Has anyone noticed the review queues indicating posts need to be reviewed (via the numbers next to the queue), but when trying to enter the queue, another message indicates that no posts need to be reviewed?
Years ago I made some novelty sites with php/apache that used the subdomain to display different messages to the user, I decided to remake one of them using node and wanted to share how this could be done, it was much simpler than I thought it would be. For this I used express, you could […]
Do you guys every find yourself jumping into the inspector to change the layout of particularly annoying blog post pages so you can read them more easily?
@guys i have a doubt in ajax post method can i ask it i have done all the research i can and yet couldn find one solution for it ....... may i post my question?
Can ajax post a dynamically generated data to my spring servlet ? this is my question guys .... cud any one help i have browsed through many questions in SO as well as examples in google ..... if any one can help i shall share what i have done so far ...... thanks in advance
@SecondRikudo Agreed, I'm trying to come up with a strong case for moving away from static wireframes for client presentations to html style demos and wireframes as a first-round concept approach
@SecondRikudo Often they're not indicative of a final render, and they don't highlight the importance of design-appropriate content in responsive layouts
Static wireframes are incredibly cheap and easy to create, incredibly cheap and easy to share, and provide a more-than good-enough solution to communicate initial thoughts.
@monners They aren't meant to be an indicative of a final render, but more of illustrating a concept. Think of it as the replacement to doing pen-and-paper drawings.
@FlorianMargaine I disagree. @SecondRikudo that doesn't matter to a client, but it's a change of process in terms of early collaboration between FED and creative (which I whole-heartedly support)
I have developed a google chrome extension, thought to make it open source. Please find out the git repository at github.com/kamranahmedse/gcuf-new-caster-chrome-extension If it may help someone out there. And please do "star" the repository as it would mean a lot to me :-)
@FlorianMargaine I am planning on developing another version, a generic one, this was meant to aid my university fellows in staying upto date with their university news and updates
GCUF News Caster is a Google Chrome Extension, that fetches and show the latest news from the GC University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan and shows them right into your browser, so that user doesn't have to visit the GCUF News Website to stay up to date. So to increase your productivity.
Please have a look at the description of repository:-)
them 3 videos :->, in da browser with my really.js :P export
@T.J.Crowder: No problem at all. You may well have managed to improve the JS as you went along. I'm very clearly not a JS coder :) — Jon Skeet1 hour ago
room topic changed to JavaScript :: ǝɯɐפ ǝɥ┴: DO read this link: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf :: YES! Angularjs is on topic here. stop asking. [ecmascript] [javascript] [mine] [mine] [mine]
I'm searching for a Promise API for Android. Within AngularJS you can use $q service and I like the programming model.
Instead of:
step1(function (value1) {
step2(value1, function(value2) {
step3(value2, function(value3) {
step4(value3, function(value4) {