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Want to confuse the living bagingles out of someone, to prevent him from reading your code? Just dynamically add getters!
He'll look for ages for that magical property which seems to come out of nowhere
@Zirak you could also write it in C
Hi, who please can help me with node.js? It disconnects when I use it with my webserver on port 80. The node is on port 9000. Here is the error: [error] (111)Connection refused: proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to (localhost) failed
[Fri Jul 18 15:54:27 2014] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (localhost)

And the question link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24782183/node-js-with-apache-503-error/24782387?noredirect=1#comment38529807_24782387
Bonus points if that getter references another getter
In unrelated news, I hate how the chrome dev tools is written
this made me sad, now I'm done with that site :(
is your name Robert :D
Robert LeMongrass
haha seriously
Lemon grass?
one of my most favorite teas :D
heh, navigate to this url in chrome: chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools.html
Linux experts
It doesn't work, but still, neat
how to get that last column ?
awk or cut
Just read that Robert comic, I am sad as well :(
guys, can anyone proficient in ES tell me why can glReadPixels raise GL_INVALID_OPERATION?
except what's in desktop?
well wait i might as well do it manully, cause i really do not want 87 js files :|
But if you just want filenames, why not ls?
@AbhishekHingnikar are those JS files ~50MB
@zigi < 1meg
oh, so skinny :D
you want to get the list of files only?
cough normal cough
just write ls withouth -la
i know that
GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING is non-zero, the read framebuffer is complete, and the value of GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS for the read framebuffer is greater than zero.
i just want a single column so that i can lazily copy
and paste it in sublime
and create script tags for each of them like a baws ! am bastardly lazy
ls | tr ' ' '\n'
test it
@AbhishekHingnikar ls -1 ?
Hey guys, when generating a CFG, is it ok to create fake entry/exit nodes before the first/last node of e.g. a switch statemement and connect each node that exits the switch statement to the fake exit node. Or should i always connect these nodes to the first node following the branching statement.
@Zirak where in gods earth is that written ?
man ls
ls --help
Search for --format
haha lol
       -Z, --context
              print any SELinux security context of each file

       -1     list one file per line
Zirak are you good with Access lists or domain config
oh yeah it is o_o wow
@AbhishekHingnikar exactly
so there are more lazy people like me <3
haha :D
sure there are
but i am again too lazy to read that down ^_^ thank you so much zirak
that's not lazyness, that's workflow optimization
I am tearing my hairs off with optimizing webgl T_T
to be honest I forgot about it
@AbhishekHingnikar are you making a game or smth
@zigi Instagram with steroids of NLP
and Object recognition in images
I see
so you recognize boobs and butts
on pictures
in short " A picture is worth a thousand words, we use a few of those words to find it out of 5000 photos"
so you could accumulate fapping material easier
@zigi for that just use IMPALA
what then
the car
do you think we could make an app for google glasses that it takes a few pictures of someone you are looking at
and searches him in the social media
@zigi my app does that out of the box
u can put anyt THING in viewfinder and it scans the fuck out of them
hm it's for phones?
but won't launch it.
@zigi ;)
because that will kill my server T_T and predator will kill a phone T_T
what do you mean it won't launch it
@Jhawins can u explain him how hard is to process images at 60fps for faces ? lol
@Jhawins well think about it, that would be the ultimate stalker app, many people are stalkers, we make a lot of moneyz
object tracking becomes way too slow for lower level androids.
@Jhawins work with zigi man :D
you just need to send it to the server
@zigi Is hard plz undrstnd tsk lotta hdd big crash lot data
no problem
with money we can do everything
I have some sponsors
@zigi we are doing that but in moral values
we let you be able to searchable by face.. if you decide.
yes exactly
not that i would want to, but u know duckfaces and freaks !
what's the name of your company and app you say again?
@Jhawins random idea..... shall we detect if a photo has a duckface and make the shutter sound as "QUACK QUACK" instead of "Shutter"
@zigi it really is a lot to process. Simply "sending it to the server" isn't all there is. The code needs hella optimized and lots of different aspects like how the images are stored/tagged matter too. The shear volume of images scraped off of a single facebook profile is amazing.
so amazing that in our first launch we had to tell ourselves not to do it T_T
On top of just "parsing" in general, the machine learning aspect cripples everything.
if we make it onkickstarter though @Jhawins you will write the scraper in php :P "because facebook"
@zigi Yeah
But that's silly.
@zigi wrote one, used faceplusplus.com currently (and let me tell you this faceplusplus takes a second - two to process an image out of 10k faces )
I HATE PhantomJS!!!!!!!!!!!
You're missing 99% of the point
For anyone interested to find out more about EVE Online I'd totally recommend this short video. It's brilliant.
Facial recognition is cool sure. Universal object recognition is cooler.
@zigi facial recognization is not hard opencv has tutorialz for apps to do it
it has ruined your life
why would I want to play
@Jhawins actually its 2 stage so far
@rlemon just watch that video dude! :D
@AbhishekHingnikar what about body parts recognition + face
1. Object... omg what the fuck it is ?
2. Now use the known algorithm for it to realize if we can identify ?
also body proportions may play a role in there
@AbhishekHingnikar I'm just trying to get across that facial recognition isn't cool, is nothing new and there's no need to explore it.
I don't need your Massively Multiplayer Monkey on my back! go away! (don't really)
but with women it'd be harder since they use mascara so it's harder to identify
@zigi learn maths is all i can say
Not in the traditional way that's already been done.
ps mascara has no play
@AbhishekHingnikar I know a lot of maths
the facial ratios do not change waht so ever
the comment made me laugh
I haven't just read that much about recognition
... Well..
unless plastic surgery ofcourse
@zigi how do you think facial rec works?
@Jhawins well why am i wastign time on here again ?
@zigi You just linked me to a facial recognition explanation explanation that explains this is untrue haha
oh yes i am going for a dinner officially called by my fiance's mum... and am having goosebumps
distance between the eyes
width height of the nose
Probably anyway. Unless it's stupd
@zigi actually 83 landmarks
shape of cheekbones
and ratios b/w them comes over 180
well yeah
@AbhishekHingnikar youre engaged to someone who has a wife?!
most likely
@rlemon and ratios b/w them comes over 9000! (source)
@DrogoNevets confused as hell dude
@AbhishekHingnikar yea me too!!
wanted to type "mum"
@zigi @DrogoNevets confused as chick dude (source)
@zigi @DrogoNevets confused as a chick dude (source)
@zigi thats sexist
you really have no regard for women do you?
I've seen you make a number of those types of comments
@zigi i know women smarter then me by far.
no, actually the other day an indian guy was shouting after two english chicks
and I told him to stop cause it's inappropriate
thats racist
so I think that's kind of the oposite of sexist
so why make inappropriate comments in here?
what's racist about reality
@zigi you masculine respectful saint please hop on
you need not specify indian for the guy
ok sorry if I have hurt anyone
well I guess it is in the culture
you don't learn.
I have seen it in bulgaria too
gunna go cry :'(
lol I can agree with the culture statement.
you make inappropriate comments then say "sorry I hurt" and "it is my culture"
50 secs ago, by zigi
what's racist about reality
^ LMFAO. This is a sure sign you are wrong. Always.
how should I know it's inapropriate, for me it's normal
but you've been told those types of comments are not appropriate like 15 times already
That sentence
well how can I distinguish?
dude, one more time and you are out.
ok I will try but I am serious
@Jhawins reality is racist :(
learn how to function with the rest of the world.
> It's not racist those canadians really are worthless. What's racist about reality?
it is not our fault you can't seem to grasp what is appropriate and what isn't
apparently in western societies it is
for which I am sorry
@zigi You should ask yourself: WWBJD. What Would Billy Joel Do?
dude, we are not all from the same country
@RobertSteinerIII where are you from?
I said "western" "societies"
don't play the victim card because you fucked up
SUPER annoying
what is that victim card?
guys what is that you are telling me seriously I have no clue right now
The last 4 users to message are: 2 USA, 1 Canada, 1 Netherlands and 1 Antarctica (zirak)
@Jhawins USA, PA to be more specific
function learnWithTheRest (world) { abuse(world); } <--@zigi
Wait that's 5
Sorry once more, I will try to be smarter about it
Who is programming in JS in Antarctica...?
can you give me some articles to read about what's acceptable and what not?
@Jhawins and add me in the mix
@RobertSteinerIII Everyone. It's the new thing. Geez, keep up with the times.
@RobertSteinerIII @Zirak lives in antarctica in a wood frame he ads polar bear skins to daily
@zigi acceptable where?
@RobertSteinerIII i did its called penguin.js
@Jhawins but polar bears live in the arctic
in normal situations
@DrogoNevets lol and Drogo in the UK... Somewhere.
lmao Guess I am out of the loop. I'll pack up after work, see you guys tonight
@Jhawins Hampshire
that rlemon describes
I am really confused right now
@zigi protip of internet : Do not use any words that cna hurt someone
@AbhishekHingnikar where can I find a list of those words
becuase we all are equal and thats what we believe in ..
@zigi I don't think anyone is actually offended or angry with anyone at this time :)
!!tell zigi urban swear
Move forward
@Jhawins i cri
@zigi Swear To [curse] or '[cuss]'. Swears are considered inappropriate to use in public places, but are less offensive than other profanities. These '[bad word]s' are often referenced by pre-adolescents by their first letter (the 'f' word, the 's' word, even 'h-e-double-hockey-sticks').
@AbhishekHingnikar Have you been in the internet lately?
ok I really need help, I try to be good but for my standards are different
@AbhishekHingnikar You cigarette bun
@Jhawins he is good at it though
@Zirak </3 u hurt my feelings
@Jhawins thanks buddy
@DrogoNevets Idk lol
@zigi just go out and socialise with real people now and again and youll be ok
but I do non-stop
Ohhhh no he dint
@DrogoNevets but will they be ?
Now that the shit-storm's out, what caused it?
sorry couldn't resist xD
and I haven't heard a single comment about my sexism, racism, misogyny, anti-semitism or whatever
@Zirak Too much Mexican food is the usual cause.
in two weeks you've heard it (from my count) about a dozen times on SO
over here calling somebody idiot won't cause that much of an issue but dear lord it can get me dead on internet.
@CapricaSix and how exactly do you decide when do you have to annoy everyone?
cause I said non-stop
haha seee
@zigi I made this same point one day. Ya know what's funny about that? I've been here like 18 months or something. My opinion changed as my perception of reality became more... Real. As far as online chat rooms go anyway.
@AwalGarg she *annoysvery few actually.
@AbhishekHingnikar We must be using a different internet
if you don't like her, ignore her.
@Jhawins it is good I didn't go to the States, I would have been sued 1000 times at least
It doesn't matter how hard you believe it, you're just wrong and it will never be acceptable to act like you do in real life in your culture in such a diversely cultured chat room.
@zigi Annnnddddd another stereotype
I really can't get this
That's pathetic. You realize people here would fucking rip you in half? hahaha
@zigi Man, that offends me, see you in court
@Jhawins Well it depends, if he goes south it might be true.. More so then North lmao
We don't get offended and sue people. Ever.
@Jhawins oh yes he did
@AbhishekHingnikar can you be dead in real life and alive on the internet and vice versa?
@rlemon oh you know I have done that...
But stop making it sound like we're a bunch of delicate china figurines.
@OctavianDamiean You're a motherfucking butt face
@AwalGarg but you haven't if you still know she said hammertime
not just like "ohh I'm ignoring you", there is a chat feature to make it so you don't see her messages.
@Zirak i am a delicate flower! not a figurene
@Zirak however, I wear a visor. All's fine.
@zigi did you actually think that the States are less accepting of insults and bad taste than your area? Because we're basically known for being assholes with no regard for the rest of the world.
one question though, why do people on the airports search mostly by "random" chance people that wear turbans and have beards
Or each other
@Jhawins hm, good point
@OctavianDamiean 2.9
it just sounds to me, people are complaining a lot in the States
but maybe I am biased
@rlemon I removed her because the other day, someone (jan?) was again teaching me some concept of JS with her !!>js code command.
@zigi Because there's usually treasure under turbans
even about stupid shit sometimes
@zigi Where are you from?
@Zirak happened a few time toe
but live in the Netherlands
for the past 5 years
@zigi That's airport security. Ya know, the most hated job in the country.
we live in great time, i guess this is peak of diversity
Yeah, and people, stop flagging that airport message :P
@AwalGarg she only interacts. she doesn't just up and start talking
How is the Netherlands? I want to move there.
so there is that.
@RobertSteinerIII Das what I said!
@zigi specify what kind of beard. A neck beard too?
@rlemon haha, remember the bored messages?
@RobertSteinerIII besides the bad weather, bad food, bad looking women and no mountains everything is great and really social
1 min ago, by zigi
one question though, why do people on the airports search mostly by "random" chance people that wear turbans and have beards
That was a horrible experiment.
^ I really want to know the relevance of that?
@Zirak those got annoying :P
I like it when the red water comes out.
@Jhawins It seems pretty dope! Wanna experience it
I don't understand why you brought up terrorist stereotyping.
@zigi Are there lots of sheep?
no, mostly cows
@Jhawins half the stuff he brings up is borderline and random.
can I say a joke now or is it gonna be to sexist if I involve the dutch women
@zigi Are you calling your mother fat?
@zigi Really? So like, once I retire I can not become a Sheppard in the Netherlands? :'(
@Jhawins You know he didn't mention terrorists, only people with turbans. You made the connection you RACIST FUCK
@RobertSteinerIII yes you can, but there are more cows than sheep.
@KendallFrey +1 lmfao
@KendallFrey haha exactly!
@KendallFrey You'll be hearing from my lawyers.
sue sue sue
I didn't know your mother was a lawyer
chant chant chant
@KendallFrey aghaghaghahga
Ooh, boy, you didn't go there, no you didn't
There is a Dutch joke that says the following: "How do you know you have crossed the border between the Netherlands and Belgium. Answer: Cause you can see confused people bringing flowers to the cows."
and my boss told me that
so that kind of humor is really acceptable
see, that is not appropriate to tell in an online community
@zigi lmao that is good
but that is not my joke
I would tell your boss the same
you still told it!
@zigi lol I wish I got it
my boss asks me in front of my female colleagues whether I am an ass or a boob guy
@Jhawins he's saying that once you get to the border the women resemble cows.
@rlemon lolol
That joke would be heard at any typical Highschool in America.. What is so wrong with it? lol
should I delete it now?
> Morning Zigi, hey are you an ass or boob guy? // asks
because it isn't appropriate to single out a culture when interacting with many different ones.
during lunch (facepalm)
if you know the people, and you know their sense of humor it is fine, but when you don't know the people, or their culture, or their sense of humor you shouldn't tell those types of jokes
well people here are totally racist against me, like, yeah you stupid bulgarians, taking our jobs bla bla bla
same thing with americans and mexicans
shrug Crude humor, I hope everyone is mature enough to understand the joke
@zigi seriously though, your women (unless you guys only allow the decent ones internet access) are fine.
@rlemon so instead of singling out a culture, I'll single out a skin tone
@zigi i've never seen anyone hate on you because you are Bulgarian
There are 320lb 14 year old girls here.
@KendallFrey lol
they hate on you because you say stupid shit
That are not only preggers but double preggers
@Jhawins do hook me up
@Jhawins McDonalds is so good, tohugh
@KendallFrey yea, those albinos are weird. ;) ;)
@rlemon in the Android room they were constantly dissing me that I put yogurt on everything
which was really stupid
cause that's a cultural thing
so bring it up with them.
I did but noone gives a donkeys ass
or talk to a mod about it if you feel so inclined.
well isn't it acceptable if they are making stupid racist comments that I can also make them? instead of involving mods and being melodramatic?
holy crap I forgot it was friday
Some neighbour is baking cookies. It smells delicious in my room. I'll have no cookies. :(
@Loktar This is American Culture right here
@Loktar Fun fun fun!
so you honestly are trying to claim two wrongs make a right? seriously?!?!?! the fuck dude?
@RobertSteinerIII tell me what more I can tell you about it
@RyanKinal FRODOH (source)
white trash, schoolbus park music
Hehe... hehe...
> well isn't it acceptable if they are making stupid racist comments that I can also make them?
@rlemon I don't even know what are you talking about
@Jhawins well isn't it acceptable if they are making stupid racist comments that I can also make them? instead of involving mods and being dramatic? (source)
@rlemon That's how wars start
Didn't the Talmud say "An eye for an eye"?
@zigi No. No it's not.
For maximum effect, open it up in 7 tabs at the same time.
@zigi Which is the worst justice system ever
on a scale from zero to even, I just can't.
@Benjamin how is Israel? The news sites make it sound like you guys are about to find out who can kick who's ass once and for all...
@HimanshuAgarwal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
^ Did you see the video about the american who got removed from a protest in a car
@Jhawins I am busy trying to figure out who shot down that airplane, and what America is going to do about it....
can anyone tell me how to do this google map
they were carrying him and pressing him to the ground
@RobertSteinerIII why do you have to do anything about it?
@RobertSteinerIII Which airplane? The one in Ukraine?
Why do you guys want to control everything?
It wasn't an American flight, didn't fly through American airspace. We better stay the fuck out of it.
that's the spirit
I am flying to Bulgaria next month
@Jhawins Hopefully we do, and I am sure we will. But you know how America can get sometimes zzz
If one of our planes get shot down Ukraine isn't going to go "Oh shit!! What can we do about this plane that was shot down on the other side of the world and has nothing to do with us?!"
Baaaaahahahahahaha... "America" and "stay out of it" are mutually exclusive.
and Bulgaria is quite close to Ukraine so I am kind of shitting in my pants right now
saw it the first time, 3 minutes ago.
@RobertSteinerIII No that's our biggest problem haha we need to focus on our country. That plane has nothing to do with us, those people have their own government and it is responsible for them. If they come to us for help that's different but there's not a single reason we should lift a finger here.
@Jhawins thumbsup
Lets go to israel next and hover ospreys in the path of the missiles to help

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