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@SterlingArcher Hey, who are you, Andrew Bell and/or David Brown and/or Nicholas Terett?
@FlorianMargaine You're just making it worse
I could be, but I have no idea who they are lol
Inventors of Viagra
Well, discoverers
LOLOLOLOLOL he said he was secretly a room owner
I'm dying
I wonder how one "discovers boner pills"
@Cereal Chrome recently has been doing fucky stuff like that to me
@Jhawins call the doctor
you have to close the tab outright. refresh does nothing.
I want a pill that prevents erections so that I can makeout with a girl without getting a boner. She'll think I'm so cool.
That's a whole lot of effort
make up with a girl?
i've been too lazy to re-install
@NickDugger Just make out with dudes
@NickDugger Wearing makeup gives you an erection?
@SterlingArcher "Dude. I dare you to eat that."
@NickDugger or impotent
How bout dem edits
@SterlingArcher Heart medication research
@RyanKinal LOL "Bruh, wtf is wrong with you is that a boner?!"
I dunno, I'd be pretty insulted if the guy I was making out with didn't get an erection
@SomeKittensUx2666 my heart or that fake boobed woman's heart?
It's me guys. I'm Zigi
Me too, I'm also zigi
@Cereal make out with guys often?
I'm Spartacus
@SterlingArcher "Shit, man. We could make BANK off of this stuff."
@Mr.Meshuggah I think you might be lol
!!wiki viagra
Sildenafil citrate, sold as Viagra, Revatio and under various other trade names, is a drug used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). It was originally discovered by Pfizer scientists Andrew Bell, David Brown, and Nicholas Terrett. It acts by inhibiting cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), an enzyme that promotes degradation of cGMP, which regulates blood flow in the penis. Since becoming available in 1998, sildenafil has been the prime treatment for erectile dysfunction; its primary competitors on the market are tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra...
"Wouldn't it be funny of we inhibit PDE5?"
"Dude watch out, you'll spill some 3-propylpyrazole-5-carboxylic acid ethyl ester with hot dimethyl sulfate!!"
True story
you just chemically blew my mind
@SomeKittensUx2666 I'm a lady
in Room for ziGi and SomeKittens Ux2666, 5 mins ago, by ziGi
you do realize there was no vote to kick me, right?
A vote kick would be great
Can we implement that in cap?
@Mr.Meshuggah Well we know I'm not
Next person that brings up zigi gets muted for an hour
Vote mute? No
Super serious. Super sick of it
It's owner-only for a reason
@SterlingArcher Why?
@Zirak what about a multi-owner access only?
@SterlingArcher I'm in favor
@Jhawins bruh for the past 2 weeks it's been all about this guy
He trolls, we troll him back, he gets muted, people still talk about it
@JanDvorak Don't you trust other room owners?
mute SterlingArcher 1h // 'this guy' === zigi
@Jhawins You probably didn't want to mute a room owner.
We should have that power anyway
lol he totally would have muted me too xD
@SterlingArcher Yeah I was just trying to get you to do it.
@Jhawins lol im not THAT dumb :P
Only slightly. :D
le sigh
In other news, @Cereal is a woman?
I miss eating cereal
no pun intended
I literally havent had a bowl of cereal in months
In other news, copy/pasting nodes in chromium devtools: twitter.com/ChromiumDev/status/494522623645061120
@rlemon No one starting anything but you filthy Canadians
!!afk I did it
@Jhawins I'm grumpy because I ran out of shit for my car
I'm not just a designer. I haven't actually done any design work in 6 months, or so.
@Mr.Meshuggah played with your heart
@Mr.Meshuggah got lost in the game
I'm a shitty website designer
@JanDvorak you lost!
@SterlingArcher not that game
Oh god waht have I done D:
!!youtube oops I did it again
@rlemon you should get Caps rep to 1337
Saying that design is not real work is offensive, but yes, I do development as well.
Design is hard as shit
for people who don't do it
same with development
design >> codez
for me
to say one isn't real work is just being a self entitled arrogant little SOB
don't be that guy
@SterlingArcher My rep was at 1337 for about ten seconds until @zirak upvoted me
Designers who design without any knowledge of functionality tends to be disatrous
It was jlorious
sob = self-obsessed bitch?
@SterlingArcher anyone doing anything they suck at..
@JanDvorak close enough
@JanDvorak I've heard to that one. Around here it's "Son of a bitch"
Honestly, I find design to be harder than development, because everyone and their mother wants a say in how something should look, so then you have to fight back people that have horrid taste. It becomes more stress than I've ever experienced while coding.
@SterlingArcher Tell me about it
The designer at Runnable also writes all the CSS which is wonderful
^ so much fail
just stop
Are you kidding me? I wish I could paint.
I'm really good at pottery, though
@NickDugger people arguing about how it should look doesn't really reflect the difficulty of the actual design though
nope. embedded systems developer
Where as people arguing about functionality sure as shit messes with the difficulty level
My doodey meter is going crazy
@SterlingArcher No, you're right, but it does pile on stress onto the actual, overall job.
@Zirak too much viagra..?
@Zirak I've referenced that comic so many times -- I can tell you, it's very accurate.
I feel like you don't have any clue about how it is to work inside of a company.
Pointer to a pointer
c++ room just shadow banned us
@rlemon what?
pointer to a pointer
shadow banned? what does that even mean?
@SomeKittensUx2666 No, I'm very much a man
I got it
It went over my head... lol
@NickDugger reddit term
!!urban shadow banned
@rlemon No definition found for shadow banned
@NickDugger It means the user is banned, but from the loggedin user's perspective, they're not
!!urban shadowban
Why is that even a thing?
@rlemon shadowban Banning a user from a web forum in such a way that the banned user is unaware of the ban. Usually takes the form of showing that user's posts/profile/etc. only to that user; other users never see them. Considered underhanded chicken-shit behavior.
Ah, interesting... so they just shadow banned the JS room? wut
it was a joke
kittens passed a pointer to a pointer
I'm not explaining it
I feel so dumb right now
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Guys don't tell me you never used or found sense in pointers.
I think I found another person for my long list of ignores.. lol
!!mute Mr.Meshuggah 1h
@rlemon Muted user 2862309 for 1h
chat is annoying me today
what's wrong with a pointer to a pointer though
Here's a picture of a tiger
I love nature
Tigers are beast
Crocodiles are my favorite
@rlemon I was so hoping you would react like that :>
And brain aneurysms
@Mosho :D
@Zirak and fear is their bacon bits D:
@SterlingArcher ocelot motherfucker!
It's like... Meowshwitz in there..
You guys are the best!
@KendallFrey BABOON!! (source)
@SterlingArcher Shit for your car?
@RalphWiggum You guys are the worst! (source)
I want to update the innerHTML of a first:child DIV element with a class="col1"
Using this code:
     function reorderTimeRowDisplayNumbers() {
        var elementsDisplayNone = $(".schedTable").filter(':visible');

@jojo Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@JoJo hint: $(".schedTable:visible")
"How expression work in java script" - not very well. "why a,b is true and C is false condtion" - because the semantics of logical expressions and comparisons is badly screwed up in JavaScript. — The Paramagnetic Croissant 2 mins ago
what a dick
Who got muted?
also, your code doesn't do anything
yes not yet.. ty
then what was the question?
I will repost, 1 sec
function reorderTimeRowDisplayNumbers() {
    var elementsDisplayNone = $(".schedTable").filter(':visible');
    if (elementsDisplayNone.length > 0) {
        var elementDisplayNoneID = elementsDisplayNone[0].id;
        // update child div innerHTML
        //<div class="col1">1</div>

@SterlingArcher are badly screwed up in Javascript
Somebody just commented on my question from over 2 years ago
this is bad question...what you have tried? — my friend 3 mins ago
How to update the child innterHTML?
I was like... no shit brah
@JoJo elementsDisplayNone.html(...)?
@SterlingArcher what a beautiful question
function reorderTimeRowDisplayNumbers() {
    var elementsDisplayVisible = $(".schedTable").filter(':visible');
    if (elementsDisplayVisible.length > 0) {
        var elementDisplayVisibleID = elementsDisplayVisible[0].id;
        // update child div innerHTML
        //<div class="col1">1</div>

@JoJo No need to repost your code every 30 seconds
sorry I will be better prepared next time
well .children will give you all the children
oh. There are .firstChildand .firstElementChild
Setup a jsfiddle.com to demonstrate the problem please. @JoJo
Guys dont upvote my PHP question. It's shitty and should be deleted
@SterlingArcher I'll upvote all of your PHP posts so that you get a PHP badge MUAHAHAH
Too late D:
Already have one
dude... it's PHP
how do you want us to upvote?
@SterlingArcher Burn the witch.
well, except the weird guy
he likes php
a PHP badge? So we do have badges of shame...
@FlorianMargaine Hey!
@JanDvorak jquery badges
@BenjaminGruenbaum is not weird!
@JanDvorak jquery badges
I think one of the inventors of php was here once
I shed a single tear the day I got my jQuery bronze badge.
@SterlingArcher What will I say? I have the silver one :(
Shame on you!
I only have stupid badges
@NickDugger Get some clever ones
there is a stupid badge?
@NickDugger peer pressure and such?
Citizen patrol? Like what? I don't even.
I have a marshall badge
There he is:
in Trash can, Jul 5 '13 at 21:41, by Nexxpresso
PHP and Java compete for the first rank in the best languages
Jul 5 '13 at 21:44, by Zirak
What? I thought Nexxpresso invented php
dat phpava
@rlemon what's up with that flagged message?
@rlemon Your message in another room got flagged
what room?
It wasn't a nice message
@SterlingArcher That question now just got hilarious, for those comments.
@rlemon yes
opps I starred that.
if you chain the messages together
flagged out of context I presume.
flagged by the person It was about
no surprise
still not the words you should be using
I just want to change the child element of this statement:
var divEl = document.getElementById(elementDisplayVisibleID);

The child element has a class="col1" attribute
@JanDvorak thanks mum.
I can use jQuery I guess..
Q: jQuery - Selecting children by class using parents ID.

BobFlemmingI'm using the MCustomScrollBar , but have multiple instances of the scrollbar on the page. I need to be able to target .mCSB_container to append <li>elements dynamically to each of the scrollbars separately . This is the same question essentially, but the accepted answer won't work , as its try...

user image
I can't... like wtf
I enjoyed that... now all of the comments are gone :(
They're breaking stackexchange community revenue!
Quickly, evacuate!
@SterlingArcher linkity?
"Your friend" is insane :D
@SomeKittensUx2666 Questions burned
@SomeKittensUx2666 All of those fun comments were deleted :(
@SomeKittensUx2666 bluefeet wiped the comments
That was annoying
I thought it was pretty funny. He didn't seem to grasp the concept of time.
I didn't think I was troll worthy
> you don't say what you have TRIED
The real winner here is Nick Dugger. — gunr2171 1 min ago
@SterlingArcher "You should be better user of community" - sincerely guy who is Necromancing a 2 year old question to ask you what you tried and then criticize you
I honestly did enjoy that a lot. SO effing funny.
The one that geeked me was...
heh, just noticed that facebook spams the browser's console with a warning intended for not-so-smart users

 .d8888b.  888                       888
d88P  Y88b 888                       888
Y88b.      888                       888    This is a browser feature intended for
 "Y888b.   888888  .d88b.  88888b.   888    developers. If someone told you to copy-paste
    "Y88b. 888    d88""88b 888 "88b  888    something here to enable a Facebook feature
      "888 888    888  888 888  888  Y8P    or "hack" someone's account, it is a
Y88b  d88P Y88b.  Y88..88P 888 d88P         scam and will give them access to your
How he said my bad questions were hurting the revenue of stackexchange
LOL'd so hard
They once did all kind of crap to try and disable running commands through console
Cause my new questions are actually decent :3
Q: How does Facebook disable the browser's integrated Developer Tools?

Derek 朕會功夫So apparently because of the recent scams, the developer tools is exploited by people to post spam and even used to "hack" accounts. Facebook has blocked the developer tools, and I can't even use the console. How did they do that?? One Stack Overflow post claimed that it is not possible, but F...

btw, that trick doesn't work any more
He got 1500+ upvoted for his fault
@Zirak Yeah, there's an update on the answer
@Zirak ah, that guy :D
@VarunAgw ...his fault?
> I'm a security engineer at Facebook and this is my fault

@SterlingArcher ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum did you see my ping?
@VarunAgw methinks you're taking that a little to literally
@FlorianMargaine our drupal guy over in india didn't build our front page rotating banner, so I had to do it, and it was very difficult but I did it :)
Was very happy
> deleted by rlemon, Gilles, brasofilo 4 mins ago
@rlemon thanks :) I've always wanted that question gone
@FlorianMargaine yeah, I LOLd
@SterlingArcher wasn't a useful question for anyone
definitely not.
how did you cast a delete vote?
I thought that was for people with like.. 20k+ rep?
got da reps
@SomeKittensUx2666 nah. I was just joking. It is obviously not his fault
dat rep doe
Hmm, yes. a link. good show, ol' boy.
thank you mate! ;)
@SterlingArcher YOU REP WHORING POS!!
A: Python code for generating Fibonacci numbers is not working

Sterling ArcherIt's because you're resetting the variables at the beginning of the function. Declare them before the loop so they're not reset to 0 and 1 every iteration. f=0 s=1 for i in range (10): t = f + s print t f = s s = t

Flagged as dupe lol
My skills with python would actually show that wasn't rep whoring lol
Not rep whoring... Stupid worthless dupe question answering :P

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