korea :(
I should make another game soon
and actually finish it
@kmoe did you smack that Djibouti?
my upload is annoying
having not owned a laptop in ages... this thing feels hot
..Adapter: Virtual device
temp1:        +14.0°C  (crit = +120.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Physical id 0:  +51.0°C  (high = +84.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 0:         +48.0°C  (high = +84.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 1:         +49.0°C  (high = +84.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 2:         +46.0°C  (high = +84.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 3:         +48.0°C  (high = +84.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
@taco apparently 12,000 of my men smacked that
1.1m army. I'm on my way to world domination!
Don't get too haughty. I had 1 million men. Nigeria took care of that
conquered most of Africa then failed :(
My download is annoying
haha wow
your upload is awesome though
2 million now
I used to get liek 25, so I could stream all the time at 1080
I wish my work connection wasn't such a piece of shit
now it barely makes it past 10
at home I get like 25-50 upload
3 mil..
it is great.
Countries: France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Austria, Czech Republic, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Belarus, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Moldova, Denmark, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Cyprus, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Iran, Yemen, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Kirgi
was too easy
but I have a wonky cable somewhere.. I need to go through my appt and figure out where it is bad
where did you start, @dievardump?
@dievardump whered you.. what @kmoe said
Look at the country list
Just lost half my army trying to conquer iran. #yolo
oh, it's in order
France? Who would've thought to start there?
But if you want to go fast, you should begin with Egypt or Iran
@taco Someone who knows that Europe is the best place to begin an invasion.
I studied Europe history, because I am French, and I know that it goes really fast here. Since the beginning of times there was so many changes here
@dievardump seems calm now
How did I lost to a 17000 military with over 6 million
what the heck
code-wise, how did he outline those countries when you hover over them? html5?
well, except for that Ukraine part
I wanted to chose germany, but Chauvinism was too strong
I see a bunch of coords
unfortunately my efforts to revive the British Empire failed
germany used chemical attack. It's super-effective.
probably a blending mode
Or he makes a path and fill it
Wich is easier
every country has his own path. I think there is open source worldmap paths
js or html5?
Canvas I guess
var name = $(this).data('name');
must be game.selectCountry()
But it's a simple game, the idea is cool, but to do it must be pretty easy
I love it.
I've only been using node for a few months, javascript not much longer, so I'm impressed
hey, I won
Algeria ftw
Okay, so he's using CSS path fill to stroke the country border when you select it, and it does it with SVG @dievardump said . Never knew you could do that.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/… What's the browser compatability for fills and strokes
Wow I'm glad you guys were enjoying my game
@Meredith which one?
The one we were talking about =)
@Meredith buff Madagascar :|
@Meredith Was the USA just too OP to allow?
Nah cuz its army really isn't that big
But it kinda ruins the feel of the game when you start as a super power
Fair enough :-)
\o/ Canada is considered a super power!
woo woo!
If you want a challenge, start as north korea
@taco ???
I think maybe next you should have an AI that plays against you as one of the super powers. Then you get one nuke
for your OO stuff @ircmaxell
I don't plan on developing it any more
@Meredith why can't I select India?
2 mins ago, by Meredith
But it kinda ruins the feel of the game when you start as a super power
my guess is too large population + army
@taco youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM-218uGSX3Ctq7valGhiuA380_7qyD6r <-- a playlist of a few of my conference talks that are you youtube
@Meredith India is not yet a super power bro.
What did you use for your coords data for the SVG stroke/fills
I stole the map from wikipedia
Iran: OP
Countries: North Korea, Japan, South Korea, China, India, Nepal
GDP: 17,209,113
Population: 1,749,134,728
Military: 13,295,370
Thanks @ircmaxell
ok cool
And with that no-one can stop you
Vietnam > iran
Heh... I just conquered ya booty Djabouti...
hi all, can anyone recommend a good Node.JS resource/tutorial (experienced dev level)
@Yossi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I felt in love with Browserify :(
I conquered Jupiter! \o/
Browserify sounds interesting. So you can port node apps to the browser?
mmmm pizza for lunch
so full
so shamed
@SterlingArcher hey, aren't you RUJordan?
You should Snapchat him
!!afk afk!!
yay kitten snapchats!
Uh phrasing
Today I'm snapchatting everything I eat or drink to @SterlingArcher
actually that was quite literal
@SterlingArcher I had pizza too... Bacon and egg pizza... not sure how my stomach is going to feel later...
@SomeKittensUx2666 fine, but when I'm getting home you're getting a sexy snap
@taco thanks!
@SomeKittensUx2666 I geeked on the last one. An empty bowl with what you just ate xD
Caught me off guard
I'm the ninja snapchatter
Snapchat is for noobs
I email all of my nudie pics
Sext over carrier pidgeon
I hide ascii porn of myself in my source code
@SterlingArcher poor pigeon
like a real man
@rlemon oh my god that would be hilarious to see
you know i've written a webcam thingy to take ascii pics
it is very plausible
I wonder how well it would capture the details..
Curious, but not curious enough to try it LOL

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