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@dystroy i am not one, but I know that any linux admin would ask you to clone that hdd before even trying to do anything else. unless you you don't care for the data ofcourse...
... I'm asking for help for that "cloning"
oh ok. got it... sorry, I can't help in that case.
its Ziraks birthday for real ?
@rlemon looking at your code, wanted to ask you, is that better
[].forEach.call(record.addedNodes, function(node) {..})
Than doing this?
record.addedNodes.forEach(function(node) {...});
@jAndy: I'm sure it's an impostor.
@zigi You do the first one when record.addedNodes isn't really an array but just "array-like"
what do you mean, like object or something
@zigi you can't do the latter unless you're manipulating the prototype of lets say HTMLElement
it has a length property, and you can access properties by numerical index, but it's not an instance of array
yeah, I know what the prototype is
that 's the case for many things, for example nodeList and HtmlCollection
I see
wow, that is really useful, thank you
Doesn't smell very good...
root@rescue:/# sfdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 91201 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors/track
read: Input/output error

sfdisk: read error on /dev/sda - cannot read sector 0
 /dev/sda: unrecognized partition table type
No partitions found

Disk /dev/md2: 177891568 cylinders, 2 heads, 4 sectors/track
read: Input/output error

sfdisk: read error on /dev/md2 - cannot read sector 0
 /dev/md2: unrecognized partition table type
No partitions found

Disk /dev/md1: 5119728 cylinders, 2 heads, 4 sectors/track
read: Input/output error
further and more important, there is no method like ".forEach" natively on the prototype
there is one in the Array.prototype
but I guess if the thing is array like-ish then it won't be there
is it possible to go into those prototype functions to see how they are implemented or they are native
and I can't
They are native
You could look at the source code of the implementation though
@AwalGarg knocks
@C5H8NNaO4 and where can I find that? Some ECMA 6 script?
ok nice
I see
what about firefox implementation cause v8 is chrome
I have no idea, but I'm sure you can find it on google
ok great
thanks a lot for the help
well actually I can always check information myself in google, that's what I do, but the thing is, we as people are being drowned in a sea of information
and the collective knowledge you guys have about what articles are better is much more useful and valuable than the results from google
@blackbee sorry, I wasn't able to debug it... ;(
For people interested in the Miaou server : there were two disks in raid. One had crashed sometime in the past and I was unaware of it but it seems it explained the relative slowness of writings. The other one just crashed 2 hours ago and they're not readable. They will be changed and I hope my backups are restorable...
@FlorianMargaine ^
is the codebase unscathed?
@JanDvorak the code ? it's only deployed on the server, not coded here
@dystroy Oh, damn
last transmitted backup of the miaou db is from 28/07
haha, that's a great 404 page
what is the demand of jQuery, what does it want... eff, show the effing error..
AngularJS. Dates. UTC. Filters. Directives. Argh.
@GNi33 are those changed quotes of Marvin?
something like it at least
anyone up for a short design discussion?
@dystroy what happens when you try to mount it? I mean, what exact error do you get?
suddenly the room goes silent
@SomeGuy would you atleast say what can be the possible error
!!nudge 60
@towc Nudge #1 registered.
I'm attempting to implement a 're-adjustment' directive to make sure the Angular-UI datepicker returns the expected local date - https://gist.github.com/weberste/354a3f0a9ea58e0ea0de
and it's just not being hit. I can see the directive being loaded.
@BartekBanachewicz sure
I was thinking about SRP and integration components
Does anyone have any insights into this? Either by getting the directive working, or suggesting a better approach to handling UTC offsets in Dates in javascript?
if one would ever want to talk with me about design and hasn't got a problem about suiciding afterwards, I'm up for it
that was the topic I was talking with someone here about recently
@blackbee What?
how inheritance and composition can be a violation of SRP, more or less
@GNi33 Kings of John Payne is a good song to put on repeat :D
Point being, context unification in multiple mixin inheritance is dangerous.
@SomeGuy in here jsfiddle.net/aghosh/TUKLU/1/ if you add a note and then try to remove it, then it doesnot get removed. For each remove you need to refresh the page, why is that ...
Your click event handler isn't live
I'm guessing
You add the event listener on a selector before the element exists
Is anyone here able to give any insight into Javascript UTC/local Date handling?
why is it like that?
nopes not working
@blackbee if you inspect the element, no event handlers are detected in the computed tab in chrome, so someguy is right. but after refresh, they are available....
i never said he was wrong :P
If you remove one element , then also to remove the second element item, again you need to refresh .. damn jQuery... JS is way better..
^ and if you need more inspiration to leave jQuery, ping Jan Dvorak.
That shows you how to use .on to add event handlers the way .live does
($(document).on('click', '.selector', function...))
oh no
@AwalGarg ... wat?
$('#add').on('click', function() { this statement is wrong too
should be $(document).on('click','#add', function(){
can anyone please tell me why the select is not working in this jsfiddle jsfiddle.net/56jBJ
If you want it to be live
In this case, you don't need it to be live
wait, do elements with ID get appended dynamically?
@JanDvorak yep.
icy , u are demi-god ... :) @SomeGuy
@blackbee ... wat?
so i should lear 1.3 before 1.7 or 1.11
Not really
You just need to understand what's actually happening
Has anyone here ever used Ink? I thought it was just a grid layout bootstrap clone, but it's got a funky looking javascript framework going on too
i try to do that a lot.. sometimes i have no clue and its like wtf just happened...
now its time to learn a little indexDB and dump localStorage.. for the time being
@Mr_Green what the fuck
@dystroy you are not using GPT?
why would we do that.
also stop flagging my posts whoever did that what the hell.
@Mr_Green shameless self promotion...
Agree with Bartek here, this flag is stupid (and the other one too)
I did that because I felt it offensive
You felt what to be offensive?
Q: Catching errors generated in Promises within Promises in JavaScript

KirkIs it possible to have errors bubble up in Promises? See the code below for reference, I'd like to get promise1.catch to catch the error generated in promise2 (which current does not work with this code): function test() { var promise1 = new Promise(function(resolve1) { var promise2...

Science and Religion cannot be treated as closures ...
@Mr_Green His reaction seems apt to me. Why are you posting that here?
@Mr_Green if you get offended by "WTF" on the internet then I don't know what you're still doing there.
Maybe people disagreeing with him is his trigger
2 messages moved to Trash can
ok ok calm down
I'm not even mentioning that "religion from scientific perspective" has a name already
leave it nvm.. that was stupid move.. I agree
It's called sociology
And why was Mr_Green post flagged ? It sounds wtf to me too but is there really a problem in a small promotion of something he feels important to him ?
hahaha @Mr_Green you can't play that move here... you do good only in the Hinduism room lol
Flags are going out of hands...
a few more and Lounge and C# room will storm here
hands are going out of Flags...
@AwalGarg hmm
recomendations for a css layout manager? I'm leaning to pure, but I'm having issues finding others
@dystroy Some might consider it as spam, I think
^ here Some = Some Guy :P
Haha wasn't me
@SomeGuy seriously... He posted it once, it's obviously important to him, it's SE related... Even if I can't imagine voting for that I can't see why he couldn't speak of it
I don't believe in the flag system we have
Function.call.bind and Function.bind.call whats the difference
one binds the method call, one calls the method bind
why can't I downvote on Area 51
and bind.Function.call ?
> Voting a question down requires 150 reputation.
and call.Function.bind?
@dystroy Well, you can ask him to post it again if you think it's apt. I don't feel strongly about it in any regard
> I have no idea why the questions are being downvoted with no comments?
@BartekBanachewicz i can downvote from your side.
maybe because they are terrible.
I moved it out because I thought it was quite blatantly just self-promotion
> What does the word "theory" mean in a scientific context?
if that's the best that's supposed to show up on this site then burninate it now.
@BartekBanachewicz done.
Pft. Gravity is just a theory. I can't wait until they solve that one.
which one? wasn't that solved like 100 years back?
@AwalGarg He's mocking the people who don't understand that a scientific "theory" is not a hypothesis
@AwalGarg "solved" ? It's not like if we had a good unified theory
@dystroy that is about quantum gravity, he was talking about Gravity... we can't expect a GUT for atleast 100 more years from now.
@AwalGarg That is about coherent usable theory unifying all forces
@dystroy yes, and that is also a misconception. GUT is not an actual term but the way they exaggerate things to make them interesting for 20yo. And I also hope you didn't read any of the SH's books on that cus they are pretty misleading. (Not that they are wrong, just misleading)
@rlemon how's fish?
BTW, a fun thing
@Feeds done.
I'm still capped though :D
There is something very liberating in answering a question while capped.
@dystroy interesting
@dystroy lol... where did you get that from?
Zirak is love, Zirak is life.
@AwalGarg You don't recognize a reddit post when you see one ?
> I am asking about the floating stones in Indian ocean. How are they floating? Is there any science behind it?
no, they are held up by fucking pony magic.
@dystroy nope. I no reddit. AND YOU UPVOTED IT?????
@BartekBanachewicz source ?
@BartekBanachewicz it's the power of media
@dystroy the amazing proposal that was posted here had a proposed question like that.
ahh I get it why reddit is even worse than SE... and why someone told me not to join reddit.
where can we use Function.call.bind .. first the bind will return a function, with the this value set to whatever the context, then call will call with the this value set to the returned function ? why would we need this?
@AwalGarg I don't see how this proves that Reddit is worse than SE
And why wouldn't he upvote it?
Reddit isn't a Q&A website
@AwalGarg yeah, can you point in a non allusive way what you don't like in that post ?
i dunno what reddit exactly is, so don't take me seriously if I talk reddit.
I would upvote that, it's cool.
@AwalGarg what's wrong in that post?
Reddit is amazing
You find all kinds of amazing things there
reddit is fucking terrible in general
but that one particular post is ok imho
@BartekBanachewicz Have you been hanging out around /r/funny/ too much?
ELI5 is a pretty good subreddit
yeah, reddit is don't want to be flagged -ing terrible in general but you have gems, and like stones in the ocean sometimes they float
well I thought /r/haskell is okay
but then I've read some of the comments and suddenly felt like it's YouTube all over again
i've read here that window.close is now buggy / changed in chrome
@dystroy can you link to the post please? would like to read the thread... :P
and they say that the hacky way is : open(location, '_self').close();
but this will close the window immediatly ....?
@AwalGarg Sorry, I don't have any link. But Google might probably be able to help you find it
(why do people append "sorry" to such sentences? should I do that as well?)
if you think reddit is a bad place then you're just hanging out with the wrong scene, man
I don't browse /r/all at all
hey all
Just certain subreddits that I like
I saw Angular is topic here :-)
@Meredith my point was precisely that it's not true
@RahulPatil it's not. We're talking about magic religion.
personally i love /r/crazyideas
great.. how is ng-book to get started with Angular? I have already worked on KnockoutJS and DurandalJS and expert in it.
religion? :-|
no, magic.
you know, people walking on water.
good sense of humor ;-)
I can walk on water.
Bridges, man. Why do they even exist?
spiders can walk on water.
Running on water is a Canadian pastime.
@SomeGuy that's really not what walking on water is
I am walking on water.
I am water.
I can swim on roads, walk on water
I originated water :P
I originate water several times a day.
I am walking on Kendall originated by Rahul.
you're disgusting
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, not what I was insinuating. Just hit the enter key too early
no serious talk here? :-|
@RahulPatil bring the serious talk. I'm crying for my hard disks here
@RahulPatil I think religion is a fairly serious topic.
@dystroy google gave me this but I don't see that there....
I mean magic. (never gets old)
anyway, help me help me help me! what would be the best place to learn AngularJS
I've purchased ng-book
then read it?
The best place to learn a technology piece is to use it
yeah.. will start tonight but it would be better if you guys suggest me something else
seriously we're not construction workers you don't need a license for a forklift
@BartekBanachewicz a nuclear bomb????
see I that's why I clarified
you can hardly kill anyone accidentally by coding
Well PHP could but PHP is not coding.
PHP is weapon
@BartekBanachewicz PHP doesn't kill, it only spoils you.
"spoils"? I think you meant "soils"
nuclear weapon
or dunno, "fucks over" (altough that would be a funny typo)
people have died because of bad coding
that makes you sick
that is a burden we all bear
I've literally fckd myself because of bad coding :P
"all" ? When is the last time your code killed somebody ?
var s = function () { console.log(1); }
//is 1; but how.
No wait I don't want to know.
when I was just a beginner obviously.. :P
Spell checkers should automatically remove "literally"
what is happening to this room?
anal sex and god
out of context
incidentally Tim Minchin wrote a song about anal sex and god
zomg.. diversion ahead
let's all now listen to it.
i think it all started because rlemon said something about gravity and then dystroy spiced it by posting somewhat-related reddit post...
@dystroy That is literally the best idea I've ever heard
personally i think people should use literally as often as they can
Wait, what does literally mean again?
Should I been offended when I receive a mail with "I got a referral to you as an experienced Web developer" ?
it's liberating
@dystroy lol, are you not?
ok, Function.call(s); is an anonymous function. I want to know, what does call return.. when we pass a function to it.. how does it treat it, with this = s?
@monners I can't even design a pretty page alone... I'm a coder... engineer... founder... anything but not a web developer
The email didn't say designer, did it?
thats what they said...
making stuff pretty is easy just use your fashion instincts
@dystroy So you read web developer as web designer?
In fact I wonder... What is a web developer ?
Any coder who happens to use http ?
apparently he is still stumped by his hdd problem.
@dystroy developers create logic
require("http") in Node.js makes you a web developer.
designers create UI
(let's see)
logic creates developers
One PHP.
called it.
LMAO I've just remembered how Google once blocked PHP.net as malicious
@SecondRikudo as many as you want.
This was so spot on.
@Meredith in fact that mail I got is from a fashion related startup founder
> this site contains malicious and dangerous code
@towc nudge
@dystroy A software developer that specialises in web technology?
@monners so I'm not
@dystroy lol, then be offended..
currently writing a mail full of insults
@dystroy decline decline immediately... don't let a single good coder slip into the fashion industry.
!!define web developer
@dystroy Bonus points if you can work the word spelunking into it in a meaningful way
@towc web developer (computing) A person who develops applications designed to be used via the Internet
I declined already, they're in Berlin and I won't accept a job more than 15 minutes by foot from my home
I hope you don't live in Alaska
@dystroy even if they shift their business to your home, DO NOT ACCEPT. this is my humble request to you...
there isnt a single business with 15 minutes of me
I really honestly dream of a world where there is nothing like fashion. The fashion industry disgusts me.
@SecondRikudo That's not a majority vote, the guy who wrote the page is biased enough to skew it easily to 7.
I cycle to work. Takes me 25 minutes.
@KendallFrey Yup
what do you have against fashion
so "PHP" would no longer be "PHP" now but "PHP 7"?
!!nos original or nos grape
@Cereal nos original
current version of php is php5
A person who designed to be used via the Internet
@Meredith I can't say that. jinx
@Meredith current version of php is shit. :v
note how that's always correct.
PHP people are basically losing it
skipping versions means more or less "the previous version was so fucked up that putting just one in between is too little"
@BartekBanachewicz Nah
do not post offensive/obscene things here or censor them atleast - P**
@BartekBanachewicz ^
The main argument against PHP 6 was that there was a project named PHP6 years ago that no one knows anymore, and to avoid the so-called confusion, we had to skip
"we"???? you are in the official dev team?
Does php7 make php bearable?
@AwalGarg Oh? Did you swallow a clown today? You're exceedingly funny
If not, I don't really care
@AwalGarg you mean obscene like "fuck"?
@BartekBanachewicz fuck in nothing in front of P**....
@Meredith no.
@AwalGarg ah I see.
@SecondRikudo why not go with PHP2000 while we're at it
hey hey, someone ping me again please...
you'd clearly show that you're 14 years behind
@BartekBanachewicz Don't think such crap wasn't suggested mind you
now that I think about it, PHP1970 would be more apt
@SecondRikudo ahaha
@AwalGarg requirements for PHP "official dev team": know school level C.
When people talk about features and C code in internals, the majority shuts up
ah right PHP parser has no AST.
But start a discussion about something simple such as the next version number, and every idiot suddenly has ideas
bikeshedding vOv
now, I already ignored AwalGarg. Am I missing out on the fun?
haha. great, I blocked that div with id as reply-count via Adblock!! awesome :)
@SecondRikudo Two cannibals are munching on a clown when one turns to the other and says, "Does this taste funny to you?"
@Neil Ba-dum-tss!
@Qantas94Heavy not really.
@Qantas94Heavy Hardly
@BenjaminGruenbaum really?
@Qantas94Heavy 56 already by the way.
@SecondRikudo Thank you, I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.
@AwalGarg yes. Wanna hear the great story of how goto got into php?
I do!
oh shit, I thought.... leave it.
haha, thanks. BTW, ^
Someone made a commit saying "I'm trying to see what I can do with the code base and practice my C, would people mind critiquing my code?" or something similar. That commit was merged :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum link please.
Pfft, ain't nobody got time for that. Search for goto in internals
@BenjaminGruenbaum I believe you so I am going to put my time in doing so. I hope you are not kidding with me.

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