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@AwalGarg No, because the salt computes the token...
@C5H8NNaO4 I was never sure if JavaScript is context free. I know Java isn't.
In fact, Java isn't decidable which I find hilarious. The compiler guesses often :D
@BartekBanachewicz Noice
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's actually something I had implemented already prior to the CFG refactor.
@ircmaxell awesome :) How so?
Oh, you mean dictionary/fast modes? I was talking about the optimization when assigning a prototype (in PHP there is no direct analogy)
@ircmaxell I am sorry if I am missing something, but say a real user logs in, I hash this - "salt(68465) + username (awalGarg) + ip ( + salt(23656)", I store this on my server. if target user logs in, first the attacker would have to know the salts of that particular user, knowing which is virtually impossible, isn't it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, dictionary/fast
Ah cool. That's not really what the answer is about, but still it's a very nice low hanging fruit.
@AwalGarg why would you store it rather than generate it? It's determinsitic, so there's no benefit for you to store it unless you add a random component (which was the entire point)
@ircmaxell I would store it for later verification when the user comes back, then remove the older ones, and add new ones. (Please forgive me if I am talking nonsense, I need to know this)
@Lorenz ah nice more acolytes :D If you're into weird piano and sick humor, check out Minchin's other stuff.
I think I'm starting to understand what Europeans see in the game: Soccer Physics
@AwalGarg the point I was making is determinsitic ids are bad. Add some randomness into it
@ircmaxell ok... overall, can I assume it like, pushing user's information on user's system is unsafe because user's PC can be is vulnerable?
not really, but go for it...
:D thanks
@rlemon the stuff on codementor isn't what I expected. Nobody is asking for help with code
ok lets have the scary wednesday
@Jhawins rlemon is afk: back to work
> Integrating mybb to my other site.
Happy Friday
^ That's the whole request?
> I need to implement html5 video player in facebook posts, is it possible to that?
That's a whole request
That doesn't sound good
@Jhawins yea you are a consultant for the most part
aww man I missed a religious discussion
/me goes to scrum meeting
@Jhawins really?
@rlemon Yeah, not really what I thought.
@Jhawins yeah this is the bad one
I figured people would have problematic codez
Sometimes they do
Not "I think I wanna do this"
Well it's still fun
and they pay nicely.
If they're willing to pay rate it's still worth it lol
Yeah, a lot nicer than my real job.
This guy is asking how to disable the call | cancel prompt that comes up when clicking a phone number in iOS, and links to resources on how to disable automatic linking on Android and how to disable automatic linking on iOS
@Loktar Get him into doing game art! (Free art for you, huzzah :p)
Also, JS13k is coming up
@Loktar @rlemon You guys participating?
haha I've asked him he says its "too hard"
also Im going to pass on the js13k I cant work on anything until grapple hero is "done"
we'll see
Im going to buy a sub to UE4 though
and do some oculus stuff soon
cant wait
(as soon as Im gone with GH)
I'm picking up my new fish tank tonight... so my next week is going to be fiddling with it
cant wait to see what Jack Rugile makes
thats how I found out it was starting agian, saw he forked the repo
!!s/fiddling\s+with/swimming in/
@jAndy I'm picking up my new fish tank tonight... so my next week is going to be swimming in it (source)
@Jhawins also while that pic is funny..
they shouldnt pick on the atari
they had no memory either.
@Loktar lol that's what I thought
@ircmaxell I made my CFG such that a node holds a basic block, and a BB holds the references to the nodes in my AST. The nodes in my AST are linked to their respective CFG nodes too. Such that i have a doubly linked connection. I use the CFG for analysis and the AST for code generation where more information is useful.
I hope that's not totally way off. About the SSA conversion, that's how I thought about it too only that I need an own Phi node in each representation.
@rlemon Have you given any CodeMentor sessions yet?
Zach has
@Benjamin Could you propbably explain context free in short? I don't really know what that means yet.
Really? :P What does guessing mean it this case, overapproximating or randomly selecting from multiple "best" choices
Yeah, I know
Will polymer will kill bootstrap?
Probably not
guys I have a question, it maybe about UX, but would like to know what you guys think. Say I have a webpage, and there is some certain thing which requires the user to log in to do. So if a user clicks on it, is it better to straight way redirect him to a login-cum-signup page or first tell him he needs to be a member to do so and provide a link to the signup-cum-login page in the message?
will anything kill bootstrap?
probably not.
also responsive web is ridiculous
look at this... LOOK AT THIS
yay I added a responsive picture..
@SomeGuy I... Just gave the guy the answer in a free note :/
are you serious?
is there a list of the default Errors in JS?
@Jhawins Hahaha
Basically lmao. But I didn't type the codez
should I build my new startup site/app with polymer?
He was asking how to make native default behavior happen... I was like just go through with it and install it..
@FutuToad I think you are mistaking us for a magic 8 ball
And then I thought wait that just cost me like $13
!!should FutuToad build his new startup site/app with polymer?
@KendallFrey Frankly my dear, I don't give a dean
o/ @SterlingArcher
@SterlingArcher Mournin.
@CapricaSix :D
@CapricaSix what have I told you about giving deans away?
How're y'all?
@C5H8NNaO4 in short? Probably not, read about it in Sipser.
Intuitively - "stuff you represent in BNF" + nondeterminism
polymer looks nice
@narthur157 less hastle than bootstrap
I'm like 26% sure polymer isn't a bootstrap replacement
not understanding why you are comparing it to bootstrap so much..
Guys holy shit Angular will replace jQuery
so much easier!
polymer is a creativity replacement
Sarcasm doesn't travel well over the internet
Polymer's a tool ;;
You're a tool.
does polymer have a sarcasm element?
I'm sure you can make one
no emotional or... abstract form of communication travels well over the internet :/
Anger seems to travel well
@NickDugger I shouldnt have to its replacing bootstrap
Q: Basic Javascript Regex

SkelDaveI'm trying to learn javascript Regex and I've hit a problem. I'm trying to validate with the following rules. Allow only: Numbers 0-9 ( ) + - (space) I have come up with the regex below to handle this: /[0-9\)\(\+\- ]+/i The following matches but shouldn't do because it contains a @ s...

holy shit, a decent regex question and answer!
It's a miracle!
@Cereal haha and yeah anger does travel well
only because of rage-face memes :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Cool, Thanks :) I guess I have something new to read about.
so its true after all and no prank ? The Zirak has a birthday ?
The Zirak does indeed have a birthday
!!afk checking out Path of Exile
I'm not entirely sure if it's today though
holy cow
ReactOS - so an open source windowish os
@SterlingArcher @Zirak HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR OLD WISE mahogany FRIEND !! (source)
That's how I read it
lol oops caps
@jAndy I read that as MAHOGANY
@SecondRikudo no doubt a great color
@C5H8NNaO4 I'm not versed enough to say if that's good or bad. I think GCC used something like that (where the CFG form was linked to the generic form), but I'm not sure
@ircmaxell C5H8NNaO4 is afk: checking out Path of Exile
its actually the German translation for "Notgeil"
> Instead of two or three corrections a day I was now
able to run the compiler program four or five times!
those were the days
I don't know if thats the best word which fits it :P
@SterlingArcher Best color is a rather light shade of green.
#F5F5F5 is pretty refreshing too
so fail
It's F5, slownuts
dont judge me it's been a rough morning
F4.. ahh good old IRC & AOL times.. when you could tell a friend.. "Write Alt+F4 for hidden feature or something" and half the room left
rougher than 10-grit sandpaper?
kinda? woke up late, bad traffic and the dog ate my favorite pink tie :(
the one day i wear a tie to work
I'm still judging
> Now what? I only had one deck of source cards. Backups? Who needed a backup when
your program source code physically sat on your desk? Nobody had a backup.
My source code is physically on my disk
pretty funny stuff.. I got invited to Munich for the weekend, flight, hotel and all expenses covered to promote a new game "Evolve"
it wasn't a complete waste to spend half my life playing video games after all :P
Evolve looks alright; not my kinda game, i think
@SterlingArcher There's also #B00B1E5 or #B00B55
I can't wait for Evolve
so sick
I'll make some shots and videos :p
TerraTech is the game that I look forward to.
I don't like games with endless, repetitive fighting. I enjoy a really good story.
I don't like linear games.
@KendallFrey they stole my idea
everyone steals my game ideas
I bet they did
ebay stole my idea back in the early 90's too
Come up with better ideas
I have one already.
Tim Berners-Lee stole my idea.
Mike stole my idea
Microsoft Bob stole my idea
pretty much the only way to make a shitload of money isn't it
it was Rob's hard lemon.. ohh wait. nvm.
have a damn new great idea... or.. be a genius in lying and selling
not much I know but I really wanted to do that
ugh... source control is great until it's not
I'm a fucking amazing programmer until I'm not
@KendallFrey why?
I'm not an amazing programmer, and then I'm still not.
My file isn't merging
@BenjaminGruenbaum That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: t
What's t?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Input not matching /(\w+) (\w+) (\w+)/. Help: User-taught command: <>http://www.wordreference.com/$1$2/$3
@BenjaminGruenbaum t: User-taught command: <>http://www.wordreference.com/$1$2/$3
!!t dat booty round
!!forget t
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command t forgotten.
it was broken
If it worked I bet it was hilarious.
it works
it would have been !!t enfr word
^ the programmer's anthem
I think
no, ignore me
@SecondRikudo That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@BenjaminGruenbaum just seen post about beers, no where near UK?
@Jhawins That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: bees
@Jhawins fail!
Oprah's Bees are better
Nic Cage's bees
!!youtube Nicolas Cage not the bees
@DrogoNevets I was in the UK a few months ago.
@BenjaminGruenbaum dang! next time, ill treat ya to a beer
I was in the UK 100 years ago
Mar 1 at 23:30, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Anyone here from London?
Merging in Notepad++ FTW
@BenjaminGruenbaum yea say south east next time :P
anyways home time :D
@dystroy damn raid... fucking useless if nobody tells you one of the disks is dead ~~
This recruiter....
I've got a garnishment of my cash in the bank
> I first reached out to you in March when you decided not to pursue a position
Bitch, it is almost August. Leave me alone.
However she does find good environments for me lol. Just not the right positions.
How hard is "nothing with UI/UX in the name" to understand
Yay job recruiters
"Hey - I am not reaching out to recruit you.[...] You may be interested in some of the challenges we're working on." via @vptheron
lol I've only had good experiences with recruiters
Hey, I got my current job through a CyberCoders recruiter, so I love 'em, but some of them are definitely slow.
by slow, I mean slow in the head... lol
I ditched CyberCoders
Robert Haft treated me good
The guy I got through CyberCoders worked extremely fast. Got me an interview within a few days
My recruiter was gamer girl too (engaged..) so that was awesome
Hahaha, we should try that sometime
!!afk meeting
@FlorianMargaine Repost, boooo!
(GNi33 posted it earlier today)
But it is pretty awesome
Great, I managed to offend my boss
Was it your smell?
I need to get a passport, and he agreed verbally that the company would reimburse me. I asked him to send an e-mail to have it in writing, and I guess I could have worded that slightly different
Well, you made the right call asking for it in writing, though
Yeah, definitely
How does that offend someone?
"Uhm, excuse me, I had traumatic experiences with writing in my childhood. I want you to respekt those, or you can't werk here. "
He's offended that you don't trust him
I want you to respect those, or you can twerk here.
because he said it verbally
why should I not move to IE
usually with friends of mine they are kind of annoyed if I ask them to do it in writing
Internet explorer?
I really like the IE metro app.
yeah I meant that
IE is bad in any form, on any version.
@NickDugger have you really used the metro version?
It's incredible
@NickDugger You're really good at hating things
he prolly plonked me so someone ask him
I'm really good at hating bad things, yes.
@BartekBanachewicz metrosexual version?
Have you ever used the IE metro app?
haha metro
@zigi Win8 metro UI
Why the hell would I? IE has such a tainted reputation, it can never recover from it. I won't touch it unless I need to
Right, you can just stop talking if you've never used it
What the hell is that logic
"I've never used this, but it's a piece of shit"
Yeah, he applies the same logic to not talk to me
and jquery
IE the browser with a taint.
@Cereal uneducated hateful rant vOv
IE's taint smells pretty bad
IE11 isn't bad at all imo
No, it's only a little slow ;)
only reason for not using IE is due to the crappy reputation.. imagine someone sees you using IE by choice.. asks your profession and you say you're a web developer
It may suck less, but I would never use it casually, only to test on.
good luck getting hired
because so many people are close minded :P
and jump on band wagons coughs w3fools
@Loktar @Nick being one prime example
Don't bash him. IE really has been subpar until only recently
w3schools does suck butt, but w3fools frustrates me when people are STILL linking to it. I'm pretty sure they got the message, the point was made, just simmer your pants.
@Neil Well we all know that.
the prejudice towards IE is tremendous
@NickDugger You're coming across like a young child who tries to contradict everything
I am a contradiction.
@copy We call them hipsters !
:( I'm not a hipster!
why doesn't Git automatically track the upstream branch?
Is it because of push config?
@NickDugger do you REALLY think the "got the message" ? w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_insert.asp
@tereško I never said they did anything about the message, but I'm pretty sure they know w3fools.com exists, lol
they just don't give a fuck
@Loktar not a fan of IE11. The dev tools are slow and the version rollback is not a true emulation
the w3fools is NOT aimed at w3schools owners
@tereško it was.
@BartekBanachewicz what do you mean?
My complaint about w3fools has always been they were being hypocritical
they had a long laundry list of things wrogn with w3schools
w3schools updated a lot of the content.. w3fools wouldnt
they would cry that w3schools wasn't a wiki
yet w3fools wasn't either and their information would constantly be outdated
@Loktar I've always seen w3fools with updated content though, although not constantly
now its reduced to just one page because they got even lazier
@FlorianMargaine I used to go often because we argued about it all the time here lol
I don't love w3schools or anything
but the w3fools thing has always irritated me idk
just always came off as a bunch of pretentious asses who were butt hurt over a sites SEO
Man, designers are so fucking picky. "No, that should be a 9px margin, not a 10px margin". "Let's increase the padding to 25px instead of 23"
"Let's have 16 different greys on this page"
@RyanKinal as a past-designer, that shit matters.
@RyanKinal yeah... and it feels dirty as hell doing stuff like that
Not to mention it's a site dedicated to trashing another site. What happens when w3schools communitizes the content and it gets good?
Okay, maybe that last one is an exaggeration
@SterlingArcher well in w3schools defense they shouldnt comm-unitize the content for a while
because I imagine they will have a lot of vandals
ah that is true
a lot of 1337haxor web devs
@NickDugger Yeah, I know. It's just annoying as hell, because it's never as simple as changing a margin. It depends on margin, padding, font-size, etc.
avoidable if they do it right
yea true
I never got to w3schools, but its something I've learned over the years anyway, I mean if you care about your craft you can recognize crap content
@RyanKinal I answer to a designer now, but I still get a lot of input, so I get to explain technical resons for why margins and paddings should be certain sizes. Then I just store them in LESS variables. makes it easier.
and the people who don't... well they will probably never care and just ask vamp questions on SO anyway
Ill tell you what though around 2004 or so w3schools was nice to go to
@NickDugger I'm definitely pushing back on some things. Like vertically centering shit, but only in certain cases. Because screw that.
SO didn't exist, and information was sometimes hard to find consistently unless you had real books
@dystroy are you taking care of miaou tonight or another day?
vertically centering things isn't as simple as it should be, so I tend to try and avoid that as well.
@FlorianMargaine tonight
"Let's limit these paragraphs to two lines... I don't want this area to grow out of control." Okay, that's a content thing... not my problem.
@dystroy k. No pressure or something, don't worry.
What's the best way to install nodes today ? nvm ? chris-lea ppa ?
I'm not going to limit that shit through code
@dystroy chris-lea ppa
@RyanKinal you can, in number of characters though.
You could substring it, but I agree, that's totally on the writer's shoulders.
@FlorianMargaine miaou should be relatively easy compared to many other programs ^^
@FlorianMargaine Psh. Screw that. Not my content, not my problem.
@dystroy arf, ok. Maybe it's time to switch to docker?
this way each app could have its docker, and saving them/restoring them would be very easy
I tried docker a bit yesterday, it's really well done
Are all the forms online in your countries ?
or are there still some offline shit ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Here's the SSA graph of this function (without the print/flush() calls). And without optimizations
@FlorianMargaine It's more that I don't really remember a lot regarding all the programs people use on my server... some of them I didn't restart or manage or anything since I last installed my server ^^ I don't spend more than one hour every three years on some programs, I won't configure a thing for them...
@AbhishekHingnikar all online, we have to submit some of them offline though
@dystroy docker is not really "configuring" though :P

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