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Protip: Codemasters makes amazing racing games.
How should I route my api (express) for a set of data that I need to filter by the author's id?
yeah that haha
My thought was like app.get('foos?filter=:filter'
From what I can tell, there's nothing like that in express.
So you want the callback to only trigger when there's a GET request?
I mean that the query string seemed more correct than:
Can you describe exactly what the request is doing?
Asking for all of the database records that belong to that user in that table
so app.get('foos' <--get all of them
app.get('foos/:foo <-- get one
no idea after that.
^ Pictures of Runnable
@m59 So the resource you're looking for is the records of a user
GET /user/records
yeah, I thought of that to. I guess what turned me off from that is just that it breaks up the code in an awkward fashion
I've got all of that kind of request in the same place, but that will put that kind of record under "users" instead.
^ argument that I should further break up the code.
If I separated the routing code from the database code, that wouldn't matter.
But uggggggggggg
so little time
@bbooth You'll need 20 rep to chat here, go post something and we'll upvote it (if it's good)
@bbooth But don't post a generic JavaScript question and tag it with jquery
2 messages moved to Trash can
@SomeKittensUx2666 I just thought about something else that seems legit. Maybe I can do (pseudo):
@SomeKittensUx2666 looks lofty
and under construction
oh nm, it won't work anyway. I was typing some code but then I realized it was foolish :)
@Loktar I wanna know too!
mosho1811 at gmail :X
or you can say it in KSU
(kittens salary unit)
Oh freak. I haven't eaten. My idea does work (maybe)
@Mosho Oh great, I'm now a unit of measurement
KSU's have gone up in value in the past two years more than any other security
(two years ago I was making $20k)
You do the math
You give me hope.
If I can make my project make $240k, I'll make $42k next year.
You have a revshare going on?
I get 5% of the company + 30k
So if I want a 12k raise, I really hope this thing goes over :)
5% of the company !== 5% of the profits
There's a difference between getting equity and getting a revshare
do you know which one you got?
I think I actually get 5% of all the money whether it's profit or not.
revshare => Revenue share
as opposed to profit sharing
Does any company do revenue share, ever?
mine, I guess. But considering I'm doing 100% of the work, 5% of the revenue is far more than reasonable.
Maybe I can get a raise anyway, but I don't think he'll want to keep paying me out of his pocket unless we're well on the way to profit.
@copy yeah
@m59 wrong.
You're doing 100% of the work => you should be making 80-95% of the money at this stage
Well, I'd be making 0 lol
No money until we launch it and monetize it.
of course
@SomeKittensUx2666 It sounds like something that wouldn't scale well
But I don't know much about business
@copy It's typically used in companies that aren't planning on scaling
pool-side wifi is ridiculously slow this evening :(
@NickDugger 1st world prollems.
So, I got in a bit of a discussion with my coworkers today, before we redo the entire front-end of our website, and everyone except for me wants to use jQuery. I feel like it's sacrificing my values about what real, good work is. jQuery to me is just cutting corners, and I don't appreciate that.
Even our project architect is all for it (and even wanted to use jQuery UI)...
Use jQuery for what?
Everything, apparently
haha, I had to restrain myself from saying it.
And also because I could be heading toward an SEO snapshot nightmare.
> documentation soon
@m59 elaborate?
Imagine if Stack Overflow were built on Angular
I was under the impression google now runs JS
don't think so...
If I find out that is true, I will literally throw off my clothes and dance naked - with great intensity.
Although theyre pretty authoritative when it comes to JS, they in no way can claim to own or set the standards for it
wait, wrong link
@m59 pretty sure it does
@Mosho is right
I remember benji said it a few months back and it was pinned for a while
then uh....what the mess.
Need link
Why does every tutorial ever (including from google) say to serve snapshots?
Perhaps they're only loading specific things like Disqus?
it's a new development
aka few months
too many fucking mosquito bites
most successful asker I've seen yet
17 famous questions
@Mosho time for league?
Also, make Kittens play with us.
was actually going to play hon with a friend right now
Dangit, somebody better not star that so that everyone can take it out of context.
and I forgot to install league :P
but I'm going to do it now
so we can play a bit later
I forgot I didn't eat lunch or dinner, so that's probably good.
I keep forgetting that for like an hour at a time.
why does this not work? I have ng-model inside each ng-repeat repetition, and each element there has a directive with a scope
but what I assign to ng-model doesn't seem to be in the same scope as the directive
think I got it
ah no
@Loktar Been playing Don't Starve. Good tip. It's great fun
yeah man that game is crazy addicting
It's a bit grindy, but always interesting
There are only so many hours in the day! hyuck hyuck hyuck
@Mosho what do you want this to do?
@m59 I got it
I guess ng-repeat handles scopes a bit differently
added a template to the directive and it works
1 hour later…
hi there!
Can anyone please help me find how I create a cookie for an adult site that will allow users to get to sub pages only after hitting the accept button at the index page... So if they try to go to any sub page first it will redirect them to the index page until they hit the accept button.
document.addEventListener('click', function(e){if(!subscripted) e.preventDefault()})
Would it be better to validate on the server side?
Hi I need help in AngularJS
I have two Controller and want to use each other variable
@Mosho hello
I have a question regarding nvd3.js - Hwy is there no regular area chart? I need an unstacked version. stackoverflow.com/questions/24502734/…
@vs7 that would be completely wrong thing to do
@tereško Actually I need some data which was generated on another controller ....
I have used service and its seems to work
why would your controller be generating ANY data to begin with?
that part should be within the model layer
^ that is the point of MVC
@vs7 to do that you create a service
or use messages

        var SomeFancySharedThingy = {};
        /* Do some awesomeness */
        return { setter: SomeFancySharedThingy.setter, getter: SomeFancySharedThingy.getter };
        /* Oh and you can write this better */

   and then

   ngApp.controller('c1', function(foo){
    /* Do coolness */

 ngApp.controller('c2', function(foo){
  /* Do some other fancy thingy */
@tereško is it just me or vs7 sounds like visual studio 7 :-/
i need some help on JSF
@NTK88 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@m59 I'm up for a game if you are :x
This room is only for js?
@RahulDesai never used that tbh
but if you don't mind some arithmetic, you can get it done
posted on July 01, 2014 by agektmr

Chrome Dev has landed support for Blob on IndexedDB. This is a long awaited feature for Chrome that allows IndexedDB API to be able to store and retrieve a Blob without converting it to a Base64 string. IndexedDB provides large scale key-value type persistent storage that is available on most of modern browsers (Safari apparently will land support in iOS8 and Mac OS X 10.10). Check out its

my goal for today: finish this video
Ello peoples :)
can anyone tell me how to call two different functions from onclick.
<a onclick="imageSlider.next()" class="group2-Next" style="float:left;" title="Next"></a>
I am also need to call audioForward() at the same time of click.
imageSlider.next() function in jquery-image-slider.js and audioForward() is in index.html
anyone help me.
@Illaya where'd you get stuck?
don't onclick
add event listeners
I dont know how to do this. any suggestions?
but at the minimum, you can call audioForward and imageSlider.next() from another function
<a onclick="foo()" class="group2-Next" style="float:left;" title="Next"></a>
function foo(){
@Mosho yes. thank you. working
morning all
morning all
@DrogoNevets morning
@DrogoNevets morning
sorry, it didnt send, then it sent it twice?!
i blame @CapricaSix
@dystroy getting rep in the C++ tag?
@FlorianMargaine You don't get rep by voting to close . And there was no c++ tag when I voted to close.
How we can send javascript object Array to ajax
Object {0: Array[0], 1: Array[0]}
0: Array[0]
att_id: "286"
length: 0
name: "07.mp3"
__proto__: Array[0]
1: Array[0]
att_id: "287"
length: 0
name: "08.mp3"
__proto__: Array[0]
__proto__: Object
Here is my data array which i want to pass
I have used JSON.stringify(jsonArray);
but it gave me blank array
in console
whats the problem
@vs7 Something smells fishy
Array[0] is an empty array
Look more closely.. I suspect you're converting an empty array by mistake
Q: Needed to convert Promise wrapped Result to JSON in Play Framework Project

user3792889Currently I am doing a project and I am getting the database results through a library. This library will convert WS.Response to Result and return as Promise. Example: If I call Proxy.getProxy() from the library, I will get Promise as the return. Now I want to extract the result content from th...

if i do jsonArray[0]['name] ='abs';

It will updating the data
@vs7 But based on Object {0: Array[0], 1: Array[0]}, it is an object, not an array
did you know you could do {}[0] = 'using object as an array';?
!!> console.log({}[0])
@DrogoNevets "undefined" Logged: "undefined"
*opens console for testing*
you know you can use square brackets to reference an objects "key" right?
Ah ok, it has to be assigned to a variable first apparently
@DrogoNevets Yes, that was my point. If he were using it with 0, 1, 2, maybe he thinks it is an array
var key = "myKey";
obj[key] //returns obj.myKey
A: Why do dynamic languages make it more difficult to maintain large codebases?

Eric Lippert dynamic languages make for harder to maintain large codebases Caveat: I have not watched the presentation. I have been on the design committees for JavaScript (a very dynamic language), C# (a mostly static language) and Visual Basic (which is both static and dynamic), so I have a number of ...

@BenjaminGruenbaum > So for that reason alone, dynamically typed languages make it harder to maintain a large codebase, because the work that is done by the compiler "for free" is now work that you must do in the form of writing test suites
I get his main point, but this sentence still stands alone.
@neil you think porn runs the itnernet?
@DrogoNevets of course
@BartekBanachewicz its wrong, cats do
who will start a cat porn startup ?
@BartekBanachewicz he even had a lengthy discussion :P
@dystroy that is worong on many a level
Every time I look at a programers.se question, I start by agreeing with some of the things that are said and approve the long discourses, and then I feel it's mostly useless and redundant chitchat...
@dystroy @FlorianMargaine gitter.im
Time to steal borrow ideas ^
@SecondRikudo bootstrap overload!
@SecondRikudo I've already ideas for support of issue tracking in miaou (it's in the old todo list)
@dystroy just use trac
@dystroy yeah when you start to have some experience in the field, programmers.se feels like saying "yes, red is red."
@DrogoNevets They used to think love makes the world go 'round. They were wrong. It's porn. I can see though why they thought it was love due to the similarities.
@Neil i still maintain its cats
Strange question...
Q: How to get intersection point of parallel lines?

user1518183I use this algorithm to determine point of intersection of two lines. Unfortunatelly this algorithm does not work when two lines together are intersect and they are parallel. How can I modify this algorithmus to achieve the desired result? I tried to find a solution, but I was unsuccessful. Thank...

I don't get it
if they're parallel, how can they intersect?
You mean when both lines are identical ? — dystroy 1 min ago
Well, yeah, but can you call that an intersection?
"I think the lines could overlap and not be identical, but still have a region of intersection."
Well, now he's just inventing math.
hey, if one googles for "cats" you get adverts for catalytic converters! lol
He's trying to make the heads of mathematicians explode!
@Kippie re-inventing, its not new ;)
@DrogoNevets I meant inventing new math
Oh my god he really wants a solution for this..
Maybe he's just a really good troll?
Isn't that a bit like asking for the value of y is for 1/x when x is 0?
@dystroy Not sure that it really changes anything being segments..
@Zirak Nice! Great that it worked! :P
@Neil of course, the algorithm isn't the same at all.
@dystroy Well it is, it would just require another check
no this question should be close, providing a generic segment intersection algorithm is the (easy) job of google
Or maybe it would be enough to check if the segments intersect, regardless of whether or not they are parallel
Also, isn't SO the wrong site for this? Wouldn't it be better for math.SE?
@Kippie If the question reflected what he wanted to know, yes
Though he's talking about segments, so that really should be SO
Anyone know how I can easily view the contents of a font? (I have eot, woff, svg formats)
All windows allows me to do is view alphanumeric characters, but I need to view the full unicode set
can anyone help
@Kippie Doesn't that work ? myfonts.com/Article8099.html
Q: PDF hides Jquery Modal in Safari

DhwaniThis is something related to my this question. In IE, I resolved issue using iframe in dialog. So it works fine. But in safari I am still facing problem though I have taken iframe into dialog. Safari browser version is 5.1.7(7534.57.2). Here is the code I have tried: <div> <iframe allowtran...

@dystroy Oh, right, it does. Though I feel bad for installing an "icon" font our designers supplied
what the hell is wrong with codepen?
sometimes it won't log me in nor tell me I messed up the password.. it does a "yeah yeah whatever, leave me alone" thing
@Neil Sassy Codepen :P
Way too sassy codepen
@BartekBanachewicz if there is one thing Eric Lippert doesn't know it's JavaScript
He worked on it in 2001, for IE, he worked on IE JavaScript - the single most hated programming language in the world by developers.
IE5 and IE6 JavaScript really are capable of only making a monkey dance.
In his defense he is a better developer now - but he hasn't looked at JS since 2001 :D
Oh, apparently I'm logged into Codepen
@Neil this is news?
Well I was trying to log in, and it took me to the www.codepen.io page with a login button at the top right
I clicked on a codepen blog and it shows me logged in.. weird
Caching I guess
I am trying to get google translate bar into my website, since few hours. the process is simple , google provides code and we put that code into our page, is there anything i am missing? the script is not adding content to the inner html of the div for language selector.
@BishalPaudel Without providing details, it will be hard to identify the problem
@BishalPaudel Can you make a jsfiddle or something with your html/javascript and any other information regarding this problem? So it's easier to see what might be wrong
Q: angularjs promise chain success is executed after first one returns error

HarishRi have a promise chain, in which the first promise causes a failure, but even then the second promise is getting executed successfully whereas as expected that should have failed... PLUNKER LINK what i did was simple: dummyPromise().then(success, error).then(success, error); so if the first ...

@Magikaas clients.neolinx.com/hotelshangrila , the first code is the meta tag for google translate and second is the div for language selector with script initialization and script source
Can anyone think of a more succinct title for this? stackoverflow.com/questions/24507131/…
@BishalPaudel Aha, unfortunately I personally don't have experience with google translate on a website, so I can't help you, but have you made a question about it on SO?
@IanClark maybe add the cross-browser tag
maybe getcomputedstyle return value across browsers but if you ask me that's a fine title you have there leave it as is
@Alex I'm not concerned that the values are different between browsers, I just want to know if a given browser will always return the same length for an elements style, regardless of the element
getcomputedstyle return value length across browsers
@Alex OK TY
the title you chose is a bit more like the kind of thing someone might type into a search engine
it's a good title
@Magikaas anyway thanks
@BishalPaudel Good luck
@IanClark getcomputedstyle return value length across elements
Q: How to see the time difference between sending request and getting response in Spring+JSP

sriramI struck in this part of my code. I am using Spring+Hibernate to fetch records from database and JSP to view those records. The problem here is it is taking almost 10sec to display 500 records :( So,I kept some timestamps to see where it is taking moretime. I found some Interesting things : ...

morning !
I am stuck in a small problem if anyone can help me!
my javascript is very weak..
@TheRealHamza what's your prob mate?
how i can apply filter on specific field I have trying this in angular ng-repeat="person in record | filter:{name: name,date} | orderBy:'date'"
So you're trying to filter based on the person's name?
I think you want to remove the ",date" from the filter clause. You want the name property to be equal to name, the date doesn't come in to it.
@Crashthatch person name and date!
Hello Everyone
@Crashthatch I have four fields but i only want to filter data of name and date.
This filters to a given name and date: jsfiddle.net/6SJqL/2
"filter:{name: filterName, date: filterDate}" filters to people with name filterName and date filterDate.
@Crashthatch Thank for you help :D
no problem. :)
For future reference, braces {} define objects with key/value pairs so {name: X,Y} isn't valid javascript because it's 1 key (name) to 2 values (X,Y). You need 1 key for each value like {name: X, date: Y} (like you needed) or to wrap the X, Y in a list like {name: [X,Y]} for it to be valid JS.
"my Javascript is very weak, so I decided to use AngularJS"
@Crashthatch {name: X,Y} is valid if X and Y are defined. It's just not an object
Agreed, you should not go for a framework because you lack understanding of the underlying language
@dievardump nice one!
@TheRealHamza That's a day to day thing here. We just need to adapt the case
@dystroy Hmm, you're right. What's it do exactly? I was expecting a parse error.
name: is a label, in a block
"My JavaScript is very weak so I decided to do a website that is 100% controlled by the front"
@dievardump who said that
@dystroy Right. Yes. Makes sense.
@Crashthatch It's an big source of funny bugs. See this :
name: 3
@dystroy opening bracket always on the same line. It's known.
out of scope
@dievardump Of course. Proof is I know it.
@dystroy It's the linebreaks making it parse name as a label?
I know you know. And I'm sure you know I know you know.
what I know is known
what you know is known to you, but not to us
@Crashthatch automated semicolon insertion ending the return + label making the code "valid"
A lot of knowledge being thrown around here
The King in the North o/
overflow of knowledge as well as overflow of stack
stannis is the only true king
@dystroy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@dystroy what EU know is known to you, but not to us (source)
Ahhh, yes. "return; {name: 3}" I see.
@Christina Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Christina That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!! touch
Sorry friends
My Angular is very weak, so I decided to stick with JavaScript.
Why does it make sense ?
Why wouldn't it?
It doesn't
Why doesn't it?
It doesn't make sense
Oh sorry I took the first one
"my Javascript is very weak, so I decided to use AngularJS"
Random piece of Miaou news : there's now an AI in Miaou and it plays Tribo. Here's the dedicated room (though it's playable and played in other rooms too).
@rlemon ^
holy shit, how does miaou still authenticate me? I haven't been on there in months
Magic of cookies
Can anyone point me to best practices for an angular app with credentials? Having access to the entered passwords from script feels very wrong, yet seems required. Am I missing something?
Encrypt those passwords

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