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@Jhawins lolz I saw your txt when i woke up but I forgot to read it. was late for work so i was rushin
He left due to creative differences. It's too bad, I wouldv'e enjoyed more seasons with him in it
@rlemon When does Star Trek TNG get decent? The first few episodes are pathetic.
@SterlingArcher Oh bout the stupid college kids? xD dude I didn't realize that's normal life I guess?
@SterlingArcher will you guys stop sexting eachother constantly?
Yeah, Id agree with that
Dude we talk like. Every day. I'm gonna marry that boy someday
@KendallFrey season 2
season 5 is my fav. season 3 has some great eps as well
@KendallFrey TNG is amazing the whole time, don't diss it!
@NickDugger eh, the first handful of eps were a bit weak
I want Spock back :*(
I loved it.
just like SG1 doesn't get good until end of season 2
Q does get annoying as shit sometimes, though
oddly, Game of Thrones is mostly Brit actors
@Jhawins no that's not normal for me. I've never been so angry in my life. That was the first legit fight I've been in where I was sober and threw the first punch
<3 Q
I dont like GoT anymore :(
@rlemon don't be jelly cause we bonded :3
@KendallFrey Also yes, Alan is hilarious
I couldn't get into GoT
Q is an ass hat, but he does become more tolerable later in the series
too much incest and rape
@SterlingArcher Best way to fight: With hockey equipment on
not my idea of entertainment
@Jhawins my hand hurts, but at least it's not swollen. Can barely tell what happened
@NickDugger he is the character you love to hate
The books were really good, and the first season was well done, but I just couldnt keep up anymore
every good show has one
@KendallFrey @Jhawins my ass hurts, but at least it's not swollen. Can barely tell what happened (source)
the borg you fear, not hate.
@SterlingArcher No no no different thing lol
@KendallFrey lmao
@Jhawins ohh, uhh, remind me? Can't remember
> It hurts, but I do it for Shrek #ItsAllOgreNow
But yeah. I broke,twisted and bent my third metacarpal on someone's head the last time I got into a fight...
learn how to punch
Ya know how if you make a fist your middle knuckle is most prominent? Yeah mines bout as short as my pinky knuckle, sticks out into my palm a tiny bit and the bend is visible on the back of my hand bowing upward if you look.
open palm striking is more efficient, but I was angry and wasn't thinking
i used to have anger issues and hit a lot of walls. my right hand is mangled when compared to the left (when I make a fist)
@SterlingArcher If I open palm strike/bitch slap something too hard... The bone stabs my palm on the inside and I get 2 small pockets of internal bleeding.
> Every programmer occasionally, when nobody's home, turns off the lights, pours a glass of scotch, puts on some light German electronica, and opens up a file on their computer. It's a different file for every programmer. Sometimes they wrote it, sometimes they found it and knew they had to save it. They read over the lines, and weep at their beauty, then the tears turn bitter as they remember the rest of the files and the inevitable collapse of all that is good and true in the world.
My ring finger (right hand) is slightly bent due to my early days of [american] football
glad I figured out how to deal with anger --- that is not a good thing to carry around with you
Or whatever you call it
Chills. Every time.
@RyanKinal Where is this from???
@rlemon I'm not an angry person, but when my supposedly best friend starts talking shit about me when he's the one at fault (over $15), I snapped.
I used to have anger issues
bad ones .. never hit people - just objects.
I've never had a fight out of anger... Or anger issues that manifest physically.
My right pinky is bent, but I'm not sure if it's from an incident with a basketball or extended mouse use.
I drove to his house, banged on his door to talk, and before I knew it I threw a punch.
I don't get angry. I get frustrated, and start becoming more and more vocal, like discussing my frustration, but I don't hit things. The only fist fight I was ever in was with my older brother.
@RyanKinal omg this is beautiful
it was dangerous because when my adrenalin gets going my hands go numb.
My brother and I used to fight all the time
so I didn't realize how much damage I was doing until the anger passed
@Sippy Yes. Yes it is.
I don't like how I reacted. I'm not an angry or aggressive person, but when somebody that small talks to me like I'm helpless because they know I'm a nice guy.. I just snap.
Guys, if you don't like breaking your hands, use your heads instead.
Headbutting someone in the face is amongst the greatest feelings in the world.
@Sippy Busted that too...
@KendallFrey haha yea my brother and I fought worse than any other siblings I knew growing up
Did you headbutt a rock?
I use the hardest part of my body. ...yup, that one.
we used weapons .. :/
I'm been in a fight involving a pellet gun
Though we weren't seriously trying to hurt people.
I threw a pickle jar at my brother once, hit him in the back of the head
didn't cut him. but he smelled like pickles for two days
that was good enough for me
if my phone loads I'll post the pic of my hand I sent the Jhawins
I dropped a very large jar of pickles on my leg when I was really young. it cut it open and there was quite a bit of blood.
@Sippy No I threw a pogo stick at concrete O.o
I threw a log at my brothers head once.
That was funny.
Out cold.
worst he did to me, umm.. miz between head through a car window and pushing me down the stairs any time I was in front of him on the stairs.
And the other time dove out of a hay loft but missed the hay.. Well most of it.
got a nice scar from the car window
I threw my brothers head at a log once.
I throw feces at cats
Was a fucking good shot to be honest.
@RyanKinal That blog post is beautiful
> ERROR: Attempted to parse HTML with regular expression; system returned Cthulhu.
@NickDugger @monkeyinsight I think you probably have something to offer on this subject.
@Cereal I just laughed out loud at that ffs.
My bros were fighting once and one time bro1 pulled bro2's knife out of bro2's pocket and stabbed him in the hand with it.... And then I became a part of it cause I was like dude you just fucking stabbed him
> Is that called arrayReverse?"
"Cool thanks."

Wasn't that guy helpful? With the camel? Doesn't that seem like an appropriate response? No? Good.
@Sippy i thought that we figured out that you are weird
That was my hand yesterday
@monkeyinsight Whoa whoa.
I got injured worse than that just from a broken blister
@SterlingArcher had worse from my cat
I didn't say I fucked my hand up :3
I won
Did you get your $15 back?
Though I'm proud I won, I'm not proud about being violent
Wish I had pictures of my downhill accidents
@BenCraig no, I'm not worried about $15. But he's so worried about it he provoked me
I split a full-face helmet in half once.
@rlemon I have friends who are brothers and they live out on a farm.... They will ride 4 wheelers and dirtbikes and take baseball bats and golf clubs and just hit each other with them and see who gets knocked off first. :D Are you and your brother worse than that?
we jousted with hockey sticks.
@Sippy Was the helmet safety rated?! how did you manage that???
on bikes.
Hahahaha i love it.... who won
I'm not proud that I fought what I thought was my best friend, but he kept spouting off thinking I would just sit back and take it
and bare knuckle boxing wasn't uncommon past time
he is two and a bit years older - I got my ass kicked a lot
I, ummm... I hurt myself once. It hurt.
Even a docile giant like me has a breaking point, though I'm not proud to say I let my anger loose.
Am I cool now too?
@AaronSiciliano It was a sixsixone lid, and I dont know, I knocked myself out and woke up in hospital. My guys presented me with the two parts haha
@RyanKinal totes cool bruh
tides turned in HS when he went to hit me and I doged him and knocked him out with a haymaker
Yay! \o/
he stopped picking on me after that
@SterlingArcher How big are you?
@BenCraig Bit personal isn't it?
6'3, 195 lbs
195 lolwat
then when he has his son he stopped being a mean prick all of a sudden. best relationship I've ever had with him
@RyanKinal dat article! just amazing
@Sippy I race Sprintcars and one night i forgot to buckle my chinstrap on my helmet.... I went out and someone took me out into the wall and my neckbrace maanged to keep my helmet and head on my shoulders....
damn, i'm 5'7" (and a bit) and 175lbs
@Sippy height? I dont think its pushing it
5'9", 195lb
@BenCraig Was making a joke ;D
@towc Every so often, I rediscover that article. And I cry a little for the state of our profession.
y'all are so tall :(
@Sippy -woosh-
I used to be 5'9" :(
@AaronSiciliano I assume Sprint cars are different than Sprint Cup cars?
@RyanKinal is it really that bad?
Yeah I'm a big boy. But I'm not as gentle as I come off to be
I haven't measured my height in a while.
Me neither
@towc Did you read the article?
when I fucked my back they measured me
I just go by my driver's license
I wasn't pleased
@KendallFrey YES! Although a lot of us drive those too. Those are as boring as church.
@RyanKinal yes, but I thought that there are just a few examples he could make...
I race F1 sometimes
In a simulator
My license says I'm 6'3, but my picture is when I was 15 and 5'3 lol
@KendallFrey in a video game? lol
Those are cool cars
and that probably I'll only find 1 or 2 in my life as those
@AaronSiciliano I kick butt
@KendallFrey F1? hell yeah they are cool lol
@AaronSiciliano Yeah, from what they could tell, I smashed a hole in the back of the helmet on a rock, then hit my head just as hard on a tree and the helmet cracked all the way along. Pretty lucky to be alive :D
Was about 6 weeks recovery though
:( 15 year old me was stronger, faster, and taller than 28 year old me
my drivers license says im 5'4
I think thats a generous estimate though
Last night I did a 50% race and was a few seconds from lapping the guy in second
If I hadn't had the penalty I would have
@KendallFrey Have you ever seen a sprintcar race before?
@BenCraig you so tiny :P
!!youtube Indiana Sprint week 2013
@AaronSiciliano nope, what kind of car is it?
oh, gokarts
dirt oval
900hp gokarts yes :D
@towc Pretty much everything is hacked together and inelegant. And it still makes tons and tons of cash. There are many ways to do many things, and a lot of projects involved several different ones. The fact that you always have to get to know new software before modifying it speaks volumes.
More like dune buggies :P
@rlemon :P
watch the video and call them dune buggies again lol
I also have a WRC game. Fuck that's hard
@rlemon Has its benefits sometimes... gonna get carded till im ancient though
Especially without a wheel
@BenCraig I still get carded often
I have a "baby face"
Those are the style racers that Tony Stewert killed that man in
@rlemon you're only 28 though no? Thats not overly surprising
I still am 21... and i look like im 16..... sooo i get carded every time no exceptions
@towc Which, of course, doesn't mean you shouldn't strive for the best code you can write. It's just that the best code you can write right now is always worse than the best code you will write a year from now.
> Cashier: Take it as a compliment
me: yes, because a 28 year old man wants to be told he looks 18. think about it.
Was a very frightening video to see, but it wasn't Tony's fault thankfully for him
@SterlingArcher Yes that is the style car that kyle decided to suicide in
@AaronSiciliano Okay that's just like badass drift racing.
More or less yes Sippy.... except we try out best to keep em straight because its faster
if I were in the states it might not be so bad. but shit man. legal age here is 19. so you're saying I look like a teenager?
Ha, I'm 22, and get told that I look 28. I never get carded
grow a beard
Hahaha i have a beard and im 21 and i get carded every time :D
Carded = ID'd?
everyone should grow a beard
@AaronSiciliano They're gokarts drifting. Also, they need some front-end ballast
I like like im homeless when I grow mine out, Im too lazy to keep it looking decent
none of the men in my family can grow beards. I have one aunt who can, she is the envy of every family reunion
@KendallFrey Why do they need a front-end ballast?
@rlemon Hahahahahahhahaha
@AaronSiciliano They're doing wheelies
@AbhishekHingnikar @SomeGuy (any other indian) Happy independence day guys :D
@AwalGarg do I count?
I'm an indian
@KendallFrey So? you dont steer with the front wheels so who cares lol
@rlemon ummm, maybe. :) u r always free to join and indian party u like.
@KendallFrey They are also picking up the left rear wheel as well :P
@AaronSiciliano uh, what?
@KendallFrey In drifting you control the car with the power not the steering.
@AaronSiciliano Jesus. That's like... "go as fast as you can and hope it goes the right direction"
You control the car with the gas and the brake not the front wheels
@AaronSiciliano I only tried twice... And haven't bought alcohol in over a year, am 19 now and they didn't card me haha.
I have a 2mm beard and 4mm moustache :P
can't wait for next year
@RyanKinal Its like F1 if you dont get the downforce you need you just slide into the wall
I didnt get pinged by @florian is he ok?
But I get carded for smokes every time
Hey all, a quick question. I have a nice javascript library I've made. However my demo page for it is lacking . Anyone got any links to demo template pages that are good at showing code examples with interactivity
There is no downforce on those buggies :L
@Sippy Try drifting with the steering wheel locked.
@Jhawins I've never been carded for smokes. Seriously, grow a beard
@KendallFrey Once you start drifting you can
@AaronSiciliano 900hp? riiiiight
Also, those races just look ridiculous
More like 1,100
And backwards. And upside down.
@KendallFrey Lol, more interesting than Nascar (y)
I drove sprint cars twice, no racing though. They're amazing.
@Jhawins The best engines are putting in 900-950hp yes
Or F1 for that matter
@Sippy well yeah
I hate F1 it's so boring
@Sippy well NO
F1 is fucking intense
@Sippy F1 is not boring!
Have you ever watched touring car racing?
THAT'S racing.
@loosebruce check out some popular github repos like jQuery or node and see how they have their demo pages set up. The best demos include short, concise examples and direct links to helpful API/Doc links
I'd like to watch F1, I think. Just to try it out. Do they stream races online?
@AaronSiciliano I live in Indiana though ;)
@KendallFrey I would be more than happy to drift with the steering wheel locked
And touring cars, for that matter.
Touring cars can smack each other to some degree
Although they're starting to ban that in british touring car champs
Which is boring as fuck
@Sippy Yeah, but it's F1 in slow motion
Once you ban that it's just like watching a bunch of dudes driving cars that are too wide for the track to overtake eachother
Then it's dull
@Jhawins Where in indy are you?
@RyanKinal There's a wealth of content on YouTube. Mostly from video games
@AaronSiciliano Indy would be Indianapolis :P. I'm near Fort Wayne Indiana
Does anyone have a good solution for eye strain?
Yes, because when I said "Watch F1", I definitely meant "Watch F1 video games"
@Jhawins I am aware i was being lazy haha
After a few hours I find I'm sat here fucking squinting at the screen
Haha is cool
@RyanKinal that's pretty interesting too
@Sippy nap time
@Sippy You have f.lux?
@SterlingArcher ; can't see a demo page on their git :(
Just go pass out behind your desk for awhile
@Sippy thanks for posting that sublime screenshot which made me try it... it is pretty awesome (and fast and light too) :D
Oh yeah you are a ways away from me
Oh, and IndyCar racing is nothing like F1. it sucks
@AwalGarg Did I post that? You're welcome
@Jhawins We go race over near the indiana border quite a bit but not the border you live by hahaha
@Jhawins My desk is basically in the center of my office, I cant nap anywhere :(
@AaronSiciliano Oh yeah? Where are you? I'll be in Indy tomorrow actually
@KendallFrey I don't, but I couldn't use it at work anyway
@BenCraig on desk
@Jhawins I am in Springfield, IL
Oh cool.
@Jhawins We will go over and race at Flora, IL a lot, and if we get bored there is always the best tracks ever... alll in IN.
Need to make custom roles authentication for this mvc app
don' wanna >_<
@AaronSiciliano For sure ;). Family lives 3 blocks from the IMS
nap time.
We make ~$900 parking cars in the yard before the brickyard and the 500
@Sippy Been there. I like to refer to these days as "Fuckit Friday"
@Jhawins Brilliant haha
@RyanKinal BTW, racing in a game gives you an appreciation of what's all involved in driving
Ive only got 2 weeks left here, gotta keep looking good
@KendallFrey Oh, I'm aware. I've played racing games. <3 Gran Tourismo.
1 more hour and I can go. Lol
@RyanKinal If you liked GT, try Forza.
@Jhawins I was there the last time they ran F1 and Michael Schumaker won it :D
@AaronSiciliano if you come around and remember there's no harm in shooting me a ping :). I'm here often.
I would, if I had a console that would run it.
@RyanKinal PC?
@RyanKinal That's not F1 though
I didn't realize it was on PC
I have yet to see the F1 stuff. But I like it.
@KendallFrey True.
@Jhawins If you ever want to come check out a race i am in We will be racing over at Flora, IL later on this season. Probably an hour or two from Indianapolis
Wow i just looked it up... 3 hours hahaha
Thats crazy cause its 4 hours from where i live to Indy
@RyanKinal It's not, you know more than I do apparently. :D
@RyanKinal That sucks.
@AaronSiciliano Haha yeah, that's a bit far. How about you shoot me a ping next time you think of it when you cross the Indiana border?
Yeah i raced with Tony Stewart the night before he broke his leg in a car and then i saw him a week and a half ago before all this crap happened. Guy has bad luck
Yeah hey do you know Todd Sherman and team?
@Jhawins Hahaha yeah that sounds better. Although i doubt i will be in the U.S. any longer
Ah they don't do sprints right now actually
Eh. Whatever works
14 mins ago, by rlemon
none of the men in my family can grow beards. I have one aunt who can, she is the envy of every family reunion
^ That, Sir, is probably my favorite quote from you.
I don't know him... A lot of those Indiana guys wont come run with us over here. Our tracks are too afraid to run the format they run.
@dievardump Wow i missed him saying that entirely. That is hysterical
Another three days like today and I'll get my 10,000 rep. W00t.

Silly, I know. Its an OCD outlet, if nothing else.
@JeremyJStarcher nice! I'm a couple thousand behind you lol I don't get rep often
Fake internet points are everything.
@JeremyJStarcher :D i want 10k :( I've only really been active the last week and I've got 150! And I'm a noob who knows nothing about anything!
I'm still far off from 1,000 -- main kills my brain cells, so I don't answer often anymore
@SterlingArcher I don't normally gain rep fast -- I've been here years -- but I've had a good few days for some reason.
Is Google down again? — Robby Cornelissen 3 mins ago
I stopped going on so because no one ever accepts answers ._.
I liked your answer on hidden inputs, Jeremy :P
I feel it got the point across.
@Sippy Once you get 2,000 points, the site gets kinda fun.
Why's that?
I wish I knew how many close votes I've cast
I was worried I was a touch too subtle there. Glad to hear it was good.

As for the 2,000 points -- I kind of enjoy editing posts and cleaning up grammar and questions. Don't do it enough, but I enjoy it.
I do that anyway, mine just have to get accepted.
The number of questions that don't actually read in English is astounding lol
fuck,.... $100
Google translate ftw.
can I get it in my size?
oooo a pizza hoodie!
I don't mind if a question sounds a bit off, or not perfect English. You can make a good question with awkward grammar. Its the

"Its broken! Why it broke?"

that drive me mad.
pizza socks
I'd wear those
@SterlingArcher $0lorem socks (source)
yea I need to fix my servers
then lorempizza will be back up
@JeremyJStarcher I fairly often do that, but I try to post as much of my code as I can, and say what I've tried and what it's doing wrong.
What's the regex to append to the matched string?
prepend sorry
!!s/sorry/not $1/
@rlemon What for?
lmao waaaat
@Sippy Good questions are just as important to this site as good answers.
@SterlingArcher $0 doesn't exist in javascript regex, I think
1 index'd
!!s/(think)/don't $1/
So what does the $ meta character do?
@rlemon @SterlingArcher $0 doesn't exist in javascript regex, I don't $1 (source)
@rlemon @SterlingArcher $0 doesn't exist in javascript regex, I don't think (source)
@SterlingArcher It's an escape
but you need to wrap () for capture
what's being escaped?
The number
!!s/(test)/$1 dat/
@SterlingArcher test dat (source)
Just like "\n" is an escape
foo bar
@rlemon No matching message (are you sure we're in the right room?)
yea I'm not good at this
Ohh, it escapes the 1 so that the 1 is an index pointer?
@NickDugger then lorempizza will be back up (source)
@KendallFrey so using the escape, how can you prepend? I guess $1 appends, but I was aiming for dat test instead of test dat
@JeremyJStarcher Would what I said constitute a good question?
I don't feel so inadequate about my regex capabilities now. We're all retarded.
It replaces the $1 with the text in the first group
@NickDugger Not me
@Cereal It replaces the $1 with the text in the first gr$\1-up (source)
any help with sql , nobody is at sql room?
@Cereal It replaces the $1 with the text in the first gr$1-up (source)
@Cereal It replaces the $1 with the text in the first gr\$1-up (source)
@Sippy Sorry, work at me.
god damn it
I wrote my own replacement string escape sequences for REBEL :)
@user3591637 Ask.
@JeremyJStarcher No worries, just trying not to be a noob on SO :)
@NickDugger @JeremyJStarcher N\o- worries, just trying not to be a noob on SO :) (source)
regex is very confusing =x
I don't think I'll ever be a regpro
it's a write-only language.
I'm considering writing another version of REBEL, with more fancy stuff
@Luggage Nowhere near of a 'write-only-language' as APL. Regexs I can figure out if I need to.
@SterlingArcher y u think so?
i have this query where from the table i want to get the last name( which works)
and the first name, in some places the first name may be like doe/john joe
so i would like it to output john(first_name) doe(last_name)
right(member_name, charindex(' ', member_name) - 1) as first_name,
left(member_name, charindex('/', member_name) - 1) + ' ' as last_name
@AwalGarg not sure how to explain how I don't understand regex, sorry =x

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