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@Neil oh back to the penis talk sigh
Yeah my biggest DB here has like.. <10K rows
:P jokes
@Loktar Ouch
thats not what she said
I walked into that one, didn't I?
haha sorry
I am a bad developer
yes, yes you are
@AbhishekHingnikar nice hulk photo bro (the one on FB)
I work with small data
1 min ago, by Loktar
@Neil oh back to the penis talk sigh
oh to illustrate how cool it is here
@Loktar made that filter better
we have a contest next week
now it only greenifies the skin color.
we get to work on whatever we want solo or on a team, to make something cool that uses our data
you can win a 52" tv.. xbone.. or other stuff
there are 16 devs. I still have no clue what to make
@Loktar can i take part ?
but its still pretty cool Ill be getting paid to do that
@AbhishekHingnikar nah its only internal
with u :3 ... we share the victory
that would be awesome though
Haha yeah @Loktar get the whole room in on it.
Churn out a masterpiece
Take credit
I seriously have no clue whatsoever what to make, I'm still a bit new and don't know the company as well as I'd like :?
@Loktar what exactly is your data ?
// since i am a pot of ideas that i never work on, just tell me.
@AbhishekHingnikar everything, like I can find out the most commonly eaten food within a zipcode
we provide data to Google
That's awesome
bleh no creative block :(
use zomato's api + google maps + google cards api
+ your api
well I mean it needs to be something to benefit the company
=> An insane CARD in google now that tells you whats being eaten around you in the cuisine that you like
@Jhawins have sex with every nth girl you see where n is a prime number.
yeah I mean that would be cool, but we already know that I guess? idk, that would benefit a user but not us
thats my struggle.. like how do I make something to help the company
@Loktar say you go outside
say you come to friken india :-)
it has to benefit the company?
It is way too fucking cold in here
@BenCraig well it should
now you have no clue what is being eaten here from what you like
zomato will give u insane prices
@AbhishekHingnikar lol your facebook message. Sounds like you're saying"lets be gay it'll make us happy" HAHAHAHA
with your life savior app i can just find the type of food i like
@Jhawins made you laugh ?
Well if you write anything that you can sell, you can swing it that it benefits the company
> I wish there was a way to just do what we do with girls.. With a dude
@Loktar make something that decides where you guys go to eat
Anybody for a game of Tribo right now ?
@Jhawins there is ... sex change lol
I want to rename the room as "Expertsexchange"
Family guy lol
we have like six power strips plugged into each other :|
so surprised we haven't tripped the breaker yet
dead room
!!afk lunch
** **
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/random
@RalphWiggum nah, too slow. use /dev/urandom or better yet /dev/zero
Oh hi ircmaxwell :-)
Oh hi Abichek
I wonder how many of your name i read wrong
for some time i read florian's name as migraine / margain ... finally realized its margaine
/me is used to people spelling his name wrong
Confession: I read your name as Abishek for a while
@KendallFrey Makes more sense phonetically
I realized later its a location thing actually
Have you guys ever had tri-tip before?
@rlemon I will give you a photo to turn into something cool if you're really itchin
@Jhawins rlemon is afk: not smoking
@AbhishekHingnikar I still read his name as "Margarine"
When i first wanted to type "JSON" i typed as "JASON" :P
if (parseInt(string) == 1) { // do something }

Is the above a valid statement?
where var string = "1"
you should be doing parseInt(something, 10)
or should I be using ===?
it shouldn't matter in this case?
I think it always returns a Number
The reason why I am asking:

var Q1_Result = "1";
var correct = 0;

if (parseInt(Q1_Result) == 1 && Q1_Result != "") { correct++; } // check if not null or empty

alert (correct); //should ouput 1

Does not work for me
any errors?
it works fine for me
When I run the script in JS it ouputs the raw code
in HTML*
hmm, dunno
Anyway Il figure it out. Its a issue outside of the scope of the syntax
who the hell is oprah winfrey?
!!urban Oprah
@Cereal oprah To make billions of money and show off in front of middle-aged white women
!!iurban win free
Oprah is my waifu
opera win free ?
!!google oprah winfrey
!!wiki oprah winfrey
@AbhishekHingnikar That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@BDillan always use ===
this room has more room owners than bees in the above gif
That's because we all have deep, deep, deep passion for JS
!!youtube nine inch nails deep
!!stat deep
@SterlingArcher User Elusio proved elusive.
They've got to be in the room
Or you can use the ID
that's so cool, he said, sarcastically.
I'm too lazy to go deep hunting for deep's ID.
Why are we not doing "phrasing" anymore?!
Because there hasn't been a "phrasing" worthy moment yet
Phrasing! Boom!
Plus im busy writing some terrifyingly bad JS because I refuse to re-write thie email function
Seriously. When the email consists of 4 possible outcomes.. just write 4 different fucking emails T_T Not a ton of jarbled if statements to have one giant orgy of if-fucking
@AbhishekHingnikar Your name is now Abhishrek.
I may not be as good as @rlemon, but I can use Paint.NET
its great !
!!afk fucking food
^ poorly phrased but whatever
not a sausage fest again!
@Jhawins ;sure
Do something with those tits
@Jhawins lol what a tan
remember what I did to RUJordan when he took a selfie
That was a long day lol not this month but I was deleting shit and saw it
looks like you wearing a F- cup bra or something
That's clearly the tan from a beater...
Q: Best practice to hang on to variables when using Promises

AmberlampsI am new to Promises and I was wondering what the best practice is to keep variables while going down the chain? Connecting to MongoDB via Promise is pretty straight forward: connectToMongoDB(data).done(function(db) { var collection = db.collection('test_inserts'); // do more stuff her...

PS i am jealous of skinny you, plus hairless skin -_-
Pfft the hair is just hidden I'm a bear
And yes, she sent back the same tan line pic ;)
So it justified the selfie
Idk it's just holding the shirt...
Shit... That's going to make it easy to put a dick in
"the shirt" what an odd nickname
Clearly there is a real shirt lol
never laughed so much at such a thing...
hmm, i would better be back to brackets.
Anyone heard of John Fullbright?
I love when deal extreme screws up in my favour
ordered 3 single leds. they shipped me 30
hi everyone
@rlemon long time no see
come on more often then
bought some new banana candy juice
it is all I can smell but I'm too lazy to rinse out my tank to put it in
I will try
@BenjaminGruenbaum always so quick on promises questions :P
Yeah I can understand why that would be so douchey though. I treat bitches with respect though
Hardy har har I'm funny
@KendallFrey was scrolling up and instantly lol'd
My day is now complete
typical deep.
@FlorianMargaine :D
o/ deep
What else do I say? こんいちわ?
!!afk playing wiz khalifa on the office piano
Anyway, I wanted to ask if any of you are having the same problem as me.
var x = //some object
However, when I console.log x i get undefined. When I write x into the console, I get the object
When I set y equal to x, then log it, I get undefined, and writing y in the console outputs undefined.
example pls
don't let the befunge interpreter in here
$.getJSON("/api/Loc/" + filename + ".json", function (data) {response = data; return response;});
  	console.log("Response: " + response);
  	jsonFile = response;
  	console.log("JSON File: " + jsonFile);
@deep you don't 'return' from an ajax call
i swear its up up down down
you provide callbacks and deal with the shit there
@deep it is
@rlemon I was experimenting, but ok
Yeah yeah, and you still don't understand async calls
@KendallFrey You wrote up down up down
don't talk to me, he's the one that started it
@deep "you don't" meaning, it isn't possible unless you do some REALLY stupid shit
@BenjaminGruenbaum this time, I was faster though :P
Ok, so if I remove the return, it'll fix it? I dont see anything else wrong
ajax doesn't just "happen"
it is a request, and the response comes back whenever
$.getJSON("/api/Loc/" + filename + ".json", function (data) {response = data; return response;});
you will not know *when* the response is set outside of the callback
so just removing the return will not solve anything
I think it's up up down down left right left right B A
it is
what do you mean by set? as in defined?
@adeneo + start
$.getJSON("/api/Loc/" + filename + ".json", function (data) {response = data;  // this happens when it wants to.  return response;});
console.log( response ); // this happens immediately.
@deep - It's asynchronous, it's like a timeout, it happens sometime later, but you won't know when.
see the problem yet?
@FlorianMargaine I was just busy, and also don't get the question :D Good answer though
function handleResponse(data) {

$.getJSON(/url/, handleReponse);
@BenjaminGruenbaum showoff
("Literally the sounds i made")
then inside that function you can know that you have the data
i didnt know you could do that...
@rlemon Man... Is there a well explained place with all this? Why does everyone have the same trouble with this
pretty good question anyway
> A common misconception is that the code ends with Start
anyone wanting to use promises and manage resources (such as db connections):
A: Best practice to hang on to variables when using Promises

Florian MargaineNote: I'm using bluebird in this answer. There are 3 ways to do what you want: closures, binding, and Promise.using. Closure is the way @Sukima showed. function promisedFunc() { var db; return getCollection().then(function(col) { db = col; return db.query(stuff); })...

@KendallFrey It does at least on some games
A: How to return the response from an Ajax call?

Felix Kling-> If you understand the problem, have a look at possible solutions below. Explanation of the problem The A in AJAX stands for asynchronous. That means sending the request (or rather receiving the response) is taken out of the normal execution flow. In your example, $.ajax returns immediately a...

> In Contra, the player must press Start after entering the code in order to start the game, or press Select Start to switch to two-player mode and then start the game, leading to the confusion. In other games, pressing these buttons will cause the code to not work.
@rlemon Well not for me. It's just. Why the fuck does every single developer not figure this out on their own? You taught me
Oops... Did it again
Pissed somebody off
@Jhawins because asynchronous is not natural
I thought that the code would "pause" until it had fetched the file, probably because of the BASIC IDE we use in school, which scrolls through the code.
@deep You know how much lag that would cause?
@deep no need to explain, we all understood what you were confused about, I'm sure
@deep - And soon you'll figure out that you actually can do that, if you set async to false, but never ever ever do that.
I thought it was really fast
YEah, everyone has this exact same problem. Today is the day you learned how it works
@deep Check out your Network panel
In Chrome
Watch how long it takes for stuff to load (a few milliseconds, but noticeable)
It is fast, but not too fast to notice
@KendallFrey Not true
The code is varied in different games slightly
Some use start, some don't. Sounds like most don't actually
@SterlingArcher That sounds awesome
@Martin SterlingArcher is afk: fucking food
@Jhawins ...right
The reason we rewrote [in JavaScript] was to be able to ease the maintenance of our code
I miss when games were like £5 and you got the WHOLE GAME instead of 25% of it

And when the cheats DIDN'T cost you money.
@KendallFrey There's one game where it was up up down down left right left right B A select start
You had to push select first
5gbp? Gimme a break, I played games for free when I was a kid
@Jhawins one game, out of lots
damn what games were 5gbp?
I remember paying $50 for games
Dude. That's all I said. That some are different but most aren't
but you got the whole thing which I agree was nice
I don't know if we're actually discussing something or... ?
Seems like we're just saying stuff that doesn't mean shit
!!afk smoke
@Jhawins Start isn't part of the actual code. That's all I'm saying.
@Loktar I hate games with ingame purchases so much
same here man
GOD.. so much seriously
its such BS.
@Jhawins switch to the e-cig man
I'd rather pay for a game than do F2P and get underwhelming shit
A: Best practice to hang on to variables when using Promises

Benjamin GruenbaumHere is what I'd do, in the generic case of needing scope access. I'd use the promise as a proxy it is. Assuming Bluebird: var db1 = connectToMongoDB(data1); var db2 = connectToMongoDB(data2); // if needs sequencing, do db1.then... Promise.join(db1,db2,function(db1,db2){ // access both ...

@KendallFrey well whats bullshit lately is paying $60 for a game that still has in game purchases
like BF4
Yeah, that's brutal
Paying $50 for a game at all is terrible
That's what I'd do @FlorianMargaine
I don't mind paying $50 for a game. but I better enjoy it for more than 12 hours
fucking Wolfenstein
beat it in a single day
I still play on PS2 - Nice (ish) Graphics, Good Storyline, Classic Titles, <£2 per game
(however only payed $30 for it on sale)
@BenjaminGruenbaum nice, didn't know Promise.join was for that
I wouldn't pay $20 for anything I'd enjoy less than 200 hours
eh I dont mind paying $50 as long as I get all the content
same with South Park
that was actually quite a fun game
no replay value
@FlorianMargaine that's the main use case, it's also faster
replay value is a must for me
@BenjaminGruenbaum faster than .all?
Wolfenstein I fear will not replay well. There is a branching story line but I fail to see how that will make it significantly "different"
or at least, enough to be enjoyable a second time around
This is why open-world games are so great.
You can do an infinite number of things
@KendallFrey eh good open world games
many are just too barren
What about Minecraft?
The term "open world" is a bit tainted
making it open world and scattering a few cities around with no focus sucks as much as an uninspired rail shooter
I liked Skyrim though I think they did open world pretty well
Just because you can complete quests out of order doesn't make it open world
the ES games are usually pretty good at it
Minecraft is the ultimate open world
@FlorianMargaine yes
I think Minecraft is even lacking though
the problem with open world is you always want more
games like No Mans Sky I think are the next step
where much of the content is procedural
@Loktar lacking in what way?
in content, there is only so much to do
They're trying too hard to revive it
And once you have food and a nice house, you get bored
@Loktar What do you mean, you can do everything
@KendallFrey Whtever bro. You win lol
you can build and build and build, which is great, but I wouldnt classify that as an open world game as much as a building simulator
@deep no imagination
Whatdyou mean?
I think there are two distinct branches of openworld, emergent games, ones where players like different types of focuses, or goals
and ones where people just want to create
Minecraft is definitely in the creator category
@rlemon Tried... I don't smoke for a buzz I smoke cause I love the action of smoking. E-cig doesn't satisfy
Dayz is more on the end of having goals and focus, granted they are player made goals but still something
Minecraft definitely has goals, you just aren't obligated to complete them
I think Terraria is a good example of Minecraft + goal oriented gameplay
Terraria is basically Minecraft with more levelling

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