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@JanDvorak There's a joke about terrorists in there somewhere
I know it
... i am not moving
!!>"I'm back!"
@VladGincher "I'm back!"
!!> "Vlad is a PRO"
@VladGincher "Vlad is a PRO"
@Cereal thus I'm not invalidating these
!!tell vlad sandbox
@vlad You know, there was this funny idea once upon a time that people were supposed to test out commands and "play" in the sandbox
I don't get it... @CapricaSix
!! tell Jan something
... i'm the man who can't be moved
@VladGincher Command something does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@CapricaSix, are you a bot or a user or both?
@drnessie yes
@JanDvorak thanks that was helpful
But he's right!
!!> "I'm controlled by Vlad The King"
@VladGincher "I'm controlled by Vlad The King"
Is there something like...
!!mute vlad
@drnessie ^^^
@Cerbrus You do not have permission to use the command mute
one more, and I'll assume the hebrew messages were rude
Na na na
or that
!!mute vlad
@JanDvorak Please give mute duration, see /help mute
!!ban vladgincher
@JanDvorak I couldn't find vlad.
@SecondRikudo says the Hebrew messages are harmless
@JanDvorak vladgincher added to mindjail.
Shit's getting serious in the javascript room
@JanDvorak hey thats rude. he isn't doing anything bad...
@BoltClock why are the flags still alive, then?
What flags?
@AwalGarg he's doing inappropriate things to Cap
Patriotism flags
@JanDvorak for example?
@VladGincher The 'murican flags.
@AwalGarg I told him what not to do...
Jan pointed him to the sandbox a few times already...
You hate me because I'm jew? :O
No. We hate that you abuse Cap for personal fun.
@VladGincher Let's not start this discussiong.
@JanDvorak you are room owner, you can move those messages. there is really no point in the ban command... and you didn't explicitly tell him that doing this in this room is bad. you just told him to goto sandbox which makes no sense from the pov of a new comer.
@AwalGarg It does if you have at least a sub average iq..
@Cereal no. it doesn't make sense at any iq.
@SecondRikudo Why not?
I think Caprica's "sandbox" message isn't that hard to understand
Makes sense at my iq
@AwalGarg sure it does
It made sense to me when I showed up. I started throwing commands in here and was redirected to the sandbox
@VladGincher english please
And @VladGincher, once again, please use english only
This discussion doesn't make sense. Can we talk about JavaScript instead?
@VladGincher and you don't go making your own javascript room like one of our fellows did just cus someone suspended him or something like that...
@Cerbrus I'm using English!
Dat edit
My keyboard was at hebrew and I forgot to change it
Why you all that mad
@VladGincher Because this is SPARTA!
People don't like repeating themselves
I smell a troll
And honestly, how can you miss the fact that you're typing in hebrew characters?
@VladGincher Because it's a pointless discussion, and you were just barely not banned right now.
You can't be that stupid.
@Cerbrus Oh, that's quite easy actually.
It happens to me a lot
@JanDvorak but you might want to be a bit more explicit, before taking any action.
>_< I'll be back when you're finished with finger-pointing
You type quickly without looking at the screen and press enter
Don't you look at the text you're typing?
@Cerbrus actually, since madara is a god, he doesnt :P
You always look at the screen when you type?
@Cerbrus Do you always look at the text you're typing?
Well, I sure as heck don't look at the keyboard
So, yea
You typed three hebrew characters, then edited into three latin letters, a space, and three more letters. Somehow I don't think the hebrew keyboard works like that
why would someone even look at the keyboard to type text??
That leaves the screen for me to look at
@SecondRikudo My parents look at their keyboard, so I mean...
Ouu, let's have a typing competition. Not like anyone here is working anyway
@Cereal TNX a lot :|
@AwalGarg infrequent typers do that frequently
Even if you can't type blindly, you gotta check if you missed a keystroke before pressing "enter"
Let's leave this discussion behind us, shall we?
Yeah I always proofread what I write
This was three leters and then Enter. It was automaticly. Then I noticed it was hebrew so I fixed it.
Places keyboard behind himself
lol... this was what I meant when I said your action made no sense. but its really upto you since this is your room.
@VladGincher we're angry at you for typing Hebrew, not for which vagina you exited.
@all Stop the pointless discussion
lets see who can type "jquery" first... on the count of 3.
are we ready?
@SecondRikudo *literal facepalm*
I only got 49 WPM
I got 63 wpm
41 wpm here xD
rate limiting on me made me slow...
none of your score are showing up on the scoreboard ._.
You gotta log in to save it
stupid 10fastfingers
I ain't logging in there
Here's my score: i.imgur.com/HBn3W2J.png
@Cereal 48 WPM. I'm a slow reader.
62 :/
I'm a slow reader so you have no excuses
You people make me feel like I spend too much time on the computer..
Besides, English is a secondary language :P So I probably type slower in english :P
(yea right)
@Cerbrus You can take tests in other languages
What the fuck wrong with you all? Serially you all mad at me for writing accidentally in Hebrew??? Ask someone who have a keyboard with two languages and he'll tell you it happens all the time to everyone!
on that site
We've long dropped the issue
It says "Log in to save score"
101 wpm is pretty good
I don't think i can read 101 words per minute
But I'm on 52WPM now
@VladGincher I don't mind accidents. I do mind deliberate ignoring of the rules (which I'm not 100% sure happened yet)
81 WPM :)
shit happens
Hm, for me, the problem is that I'm missing keystrokes every now and then, and then I need to check my positioning...
shit... @SecondRikudo thats pretty good man
Takes time :/
@AwalGarg Thank you, thank you :)
I'm not on my favorite keyboard... I do have an excuse!
@AwalGarg But I haven't entered god mode yet
Learning dvorak now. Hopefully thats worth it
haha @JanDvorak do you use dvorak ? lol
With god mode on, I can type with my mind, so the time wasted on fingers is not wasted
I'm using Dvorak too, but I have a medical excuse instead
Is dvorak worth it?
@drnessie yes
lol "Dvorak" and Jan "Dvorak"
@AwalGarg hilarious.
Hm, 45 wpm in the Dutch test... 230 keystrokes
76 Wpm, 75 correct words
@SecondRikudo but then, won't your keyboard feel useless, and commit suicide?
getting better
@AwalGarg Haha yeah, i realized that too when I started switching yesterday
Dvorak may be worth the learning curve, but is it worth the £2.30 I'd need to buy dvorak stickers for my keyboard? :P
Why would you need stickers?
@SecondRikudo that's slow
I'm gunna go mega elitist here
@drnessie touch-type
I don't have any letters on my keyboard
oh shit my phone won't turn on
I sneezed.
I don't have any keyboard on my letters
L33t, @SecondRikudo
@FlorianMargaine How's that? ^
@SecondRikudo and do you realize we all know how to use the debugger?
Which would only make the learning curve larger...
@JanDvorak: I don't have any keyboard, period.
Keystrokes are over 9000!
then how do you type?
@KendallFrey @JanDvorak: I don't have any keyboard period. (source)
@SecondRikudo no faking ^
Not bad
Well now I have to beat it
using qwerty or some other layout? @FlorianMargaine
@FlorianMargaine Nice :)
@C5H8NNaO4 qwerty currently, I'm used to azerty though
@JanDvorak I assume he, like all real programmers, uses butterflies
@drnessie that doesn't sound very fast
and that was 1st try :P
Even better than, nice. I guess I need some practice :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum it was shared in php room, I think you're going to like it: 3v4l.org/pTboR
@C5H8NNaO4 a couple years ago at school, used to be fun. I was >110 wpm and no error, and subscribed to be in the top 10 on the site, and all my friends went on it and tried to beat me :P
@FlorianMargaine wow. Gotta love PHP
@JanDvorak well, it beats a magnetized needle and a steady hand
^ debatable
(and certainly bears emac
*beats emacs)
@FlorianMargaine That's cool :) Hehe, I guess I have a new goal now :P I wonder how long it would take to get to that speed in dvorak. I'm afraid I won't get over 100wpm with a qwerty layout
why would you compare a language to an editor?
@JanDvorak inorite
@rlemon I was talking about how @Cerb
gahhh this interface is bonkers
@Cerbrus uses no keyboard
!!are you alive?
@rlemon Not at all
... but who is running you
!!are you dead?
@Cerbrus Indeed
Oh dear
Cap's reached self awareness and now hosts herself whereever she pleases
!!xkcd real programmers
no seriously. Zirak isn't online.. so who is hosting the bot
I'm not.
@Cereal That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@drnessie Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
!!Who's your daddy?
@Cerbrus That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Worth a shot
that hebrew is still being flagged.
@ArunCM Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
It's not even offensive
its silly it even was flagged to begin with
you know who you are
I already apologised
I was going to allow anonymity ;)
the remaining flags are entirely appropriate, though
whhff.. now there are two forms of asphyxiation, asphyxiated due to lack of oxygen and asphyxiated due to lack of internet
@rlemon: But still, "You know who you are" was unnecessary.
it was meant as a joke
:stern eyes: you know who you are :wags finger:
Everyone in here is so touchy
Ah, I didn't catch that
Subtleties in written words... ugh
1 message moved to Trash
hm, was that prejudiced?
I am just suggesting
Sometimes, I think it'd be a good idea if we'd communicate like Elcor
sorry for that
how does Elcor communicate
Elcor literally say the emotion that's supposed to be attached to what they're saying
Q: Sequelize custom finders with multiple steps that return a promise

d11wtqI'm quite new to node (for more than a toy project) and I'm struggling to get my head around how to use Sequelize correctly. It has a promise-driven API, with 'error' and 'success' methods consistently used on the promises it returns. I have written a custom finder that involves three queries to...

"Surprised: You did what?"
"Elcor speech is heard by most species as a flat, ponderous monotone. Among themselves, scent, extremely slight body movements, and subvocalized infrasound convey shades of meaning that make a human smile seem as subtle as a fireworks display. Since their subtlety can lead to misunderstandings with other species, the elcor prefix all their dialog with non-elcor with an emotive statement to clarify their tone."
"Things that are pretty unrelated have 2 blank lines between them."
anyone know how i can get jasmine to trigger my $watch's for my angular app?
what is so golden.. its all black and white
And a bit of light blue
lots of bear
!!youtube queen somebody to love
ohh, then this one
!!youtube Chelsea dagger the fratellis
@rlemon u behaving unusual
excuse me?
after listening to WallFlower the previous link seems odd-ish ..
I'm behaving unusual because I like a wide variety of music?
I need a coffee. it's too early for this crap :P

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