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Don't tell me.. more drama
@FlorianMargaine "we can see where the flags come from (in the websocket frames)" what?
This WP dev... smh
@Gordon yeah, we reported that a couple weeks ago on meta iirc
^ witness
No, that doesn't mean they're firing you because you finish work and leave. That means you're an asshat lol
but the type is 2 and the userid is in the frame
so we know who flags what
This guy could be zigi
if u hold a unix shell up to ur ear, u can hear the c
He's that annoying haha
@Retsam I don't get it :(
@Retsam <3
ok, so can someone fill me in on the drama here?
@Jhawins I'm not sure I understand. Is there context I'm missing?
posted on August 06, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by requiem75020 */

Oh. Yeah oops
@Gordon you will only get one side of the story though, still interested?
@FlorianMargaine yes
(I probably won't be able to tell you, I'm about to leave work.)
> You gotta admit there is a lot of waste doing knowledge work based on time. If we can do the work in less time why do we still expect to be held to 40 hours of time?
@FlorianMargaine It's a pun on the common idea that if you hold a seashell up to your ear, you can hear the sea.
@Retsam oh, thanks
He's saying he just wastes time to fill his 40hours and there's no solution to that and the economy and how we get paid is broken.
@Jhawins So, what is the relation to being fired because you're an asshat?
@Gordon where to start. If it's what im thinking, we're having "stalker" issues. Yesterday zigi (not the account I know, but copies, allegedly him) spammed my questions and answers calling me an asshole, etc etc.
The issue in general is, we mute somebody, and they get upset and star spam us, spam our Main site material, and in one extreme case even off-site stalking occured.
I bet it was Jhawins
@RyanKinal He says if you leave work after your work is done, 99% of the time you will quickly get fired.
I think it's happened to him... And the reason they'd fire you is because your work wasn't actually done
We get flagged all the time by people who do not contribute to the conversation, and most of the flags are just revenge and are invalidated or invalid worthy
Nobody says "you POS you finished all your work! You're fired!"
@Gordon basically, someone is being annoying on the room. Just trolling and annoying everybody. So we mute him, and he just flags in chat to keep being annoying.
lmfao. I leave early all the time.
Yeah, me too.
Frankly it's making the room look bad and makes for more off-topic annoying conversation than actual good conversation.
But I understand the idea that there's always more to do.
We still help people left and right, but the second we dont answer because the guy/girl is annoyingly asking for help, we're the bad guys.
It sucks really.
For instance, I'm rewriting poorly-written code right now, because I'm between official projects.
Right right. But. Have you seen me complaining about all the other stupid stuff "that WP dev" does? This is that guy
Did I miss anything, guys?
I think you covered most of it
@Jhawins I think I missed that bit
Er... those bits
and it looks like he has another account in case he's muted, so that he can keep going. Just look at this conversation earlier, it's clearly trolling: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/18135507#18135507 (read his, mine, and rlemon's messages.)
@RyanKinal Ah ok. He thought JSON was a programming language. He is ~35 and has been a "programmer" for 8 years
@Jhawins Oooh... I see...
Like, he asked me how to do something in JSON.
@jmort253 there are numerous grunt tasks that beautify code on commit.
And I had to subtly find out if he was bad at wording or if he had no idea what he was saying. It was the latter
We have that as part of our integration
ok. thanks.
That still kills me XD
@Gordon is something finally going to be done? it's becoming obvious our room owner powers do jack against trolls that are dedicated, and this isn't the first time you've been here for the same issues.
@Gordon as I said, it's our part of the story, so just check with him. And think that both sides can lie.
Gorgon v. Trolls. #fightnight
i dont know if sth will be done. gonna hear the other side of the story first.
@jmort253 also, jQuery deferreds are horrible
@SterlingArcher finally got around to reading that brotherband book. Thanks for letting me know it was out
and off I go
@jmort253 You should most definitely not have singletons in JavaScript. Ever.
Fair enough. I'm hoping we can see/hear what the other party says
@SomeKittensUx2666 o/
This is kinda old... But on the same subject as HUD stuff yesterday sorta.
That's truly an amazing idea.
@BenCraig I hope you're enjoying it!
@SomeKittensUx2666 hai
!!urban sth
@SomeKittensUx2666 sth s'n'n, sumthn, somethin, something
@BenjaminGruenbaum I will google that. Thank you.
@jmort253 I left a comment on your answer but if you're here we can chat about it, there is a lot of good but also some stuff to be desired
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hmmm, it is listed as a pattern in The Essential Design Patterns book: addyosmani.com/resources/essentialjsdesignpatterns/book/…
@jmort253 so is module. Just because it's a pattern doesn't mean you should use it :)
You should recognize it and know about it, but Singletons are one of the most abused anti-patterns in software development.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Same could be said about blanket-not-using something.... but I'd love to hear thoughts....
I used to have a problem with singletons but I've gotten better
@jmort253 Let's try something: Tell me what problem singletons solve.
@Meredith Haha you sound like you are in recovery :)
For example: Iterators solve the problem of iterating an iterable collection without knowing its internals at all so you can iterate a map, array, list etc all the same way.
Singletons solve the problem of having to think
@BenjaminGruenbaum In my case, it has helped to avoid the need to constantly re-instantiate objects created via the constructor pattern. Helpful for things like Channel or Socket.IO connections... things you only want to initialize one time.
Singletons solve the problem of sharing state ;-)
I generally don't refactor an object as a singleton unless it's something that... well... we only want instantiated once.
@jmort253 why do you need to re-instantiate objects though?
You kind of instantiate them once and then then give objects that need access to them access to them by passing them as parameters.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeh, that is one thing I've considered doing.
Also known as dependency injection. If one object needs another - it is passed to it instead of that object having to create it. Control is inverted.
State is controlled since only objects with explicit references to an object have access ot it.
A singleton is a way to share global state like Ryan said. It is effectively a global variable only crufted.
I don't disagree with you on that, and we may eventually refactor in that manner.
Misko Havery wrote that article I linked you to about how they cause bad things - like global variables do. Having global mutable state in your app is never good and almost never a must.
I'm quite familiar with IoC from Spring (Java) and other similar frameworks. (I think AngularJS uses IoC too)
Every framework uses IoC.. Although Angular also does dependency injection with a container.
A lot of this was new to us... we knew we didn't want to go down the route of DOM manipulations mixed in with AJAX and DB calls....
Oh, of course.
Also, what you describe isn't really MVC, MVC is being used as a blanket term for SoC
Singletons are useful for mediating a limited resource. Say you want a client to only have a single socket connection, you'd have a singleton for that. Then objects that need to interact with the resource would do it through the singleton.
@doingweb no, you'd have a single instance and a semaphore to control who gets it.
There are definitely mistakes along the way (there always are) but overall I'm so far happy with the results... Not sure I'd do it again though.... I see folks having success with Backbone.js in our org.
Backbone.js is horrible :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Certainly. But you'd have the singleton mediate that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know little about it.... we tried a little AngularJS, and got burned hard by the fact that it wants to constantly tear down and rebuild the DOM....
That abstraction that handles DB calls the same way as local storage and web calls by the way - that's a promise. That's what $.Deferred aims to solve only real promises also do chaining and error handling exceptionally well and are a gagillion times better.
@doingweb most definitely not.
someone worked on solving that though.. with a custom ngRepeat directive, but I don't think it's made it to the trunk yet....
@jmort253 you don't have to use frameworks. I usually don't.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeh, for this project, our boss really wanted us to go framework-less
monring gnets
so my architecture was intended to supplement that somewhat... I didn't want to write something we couldn't maintain...
@jmort253 it's important to understand the _problems, it's good that you understand why you need separation of concerns that's the most major thing ever in UI design, there are other things though.
I've learned a lot in the process, thanks to the folks in this room to some extent as well as the folks I linked to in that Programmers SE post.
Great :)
@Shmiddty morning Smihddty
am I the only person ever that is sick as fuck of the assassins creed franchise? I need them to just stop.
why did I think I was able to handle fast food
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do feel things are going faster now.... there was a lot of up front time spent figuring out how to organize code.
how the hell do people eat this crap on a daily basis?
@NickDugger I haven't played them too much.. but everytime I do they are the same thing it seems..
I need to go sit down...
But I now have these "hooks" in different places where I can tie in and easily change things without having to touch other parts of the code.
@NickDugger 1 was ok, 2 and 4 were good.
@jmort253 that's good :)
Well, off with the dog
!!afk Hello yes, this is dog
@BenjaminGruenbaum o/
1 was great, when it came out, but had low replay value. 2 was amazing, but they kept doing the same character, same gameplay, over and over. They ruined their own series.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Enjoy. We'll have to pick each other's brain more sometime. ttyl
I miss the old days, guys.
@rlemon practice!
@Cereal rlemon is afk.
is it bad practice to do (func(window){...})(unsafeWindow || window)?
New Gauntlet game coming out for PC in September. Now I'm definitely missing out for not having a good pc.
@NickDugger Gauntlet as in Gauntlet Legends?
Yeah, that series.
I loved that game so much as a young boy
except on playstation
it sucked on playstation
@Shmiddty Lies and slander!
I loved it, for sure. Played that shit on N64.
did you ever play it on N64?
it was way better on the 64.
Yeah, that's where I played it.
@Retsam the playstation version had like 50% of the monster density. it felt so slow and sluggish
@BenjaminGruenbaum Here's an example of what I'm talking about: stackoverflow.com/questions/20274307/…
@doingweb BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: Hello yes, this is dog
@Shmiddty Ah, no; I didn't play the N64 version. It was probably better, if you say so, but that doesn't mean the PS version "sucked".
Granted, I mostly played Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, iirc.
@jmort253 you made me investigate further, found there is a st2 plugin for jsbeautifier.org
@Retsam it sucked, relative to arcade and N64
Gauntlet was a great "cooperative" multiplayer, and by "cooperative" I mean "I picked the fastest character so I could run around grabbing items my teammates probably wanted".
You might notice JSFiddle slowdowns as we're currently being bombarded with an insane number of spammy fiddles…
hahah look at the reply chain
Dark legacy was gamecube, right? That one was basically a remake of Legacy, so it was still really good. I heard the one for 360 sucked, though
@jsfiddle Probably the guys over at jsbin hammering you.
@2ndClassClown erhum. I don’t think so, thank you very much! @jsfiddle we’ve been there. Hope you get well soon.
made me chuckle
lol thats awesome
@NickDugger Yeah. It was basically an expansion to Legends.
ok, can you please unmute ziGi. I discussed the situation with ziGi and with other mods and we currently do not see enough evidence to maintain the muting. Just mod flag again if there should be any further incidents.
so rooms are not allowed to gallery?
basically give him a chance to prove he's not the troll
this has been ongoing for over a week
Hes had so many chances
so if he finds another rude similarity, should we go straight for an offensive flag?
@Gordon seriously. I've been complaining about this for a while. you can control our access if you like, but that is a serious kick in the face
@rlemon rooms are allowed to go gallery. I am just asking you to give him another chance. I cannot force you to do that. Or maybe I could, but I dont want to.
@Shmiddty I enjoyed it more on the dreamcast :P
I've (personally) given him another chance and stood up for him in the room. I can find the messages
they go back a while.
its been going on over a month iirc
i am downloading age of empires 2 hd
maybe longer..
@Loktar it was on the dreamcast? all I ever played on that was the 3d sonic game and wave racer
yeah its one of my fav games on the DC
lets play age of empires on 1080p :D
Such a great game
only thing that's worse than age of empires is civ
and maybe diablo 2
@Loktar what do you think about the game called : drumrolls prince of persia warrior within ?
is there anything else comparable to that on pc ? /console i know but the POP style fights i miss .
@Gordon if there's no proof that zigi is the troll who has been spamming our accounts (I don't care if he is or isn't), is there anything to be done? If it's not zigi, who is it? How can we stop it? We're sick of being trolled past muting somebody.
Whether it's the damn star spam script somebody ran, or throwing nasty answers on our questions posed as others.. I'm sick of it. I just want to learn JavaScript with some cool people and all this drama happens.
And it's not the cool people who teach me, I'll tell you that.
the positive contributors to this room (and the most prevalent) are annoyed and fed up with said user. keep that in mind. I'm done.
!!afk redic.
For what it's worth, I don't think Zigi is a troll and I'm not fed up with him. He can b an idiot but I don't think he's beyond salvation.
On that those, I'm not fed up with zigi personally, just the trolling in general we are getting in the past few weeks.
@AbhishekHingnikar its on the PC I own it :P
@SterlingArcher we are investigating into that.
@Loktar which game ?
ah :-O u telling me u never played POP 2 ?
Prince of Persia Warrior within
@Gordon cool, I'll leave it at that then. I trust y'all to do a good job and let us know what's up. Very much appreciated.
The Darksiders series is a more recent series that is similiar
god dang couldn't get my engrish right.
I prefer the GoW series (God of War) so much fun
I've only played the first GoW, but it was pretty cool. Not really my thing, though
I still need to beat 3, and ascension
beat 1 and 2, and the 2 psp ones
does sudo apt-get install node
but I'm too caught up in Last of Us
also install npm?
My userscript no longer works after I've migrated from Chrome to Firefox and updated, but there's no error in the console. Lovely.
man I love Last of Us multiplayer
@FutuToad try it.
I've been so disconnected for gaming for the past couple of years. The last game that I bought brand-new, right when it came out, was Skyrim
It's so easy to check...
user image
@jAndy we're all talking about games.
Just thought I'd let you know.
what are the difference between all the parse services anyway?
... and a debugger statement that definitely should trigger doesn't
EVOLVE is a quiet alright game btw :p
it looks amazing
Does Firefox do some interesting stuff to prevent userscripts from inserting scripts into the document? (cc @phenomnomnominal, who donated the injector that used to work)

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