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man, I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around some UI stuff
SPA gets confusing
If you return the site and you are logged in on the server, how should I handle syncing it up?
Too general to answer
SE would just reload when the client finds it has stale information
Oops, had to afk
I was thinking store a flag in localStorage and then I can make a request to verify they are still logged in and update their info
That's one of the two hard problems in computer science.
chicken/egg stuff?
cache invalidation
I mean, I don't know how to visually represent it
Cache (in)validation, naming things and off-by-one errors.
ah, yeah. like in your user description haha
Q: Simulating tremor (from e.g. Parkinson's Disease) with the mouse on a webpage?

Joshua MuheimI'm working for a foundation which raises awareness for accessibility in the internet. For a presentation, we want to offer a small workshop which simulates different disabilities/impairments to "normal" people. This is done via a website created especially for this presentation. One of the demo...

Pretty interesting
well, my first question is how to make the cache to begin with. It's easiest to keep an object as an angular service and update / change it (so that the changes populate everywhere), so do I just cache it to localStorage on the beforeunload event?
I'm thinking that if I display that when they login, make the request to sync everything up, then update when request comes back, everything should be fine. I doubt they could do anything that would break stuff in the mean time....
unless the server's not responding anyway
if the server isn't responding, you have much bigger problems.
right, which means I don't have to worry about that one haha
You should still handle it gracefully
Hi gang,
just saw guy using if(!!var){}
double "!!"
what's the point
forcing bool?
Yes, but it doesn't make sense in the context
@IGRACH It's forced automatically.
yes I know
@IGRACH Yes, it forces a bool, but in that context it does nothing.

on the other hand, `var isSomethingTrue == !!someOtherValue;` makes sense.
it was wierd
Gotta love it when you get into the office, open your email and at the top of the list is URGENT: IE8 JavaScript Error
FSM, people still use IE?
@JeremyJStarcher thx
!!urban FSM
I've heard of IE. Didn't that die out back in the 1880's or so?
@monners At least you're in Wednesday already
lol, true. Hello from the future!
@JeremyJStarcher You'd think the users would…
Damn, advancements in the Health industry…
@CapricaSix agree
Listening to people complain about IE6 makes me feel old. At its time, IE6 was the most standards compliant browser out there.

Then again, I'm so old I even remember web-safe colors...
@JeremyJStarcher wat
@copy wat? to which part?
ye IE6 was breakthrough -)
We've moved on
it had ajax before brodband
So did my kitchen sink
@JeremyJStarcher What standards
@copy It supported CSS 1 and a fair chunk of CSS 2, which was a major break through compared to its equals at the time -- being Netscape Navigator 3. If you've never written code to support Netscape then you've never truly suffered.
@monners iseewhatyoudidthar
I remember buying Netscape at a video rental store.
Now neither exists.
IE6 vs NetScape in a modern web -- this was in interesting read
@JeremyJStarcher IE 6 was more often compared to Firefox 1, 1.5 and 2.0
@copy True, but Firefox came out later
You have to compare IE6 against its rival at the time of its release, which would have been Netscape, and it beat Netscape hands down.

Yes, browsers that came along better were better than IE. Thats a duh-ism.
Elite Dangerous with the RIFT DK2 friggin AMAZING
so far best experience, man now Valve needs to update their sdk vs I want to play TF2 and HL2 using it
@Loktar you are going to make me spend so much money
check that out
samsung is making one too
looks like you just throw your phone in
but better than the box one
So it's like Cardboard
that looks like swimming goggles
can someone help me understand where this fix is supposed to go?
@monners what version of hammer are you using?
Let me check
Hammer.JS - v2.0.1 - 2014-07-15
@phenomnomnominal Looks like it's the Object.create method that's cracking the shits
@monners yeah, the source has changed a LOT since that issue
Hmmm, Object.keys is now complaining
Ok, so far I've had to polyfill Object.create, Object.keys and String.trim

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