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is there anyway to break point in firebug when any script tries to get the mouse x,y co-ordinates?
Why does developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/… have a link to jquery under See also
@Loktar I'm really sorry my codepen thing got picked to be on the front page but it was mostly me working through your blog post and figuring out what did what!
@Loktar I mentioned your blog in the description though so I tried to give you credit where credit is really due

Can somebody explain me need for line "klass.prototype.init = function(){...};", as i can see example will override that with "Person.prototype.init = function(){...}"

Default constructor if not given?
Person would overwrite it, but if you didn't make the Person.prototype.init = ... line then it would use the default init function in it's prototype @Srle

So basically, yes a default function in case one isn't given.
1 hour later…
Q: Catching Errors in JavaScript Promises with a First Level try ... catch

KirkSo, I want my first level catch to be the one that handles the error. Is there anyway to propagate my error up to that first catch? Reference code, not working (yet): Promise = require('./framework/libraries/bluebird.js'); function promise() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, re...

@mrzepka haha man don't worry about it
its your code I don't own the algorithm :P
thats why I make blog posts anyway
pretty badass you were picked
does using display:table-cell make me a horrible person?
I can't get these divs to behave
@towc are you cicada on codepen?
@Mosho I think the trick is realizing that divs never behave. It is you that must conform.
1 hour later…
@m59 I will never surrender to their tyranny
table all the divs
Why {a:5} shows 5. should not it been accessed like this.a
try ({a:5})
otherwise it's a block
So in a block the a has no meaning
it's a label
a:for(;;){break a}
O, I see
But why is it like that
@AbhishekHingnikar Inspired by your comments about Sketch I had a play with Illustrator's SVG export this weekend. Dunno about Sketch, but Illustrator outputs really clean XML.
@shortCircuit it has to be one or the other, and a {} in the middle of nowhere is seen as a block by the js parser, it's seen as an object declaration only when you assign it
a:5 is valid JS, something called a label, (which now I see was mentioned)
although I don't see what would make you think it adds properties to this to begin with
@Mosho display: table-cell on what element? CSS table properties can in fact affect the behavior of an HTML element in a screen reader. Your intuition is not unwarranted :)
just on two turds I want side by side
i don't think I can help you with that.
my turds are not good enough for you?
Hi there, why does this test fail? What am i doing wrong with the $injector? hastebin.com/usufudefil.coffee
@Mosho Please don't use display: table-cell
@monners why?
It's a real pain in the ass to work around when it comes modifying layout
for user stylers?
User stylers?
people writing userstyles
@JanDvorak He probably means that it's a pain for people who'll have to maintain it
but is it?
It's really nice when you have two blobs of text next to each other and you want to set their width so that their height is approximately equal
That's a conversation you need to have with whoever's in charge of content.
I mean, why is it a pain for maintainers?
Because it's unexpected and a throw-away solution for a single piece of content (IMHO).
If you've got a solid layout sensible content then you should need to solve that kinda problem
What about the classic fixed-rest-fixed layout? Tables do that pretty well
So does calc() and clearfixes, and they're much more descriptive
I'll consider calc then, thanks.
!!caniuse calc
but... display:table works in IE8
Ugh, IE8
sometimes you have to...
If that's what you need to do, go for it. I'd recommend delivering that solution to IE8 clients only though
... and maintain two CSS versions?
No, just IE8-fix.css
Overrides for problems in IE8 specifically
That's a pretty standard approach
yet if I use calc everywhere, IE8-fix will be just as big as the main CSS
Ummm, your styles are that closely tied to your layout?
Personally, I deliver IE8 users a fixed-width layout regardless.
or that
I guess that multi-column layout is a big no-no for mobile pages?
Works pretty well with RWD, because then you can just grab your base.css and your desktop styles and output them combined specifically for IE8. Scss makes that real easy.
@JanDvorak Depends on what you're showing, although typically you'd wanna move any asides off canvas and use a menu button or something to bring them in. You've got very little room to throw away on anything other than content on a small screen.
where's the typical threshold? 480px?
@JanDvorak There isn't an absolute answer to that. It should be dictated by the content more than the device. Figure out where things start to go awry and style around that (or design with a particular set of viewport sizes in mind from the start)
i need help, been debugging for days :'(
how to make firebug breakpoint in every code after "debugger" keyword? jsfiddle.net/kingkool68/fZQEJ
wrong link above, new one jsfiddle.net/fZQEJ/194
don't forget to keep firebug open
ya, i did
i am writing a question in SO, but its very hard to write cos of my english :(
eeee... stackoverflow.com/questions/24980472/how-to-debug-in-firebug sounds like my worst question ever :(
@NokImchen this has to be the most horrible thing I've ever seen latestnewlovesms.blogspot.co.il
@BenjaminGruenbaum ee! that site! i forgot to delete! hehe
hehe, edited :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum the design isn't that bad
@JanDvorak ah, thanks to blogspot ready-made templates :P
@NokImchen the problem here is that you have to unpause the javascript to get from the onclick handler to the submit handler
unpause the javascript? I have not paused it :|
Using debugger; is pausing it
That's what a breakpoint is
@SomeGuy oh :(
room is looking so cleaning today... no crappy lock icon, no additional subheads. nice :D
@Loktar your codepen creations look amazing!
TIL the awesomeness of SVGs! codepen.io/monners/pen/KFxap
I also learnt that jQuery doesn't like trying to target SVG nodes
@monners does it not?
Nope. Had to shim it to get it to add/remove classes to SVGs properly
In October I will be in Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and Prague. If any room regulars are from these places I'd love to have a beer.
Awww, no plans to visit Australia?
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you doing that interrail thing?
No, just having fun
@BenjaminGruenbaum exact date for Paris?
I may be in Paris in october, but I don't know yet the exact dates.
attempt 2 installing windows
reformatting the whole hard disk
@FlorianMargaine 08-12 oct
How can I select device( I have 2 cameras) for viewing in video element ?
@towc WTF!!!!!! the main menu is crazy
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll let you know
!!purge Linux or work
@FlorianMargaine great
@rlemon why is caprica down ?
because she is
think about removing the gallery when she's down btw
@BenjaminGruenbaum you'll be with your wife?
I envy you :) being able to afford such trips so early in your life, gotta be great
(I mean this in a positive way, i.e. I'm happy for you)
@FlorianMargaine Thanks. You're a developer in Europe, we don't stay fancy - I'm renting an airbnb studio apartment in Paris, not sure yet in Brussels and maybe I'm sleeping on a boat in Amsterdam... tickets and travel is pretty cheap.
Speaking of which
Sleeping on a boat, cool or not?
I've done it
depends on your... sea tolerance?
dunno how to say it
oh, that kind
@FlorianMargaine I've served 3 years in the Navy, I'm fine with the sea
well, sure
Yeah, not a yacht
It's like an hotel boat
@BenjaminGruenbaum I was thinking about your wife rather than you :P
Oh, lol, I think it's a pretty steady boat.
but yeah anyway, this kind of thing look fine
never done it though, can't tell
but this is amsterdam, so nothing can be very wrong
are you a smoker btw? ^^
In Amsterdam
Oh, you mean cigarettes :P?
Why? Are you?
uh, yeah, "amsterdam's cigarettes" :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum just wondering if you're gonna get stoned :p
Those? Sure. It's part of the culture of going there. Of course I am.
enjoy then!
It's not something I do often here, but last time I was in Amsterdam I smoked a bit, it's nice I guess. To be fair I like drinking better. Also cannabis is still illegal in Israel anyway.
it's illegal in france too... but the culture is weird
like... over 50% of young people have smoked more or less regularly here
Oh, here too
It's very common among students.
Is it possible to use a different Promise API with Angular?
@SecondRikudo :P
@SecondRikudo like bluebird?
@FlorianMargaine For example
A: How do I use Bluebird with Angular?

Benjamin GruenbaumThis is possible, and even quite easy! Well, if we look at how Angular's own promises work, we need to get Bluebird to $evalAsync somewhere in order to get the exact same behavior. If we do that, the fact both implementations are Promises/A+ complaint means we can interop between $q code and Bl...

SO just logged me out... wtf
I should have known Benjamin (Promises) Gruenbaum would answer that
Angular is switching to a Bluebird clone by the way.
It's like a weaker Bluebird, they literally started by copy-pasting petka's code and then started making it not as good :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum link?
@BenjaminGruenbaum wut
Look at the comments, I've been speaking to Jeff Cross and Cait about this.
Compare it to a previous version.
There's still duplicate code there
that's crazy ^
weird code
a mix between bluebird's code and angular's $q
> and others
@SecondRikudo inorite
The codeschool Angular course is actually pretty neat
@SecondRikudo did my answer work out for you?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's still all theoretical, I'm gathering info before I start implementing
I'm learning Angular and Node for an OS project I'm planning with a friend
OS project?
Oh, open source
So, anyone here been in Brussels and can tell me what does one do there?
@Benjamin Sprout
In Brussels... You sprout..
I just woke up.
@AbhishekHingnikar attempt? you are not fighting with Hulk, are you?
@AwalGarg Worse
He's fighting me
@SecondRikudo oh... you are linux then.
lol. you are free and open source. I can modify you as per my wish. hahaha.
@AwalGarg 5 minutes later....
@SecondRikudo hehe... get DRIVERS!!! not car Drivers.... DRIVERS!!
downloading second Rikudo on /dev/null
@SecondRikudo so are you going to completely leave PHP now?
@AwalGarg I'm on my way out. But I don't think I'll completely leave PHP.
@SecondRikudo do you find node any better? (I know this question is kinda idiotic, cus you will say they are different. but still...)
@AwalGarg PHP is easier, and more suited for simpler projects.
@SecondRikudo simpler to what level?
@AwalGarg You don't need to understand the HTTP protocol to use PHP
@AwalGarg simpler to comprehend. It handles resources and state for you.
@SecondRikudo Oh and also that, you don't need to understand how the internet works.
if you had to write Stackexchange, which language would you chose?
Probably the same they did, C#.
@AwalGarg With the same scale of Stack Exchange? Some sort of compiled language at the very least.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah right...
Java or C#, depending on which you know.
@AwalGarg that wasn't a joke.
@SecondRikudo why compiled?
@AwalGarg you know that Stack Exchange is built with C#, right?
@SecondRikudo yes, the same scale of SE. and I meant, language between PHP and node.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sheer performance.
@SecondRikudo ASP. yea.
@AwalGarg node is not a language.
@BenjaminGruenbaum @_@
@AwalGarg Node is a server-side framework for JavaScript
The language is still JavaScript.
oh c'mon I know that...
@SecondRikudo compiled languages like Java lose typically to dynamic languages like Lua in web benchmarks all the time. Companies like PayPal are switching from Java to Node for performance...
@SecondRikudo "platform"
@SecondRikudo so.. for developing SE on the scale of SE, would you chose PHP or server side JS?
posted on July 27, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} The new Weekly Weinersmith is up! It involves sharks.

@AwalGarg JS
@AwalGarg probably? Neither. There are many other choices. Between the two? Probably php.
@Feeds stfu. don't spoil the transcript, slide in from the TOP!!!
@BenjaminGruenbaum How so?
ok. Benji the great says PHP, madara the god says JS.
@SecondRikudo 99% of what SE does is caching, that's as easy in PHP and in JS. The rest is forms and form processing which is easier in PHP, deployment which is easier with PHP etc. There are no persistent connections and it is very AJAX light compared to most modern websites.
PHP is also easier to hire developers for, since they're usually worse and work for much less money.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Actually I think caching is easier with JavaScript, especially since you have server-wide state.
Again, I wouldn't use either. I'd probably use Python or C#.
@SecondRikudo server-wide state is horrible for caching since caching requires immutability and mutations to be explicit.
@BenjaminGruenbaum other than the super crazy facebook, can you list a website at the scale of SE other than SE which uses more ajax than SE (I know se is not the scale of FB)
@AwalGarg facebook is built with php by the way, a decision they regret.
@AwalGarg gmail?
Quora? Twitter?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Some weird kinky clone of PHP anyway
And with all the money they have, they could have remade Facebook entirely to work with freaking assembly, so I'm guessing they don't regret it that much.
@BenjaminGruenbaum regret? what more could you expect from a college student making one of the largest growing website in a week?
@BenjaminGruenbaum gmail, twitter are not the scale of SE... quora might be...
@AwalGarg you think twitter is not the scale of SE o_0?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think he means that SE is not the scale of Twitter/GMail
@SecondRikudo haha. what they made of PHP can be considered modern PHP though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum nope, I meant, twitter is of greater scale. am I wrong in thinking so?
@AwalGarg The new phpng (PHP6? 7?) is a good step in the right direction
But PHP has a lot to improve before it can be considered "good".
PHP is fundamentally shitty.
@SecondRikudo yeah... I remember reading somewhere that creator of PHP said that something FB guys made in PHP is a very good step and they might consider including it in PHP.
@SecondRikudo like getting rid of stupid functions like strip_tags?
@BenjaminGruenbaum phpng fixes a lot of the basic underlying crap. I'm not proficient enough with the changes, you shoulsd ping Joe if you need/want to learn more.
@AwalGarg Dunno, ask Joe.
Joe Watkins? the super great awesome helpful guy?
@AwalGarg The very same.
is phpng any good to use in production now @SecondRikudo?
@AwalGarg No idea, ask that in the PHP room.
heading over to room 11
Installed windows
system already lags :P
Installed Archlinux … only takes 48 Megabytes of RAM
or install more ram.
@copy Am running out of it :P
well am gonna install vagrant and share a whole drive with windows.
so i get bestish of both worlds maybe.
good morning
@SecondRikudo what's Joe's role in phpng?
@FlorianMargaine I'm pretty sure he's the main dev, and if not, a core dev.
Q: A bit confused with q and promises in nodejs

GrofitI currently have a few js files in nodejs which are loaded as module and augment the app object (using express). So their signatures look like: module.exports = function(app, callback) { // ... callback(); } So currently as I have about 5 of them my code would look like: require("./s...

@Zirak if you wrote it, I will enjoy reading it.
@mikedidthis Sir, your pants seem to have started burning
so hows everyone doing ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I stack overflowed codepen with recursive animation calls
woah.. @towc
I'm having trouble setting a prototype function codepen.io/mrzepka/pen/cFgJl
it's saying I can't set my function to undefined
@mrzepka the Firework must be a constructor
it can't just be an object
var Firework = function () {
  this.x = Math.random()*width,
  this.y = height,
  this.expHeight = Math.random() * (100 - 50) + 50
@towc no, a function.
why a function?
because it has to be a function... ?
ok, she's down
ignore that
@FlorianMargaine this thing
function cheese(){}; cheese.prototype.protothing=function(){}; console.log(cheese.protothing)
it's because I need a constructor to create an instance of firework instead of the object itself.. or something
logs undefined
@towc hm, yes?
console.log((new cheese()).protothing)
function (){}
just saying that JS doesn't have constructors
it's just functions, and the new keyword is something magic that transfers the prototype onto the new object and sets the this value
Q: Async calls and updating variables

Mandar KatreConsider the following javascript snippet - var x; asyncFunction(); syncFunction(); function syncFunction() { console.log(x); } function asyncFunction() { // any async call or an ajax call //set...

Sublime 3 vs Sublime 2 vs Atom ?
@OMGFFS This man knows what he's talking about.
@AbhishekHingnikar I was very unimpressed with atom, tbh.
Don't see how it's any better than the alternatives. Give it a shot, maybe you'll like it.
Also give Brackets and Lighttable a chance.
tbh? to be hidden? the biggest hump? that bad happening? what?
to be honest @AwalGarg
simple question about updating members of an ob... oh it's not an object anymore.
it's always an object
lighttable = buggy brackets.
I'm trying to update my y value (by decreasing it for animation purposes) but after 1 iteration it becomes undefined? codepen.io/mrzepka/pen/cFgJl
Oh... probably something to do with my use of this
let me change that and see if it helps
@mrzepka invalid syntax at line 31. thats not the way you can use ternary if, from what I learnt until now.
@Zirak am using jetbrains now
@AwalGarg was working in my functions below
github for windows installs everything but a cli GIT
It's that my 'this' becomes the window after the second iteration
@mrzepka hey... I was typing that... bad you
if I changed it to take the firework as a parameter that should fix it
Somebody can give me a help trying to find why my submenu with javascript its not working? jsfiddle.net/7DXzP/2
@Marby Floated links == ul has no height == ul has no area == ul doesn't fire mouseenter.
Tried to set off more than 1 firework at a time and blew up codepen... and chrome

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