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that was a user in the rooms company that swapped out the image
@rlemon lol link?
No, I mean it was an article.
I've read that too
maybe you're right...
I saw it on reddit, though
I don't even remember now. Thanks for making me second guess myself, lol
@rlemon No I mean the ones who don't take the time to protect their network. I can count 2 not protected networks right now, not even WEP lol
People here don't care enough
@NickDugger Definitely chat logs
It was my website
@RyanKinal nooo
just found the site
you guys stopped hosting the image?!
I wish there was an unprotected network in my apartment, so I didn't have to buy internet soon
Dunno... wasn't my decision
Come to South Europe haha
Packet thief.
@RyanKinal yell at your partner.
they still link it, just gives a 404 now
Well, to be fair, it was probably indexable as porn image on our domain name
should have used a pornsfw.com image (technically sfw, but barely)
Even if we didn't technically host it
@rlemon Awesome
I mean, it's still not really safe for work. but at a glance people wouldn't question it I think
@SufiDeveloper where are you from?
@GNi33 From Palestine but at the moment live in Italy
I travel between Palestine, Egypt, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands for work
@rlemon your image pixel dealio is pretty sweet when you output it to document
It's fluid. Almost creepy lol
I did an ascii one the other day as well
albeit the character list is short, and not well defined.
I need to spend a little more time on it
I just muddled up a shitter southouse.tk/face.html
Just wanted to see how well it performed without the console shit
yea no webcam at work
Ah. iMac :P
@Jhawins ... I really wasn't sure what that phrase meant, for a bit
hi Mac, iRob.
@rlemon don't get busted then
so is every one ready to have their minds blown?
@RyanKinal What?
> I just muddled up a shitter
may I present to you the currentColor keyword in css ... you're welcome.
Yeah idk man. Long day
do you guys want to see something "nice"
gow 4 'd
I want to see something mean
monring gnets
here you go then
that is really mean
thanks world for pornsfw
risky click?
eval() makes me sweaty whenever I see it
eval() makes me so hot and bothered
@rlemon One day we will have calculations
I mean, IE did way back when
we have calc() now
I must be behind the times
!!mdn css calc
if I could use calc() at work, it would be amazing... stupid IE.
but currentColor is sweet.
Is there really someone who does that?
100% test in production
I saw a gif and it made me think of you
@SufiDeveloper Stack Overflow actually does that, to some degree.
That's some fucking sexy ass toast.
@SterlingArcher That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: css
> This minimalist approach comes with some problems. One problem is not many tests. Tests aren’t needed because there’s a great community. Meta.stackoverflow is a discussion site for the community and where bugs are reported. Meta.stackoverflow is also a beta site for new software. If users find any problems with it they report the bugs that they’ve found, sometimes with solution/patches.
Just woow
@Retsam so close!
hehe, I just jumped in here and saw that awal garg text flashing. it is looking...... hm, pretty cool man. thanks @rlem
@SterlingArcher Markdown link syntax is a bane of my existence.
Guess I can't try that then. I have no community to report bugs for me :)
@Retsam haha mine too
!!youtube She's Not Gone Yet but She's Leaving by The Fratellis
<3 The Fratellis
thanks @Zirak
Sometimes I'd feel better if I didn't read the news: ibtimes.co.uk/…
How would I get the ID of the first element that meets this criteria?
var elDisplayNone = $(".schedTable").filter(function () { return $(this).css("display") == "none" });
@JoJo elDisplayNone[0].id ?
if you are using jQuery learn jQuery
possibly ..
there is a :visible pseudo-class in jQuery
you can use it instead of your mess above ;)
thank you Retsam
Q: return doc.saveAsync(); Possibly unhandled VersionError: No matching document found?

StackThisConsole.logs for the following log correctly for each replyID in the promise.each loop, but for some reason only the first .saveAsync ever saves.. console.log('index1 .. index2 = ' + index1 + '..' + index2); console.log('doc.replies[index1] = ' + doc.replies[index1]); console.log('doc.replies[in...

was.. I just ignored?
@rlemon Yours is better, though that should be .filter(':visible')
the "is" method returns a boolean.
eh, splitting hairs.
no, just cannot process that fast lol..
I can look that the pseudo-class next :)
ok so: var elDisplayNoneID = elDisplayNone[0].id;
.. works awesome..
@rlemon wouldnt we want $(".schedTable").is(':hidden') ? I am trying to find a hidden predefined div
yea I wasn't 100% on the requirements
if that is a jQuery selector sure you can use that
and .is just checks. returns a true/false
listen to Retsam, use .filter(selector)
@rlemon I just can't believe the simplicity of that script lol
@all CSS challenge: jsfiddle.net/w7586 Get the background color to always be complementary to the foreground color, using only CSS
@Jhawins the ascii one or the other?
both are simple really.
@rlemon link?
(one you get the method)
Link to the ascii one?
29 mins ago, by rlemon
that one is a bit more complicated
@rlemon dude. you make too many cool things
I check luminescence and not just colour - there is also some padding code in there for things the demo doesn't do atm, but for the future.
@Shmiddty they are mostly re-hashes of stuff i've done before :P
but thanks! :P
@rlemon and the ipod was a rehash of the discman
just sayin
Q: Can't get box-shadow to work

AtlasBowlerI am working on a personal web page and would like to use a box shadow and apply a background behind the content sections. I have an example of the desired effect here: Screenshot. As you can see, the websites content is in the white section and there is a black background behind it. I would like...

check out his screenshot
It's definitely a screenshot, lol
I'm such a big nerd that I can tell that he's using Oswald as his font in the navigation--from the screenshot.
I need to get out more, maybe meet a girl.
A better screenshot would be if he used a gun instead of a camera
@rlemon I just did
Fuck it this is big
All I did was kill s and do l = p tags and write them
@SufiDeveloper Can someone look at that long enough to tell me that it's not a jump scare?
@Retsam It's not
what's that? A jump scare
@Retsam something like this? var jqElDisplayNoneID = $(".schedTable").filter(':hidden').id;
This a very frightening email subject line
@Retsam It's not. I hate jump scares!!
I wish this worked: background-color: calc(#ffffff - currentColor);
Look at it. If that's a jump scare you can come and slap me :)
this probably will work, and for now you can use a preprocessor
Green circles everywhere @sufidev
I bet that's one now
I guess I can figure what a jump scare is :P
@JoJo Should be .filter(':hidden')[0].id ; jQuery selectors return array-like objects, so to get an individual item you need to access it by index.
I click it anyway
@C5H8NNaO4 Yes that's why it's called Pacman Illusion :D
@Retsam okay I see
@Retsam correct me if I'm wrong, but I think instead of [0] one should use .eq(0)
@Retsam doesn't work on mobile :P
@rlemon why do you make double negation
~~ (_x - w)
@Sufi That's pretty nice :)
@zigi ~~ is equivalent to Math.floor
@zigi it makes the thing an int32
aha I see
removes the float part
something like object["myFunctionName"+i]() is not possible in PHP, right?
@C5H8NNaO4 Haha yes unlike the other ones you find often
@SterlingArcher .eq(0) will get the first element, as a jQuery object, [0] will get it as a raw DOM element. If all they want is the id, then I'd just grab the raw element.
Anyway.. guess I should get back to work
@Sufi Yeah, initially I thought it was one of those
@Retsam incorrect.
@Retsam ah I missed that context
IIRC ~~ acts funky with negative numbers
No no, I wouldn't have posted it otherwise :)
@SterlingArcher not funky, just not the same as Math.floor
@Cereal -23
@Shmiddty Oh, right; it always rounds towards 0.
it doesn't round, it truncates.
So it's more accurately (x < 0) ? Math.ceil(x) : Math.floor(x)
!!afk 420
@zigi -2
!!> ~~ 1234567890
@JanDvorak 1234567890

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