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i'm batch downloading thumbnails right now for the next experiment
haha cool
but I have a whole new approach
I just need a shitload of images
so i'm downloading them now
yesterday, by Jeremy
Has anyone noticed the review queues indicating posts need to be reviewed (via the numbers next to the queue), but when trying to enter the queue, another message indicates that no posts need to be reviewed?
1 hour later…
wrote a new article :O just a super quick one to follow up my github repo from today
posted on July 26, 2014 by Loktar

Years ago I made some novelty sites with php/apache that used the subdomain to display different messages to the user, I decided to remake one of them using node and wanted to share how this could be done, it was much simpler than I thought it would be. For this I used express, you could […]

oh shit I'm on feeds?
@Meredith I could listen to it all day
That was fun
after a bit the hands hurt...
Do you guys every find yourself jumping into the inspector to change the layout of particularly annoying blog post pages so you can read them more easily?
@monners expecially miaou
makepixelart.com/artists/anonymous/flying-parrot-1 is this considered reasonably good pixel art?
is it logical to think that canvas.save and canvas.restore only changes settings, so it shouldn't change the image?
aaaaand... after doing random things for 6 hrs I realize it's 5:12am 0.o
@monners I do that for some XML feeds
adding animating sprites to canvas is more a pain that what I thought it would be
$6.20 worth of ice cream
Yay SF
LOL wat?
jesus man
I get a large shake for $3.99
I get a BJ and a back rub for less than that!
@monners starbucks?
@monners Don't you get that for free?
@Loktar is the current HB worth $15?
@Loktar can you build basic image editing tools on canvas ?
@Loktar wait what jesus man my dinner costs like $2
@m59 Salvation Army
@monners monners remember me sqwaking about sketch ?
@AbhishekHingnikar wat?
@SomeKittensUx2666 hes of amaans age
i asked him why doesn't he join SO, (hes techi) ... that was his reply
are there any decent drawing apps in html5 ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Yep
@SomeKittensUx2666 still awake? what time is it?
!!google time california
@guys i have a doubt in ajax post method can i ask it i have done all the research i can and yet couldn find one solution for it ....... may i post my question?
Can ajax post a dynamically generated data to my spring servlet ? this is my question guys .... cud any one help i have browsed through many questions in SO as well as examples in google ..... if any one can help i shall share what i have done so far ...... thanks in advance
@Vicky For the love of god, please speak English.
And no, "cud" is not English.
@SecondRikudo am sorry ... it is could .....
Also, AJAX can post any data you tell it to to any server whatsoever
Your client (that performs the AJAX call) doesn't care if it's a PHP, Node or Java servlet on the other side.
well the thing is am using ajax in an external js file and everything happens except the ajax post
shall i post my ajax code ?
If it's too long, use a service like pastebin.com
Hey @FlorianMargaine could you help me setup Miaou locally?
See the main Miaou room
@SecondRikudo have i posted code correctly?
And what happens?
Is my ajax post correct?
nothing happens
the value displays in alert
Have you looked in the Network tab to see if the request is even sent?
but doesnt get posted to my servlet
no the request is not sent
i dono whats wrong
First of all, don't use alert please
It's 2014, use console.log() like any decent human being.
@SecondRikudo am sorry i am new to all these i shall use console.log() from now on ...
;) It's okay
(You don't have to apologize to me either)
I don't want to be kicked out of the room XP
@Vicky do you have an example where this is running?
@Vicky Profoundly apologizing and begging is sometime more annoying than "Okay, I understand" ;)
u mean like a fiddle?
@Vicky For example, sure
@rlemon just wow dude.. very nicely done: http://codepen.io/rlemon/pen/yglpu
Any reason you specified the `constructor: Particle` ?
How're things in the holy city?
quiet is good
Sometimes, yeah.
check that out
i want to post those values that come as alert to my servlet using what i showed u previously
will post what i have done so far to get the values from the dynamically generated tables in that link and post it to my servlet
What's a good analogy for photoshop vs the browser? Photoshop is to the browser what xxxx is to xxxx.
Obviously for non-developers
photoshop is to the browser what a fish is to a trash can
nothing to do with each other
Well that was helpful
you're welcome
writes into project spec template
@monners Photoshop is to the browser what a bag is to the trash can.
They can work together towards a common goal, but more often than not they have nothing to do with one another.
@SecondRikudo Agreed, I'm trying to come up with a strong case for moving away from static wireframes for client presentations to html style demos and wireframes as a first-round concept approach
@monners I actually like static wireframes. What's your case against them?
@SecondRikudo Often they're not indicative of a final render, and they don't highlight the importance of design-appropriate content in responsive layouts
Static wireframes are incredibly cheap and easy to create, incredibly cheap and easy to share, and provide a more-than good-enough solution to communicate initial thoughts.
@SecondRikudo the same could be said for HTML prototypes
@monners They aren't meant to be an indicative of a final render, but more of illustrating a concept. Think of it as the replacement to doing pen-and-paper drawings.
No, HTML wire frames are longer to produce
@monners No, HTML and CSS wireframes require HTML and CSS knowledge.
Use black and white wire frames
@FlorianMargaine I disagree. @SecondRikudo that doesn't matter to a client, but it's a change of process in terms of early collaboration between FED and creative (which I whole-heartedly support)
<script language="JavaScript">
function getSWF(movieName)
    if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1)
        return window[movieName];
        return document[movieName];
How can so many things be wrong in just a few lines of code? help.adobe.com/en_US/as3/dev/…
what's wrong?
Well not "wrong" per se, but...
browser detection
movieName could be stuff that legitimately does belong to window or document
not sure if the script language is capitalised properly, but it's optional in any case
braces are on separate lines
you've never worked with flash, have you?
Hello Everyone!
Hi @Qantas94Heavy thanks :-)
I have developed a google chrome extension, thought to make it open source. Please find out the git repository at github.com/kamranahmedse/gcuf-new-caster-chrome-extension If it may help someone out there. And please do "star" the repository as it would mean a lot to me :-)
@KamranAhmed it seems to be very specific.
and any generic rss reader would be better
What's that? Why should we be interested?
@FlorianMargaine I am planning on developing another version, a generic one, this was meant to aid my university fellows in staying upto date with their university news and updates

GCUF News Caster is a Google Chrome Extension, that fetches and show the latest news from the GC University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan and shows them right into your browser, so that user doesn't have to visit the GCUF News Website to stay up to date. So to increase your productivity.

Please have a look at the description of repository:-)
How's that related to anyone but whomever visits the university?
@JanDvorak Source code might help the "beginners" trying to learn Chrome Extension development
Noted. I'd rather use a tutorial for that, though.
@JanDvorak a tutorial accompanied with a sample project, can do the magic :-)
@ThiefMaster you here?
@Zirak Famous taxidermist last words.
@monners Yes! For some reason, there's a trend of making the actual content only take about 30% of the page's width.
@Zirak It's especially annoying when you're following a code tutorial and the code container is so small you've gotta side scroll to see the full line
@IvoWetzel Happy birthday !
ok, animated sprites have found a way into my sistem!
huh, classList.toggle takes a 2nd argument: w3.org/TR/2014/WD-dom-20140710/#interface-domtokenlist (scroll down a bit)
Why does it throw syntax error instead of invalid arguments error when 1st argument is empty?
Because...erm...it's syntactically invalid html?
Still the same errors T_T
iOS 8 update installed on iPhone 4S success fully
@AbhishekHingnikar Welcome to the bleeding edge.
@AbhishekHingnikar Restoring it to its natural state.
@mikedidthis I'm sorry...my code today is less funny.
@monners i wish something like sketch existed in pure js
@Zirak i wonder how is the other side ripped off aswell
how bad does this look?
supposed to be an human... not a monkey or smth
!!s/p/pretty good!/
@towc pretty good! (source)
@towc For some reason, it reminded me of The Great Cornholio
@Zirak is it that bad??
many things can go wrong, but I can't get which is the worst in here: shape... colors... shading...
His body is like a jar of urine.
just a bit bigger
He looks rapey
when you look at it close it looks better than when you're far...
I should give up on pixel art...
@Zirak looks like a pig iwth a cap to me
@towc It's a gazillion times better than what I could ever muster.
so... it's a deformed metallica fan, a jar of urine, a monkey, a rapist and a pig with a hat... great job
@towc there is a better way to do pixel art
@Zirak well... try
@AbhishekHingnikar download it?
write a filter :P, draw decent images and then pixelate it
quad trees are dope awesome for this.
you can choose the optimum pixelation level for the image.
@AbhishekHingnikar I thought about that... but only for shading.. problem is that I can't even draw a decent shape for an image
so.. a better way is to learn how to draw real art, then dumb down it?
@FlorianMargaine yeap. :-)
but the drawings that way are uber realistic pixel art.
oh ps just to boo yall
[ i hate when indian internet delays image upload ]
I kinda don't think "draw real art, then pixelate" is a better way to make pixel art than just specifically drawing pixel art.
So I've got completions...but only inline. I can't get the box to work. I'll make it work.
@AbhishekHingnikar what about it?
see the blending :D
them 3 videos :->, in da browser with my really.js :P export
@T.J.Crowder: No problem at all. You may well have managed to improve the JS as you went along. I'm very clearly not a JS coder :) — Jon Skeet 1 hour ago
@AbhishekHingnikar I thought he did all of the things...
@towc why is he talking about js on a java question ? I still quite don't get it.
Because he wrote a tool in js?
@Zirak that whole convo confuses me :-|
so he works at google (and probably is using google chrome), and is talking about emoji's not rendering for him.
oh my god... JS=Jon Skeet
T.J. Crowder is talking about encoding them in surrogate pairs, and mentioned a tool (written in js). That's the end.
@towc O_O
@Zirak ah
that skeet conversation
@T.J.Crowder: ah - the characters in the queation weren't rendering at all for me, so I suspected they were broken. My bad! — Jon Skeet 3 hours ago
Queation ?
!!define Queation
@AbhishekHingnikar No definition found.
oh equation. or that.
Do people seriously follow him around and upvote his answers whenever he posts them?
@AbhishekHingnikar Question...
@SecondRikudo yes.
Even i did ^_^
Is anyone else experiencing troubles with the Chrome Console's TAB completion?
... what's wrong?
@SecondRikudo windows yes, linux no
It displays the popup, and displays the continuation in gray, but when I hit TAB it doesn't complete
It stays the same
Hit right-arrow
Right arrow works
Or End
My Linux Chrome < My Windows Chrome
oh, I see
But I remember TAB used to work too, and it's far more comfortable than the arrows or End..
When you have several options available, tab doesn't complete the first one
It works only when there's one
Why the hell not? It used to :\
Let me see...
Yes, you're right
But that's just silly...
Submit a bug report
@Zirak you will be Jon Skeet in future.
Maybe I was Zirak in the past
@Zirak nope not skeet level yet, sorry.
Currently I'm Bob
Sound like something rlemon would send to trash
@Qantas94Heavy i was gonna do it anyways
room topic changed to JavaScript :: ǝɯɐפ ǝɥ┴: DO read this link: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf :: YES! Angularjs is on topic here. stop asking. [ecmascript] [javascript] [mine] [mine] [mine]
Bwah.... lost the game
@IvoWetzel :D lost the game on your birthday :-< what have i done
Why are your arguments in PascalCase
function{ why the {
Angular Services.
__isHashValid__ wat
the Hashed Ids :P
Q: I'm searching for a Promise API for Android. Anyone familiar with an Android version of Q?

userM1433372I'm searching for a Promise API for Android. Within AngularJS you can use $q service and I like the programming model. Instead of: step1(function (value1) { step2(value1, function(value2) { step3(value2, function(value3) { step4(value3, function(value4) { ...

the lib am wrapping gives me an array
That's a weirdo convention
Enlighten me with better one :D ?
isHashValid sounds fine
_isHashValid if you wish
i use __x__ for privates or well things not to be used by external libs.
1 min ago, by Zirak
That's a weirdo convention
this.dictionaries.something.forEach could be a reduce
reduce can't return an object can it ?
It can return whatever you want it to
!!tell AbhishekHingnikar mdn Array.reduce
oh wait you mean to say
this.dictionaries.something.reduce(function(current, hash, index){ hash[current.id] = index; }, {});
Your whitespace is a bit inconsistent
function(node, index){
// ...
function( def ){
now may i ask what i want ?
err ... well
you see the dictionaries thing
is there a better way then that ?
Well, lines #39 and #47 are pretty much the same
So you can combine the two
Look again at how reduce is used
[0,1,2,3,4].reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array){
  return previousValue + currentValue;
this.dictionaries.effects.reduce(createIndex, this.dictionaries.effectsHash);
this.dictionaries.transforms.reduce(createIndex, this.dictionaries.transformsHash);
this.dictionaries.sources.reduce(createIndex, this.dictionaries.sourcesHash);
now down to that and fixed the reduce.

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