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@BartekBanachewicz oh, just the logic of that - that if you have one less thing to worry about it's inherently better
Having sex is worse than not having sex because you have one more thing - STDs to worry about.
uhm what
that's not the same at all
@towc No I mentioned you one time when I used a ton of 1 character variables and shorthand stuff lol
The promptly erased it and wrote them out the right way :P
Oh sorry, I thought you were being funny with that paragraph. It sounds like Java speak and all.
@Jhawins I'm honoured
Didn't mean to be offensive
It's not offensive
I just think it might have a valid point there
ultimately unit tests may overlap with static typechecking, no?
it's on the starboard.
@BartekBanachewicz :lol:
@Jhawins haha
!!chill out or do latin or eat cheese or go out or suicide
@towc do latin
fuck you
ok, brb
Didn't know that could do more than 2 options
forgot I've finished latin
!!chill out or read crappy book from 60yo teacher childhood or eat cheese or go out or suicide or code
@towc eat cheese
@CapricaSix good decision
How do you forget you finished a language?
I still haven't finished studying it
but I've finished the exercises that the teacher gave me
and today I have no frigging intention of doing more than she asked me to, but I might do some more later
oh lol
My brother took latin... put in a solid F effort... but the teacher thought he was funny so he gave him a c+ xD
Does anyone know what happened to jsperf.com? The "add test" form is commented out (and doesn't work)
happy friday
@RUJordan I failed this year only because of latin
and trust me it was a FFFFFFFFFFF solid effort
I got pulled over for speeding yesterday, and was really nervous (I don't really get pulled over often)and fumbling around with paperwork and stuff. The officer asks my gf "Is he always this nervous?" I say "Only when I meet new people." He laughs and lets me off with a warning
@Bergi pft, who needs jsperf when all I write is perf
^ jk I have no idea actually
@RUJordan Lmao not kidding either man :P
well, the cheese reserve is draining out...
@Jhawins D: I haven't done that in months!
I did it like 2 months ago haha
@towc plot twist: you develop a cheese allergy
hard choice: eat now but then have to leave home to buy some more or just starve but not have to leave my bed
@RalphWiggum Darn. I checked the GH issues, but this one seemed so unrelated... TY!
@RUJordan To show the others that you can write perf code :-)
@Bergi lol I seriously never use it. I really should I wonder how my scripts would hold up.
@Bergi Yeah... Broken for me
!!learn noo 'http://nooooooooooooooo.com/'
@towc Command noo learned
@RUJordan I only wanted to use it in an answer for stackoverflow.com/questions/24259031/why-lodash-do-this
I did it wrong, right?
@towc Input not matching /http:\/\/nooooooooooooooo.com\//. Help: User-taught command: tell
@towc Yeah you fucked it up
You wanted '<>http://nooooooooooooooo.com/'
@Bergi oh don't worry, I'm not bashing it. It's probably a bad thing that I don't use it lol
Or remove the <> and it will direct reply the caller
@towc Command noo learned
This week's tickets...
!!eat now but then have to leave home to buy some more or just starve but not have to leave my bed
@towc just starve but not have to leave my bed
@CapricaSix you're a true friend
now, back to the other question
Blues Traveler, Smash Mouth, Sugra Ray and Uncle Kracker
!!chill out or read crappy book from 60yo teacher childhood or go out or suicide or code
@towc chill out
@CapricaSix :(
Classic ads
So classic that they were before the TV?
!!hit on person or continue working
Hi everyone
@RalphWiggum she won't even answer: obviously it's hit on person
yeah, I guess
Hi LINQ2Beer
@Jhawins right? Pretty sure if 250 million people were injected by a parasite it'd be on more than just a bad advertisement
Bros, really need BBcode editor that also can translate bb to html on client side with no instance at UI (in TextArea or wherever else)
wysihyd ^
(what you see is how you die)
Best editor ever
does any of you use adblock?
im not 80 lvld in cool jokes
so is there such bb-editor?
My internship doesn't give me access to the data I need to test my code
I use adblock :D
and nobody is here to give me that access
I don't use adblocks
posted on June 30, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Only 48 left to join the new kickstarter! Thanks for all of your sup

@RUJordan any reason?
!!are you using ad block?
@towc Absolutely not
!!any reason?
@towc That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Well, I occasionally click on some ads if they interest me (not that often, but it happens). That and most websites use ad revenue to pay for their server costs, so by blocking ads you are directly not-supporting it.
!!no, you didn't make much sense
@towc That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: no, noo
@RUJordan You are an amazing person never stop doing what you do
@RUJordan well, I accidentally click on ads sometimes, and that's mainly why I started using it, and still, I don't support sites which are just filled to the brim with ads, or as for youtube, I hate to wait to see a video or to wait for the page to load 10x slower because of ads
@Meredith oh shucks
user image
That's cool!
I read somewhere that 8% of internet users make up 85% of ad clicks
but for sites that only have 1 or 2 ads just so that they can get some money back grom their incredible work I disable adblock
@rlemon ermahgoooddd
@Meredith where does the remaining 15% come from?
I was just checking out this sick mug
The other 92%
@SomeKittens that is how I imagine cats will attempt to take over the world
setInterval for 15 minutes lol
@Jhawins have you ever opened the console at KA or MDN?
KA does a similar thing, while MDN has some cool ASCII art and other info
its extremely unlikely that some human will buy something just by seeing an ad, if you really want to buy something, you just go to buy it. no ad crap.
@Meredith they don't click the ads
@Meredith 8% of users make up for 85%, but who makes up for the remaining 15% of clicks?
Do I need to explain distributions to you guys
@AwalGarg you're wrong.
@Meredith yes
I've bought many things from ads.
In fact my arcade sitting in my house was due to an ad a few weeks ago
@towc Yeah. Grooveshark does too, that's how I got offered to fly out to Florida :P
@Loktar yes, but now I have corrected my statement. thanks for pointing out.
But they were kinda slow
I tried to get an internship with grooveshark
@AwalGarg explain how there are so many TV ads and shows dedicated to advertisement?
@AwalGarg yeah ads must not work ever probably why advertisements barely exists O.o
@Meredith teach me distribution D:
(not drugs) ^
@Loktar it really depends on the culture, I haven't heard from anyone I know of IRL have never bought anything from ads
@Meredith people=users, so?
Ok so if you have 100 users
and your add was clicked 100 times
@Meredith yes
85 of the clicks would have come from the same 8 users
Many things purchased or used are the direct result of advertising
@Meredith oh
the same 8%
my bad
@Meredith bro, you have awesome sense!
makes sense now
It's similar to music purchasing
Most music purchases are from the same slice of the population
The rest just pirate it
@RUJordan I can't explain that, but its probably repeated so many times because science says that we start believing what we hear regularly...
that's what I have heard
@Meredith ugh don't remind me that I actually follow laws..
Dw I try to buy as much music as I can afford
I did a whole research paper on the effects of piracy on digital sales
@AwalGarg lol glad to hear it works.
Turns out there's a pretty heavy organized crime involvement in piracy
what works?
> but its probably repeated so many times because science says that we start believing what we hear regularly...
that's what I have heard, So now I believe it.
But yeah if you use adblock, don't feel bad about it
If you wouldn't have clicked the ads anyway
I haven't done anything illegal on the internet in probably 2 years now
I'm way overdue
@Meredith if you use adblock you're entitled :P
@rlemon oh look the adblock argument again.
@Meredith just loading of ads also contributes revenue. clicks are not that important
HEya #ChineseStyle
@AwalGarg wrong again.
Have you ever ran a site with ads?
there are many different forms.
@Loktar no, this time. I am not wrong. I am damn sure. (only about adsense :P)
Very few are impression based.
@Loktar pages with multiple forms are annoying D: so many action attributes
^ bad joke
@AwalGarg 3 days ago I saw an ad for a steering damper for my bike. I didn't know they made them, it's a $280 damper but I'm buying it.
Listen people, I need to find out that
@RUJordan not that bad
ignore me, I'm hyped up on redbull
@Jhawins IMPOSSIBLE, people never use ads O.o
how to get the first visible row in a given table ?
@AwalGarg Nah most people use click-based ads now I think
Those pay the best
@CustomizedName in html?
@Jhawins ok, maybe what I said was applicable to a small percentage of users..
@CustomizedName ask politely
exactly, due to the higher chance of a conversion.
@Loktar I play Clash of Clans because of an ad I clicked :D
@AwalGarg nowadays, the popular way to win money with ads is "whenever someone buys X and comes from YOUR site you will get 1% of the money spent"
@AwalGarg where are you getting all your marketing research data from?
Because its all wrong.
@towc In jQuery please
@Loktar wait, I'll give link
@CustomizedName that's a curse
use jquery language
it's better than javascript
do you have the bidimensional array for the table?
never gets old
kinda does
@BartekBanachewicz doesn't mean it doesn't age...
@BartekBanachewicz Hi sugar honey, if you can help please, how can i get the first visible row in a given table, mwah :-), polite enough >
@CustomizedName you were supposed to ask your table, not me :D
@CustomizedName I told youdo you have the bidimensional array containing table data?
@CustomizedName btw your question is underspecified HTH
@Meredith are you in college/graduated?
or what do you do?
@CustomizedName did you even google it? stackoverflow.com/questions/6924333/…
I just finished my junior year of college
@Meredith junior year?
3rd year
I wish I could finish my college
Oh nice! So that makes you most likely american. Studying?
without me going there ever again
> There is an oft-stated misconception that if a user never clicks on ads, then blocking them won't hurt a site financially. This is wrong. Most sites, at least sites the size of ours, are paid on a per view basis. Source - ArsTechnica
or doing anything even remotely related to it
Yeah I'm from florida
@Loktar ^
I'm a computer science major at uf
@towc I have other rows as well, but I only want the first visible row :)
this is old though...
le t me t ry
@CustomizedName your "t" key is broken
@Meredith oh
Oh duh I knew that. We had an alligator discussion last week
@AwalGarg there are sites that use impression based
its just not the most common form
click based pay much higher, esp for smaller sites
@Meredith I went to a party at UF with my ex-gf a couple years ago
@Loktar 'Most sites'
Pretty wild
I don't think sites should use impression based ads anyway
@AwalGarg not most sites..
Yeah uf is a good party school
@BartekBanachewicz how old are you?
@Meredith why not?
> Look this one site does it, it means most sites
You should visit Radford University in VA if you wanna see a real party school :P
They pay less
@Loktar I don't know if I should believe arstechnica, but if you are insisting on so, I agree for now :)
@Meredith they pay more often... so they pay more :P
@AwalGarg Arstechnica probably uses impression based
becuase they are a huge site, getting TONS of impressions
@RUJordan will you shoot me if I ask what's VA?
but if you are a site getting say 10k a day (the majority of sites on the internet getting less than 10k), you wouldnt use impression based
@towc it's a state in the US -- Virginia.
lol you're italian I don't expect you to memorize our states :P
Actually I do
question isn't what is VA, question is if you'll kill me
Good morning, fine people of JavaScript room. Since NodeJS is basically JavaScript, are its questions welcome in here? (I see there's a NodeJS room, but it doesn't seem to be active)
@Kneel-Before-ZOD by all means
@Kneel-Before-ZOD oh yeah, I burned them all yesterday
@Loktar is impressions = views?
Are any of you guys particular skilled in engineering / architecture? (not referring to software)
@Kneel-Before-ZOD "is basically javascript" lol
@m59 hello
@m59 define "engineering" then
I think I found a way to build a freakin' sweet standup desk out of pvc for $100
oh gosh standup desks again flees in horror
@towc haha....you don't burn relatives!
@BartekBanachewicz determining whether my desk will fall over :)
@Kneel-Before-ZOD how can you be so sure?
@BartekBanachewicz I need it for my back, dude.
fall over is one thing
being hellishly unstable is another
@AwalGarg burn it
!!tell AwalGreg google amazon go the fuck to sleep
babysitting is the worst job ever, when you are not getting paid for it!!!
@AwalGarg yea
Would this work ?

cause your Mom will never let you hear the end of it; (she'll nag you to dead about it) :)
Caprica is a bit slow today ain't she?
@m59 I have a cheap-o IKEA desk and looking retrospectively, I'd buy one that was 2x more expensive but more durable and rigid
@SecondRikudo she's had a heavy weekend
dunno what size do you need though
From what I can tell, this would be sturdy.
if you want a smaller one, it's easier; I have 150x75 and that really needs proper support
I still think that wood is the greatest material for the legs
especially if you are capable of joining two raw planks together
I literally can't force myself to work right now
most importantly, the effort might be upfront more requiring, but the result will prolly be better
and just buy a ready-made surface, of course
I might take an early lunch O:
!!tell 2.5yo STFU goto sleep
@RUJordan it's almost 5 pm :O
@AwalGarg Oh also I bought my rear air locker from a google ad I saw on Thumpertalk
@BartekBanachewicz how's that future treating you?
It's almost 11am here
dunno, I'm not very productive either
I suck at this, but this is it
maybe because I've learned today that my apartment change is going to be even more challenging
@m59 nope
@BartekBanachewicz yeah I'm looking at new apartments too
september is coming quick
@m59 that would require 5cm aluminium pipes, not PVC :O
caprica was supposed to nudge me 2 mins ago :/
I'll be late at training
@BartekBanachewicz nah, I'm not worried about that. I would use furniture grade. It wouldn't give at all.
@m59 is that a music stand?
cya all!
@towc nudge
Someone should start selling jQuery gag gifts.
Like a $(this).prop('class') mug
@RUJordan We've already found one, at least, but apparently they want to kick us out from the current one earlier than planned
@CapricaSix bastard (no offense to your father and to your unknown mother (rlemon?))
@BartekBanachewicz the question is over the weight dispersement on the legs, whether or not it would tip.
So I can buy it and send it to people to make fun of them
@BartekBanachewicz lame. We just need more space
@m59 depending on the size of the legs, obviously. And again, they would need to be fucking huge
2 bedrooms, 3 people, 1 bathroom is just too small
@Jhawins I suspect that out "frontend developers" might miss the gag part
$(".child", $(".parent")).doSomething();
@tereško Exactly. They then parade the mug around the office looking like a skid
@Jhawins or just <script src="jquery.js"></script> on a mug should be good enough
I'd go for something like this if you really want it
Q: How to use factory/service which makes an Ajax request in ui-router resolve?

Ganesh Chithambalam A.S.I am using the ui-router(http://angular-ui.github.io/ui-router/site/#/api/ui.router) solution for a form wizard and my state configuration looks like the following: $stateProvider .state('TabsView', { url: '/mcm/:mcmcid', controller: 'TabsController', templateUrl: 'ngapps/mcm/vi...

im going to rename all of my jquery includes from now on jakeweery.js
just to fuck with people
@RUJordan our new one is going to also have just one bathroom :F but at least it's 105msq
@BartekBanachewicz how many people will be living there?
2 guys and a girl to one bathroom is just way too hectic
@BartekBanachewicz HOLY SHIT WAT
does anyone have experience with Coursera Stanford?
@RUJordan we had two 48msq floors for 6 people (altough with kitchen and bathroom on each floor)
^ is that a hooker?
@BartekBanachewicz oh, the desk is only 28 wide x 15 deep. Just enough for laptop / monitor on top level and keyboard / mouse on bottom
so technically 105msq with one kitchen and one bathroom is way more living space
@BartekBanachewicz that's so cramped D:
one bathroom is the worst
especially in the morning when everybody needs to shower before work
@RUJordan um, I dunno what you're used to, but it's not
@RUJordan that's a completely different issue than "cramped" really
@RUJordan OTOH we mostly get up at totally unrelated hours
this is what I have to deal with
ah yeah we all get up at the same hour -_-
@BartekBanachewicz So like... <400sq ft?
@tereško Data binding
I had 960sq ft in my first shitty apartment...
@Jhawins 105m² = 1130.2ft
@Jhawins I've no idea where do you get shitty appartments that big
maybe in the outskirts, dunno

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