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@GNi33 Yeah
always makes me hard smile :P
Hello guys
I need some consulting right now
with debugging freezing IE11, anyone?
I'm trying WinDbg to debug the iexplore.exe process but I got to a dead-end…
that sounds like hell
debug the debugger of IE, gosh what have you done to deserve such pain
Is there any convenient way to find an infinite loop in IE?
I guess my first shot would be to spam console.log()'s
hey guys, what does the following function syntax mean?
!!tell awal google iife
@AwalGarg That's invalid syntax.
@Miszy apart from the missing parenthesis, I assume?
exactly :D
Aug 6 at 17:31, by Sterling Archer
If somebody is new, and doesn't understand what they are asking, don't troll. Help. If you can't help, shut up. That's all I want
it wasn't necessarily a troll
hey I was not trolling, I am serious...
@AwalGarg in short words, its just an anonymous function which gets invoked
since you can't invoke a function without a "name" in statement-form, you need to bring in into an expression form. Thats done via the outer parenthesis
for that matter other things work too
!!> !function(){ console.log('the game'); }()
@jAndy true Logged: "the game"
okk! I get it now! that was a wonderful explanation @jAndy thanks so much!
@AwalGarg really?
@JanDvorak yes absolutely... I was hesitating to ask what the outer parenthesis mean, thinking it might be a stupid question and that doesn't matter, but now I understand it.
function(){}() will force an error, saying pretty much what I just stated SyntaxError: function statement requires a name
@jAndy ok, but why do we need to wrap it in a function? Why not just call the statements inside it?
but (function(){}()) or +function(){}() or -function(){}() turns that statement into an expression
there are several usecases for such constructs. I'd also suggest to read up those from the links above
@SecondRikudo what was that issue you were having about?
execution-order, having a save context are just a few
can anybody suggest a playlist on spotify/grooveshark/youtube for hardcore coding ?
anyone know where is rlemon ?
@rlemon tell customized echo hello
@jAndy depends on what you like
I'm open to all sorts of stuff. I'm sick of all my old lists
I really like some of the "focus" - playlists
@GNi33 I'm looking to display points on the world map based on a stream of data
a lot of very calm stuff as background to concentrate
d3 has convenient libraries for rendering a map, and angular has ng-repeat.
@SecondRikudo sadly, I'm not too familiar with both D3 and angular (something that I have to change once and for all)
@SecondRikudo I would attach "BOMB - AL QUAIDA - TERROR - NUCLEAR" at the end of that line
makes it interesting for the NSA employee to read
@CustomizedName he is on Jupiter!
but I've come across an article, which is about creating directives in angular for d3
not sure if that could help you out?
@jAndy in line with gni's advice - Youtube mix - Bach - Air ("on the G string")
lets see
some people like upbeat music while coding though
all these playlists are very calm
@MGE pick a different advertiser
Hello, I have a problem, I'm using iframes to load ads, and sometimes, in the iframe load an AD that redirects the top parent of my site to carrefour's site. I want to detect that if the iframe is trying to redirect to carrefour.com block it. I know that I can use sandbox in the iframe tag, but it will block all clicks in the advertising.
spotify denies to work.. lawl
@jAndy play.spotify.com/user/spotify_germany/playlist/… or something like this? not sure if you're into this music
@MGE why did you post it twice?
I'm not :D
I know, but there are lots os medias included, and until I detect who is the media that is adding this ad, I want to solve the problem
sorry @JanDvorak, just fixing, but I remember that there is an edit option :/
@MGE you can't
@JanDvorak I read avatar instead of advertiser 3 times now and was wondering what's so wrong about his -.-
1 message moved to recycle bin
@AwalGarg please don't say that - I need his help
@CustomizedName AwalGarg is afk.
since spotify cries that its unable to stream in my network currently, I'll go with Bach
@JanDvorak there is no option to do that?
thanks, we should actually .. have a public google doc or something
with great playlists
to detect where is redirecting the site from the iframe?
@MGE if you can execute your code before the iframe load, you can install a breakpoint into the document location setter
it helps to know how the location is set, though
yes, I have access to the iframe code
then delete the redirect...
any website with information about that?
!!tell mge mdn location
!!tell mge mdn definesetter
@jAndy oh, you like classic while coding? I like that one for that instance -> play.spotify.com/user/ulyssestone/playlist/… (in case your spotify starts working again)
gotta refresh the web-version of spotify here at work at least 3 times too to get it to work btw
won't work for some reason
unable to stream to your network
fuckhole company
@MGE Object.defineProperty is more compatible, but I still recommend using it only to pinpoint the faulty advertiser and kick him.
yes, I know that the best solution is to kick the advertiser, but till I detect who is the company, I want to protect the traffic
Coding playlists: Please add here -> playlists.doc
@MGE neither means of defining setters work in IE8.
You could consider not showing ads in IE8, though
ok, thanks, I prefer to not show ads that redirect all my traffic to carrefour site
or rather than browser-check, test if defining setters works
omg I can't actually understand how to apply this info :/ I will keep investigation, if you know where is any example it would be great :)
only if anyone is into user experience
Q: Navigation for hybrid Apps for Touch Devices + Mouse

Customized NameI am looking for a way to let user navigate to a more detailed view of a entity. Since this is a hybird app e.g. used by touch and mouse devices. What would be the best way to add a navigation button for taking user to more detailed view ? Here is an example view from internet, list + details...

guys is there js to get the next element from dom?
@AwalGarg nextSibling
@AwalGarg jQuery does that by .next() I believe
!!mdn nextSibling
@CapricaSix @JanDvorak why mdn use document.write ? xD
@AwalGarg eugh
you can suggest an edit
@JanDvorak I asked because maybe this nextSibling thing is pretty old and might now be considered... as you call it: "ugly"... and that is why document.write is used with it...
You're an asshole. Why not link to a "How Javascript works" book? — user1111111111 2 mins ago
10% packet loss is pretty bad for a cabled connection, right?
1% packet loss is bad
@AwalGarg Done, now uses console.log()
@SecondRikudo thank you, my lord!
loss is bad
what's the recieve power level I should expect on my modem? I have 1.5dBmV receive / 38.5 dBmV transmit.
@JanDvorak Over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!
Member since August 12, 2014
lol, Madara! You hate doc.write so much that you had to signup today itself to change it?
Had to be said.
I didn't know signal strength was a thing in cable connections
My life is ruined with D3 issues. :-/
Can you fix your life by simply not using D3 ?
I no longer have chat timeouts, has to be said, though
@dystroy I wish. But this project already uses D3 and tons of developers involved in it.
guys, if I flag a question as duplicate, would it count as a close vote in the required 5 votes to close a question?
@AwalGarg it counts as a close flag
oh man are you sure , ha ha — paritosh 43 secs ago
@JanDvorak so if 5 people flag it to be closed, would it be closed?
@AwalGarg No
why not?
When you flag a question to be closed, the immediate thing that happens is that it goes to the review queue.
@SecondRikudo it gets better with edit:
oh man are you sure , ha ha. javascript has concept of prototypal class. that is why I said kind of class not exactly a class. it is not exactly a class but it can treated as class — paritosh 3 mins ago
ohh! ok...
If it get more than one flag, I believe it goes to the moderator flag queue
@JanDvorak y u no tell me nextElementSibling but nextSibling?
or that
Hey guys
I am using jquery mobile
and need to bind custom ajax calls
jquery makes mobiles? waaat?
I guess this one can't end well, let's close it :
Q: Javascript files won't reload? Ubuntu 12.04

user3933264I have this problem with my web server will not reload our javascript files when we eg overwrite with a new one, if for example, we have made ​​a mistake in the previous file. If we just throw a file on top of the same name, update the file does not, we will have to create a new file with a diff...

the $(document).ready(); doest trigger cause it JQM fetches everything through ajax
So i have custom ajax
but I can't bind it
is their mobile frramework
!!tell we0 jquery ajaxend
or rather,
@SecondRikudo here Madara developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/…, developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/…, add something more to your young edit history...
!!tell we0 jquery holdready
@JanDvorak Looks good, but how would I implement it?
Maybe I can hold it til after load event in jqm...
Q: Javascript: How to iterate on array using promises?

Misha MoroshkoLIVE DEMO Given the following function: function isGood(number) { var defer = $q.defer(); $timeout(function() { if (<some condition on number>) { defer.resolve(); } else { defer.reject(); } }, 100); return defer.promise; } and an array of numbers (e.g. [3, 9,...

Meh, can't figure it out, not a good js :(
^Is where he lists events and how JQM handles the DOM
But can't figure out how it works
Hi guys, is it possible to check who up-votes me serially?
probably your alt account
@ziGi with javascript?
@Kippie very mature Kippie
so what interest does someone have to serially upvote me?
@ziGi your alt accounts do
by alt you mean like I have 2-3 accounts that do that
must be some girl who got flattened on your lovely writing style! dear zigi :D
do you think I would be that stupid to do that?
seriously, you are insulting me right now
@AwalGarg I am sure that must be it :D
Not insulting
just trolling
getting back to the issue at hand
var Example = function(){};
Example.prototype.Properties = {};
Object.defineProperty(Example.prototype.Properties, "Option1", {
    enumerable: true,
    configurable: false,
    get: function () {
        return this.strOption1;
    set: function (value) {
        this.strOption1 = value;
Example.prototype.Properties.Option1 = '';

var example1 = new Example();
example1.Properties.Option1 = "Example 1";
var example2 = new Example();
example2.Properties.Option1 = "Example 2"; // In here, It changes the value of the "example1.Properties.Option1". What should I do to prevent 
(see full text)
I see
In the Last Line, It changes the value of the "example1.Properties.Option1". What should I do to prevent from changing "example1 values"?
gajotres.net/… the writer explains JQM DOM workings, can't figure out which one would help me bind things after page loads
sh***, I don't have the hammer on all tags :(
@ziGi so many zigis in there :D j/k
Can no one help me? :(
@dystroy Mjolnired
somebody knows how to block the location redirect via setters?
@SecondRikudo Oh, you're a PHP hammerer. Congrats. Well. Some kind of congrats :)
@dystroy I'm working to become a JS hammer as well
Need 92 more points in JS
@MGE You might want to make that clearer
So if there's any canonical that needs be written, lemme know :P
I'd rather not whore on jQuery question :(
@AwalGarg haha yeah
Is possible to handle a directive's template from a controller?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's to bad you can't use .race or .any for that Promise iteration question, especially .race could/should have an option to race to the first successful promise ( pretty beside the fact that he is using $q off course... )
@WillemD'haeseleer yup
Well, what OP has minus the deferred isn't that bad actually
If he's not allow to do it concurrently
which I feel like he should, but I don't know off course
!!urban sugar honey ice tea
@SecondRikudo Sugar Honey Ice Tea Another way of saying the word "Shit." By the first letters of the four words spelling out the word SHIT.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think you are forgetting to pass in your array to $.when in your answer
Or I am misunderstanding it
I am
It's in closure scope
No you're not , I just hadn't used $q.when().then yet
I mean, your right
TIL you can use $q.when as a substitute for the missing $q.resolve, interesting
Funny one :
Q: Is there any way to get only the unnamed arguments?

Emil LundbergIn JavaScript functions, arguments is an array-like object containing all arguments to the function, whether they are named or not: function f(foo, bar) { console.log(arguments); } f(1, '2', 'foo'); // [1, "2", "foo"] Is there a way to get only the arguments that are not named, so you coul...

@dystroy what does [].somethingSomething mean?
@AwalGarg Shorthand for Array.prototype.somethingSomething
kk... where to learn all of these at once?
It's because arguments isn't an array, so I can't do arguments.slice, but as it has indexed arguments and a length I can still call the slice function on it
@AwalGarg How to easily learn what we all learnt the hard and long way ?
The only way is to code.
mdn needs to buy that link
@dystroy ok, what is the hard and long way?
@AwalGarg code
@rlemon lol
You almost made me comically spray my drink all over my monitor
@dystroy but I won't know that [].someThing is something just by coding in a nutshell... wud I?
@AwalGarg code more
and well... answer SO questions. And I've been told you can learn some things by hanging in the so js chat room awesome miaou chat rooms
answering SO questions is huge
especially when you have to learn something new to be able to answer them
Yeah, there are tags on which I knew about nothing before I decided to follow them just to learn
@dystroy I GOTS TO KNOW
@SecondRikudo Which ones ? I won't tell
RIP Montel Williams
!!define nugger
@Cereal It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words.
I ain't got time for your sass, cap
@rlemon developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… even there, there is no mention that [].something = Array.prototype.something...
@CapricaSix ain't ain't come with a ' ?
@AwalGarg the same as Object.prototype.x === {}.x
@AwalGarg [] is an instance of Array, so naturally it has all properties of arrays
@AwalGarg the same as /./.x === RegExp.prototype.x
@dystroy but I come to know that now when you tell me, so where did you learn it from?
you already know how to do ['1', '2'].slice(1), so it means there's a property ['1', '2'].slice whose value is a function
and that function is available on all arrays, for example []
kk, nice way to learn - speculation...
first you must understand what .prototype is
then it will make more sense
@rlemon I know .prototype
speculate, test, observe, knowledge.
ok so, for Function, is there ().somethingSomething?
() isn't a function
:( how?
because it isn't?
why isn't a parrot a glass of orange juice?
@JanDvorak "function call() {\n [native code]\n}"
Eich wouldn't have found a better answer than rlemon
@rlemon dat edit...

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