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4:00 PM
!!afk scrum
!!> Math.pow(2,32)
@JanDvorak 4294967296
!!>Math.pow(9999999, 999999)
@zigi "Infinity"
"Round towards 0" === "truncate"
4:00 PM
damn you, decimal
!!> ~~ 998877665544332211
@JanDvorak 998877665544332200
dat merica
@rlemon omg <3
wow, JS is like those people that lived a long time ago
@JanDvorak -858299520
4:01 PM
oh hey, it seems like the world is ending
I just thougt a railway track is right beside my office window and a freighttrain is just passing by. Nope, just started to rain like hell
!!> "Zigi" && "handsome"
@zigi "handsome"
thank you :)
I'd be alright with the world ending right now. I've accomplished a lot in my short time here.
jesus christ, you guys should see this.
4:05 PM
@zigi .....
@GNi33 see what?
Don't star that shit
What do you think about hash-icons vs identicons? acooke.org/hash-icons.html
I like hash-browns
4:07 PM
@Jhawins I like hash (source)
Best graffiti ever
@Jhawins LOL
So many stoners here
@BadgerGirl Miaou
4:20 PM
I'm there
!!>"zigi".split("").map(function(v) {return v.charCodeAt(0).toString(2)}).concat("love".split("").map(function(v) {return v.charCodeAt(0).toString(2)})).forEach(function(e, i, arr) { console.log(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(arr[i], 2)));});
@zigi "undefined" Logged: "z","i","g","i","l","o","v","e"
!!> function T(a,c,e){d=60;s=["sec","min","hrs"];console.log(t=[a,(0|a/d)*d,(0|a/d/d)*d*d].ma‌​p(function(a,b,f){p=(a-(0|f[b+1]))/Math.pow(d,b);return e&&1>b?"":c&&!p?"":p+s[b]+". "}).reverse().join(""))}; T(7215,true,false)
@SufiDeveloper "undefined"
4:23 PM
!!> console.log.apply(console, "zigilove".split("").map(function(x){ return '"' + x + '"' }));
@AbhishekHingnikar "undefined" Logged: "\"z\"","\"i\"","\"g\"","\"i\"","\"l\"","\"o\"","\"v\"","\"e\""
@SufiDeveloper "ReferenceError: alert is not defined"
@SufiDeveloper "undefined" Logged: "2hrs. 15sec. "
why did I lol so hard...
I don't get it
@SterlingArcher LOL
ahaha :D
4:29 PM
(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.
^any ideas what this means?
@zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi @zigi
there is a SANDBOX god damnit
@AwalGarg too many listeners?
You have a sand box? Lucky.. I only had a box of sand. D:
@AbhishekHingnikar Holy pings
4:31 PM
@SufiDeveloper that only pings me once
u can send the same to me
4 messages moved to recycle bin
@SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper @SufiDeveloper
Oh ok :)
@zigi quit being stupid, please.
@Cereal google dumps me with node.js related posts while, I am not doing node.js... for god sake, I haven't ever written a single line of node code... WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING WITH THE WORLD?
4:32 PM
node's wrriten in javascript
it's a javascript error
tell Abhishek to stop pinging like crazy
@AbhishekHingnikar Is Chicken Hut an Indian business?
@SufiDeveloper no it is a fucking business!!!
@Cereal actually nodejs is written in C I think
4:33 PM
(C++? Pretty sure C tho)
I thought it was called node.js
welp, time to seppuku
@AwalGarg How so? I ask because in every Chicken Hut I came to there were mostly Indian people including the boss
4:34 PM
@AwalGarg that is racist
Oh I'm so smart. I got really drunk last night and packed my lunch in my backpack. Leftover chinese food ftw!
Go drunk Jordan!
@zigi wat..
@SterlingArcher is your first name Michael
4:35 PM
@AwalGarg I talk more JS than you
you 16 year old silly goose
Funny enough, that's only the billionth time that question has been asked about my name
So... it IS?
@AwalGarg calm down
what is happening?
4:36 PM
@AwalGarg goto isn't supported in JavaScript
Jesus christ if you can't handle a person on the internet why do you internet?
Awal I'm flagging you for language
@itcouldevenbeaboat ffs no
4:37 PM
I'm invalidating because we're not 10
ah, I don't mind people calling me an idiot
stupid relatives at my home... they make me tear my head apart.
Take it out on us, why don't you
so how are we responsible for that?
@AwalGarg already started a mess here?
4:38 PM
@Mr.Alien today is another day... you won't understand.. or actually you would. do you got stupid irritating relatives?
@AwalGarg Does anyone not?
@AwalGarg I'm sorry if I did or said something wrong. I wasn't offending you if that's what you understood. It was just a curiosity because I love Indian people, this is all.

Now, take a deep breath and calm down.
not sure about others, but most indians do, so mr. alien would understand...
@SufiDeveloper sorry to include your name in there... you are good. nothing bad you did...
4:40 PM
@AwalGarg Ok no problem, I understand you because I had a difficult past too. I'm no one for that, but you may try to talk to your relatives. Peace.
room topic changed to JavaScript: The source of internet arguments. : Read this link: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf | Angularjs is on topic here. stop asking. [bananas] [ecmascript] [git-is-not-here] [javascript] [phrasing]
anybody got good (non obscene) jokes?
What good is a joke without being highly innapropriate?
a horse walked into a bar, the bartender said "Why the long face?"
"WOW JORDAN U SO PUNNY ... fuckin asshat..."
4:41 PM
^ my point exactly
@AwalGarg What's green and has wheels?
@rlemon background is broken
Grass. I lied about the wheels.
@Retsam a green bike.
4:42 PM
What's big and green and if it falls out of a tree it can kill you?
@Retsam a vegetable :(
a pool table
@SterlingArcher your mom in a green dress
4:43 PM
Why did the boy spill his drink? The airliner he was in crashed, tragically killing him and 187 other passengers.
@rlemon lol i hate you
he must be 3
because he was hit by a buss
because he got hit by a truck?
well DAMMIT!
he went asleep?
4:43 PM
@KendallFrey because he was drinking and driving, and crashed into a family
I know racist jokes only :/
Why did Susie fall off the swing? She has no arms.
Teacher: "Anyone who thinks he's stupid may stand up!"
*Nobody stands up*
Teacher: "Im sure there are some stupid students over here!!"
*Little Johnny stands up*
Teacher: "Ohh, Johnny you think you're stupid?"
Little Johnny: "No... i just feel bad that you're standing alone..."
@AwalGarg here is a good safe joke for you. a little lengthy, but it is good.
no arms
4:44 PM
she is very fat!
Knock knock
why do I know all of these? I blame you, reddit!
Not Susie!
4:44 PM
not susie who?
So these two bros go camping, and one of them goes to piss behind a tree. Unfortunately a snake bites his junk. So his friend calls 911 and the operator tells him he needs to suck out the poison or he will die before the ambulance arrives.. His friend looks at him and says "What did they say?"

...You're gonna die!
What has 7 arms and really sucks?
dude, it's ralph... what do you expect?
4:45 PM
Dad: Say daddy!
Baby: Mommy!
Dad: Come on, say daddy!
Baby: Mommy!
Dad: F*ck you, say daddy!
Baby: F*ck you, Mommy!
Mom: Honey, I'm home!
Baby: F*ck you!
Mom: Who taught you that?
Baby: Daddy!
Dad: Son of a b*tch.
> A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts: “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised my friend. I would meet him half an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.”

The man below stops and thinks for a long time. Finally, he says, “Yes, you are in a hot air balloon, hovering approximately 30 feet above this field. You are between 40 and 42 degrees North latitude, and between 58 and 60 degrees West longitude.”
I thought that was the Microsoft guy
@KendallFrey Yeah, I've heard the same joke with "[Insert least favorite tech company here]"; I think originally it was IBM when I heard it.
I'm just waiting for the backlash after people finish my joke
!!afk need coffee
Oh, there's a follow up to my previous joke:
> The man below says, “You must be a project manager”

“I am,” replies the balloonist, “but how did you know?”

“Well,” says the man, “you don’t know where you are or where you are going. You have made a promise which you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. The fact is you are in the exact same position you were in before we met, but now it is somehow my fault.”
4:48 PM
@rlemon sorry, tl;dr
@SterlingArcher dude, it is so good
just read it
fine, I will later though. I'm mutating some drupal code because fuck shifty developers
Say, "Do I smell Gucci?" right after you fart. So everybody takes a big whiff.
SPOILER: Don't read it
@rlemon Love that joke. A friend of mine and I used to tell it on long car trips.
4:50 PM
I can't remember where I first heard it, but i've been telling it since jr high.
@SufiDeveloper one thing I retained from chemistry was 'never take a big whiff of anything, take small wafts first and prepare to run'
funniest joke in the world... to the person telling it
I think our record length for that joke is a couple hours long.
I had someone going for like 25 minutes once
that was my longest. I was running out of events.
4:51 PM
How could you even focus that long
if I talk to somebody for 25 minutes my focus starts to blur until my add kicks in
lack of ADD helps
@SterlingArcher Most likely someone will take a big whiff because he thinks it's any good! :D
!!afk Working to save the world.
i.e. turning off his pc
@rlemon I've always heard it based on years of schooling, so we had the kid go through law school.
@KendallFrey well, my mom said I was "zombie-ish" on ADD meds, so I've spent the last.. 13 years of my life coping with an inability to focus for long periods of time xD
Although I've perfected the art of bullshit listening
Which has actaully come VERY handy
                   ^ what an unfortunate combination of words
4:53 PM
bullshit listening is easy on VoIP
@rlemon Here's a similar joke you might enjoy: angelfire.com/tx2/opinions/purplepassionjoke.html
@Retsam nahh I would jump from birthdays to christmas and stuff
@SterlingArcher I know that feeling bro
kids presents are easier to think up on the spot
(for me)
Confucius say, "Man should learn to masturbate. Come in handy."
so... yeah.
4:57 PM
@rlemon you're a terrible person
@GNi33 You're Captain Obvious.
terrible, terrible, terrible

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