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I was more after the "shitton of money" stuff
@jAndy Well... where do they get all their weapons from?
nobody really knows whats going on
It's certainly not from Israel
@SecondRikudo are you joking... that question you could ask in almost any conflict every fought
@jAndy oh lol, no argument there. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I blame the US and Russia (on the Russia side more recently Iran, Qatar and others) for this conflict.
weapons are always there.. magically
@jAndy No
I think it would have been resolved ages ago without third party superpowers stirring shit up.
@jAndy No, they aren't.
USA delivers to anyone. often both sides
The crap weapons are manufactured there
@jAndy both sides this case.
But the advanced weaponry, the rockets that can reach Tel Aviv or further, are bought from the outside.
With what money?
I'm just saying, anybody should stop in believing blindly what their local TV or newspaper is telling them
its just what some people decided you should hear
No one things Hamas can conquer Israel, but the fact they dug underground tunnels to Israel and attempted to use them to enact a massacre of 400 Israelis in a nearby town makes most Israelis support the operation - whose current primary goal is finding and collapsing all those tunnels - 45 so far.
and that is far away from the 'truth'
I don't trust global media :)
Both sides' governments are taking advantage of the silent majority's wish to "just living in peace" to justify the war
but again.. I always try to understand reason and logic. Do you really believe there are thousands of Palestine people or Hamas people who have nothing else in mind than slaughtering Israels and coldblooded kill other people for no reason, just for the fun of it ?
or build tunnels to.. do whatever horrible things for no reason ?
@jAndy It's not for fun
@jAndy no one said that and no one believes that.
there is always a reason and a motivation
Of course there is, they have several reasons - I just don't think they're justified.
@jAndy One of the main reasons is that in their eyes, we're the occupation. We're the bad guys.
I don't know the exact reasons of course, but I'm saying that its not so simple
well, that was basically the start of all this, right?
It never is
like saying "THEY are the evil and bad and WE are the good ones"
For one thing they have an internal war of factions and terrorism is big there as a motivator as which faction is the best.
foundation of Israel, with taking over land and the expansions that followed?
pretty much
Another thing is that the leaders there are pretty corrupt, and personal gain is a big motivator, if they keep fighting more aid money comes in which is more money Hamas can launder, the estimated wealth of the current Hamas leader is over a billion dollars.
you would have to really go back in time... lot of shit happened in the whole area
which never really resolved
They also have a hostile government in Egypt right now since the revolution there. So the Egyptian government closed their border with them.
There was also a lot of 'honor' involved.
How to become a front end developer in two steps: Step 1) Ctrl + c Step 2) Ctrl + v
@BenjaminGruenbaum Are we doing it now? Has this become a thing?
Alright then, I'll go with ti
@SomeGuy you around ?
New to Node.js. Can anyone tell me if I install node, does npm come with it?
@RahulDesai yes
@Oleg Thank you.
@RahulDesai yes
@RahulDesai yes
@RahulDesai yes
!!did I blow it ?
@jAndy By all means
@jAndy Certainly
@jAndy what is your tshirt size ? /cc @BenjaminGruenbaum @rlemon @Loktar @SomeGuy @copy @BadgerGirl @ThiefMaster [@Zirak]
no seriously
I honestly have no clue.. in what measurement ?
@AbhishekHingnikar o/
@jAndy S M L XL XXL 3XL?
Small Medium Large Extra Large
lol @SecondRikudo
@GNi33 :D :D
I think most of my shirts are L, very rarely XL but thats actually too wide slightly
aiight then L
meh i should make a google form for this .
sending tshirts to a few of you :D
@jAndy you still owe me a training plan, dude! :D
user image
@jAndy i have a very special one for you my friend :P
took 5 hours to build it
that seems like a shitty plan, but if you say so, master, I shall obey
Opera Mini does not seem to support anything when you look at caniuse.com
@jAndy i look now what you looked months ago
wanna see ? :-/
seriously, westside 4 skinny bastards should be pretty good to start off, right?
and i have a veggie diet {:-/ for almost my life }
@AbhishekHingnikar I am now, what's up?
thats a pretty good start :P want to marry me ?
@SomeGuy nothing my nexus bricked needed to text someone urgently
oh well... FYI Channel: I'm no longer single ! (sorry @Zirak)
Not sure about the T-shirt size. How are you measuring?
@jAndy i figured that with facebook post :P
@SomeGuy Asian S M L XL XXL
probably will make a size chart :D raah
Medium or Large is what I usually get
Depends on the fit
I seriously found a girl... sports trainer, veggy girl, very open minded working at a software company... georgeus too
its like winning the jackpot
Is she imaginary?
he cooked with her too, right @jAndy ?
hi all
@AbhishekHingnikar all the time :)
im having trouble with this fiddle
so... you know that when you press a key and keep pressing (let's say space) it will drop a space in the text place, then it will wait a bit and it will keep dropping spaces... how do you get rid of that 'waiting' part
@jAndy caprica?
its dropping the first 3 columns when the responsive script runs
caprica broke up with me last summer
@jAndy What's there to bitch about, as long as I have you...
@jAndy oh, sorry, I didn't knew..
resize the window to see
@jAndy grats man :D
doesn't look too bad does it
do you workout ? or should I ask...
i run ~6-10 km daily
@AbhishekHingnikar I have sex daily dyslexia.
Hi guys o/
Any thought on whether it is better to login clients into a normal system like `app.use('/login'...` and then use the `io.set('authorization'...` of socket.io to accept or not connection, or to have the connection system in my implementation of socket.io ?
Login into a normal system force to use a cookie/token based authentification that can be easily stole. I was wondering if it is possible to steal a socket.io connection (by changing sessionId or something).
@AbhishekHingnikar around -4km a day?
or wait... bitwise !-4km=3km
How to become a front end developer in two steps: Step 1) Ctrl + c Step 2) Ctrl + v
@AbhishekHingnikar that's pretty awesome. I'm still struggling to run on a regular schedule :/
How to become a big company in three steps : Step 1) Ctrl + c Step 2) Ctrl + v Step 3) Patent
hi all, is anyone aware of how to set truncation with ellipsis for textarea so as to support multiline rows? As the css ellipsis solution to this problem just truncates on the first line.
@Yoda Why would you want to truncate in a textarea?
it is a requirement. I know its odd.
@SecondRikudo I'm thinking to get rows count based on height divided by line height as height of a row is set by line-height.
@Yoda It's not odd, it makes no sense
textarea is an input. The user is expected to input something in it
Just fake it. Hide the textarea and "display" what is typed in an element, with the appropriate css
Quick Question: Can Yeoman be called as a module for Node?
It doesn't make any sense to truncate the user's input as he's typing it.
@RahulDesai how would that make sense?
And if you aren't using the textarea as input, you shouldn't be using a textarea!
@GNi33 I am installing it through NPM...
it makes sense in my app's context as it is a complex widget where I need to have multiline text box which also support truncation and it should work as per what the content is passed to it.
@Yoda after people edited, hide the textarea and display an element that has the content of the textarea and the good css rules
@Yoda You're doing it wrong. There are no usecases where textarea should be truncated. If there are, you shouldn't be using a textarea to begin with. Replace it with some other element and use overflow: ellipsis on that.
if you edit what is in the textarea then truncate what is in is just a dumb idea
if you're not editing what is in the textarea, then don't use a textarea
@GNi33 or a package maybe?
I don't know why you would want to do that?
yeoman sets up a "boilerplate" for your project locally and provides a node-server for development
@GNi33 To create a tool that automatize things
then use yeoman's components
to automate stuff, you can use grunt almost exclusively
@dievardump actually another reason this is an old project and i will have to check if this change breaks anything as this can be used by other widgets. So, for ready only purpose, I will try a paragraph tag.
yeoman is pretty much just a wrapper for stuff like grunt, bower and some other things
a package containing several node modules if you will
yo only uses these modules and builds a boilerplate project directory for them
and autogenerates your bower and grunt-files for you
I'd just use grunt and the grunt - packages instead of trying to get yeoman into your project as module
Gni33 let's imagine your website is a website that allow people to have, quickly and easily, their own production environment. I would use a .sh but you can want to do var yo = require('yo'); grunt = yo.install('grunt'); ... grunt.serve();
It's probably not syntaxically correct, since I do not know yeoman, but it seems legit, no?
okay, valid point I guess
but like you said, a .sh - file running the yo - command on the server would probably make more sense here
but yeah, I guess you can require "yo" as module, never tried it though
For me also, but Imagine you own a game platform and want to allow dev to have the same env on their machine so they can develop game for your env. Let's say they dev on windows (no.sh), or you know better JavaScript as .sh and you don't want them to spend hours typing commands.
npm install yeoman
node install-env.js

and magic, all is already ready for them
(I hate when I go in a new company and I spend half a day to install everything with command lines, when they could create a phing/node/.sh/whatever file that do the coffee for you)
anyone see anything wrong with this syntax
function splitTable(original)
		original.wrap("<div class='table-wrapper' />");

		var copy = original.clone();
		$copyCols = copy.find("td:gt(2), th:gt(2)");
		$orgCols = original.find("td:lt(3), th:lt(3)");
		original.find("th:lt(3)").css("display", "none");
		original.find('tr').each(function(i) {
			$row = $(this);
			$row.find('td:lt(3)').css("display", "none");

		copy.find("th:gt(2)").css("display", "none");
		copy.find('tr').each(function(i) {
			$row = $(this);
			$row.find('td:gt(2)').css("display", "none");
mainly this line
		original.find('div.table-wrapper div.scrollable table').css("margin-left", "0px");
I'm wondering if Sails.js framework for Node.js could be used in production sites, as i read that Meteor and Derby can't be used in production: andrewmunsell.com/blog/…
html in javascript, wrong
not enough jquery
@Corbo152 if original is a jQuery object, it should be named $original
omg really not enough jQuery
other than that, it is syntactically valid, and even uses functions that actually exist in jQuery
Hum not sure
there is a }); at the end that should not be here
it does what it should do just doesn't change the css property #
marginLeft ? < try with that
still not working
Are you sure : 1/ there is an element here (console.log) - 2/ in the css inspector the margin did not change 3/ changing the margin actually will move the element ?
ive used f12 to remove the margin-left, it moves the object
So the margin-left property is applied but does not change the element display or the property is not applied ?
maybe it already had margin-left of zero?
no it doesnt change the property
it has a margin-left of 35px;
So you probably don't have any element that match
div.table-wrapper div.scrollable table { margin-left: 35%; }
thats from the css
replace :
original.find('div.table-wrapper div.scrollable table').css("margin-left", "0px");
by :
console.log(original.find('div.table-wrapper div.scrollable table'));
original.find('div.table-wrapper div.scrollable table').css("margin-left", "0px");
And tell us what is in the console
(add the missing semicolon)
what do you need to know?
If there is actually an element in "original" that match your selector, and I want a console.log proof
this is whats in the console
[prevObject: e.fn.e.init[1], context: table#report-table.table.table-bordered.table-highlight.table-small.sortable.responsive, selector: "div.table-wrapper div.scrollable table", constructor: function, init: function…]
context: table#report-table.table.table-bordered.table-highlight.table-small.sortable.responsive
length: 0
prevObject: e.fn.e.init[1]
selector: "div.table-wrapper div.scrollable table"
__proto__: Object[0]
meaning that no element is selected
length: 0
isn't original already the table element ?
hi! Is anybody fammiliar with SQL?
I need a simple select to be done..:)
yes original is the original table element, copy is the 3 columns that it pins to the left
@AlexStanese what flavour?
@AlexStanese How simple is it? ;)
very... but I;'m new to SQL :)
I followed this tutorial but I got stuck at the select part
original.wrap("<div class='table-wrapper');

We don't do homework
I agree ^
Its not womework :))
I want for example to select the 2 text_sample that contains "mama"
I tried this according the turorial but its not working:
app.selectRecord = function(caca) {
app.db.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql("SELECT date_sample FROM MyTable WHERE text_sample = ?",
I get an alert with text "undefined"..
He is in my blacklist since he always come for his homeworks
I was wondering "what the hell"
Its not a homework man :))
@AlexStanese you're alerting it too soon.
*It's not homework, man :)
@dievardump ?
Grammar, man!
guess what onSuccess is for ;-)
thats not awseome
Believe it or not this photo was taken and filtered in javascript on an iPad Mini :P, with no manual filtering.
What's the original?
@JanDvorak this is the ORIGINAL
took it with my app for photo sharing :-)
@Corbo152 there is no element that match "original.find('div.table-wrapper div.scrollable table')" so you can not change the marginLeft property. That's that simple.
not bad
If the original contains a girl, I'm impressed
auto detects filters and sharpening etc
he means orgy + anal, why did u had to ruin it @JanDvorak ? why ?
@dievardump i understand that i just dont understand why as the element does exist
I edited the typo before I saw Jan's correction...
@AbhishekHingnikar Man, you just Inceptioned us with the reflect of your reflect in the reflect of your reflect of the sun glasses in the ipad and...
@JanDvorak I tried to put it in onSuccess and it still not working..
do I have to write it like this: alert(result.rows.item(0)["date_sample"]);?
@AlexStanese how? Fiddle pls
@Corbo152 you need to review order of your wraps etc... but at the time you try to get the element, it does not exists int hte path you look for it.
@JanDvorak I cannot put it on fiddle because it used an android plugin and it wont work on web :(
@AlexStanese looks legit. rows.item(0) looks weird, does result.rows[0] or even result[0] not work?
@AlexStanese at least for the code
@JanDvorak I wonder if I also need to include a function like this:
function getAllTheData() {
    var render = function (tx, rs) {
        // rs contains our SQLite recordset, at this point you can do anything with it
        // in this case we'll just loop through it and output the results to the console
        for (var i = 0; i < rs.rows.length; i++) {

they have it  in their tutorial and I don't know if I need it :)
let me try..
!!tell alex format
@alex Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
it doens't work with result...
right now for the select part I have this:

    app.selectRecord = function(caca) {
        app.db.transaction(function(tx) {
            tx.executeSql("SELECT date_sample FROM MyTable WHERE text_sample = ?",
how to call it? because if I call it with: alert(app.selectRecord(caca));
I get an alert with "undefined"
when do you try to alert it?
@AbhishekHingnikar large?
I tried after the select function and also in onSuccess :|
how did you try it in onSuccess?
@JanDvorak this is if you want to see the whole code: pastie.org/9411946
I've put alert(app.selectRecord(caca)); in the onSuccess function after the log..
have you tried exploring r?
hmm.. not really
What the heck, sometimes an empty new tab in chrome canary uses all my available cpu power and eventually crashes
@JanDvorak I'm not getting it :( I tried to put alert(app.selectRecord(caca)); into a setTimeout 3 sec length and I still get undefined..
oh i get you now, it cant find the element because its not been wrapped yet
@AlexStanese try exploring r
@JanDvorak I dont get what do you mean?
te result is stored in r?
I guess so.
I tried alert(r.rows.item(0)); and still undefined
I know what I'll be staring at for the next 10 years: rainbowy stuff on black looks so cool! probably just affects teens tho
@Peru Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak do you know of any other solution man?
RT @bigkevvvvv: Kerbal is love, Kerbal is life.
@dievardump that was the plan
anyway to reorder the way the divs are created in this JS
it needs to create the pinned class beofre scrollable in order for the layout to wok
$(document).ready(function() {
  var switched = false;
  var updateTables = function() {
    if (($(window).width() < 1700) && !switched ){
      switched = true;
      $("table.responsive").each(function(i, element) {
      return true;
    else if (switched && ($(window).width() > 1700)) {
      switched = false;
      $("table.responsive").each(function(i, element) {

@Corbo152 they would be made in the order you make them
@BenjaminGruenbaum k :-)
@AbhishekHingnikar Mine is this large: [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------]
@SecondRikudo that's not much
@JanDvorak You aren't looking at it in the proper font-size
Q: jQuery Promise for Ajax call

PanaisI think/hope I am missing something regarding the promise programming paradigm. I run the following code on jQuery because I want to get the data from URL_1 and then (on success) to get the data2 from URL_2. The other variables come the the context surrounding this piece of code. However, what I...

Sorry for not using 8pt font, geez!
Guys mail me with your t-shirts size at "[email protected]" , ps for sizing refer to this i.sstatic.net/kVhBh.png .. PS they are customized not just product showcase
@AbhishekHingnikar Wouldn't a Docs form be simpler?
I just realized I don't word any measurements for myself
@Cereal I think you a word there.
@SecondRikudo um err yes :-/
@SecondRikudo HE DID WHAT?
@AbhishekHingnikar I dont know my size. My mom buys me clothes :(
I'm a small according to sears.
They have enormous sizes, apparently.
a US small is a large anywhere else
Good thing I'm not American!
Though sears might be an american company, I dunno
Seriously, friend of mine went to US, told him to pick up a XS hooter's top for my then-girlfriend. That shit even fit me...
I have some shirts from China. They're XL, but fit like a medium to me.
@room Guys please fill this ... its for snapick and we will send you custom numbered tshirt, not just product support ! docs.google.com/forms/d/…
@AbhishekHingnikar can my shirt be slidepoop?
@AbhishekHingnikar can all our shirts be slidepoop?
@rlemon ew
@AbhishekHingnikar Who's eligible?
Yeah ^^^
Fill in your address in a random web form... that sounds like a good idea, @AbhishekHingnikar
I never understood that paranoia
It's not like my house doesn't exist before entering the information
It said not my MAC address. Enters IP address
Be sure to use ipv6. Gotta stay future-proof
@Cereal: I don't want random people next to my bed asking how to return data from ajax calls
We were just on CNBC
@Cerbrus with jquery
@BenjaminGruenbaum Are you that close to the actual attacks, or was it just a human intrest story kind of thing?
@Kippie nono, CNBC is a financial network
Our product, TipRanks was just on CNBC
Oh! grats
> A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt – learn more.
it was a story on @BenjaminGruenbaum's interest in Humans.
Man, need to click the search result and everything
he is really an Alien
@rlemon That's specist(?)!
Weezer has a new album. Their new single is pretty good.
@BenjaminGruenbaum do you miss melmac much?
!!youtube weezer back to the shack official audio
Uhh... not what I wanted
!!youtube even flow pearl jam
If you don't listen to weezer, it means you have cancer
Hello there, I just got the strangest error while writing a firefox plugin, I dont really know if this is the right channel, but I guarantee the exact same code did work yesterday.. and now its broken. here is a pastebin link. I get: loadContextGoodies is not defined.. any ideas?
@nOOnE Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@nOOnE never heard of that function, sorry
@JanDvorak too bad.. It was suggested here
@NickDugger Crap, what's a good website to buy cheap chemo?
Amazon has it on sale

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