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:3 just thinkin of you brah!
just lost it
damn I totally forgot how time consuming gf can be
I literally have the feeling I'm not able to manage anything meaningful anymore :p
@jAndy so true
@jAndy so.. you're complaining you have a gf now?
I wouldn't dare that... I'm afraid gf will spot me
I thought you were getting all beefcake for a reason.
So I can't drive a nail on the wall and I had to put the air conditioning in a weird spot and way
gf is spinning and fitness coach, kicks my ass whenever the fuck she's pleased
Do you think it's dangerous? xD
@rlemon what is this? lol....
rlemon doesn't only code js :D
@SufiDeveloper Yes
I am a master GIMPer
I've also started 'face merging'
got @Loktar and @TylerH
The colour could use some work.
lol show it
can you make something out of........ my gravatar? :D
@Psychemaster What for? It seems lose but it really isn't (I put another lace from inside out). Maybe it's dangerous because I have a radiator below
Looks like a Troll a bit
or Orc
from WC3
scares the crap out of me
Wow that girl looks like one of my friends
His female friend also resambles him a bit
I think we can use this pic to scare the one who can't be named :D
... and that means.. that @Loktar wife must be pretty effin' scared too
@Loktar did you show it the woman in the pic? :P
haha no I will when I get home
don't ! :P
@rlemon the alien you just pissed off was crying in the hinduism room :D jk
he's playing AOE
if he's crying it is because some kid just kicked his ass :P
whats that?
!!is rlemon a kid?
a magical thing impossible to google on your own ;)
!!define AOE
@SufiDeveloper My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
Age of Empires
!!google AOE game
ain't nobody got that much time to google a three letter abbreviation of a game name?
Time is money and money is business.
!!tell sufi the best game in the world
@AbhishekHingnikar Command the does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
I answer "No" because its shorter than "Yes" @AwalGarg
!!tel sufi the best game in the world
@sufi the best game in the world
from where do people get such weird quotes?
!!tell SufiDeveloper youtube "AOE2 Music"
!!tel me I am great
@jAndy Command i does not exist. Did you mean: hi, t (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@me I am great
I made another command
tel is an alias to echo
Yes I know that but didn't remember it was abbreviated to something like AOE :)
but adds a @ to the start
!!tel me something nice
@me something nice
!!tel AbhishekHingnikar you are stupid
@rlemon I demand an answer
@AbhishekHingnikar Command you does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@AbhishekHingnikar you are stupid
@AbhishekHingnikar no need to say.
@GNi33 to?
@rlemon tell must have first/second person to third person conversion
no it shouldn't
@rlemon you know exactly what I'm talking about ಠ_ಠ
@AbhishekHingnikar saw the american vid???
ok guys
!!s/demand/much desire/
@jAndy @rlemon I much desire an answer (source)
makes more sense that way
holy shit this is exciting
anyone here ever use uncss?
I just reduced my sites stylesheet from 174kb to 24kb
Do you know what I can do with a bunch of CRTs apart from using them as a bomb (not that I want, but I can't imagine another use)? I need to free my room
no but i've attempted similar tools
they all didn't work
@Loktar like a minifier for css ?
@jAndy its not a minifier, it renders it using phantomjs
un-css is great
then gets rid of unused styles
I had bootstrap included, fontawesome
make a wall of CRT's
less hat, ect.
and it got rid of all the styles I wasn't using
@Loktar i dare you to open that video
there is only one caveat, if the styles are added at runtime you need to add them to the ignore list
and not play age of empires today x)
@Loktar seems like a great tool for lazy fools then :P
@AbhishekHingnikar haha I'm too into Last of Us at the moment :P
why would you have one gigantic css file with unused styles in the first place
@jAndy dude.. imagine going through bootstrap and removing unused styles omg
@rlemon LOL at that! My room is small haha
this game got me out of Crysis 3 @Loktar
or fontawesome
that would be so tedius lol
I was never a fan of RTS games -- I'm not so great at them. I loved Red Alert 3, though
@jAndy basically because of frameworks and plugins
we still use frameworks and plugins in this place ???
oh sorry then
*This product is a method for the reuse of Cathode Ray Tube computer monitors as HDTVs. It is an appliance that takes HD signals from antenna, cable or video devices and converts them to VGA signals, letting the CRT display a high-quality image. Using this product, millions of CRT monitors—that otherwise would be dispose of as E-Waste—can be reused, which helps the environment.*

@jAndy :P
what cool
@jAndy I just assumed a tried and tested responsive framework would do better than one I tried to roll on my own in a matter fo 2 weeks
@jAndy yep, and I won't stop doing that
I mean you surely dont roll your own glyphs do you??
I love back-end frameworks (for obvious reasons), but I feel like front-end frameworks just get in my way.
just reducing font awesome down to the 4 styles I was using was worth it
don't confuse my philosophy !!!! TOO MUCH jQUERY
I'll randomly throw that at you otherwise
I remember a day when @jAndy promoted jQuery like it was his first born
@SufiDeveloper thats awesome
I'm still pondering why it is "client side CODING" but "server-side PROGRAMMING"
somehow I feel offended
@rlemon I'm a little sarcastic right now so... don't believe my words :P
Im still pondering why people think front end frameworks get in the way... apparently there are people in the world who have never dev'd for more than one browser let alone diff versions. :P
> Make this work in IE6 and chrome 20 plis, and don't use jQuery
I'm still in the room, no need to treat me like an elephant.
@Loktar they get in the way when you don't have a clue what you are doing
> go fuck yourself
but then again, if you have no clue what you are doing... everything gets in your way
^ my response to my quoted hypothetical question
meh, even jquery doesn't fix everything
making anything work in IE6
Sorry, I don't work in prehistory
IE-Sex and IE-Nein
@AbhishekHingnikar Yeah :D I have one CRT which is huge and it would be awesome to have a HDTV without spending a cent. Just have to hope it doesn't explode when I open it
@Psychemaster you must not have done web dev long :P
I've not had to make anything work in anything below ie8, since I'm still pretty new to programming.
@Psychemaster but your top tag is vb[.net] ???
@Loktar thanks for clarifying, I was tearing up
I'm talking about a few years ago when IE6 was still supported
IE8 doesn't support change event on radio buttons
and clicking the label doesn't check the button in the for attribute
ugh IE8 is the new ie6 for sure, and jquery is no silver bullet by any means, but knowing when to use a framework is key.
I was like... wtf
oh god, IE change - hacks were amongst the worst
@Loktar especially when jquery is a library
@Loktar easy - flash.
but lets not limit front end framework discussion to jquery lets talk about angular
@rlemon I may still suck at a lot of concepts in JS (and programming in general), but that's because I'm new. Keep giving me a hard time, but don't dismiss me as a retard, lol
@rlemon had to use that in a recent project
@rlemon I work in vb.net by necessity, not by choice.
@SufiDeveloper j,,
@NickDugger when did I say anything to you?
would you roll your own MV* framework @NickDugger instead of using one of the many good ones out there
I guess.. my worst feelings about web-dev over the past 4 years have something to do with change-events in general
@jAndy The Game
I have no clue what the fuck you are on about
and dealing with click events at the same time
@Psychemaster meh. Every language sucks anyway, you'll never work in great languages like Lisp or Ada
!!define j,,
@SufiDeveloper It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words.
@rlemon Don't even worry about it, brah
IE6 is .02% of my company's site's traffic! WOOOOOO! \o/
That's, like, practically 0!
we get more IE7 than IE8
haha nice @RyanKinal grats!
we just dropped IE8 support here
but both combined don't even make up enough users to support them
what would you do if you owned a popular international TV channel?
IE9 is such a dream compared to IE6-8 oh my
We're under 5% for IE8... which is cool
except broadcasting not to use IE
lately the android browser has been my personal IE6
@AwalGarg I would be ballin'
@AwalGarg bring back music videos
Promote my own political views and persuade people, psychologically
@Loktar are you talking about client-side MVC, like angular? Or do you mean any MVC framework, in general? I said that I love back-end frameworks (I use Sails in personal projects)
screw the android browser its such garbage.
@Loktar it's even worse at times
yea... IE9 is like pneumonia
compared to cancer you'll love it
@NickDugger I mean front end like angular/ember/backbone
I cursed about this piece of sh*t so freaking much
@GNi33 haha yeah I've been doing that for the last 2 weeks
@Loktar heh
do you know android stock browser supports CORS?
@Loktar I have yet to be apart of a use-case where those frameworks would even be useful.
@rlemon eh? aren't they still there?
well, it does, but it needs additional headers in the response.
@Loktar probably did something with a canvas on it I guess?
horrible... horrible
@Mosho wats dat?
@NickDugger just wait until you are a part of a large frontend project then, they are extremely useful
@NickDugger you are admit-tingly young in the industry
frameworks === IoC === RAD
@GNi33 no, making all of our sites here at work responsive
Hehe... tingly...
Yes I am, and I'm well aware.
in larger teams it is the only real way to keep control over the codebase
haha I do real web dev at my day job @GNi33 :P
@Loktar okay, bad enough... but have fun with the canvas tag
I have so much to learn, but I love to learn, so it works out great for me
and embedding that stuff in a webview for an android app afterwards
haha @NickDugger don't confuse learning with not using a framework
Angular contains LOTS to learn
hell, I constantly wanted to dropkick little children in the month I had to do this
don't be pig headed is all we're saying - be open to using tools that you might have otherwise raised your nose at
don't dismiss them before you give them a chance.
@rlemon exactly
Oh my, what did I walk in on, lol.
@RyanKinal IE 999.1 is 0.10% of mine supposedly
I've had this conversation about a million times with folks...
Even when starting out? I learned jQuery before understanding anything in JS, and it held me back. Shouldn't I learn without frameworks before trying to use one?
@Jhawins lol, that's awesome
@jmort253 it never ends
@jmort253 it comes up pretty often lol
@NickDugger no not saying that at all, just what I gather from your comments is all frameworks are bad and you will never use them
Held you back from what, exactly?
Just curious
@NickDugger I have to say, I was pretty pig-headed about not using tools at first, until I saw that our freaking web-designers could out-code me
Damn. We have like no traffic from IE anymore! :D
Then, I became an advocate for them across the organization.
Probably because I stopped supporting it and when people call and have problems for the last 8 months I say "you just need to update or get a new browser" haha
@jmort253 meh. Adding a dependency in a project is ok if it helps, but it needs a discussion first.
and it depends
Just nope. It's your fault, not mine, I'm not fixing it. Get a better browser.
lol what the hell is ie 999.1?
@rlemon Some idiot user of our site
@FlorianMargaine there are definitely times not to use it.
for example, there are people who will add a jquery plugin instead of writing 10 lines of JS. Well, fuck you, you're going to write these 10 lines. You spend more time looking for the jquery plugin than writing the code.
@rlemon the next version of stupidity.
When I write any website embed code, I don't use any frameworks and minimal libraries....
@rlemon A scary thought.
less conflicts with the unknown environment I cannot control...
ie11 is a great browser - I don't have to question support. I know it is modern. I still prefer Chrome
I just feel that frameworks remove the need for good developers, because anyone can read a framework's documentation, and put pieces together. It takes a real understanding of the code to be able to build your own pieces. And maybe that view is still correct, but it doesn't work in a business environment, where everything is results oriented, and not so much about who can write better code.
IE has FINALLY got their shit together. sucks that they sucked for so long in the middle there.
my current stats for IE
@jmort253 well, that's different.
IE11 ftw yay!
@rlemon any specific reason?
@rlemon who flagged this? ~~
@NickDugger Some could say the same about writing JavaScript code. You are just simply reading the raw API and putting stuff together.
@rlemon really?
@Jhawins I also have 999.1
Programming is all about abstractions and standing on the shoulders of giants to become better and build something better.
I've validated the flag by mistake.
This isn't university anymore... if you're a pro, you need to get stuff done.
@jmort253 By extension you could say that about every programming language ever conceived
You guys make me a better person, lol
did he really write the one who must not be named or is that user script to censor zigi working?
@jmort253 exactly!
come on, @ziGi, get your shit together and stop being annoying and childish, then nobody in here will have a problem with you being in the room. this is exactly the behaviour because you're banned of
there was a point in my life I was ashamed to tell people what technologies I used
@NickDugger That's not exactly true. Frameworks usually just eliminate the grunt work
(for the record, I never went to uni)
@AwalGarg userscript works ;)
> Oh you did this with Visual Basic ew
@NickDugger Although I will say I did learn a lot by tinkering
now idc, whatever I can be productive with and write good code
@rlemon all credits to you sir! :)
@GNi33 how do you define childish?
Maybe he was just offended by Florian saying fuck you to him.
You can learn a lot by trying to replicate things the framework does for you, like writing your own fadein algorithm (requires recursion, so it is fun)
@Mr.Meshuggah sorry, every time I say "fuck you" isn't directed to zigi.
@jmort253 Implementing recursion with queues is even more fun.
@FlorianMargaine inorite
Although I will say that I have been asked not to use a framework before, and here is some background on that:
Q: How can I keep Web services requests in a DAO layer without tying the code to the DOM?

jmort253I'm working on a single page application on the node-webkit desktop app platform, which means 99.9% of all of the logic is written in JavaScript. Since this is a reboot of a project we're working on, I wanted to approach the architecture from more of an MVC approach on the client side. I'm plann...

this is so crazy... I am seeing "the one who must not be named" all over my screen :D
@Loktar Maybe he is the same guy
@FlorianMargaine yes but maybe he is one of those douches using jQuery so he got offended. I say he has a valid point.
@Mr.Meshuggah please just stop talking
@jmort253 btw, had to say it, I love your answers on pm.se!
Ok, sorry.
@Mr.Meshuggah did I attack jquery?
seriously, re-read what I said.
@Loktar ^ damn you
> Well, fuck you, you're going to write these 10 lines. You spend more time looking for the jquery plugin than writing the code.
@jmort253 you're still mod on it?
last time I went on it was like... a year ago or something
It's probably me actually on mine.
@Mr.Meshuggah can you get the full message?
I think that's the default for the UA faker on my iPhone
Maybe he thinks reusability is better, that doesn't mean you can swear at him so he got personally offended.
The one everyone uses (or used to)
try quoting the entire thing
> for example, there are people who will add a jquery plugin instead of writing 10 lines of JS. Well, fuck you, you're going to write these 10 lines. You spend more time looking for the jquery plugin than writing the code.
I love how you believe what you say is right and people around who don't agree are wrong.
!!mute Mr.Meshuggah 1d
Anyway, I am getting really distracted by philosophical discussions. I did actually come in here for some help. I'm working on a team with some junior developers and instead of browbeating them over code formatting I just want to use a beautifier. Something that just fixes all that stuff for us. We use SublimeText3, PyCharmed, and GitHub. Was wondering if I could bounce ideas off someone who already solved this?
I just hit the toggle switch I don't check it. ANd only every once in awhile for a page or two. Guess I could just check
@rlemon Muted user 2862309 for 1d
!!mute everyone I'm so tired of this shit
@Jhawins Could not process input. Error: Unexpected end of input: Expected ' on line 41 on column 35
Was reading about GitHub hooks....
@Mr.Meshuggah @ziGi you get muted because every time you enter the room you cause drama
I want a beautifier like jsfiddle has in ST.
and stop abusing the flag system. k thnks
@jmort253 Commence with the browbeating
I say we define rules for !!mute, stricter stipulations that have to be met. And then that we educate the entire room on how to use the ignore list.
@FlorianMargaine interesting, found a gulp plugin too npmjs.org/package/gulp-jsfmt
!!mute Jefffrey
@Jefffrey I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Jefffrey
well in fairness meshugga is zigi
there is no denying that fact
@Jhawins yes. I have like 4-5 people on my ignore list, lol
@Loktar Oh yeah...
he never talks until zigi is gone
Oh yeah. He's in the same city too
I thought I was the only one who caught on
why did zigi get banned this time?
@rlemon lol I get the same two requests to join the room
he was annoying
@RyanKinal Haha I've found browbeating never works....
I just checked their IPs the first time I saw him...
usual stuff
@jmort253 I think if you'll be working with these guys for a significant length of time, it'll be worth at least attempting to educate them on proper code formatting.
<10 minutes apart from each other
as soon as he started, I just muted him without trying to fix his shit
@jmort253 Be nice about it? Maybe more of a brow... ummm... massaging?
That's just me though
@Psychemaster That's the plan, but I don't want to be a jerk about it.
We were all new once.
@jmort253 does jsfmt fit your needs?
@Jefffrey Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
and not all of us had the same educational background/experiences...
@Loktar he was ranting about how "we are plural" the other day, tried to claim he was secretly a room owner.
ah lol
@FlorianMargaine I'd have to play with it, but it is the first time I have seen this.
@jmort253 do you know go?
Can you ask a question, answer it from another account and then accept it? Or is that vote fraud? this is what I mean
It is a npm install, so I'm liking the fact that I can prob include it in Grunt
@Jhawins Yes.
@FlorianMargaine not particularly.... I am completely ignorant of the Go language other than it runs on Google App Engine and is made by Google lol
@Jhawins no voting is involved, so it can't be a vote fraud. but it is a fraud ofc.
the language made by google, their default tooling includes gofmt, a global coding standard for the language. No discussion, this is the standard.
and it rewrites the source when you run it on source files
@AwalGarg It gives rep to accept so that's why I think maybe it ties into that..
most people just run it as presave-hook
@FlorianMargaine Reminds me of Python... we just switched to Python server-side, and I love it... you can't write sloppy code.... Guido just won't let you :)
Is it bad that when someone mentioned Go, I immediately thought of the game?
Ok so like a month ago I asked a question and no one answered but I eventually figured it out
I love JavaScript, but I hate that it's so easy to be sloppy....
Now someone is commenting on it
love/hate I guess....
What do I do
@jmort253 jsfmt + jshint
Well, there you go then. I'm not reporting his fraud but it's obvious he only wanted enough rep to come to the JS room after he got banned. So he did that.
@Meredith post your own answer
@jmort253 Unless the language enforces white space (Python), it's easy to be sloppy in pretty much any language.
!!info stop
@rlemon Command stop, created by Wulworine on Fri, 23 May 2014 10:01:31 GMT, invoked 1 times
@FlorianMargaine I'll play around with that. Thank you!
And I don't want to raise a moderator flag on it lol
I found that I was using a session in an include
@Meredith if you know the answer - answer your own question
@RyanKinal Yeh, you're right. I shouldn't be so definitive.... That is very true.
if you think it will help future users*
So far the code I've seen looks really awesome.
@Meredith o/
@rlemon Here's the problem: that would make it a duplicate
@jmort253 which code?
@Meredith Then it already is a duplicate.
Yeah so what do I do
Delete it lol
Close it as a duplicate?
@FlorianMargaine In our org... since we switched to Python our coding practices have improved tremendously.
vote close your own question or delete it
just not the JS side....
Or mark as dupe yourself
at least not yet
Link it here with
Deleted it
@BadgerGirl o/
@BadgerGirl o/
Q: Socket.IO server side `.emit()` with data sourced from function using Promises

Ryan BrodieI'm having trouble emitting data sourced from a function via SocketIO on a Node server: filter = Filter.this(source) # Custom Filter class channel = io.of '/channel' channel.emit 'hits', filter.for('channel') The above produces the error Callbacks are not supported when broadcasting. I've co...

!!afk shoot - I don't know what to get for lunch
@Mr.Meshuggah that wasn't a real question right now, right?
A: Image Source Completion for Sublime Text 2

user3915081Sorry what do I know you or something Stfu I was banned for other reasons and it was an experiment as I already said

you gotta be fucking kidding me
lol seriously
so weird that many regulars are getting this kind of answers on their questions lately...
alright, perma-mute, I don't even give a fuck anymore. that is the pinnacle of being childish and butt-hurt
is acting normal in a public chat-room and platform really this hard for some people?
@GNi33 wut
seriously, I'm the last guy that bans someone. or is even mean to someone that constantly gets called out on his behaviour and refuses to change
good evening 4chan
insulting me without any reason though? well, I'm done then
there is currently 5 mod flags coming from this room
None were because of me, this time, I promise.
cant you just get along?
like I said earlier, it's like kindergarten in here lately
@NickDugger correct
@Gordon yep, someone is trying to bother everyone. That said, we can see where the flags come from (in the websocket frames), and they all come from the same guy.
I mean, the same guy using 2 accounts
most likely

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