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like that, thank you @secondrikudo
Game Dev tycoon.
@mrzepka my perspective is that Node automatically supports modularity, it's VERY basic so you don't ever have to fight it on anything (so configurable), the community is amazing, and everything you need is available in well written frameworks and plugins.
Oh, and comes with a package manager, of course.
PHP is mostly the opposite of all of that.
Well, I guess my naivety comes from never have worked with anything server related
@mrzepka If you use Node, I HIGHLY recommend using Sails.js with it
I'm still trying to figure out vanilla js
PHP is a templating tool taken WAY too far
PHP is aids on bread
@m59 Ehhh, yes and no.
marmite is AIDS on bread
Also, WordPress and Joomla are written in PHP, therefore PHP is programming's Adolf Hitler, and Hitler, as we know, is VERY BAD.
Once I get something half decent up with pure js I'll worry about learning other parts.
PHP makes HTTP simple. So simple you don't even need to get it. PHP is on most cases the language for the lazy, or the language for the beginners.
pureJS != native JS
@m59 pre or post 39 Hitler?
pure.js > vanilla.js
@nickDugger my mistake
@SecondRikudo hmm. thats why I like(d) it :)
@Loktar going with post.
And now, I go to watch the game. BBL :)
Me > You
w3schools > jQuery > php
ah damn, the bad Hitla
rlemon > lemonparty
Tired of gas prices?
@Loktar yeah, because it mass murdered good programming practices on millions of sites.
lol ouch
@Loktar Practicide.
PHP is like when you first discover your doodad. You probably end up playing with it for years before you learn there are better ways.
in PHP, Jan 17 at 5:07, by m59
**From the docs:**

The wp_title() function should not be used by a theme in conjunction with other strings or functions (like concatenating with bloginfo('name')) to write the content of the <title> element

**Default Usage**

<title><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>
Anyone here familiar with EJS? I was having a slight hiccup with it lastnight on a personal project
That said, I'm glad I learned PHP.
@rlemon good analogy, because even years later when you know there are better ways, you're like fuck it this is fast and easy, and I'm tired.
@NickDugger It looks pretty lame. Isn't jade better?
I love EJS
eww jade
I love ejs as well
Exactly. PHP is masturbation.
hmph.. maybe I missed something.
but haven't done anything crazy complex with it
EJS also ships by default with Sails, which makes data integration really fluid
EJS looked like html + data binding.
posted on June 24, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Me and Boulet are doing an IAMA in support of the new kickstarter. F

I've messed around with Jade and wasn't impressed, space-based syntax for templating? Eugh...
Messy, quick, and you feel the slightest bit of shame when you are done.
@m59 it reminds me of classic asp lol
@rlemon haha exactly
well, I <3 jade :)
A: What is VanillaJS?

ThiefMasterThis is VanillaJS (unmodified): // VanillaJS v1.0 // Released into the Public Domain // Your code goes here: As you can see, it's not really a framework or a library. It's just a running gag for framework-loving bosses or people who think you NEED to use a JS framework. It means you just use w...

I want to love jade
Oh look it's by TheifMaster haha
but every time I see it I puke a little in my mouth
I know and love HTML, so I don't feel like learning something new to do what I know.. like Jade
jeez. I find it so much nicer on the eyes. And I have tired eyes.
Jade is aids
@Loktar lol, it's just:
p vs. this.
yeah I can just do p <tab> type this
and done
I kinda like jade
it makes my html less look shitty
Jade = HTML coffeescript
also what is p. ?
is the . multiline?
So I asked my Dad when we started using linux shit because he freaked out on Windblows
I also don't like coffeescript
I can see why other people might enjoy it, but it's not something I'm interested in.
no idea.
I got it from their example lol
Since I was 9 in 2004 it was my main OS. And Warty was released earlier that year :P. Accidental early adopter ftw
    a bunch of stuffs
    some more
oh right, yeah
!!doge hipster
much hipster
The dot just indicates that the indented lines following are plaintext.
@Jhawins damn 2004? Do you even computer
psh 2004 and using linux isn't hipster
I know lol was a joke
I was fucking 9 hahaha
you're god damn right it was
I first used Linux jsut a couple of years ago
All I wanted to do was play the gnome game suite
and the linux killer app Tux Racer
They had that game where you cross off areas in the square and they seal. You have to try not to get hit by the balls
Hahaha yeah that was fun
holy shit, that vanilla site is a joke?
such stupid boy I am!
damn so crazy 9 in 2004.. I already had a kid
@Jhawins volfied!
played that a lot
Volfied is badass
like a Super Qix
its originally an arcade game
@Jhawins What's that, J-ball or something?
released on the PSOne as Qix Neo I believe
I downloaded the source code and it was completely empty!
incoming fuzzy feelings
@KendallFrey all based on Qix one of my fav games ever.
googled qix
looks too old for me :X
volfied is from 89
Qix 81 I guess
yeah, I played it when I was 6 or something
makes sense
Volfied is the successor I guess
so much fun
You might like Fortix thats a newer implementation
I played mario once
pretty cheap on Steam, fortix and fortix 2
wanted to (try and fail to) make one of those
@KendallFrey It started with gnome
@Mosho is that the earliest form of Metroid?
Is there any way to detect a keydown on the ctrl key alone? Everything online talks about ctrl + something
lol same art style eh?
@m59 Loktar mentioned Qix, that seems to be the oldest
but wait, no
yeah Qix is the first one
that is nothing like metroid
very similiar art style though
oh, you liked the brains :P
It was a joke :)
I'm only serious like 5% of the time.
@m59 Makes me think of "Mars Attacks"
surely talking about video games has to be in those 5%
new oculus rift... sooon
almost July
dudes i played pong back when it was early access on steam. you kids and your newfangled games.
@Loktar You sure it's not August?
august for new orders
they are still saying July for original pre orders
but we will see.
I want to get it
wouldn't be surprised if it gets pushed
but it'll probably collect dust
@Mosho my DK1 has been
I used it like crazy initially, then slowly stopped
I wish they'd hurry up and make it good enough to retail
I want it bad
Oh kBounce
yeah same here, I just want better resolution
That was the KDE version
That game is so simple but it was literally one of my favorite things
I bet I can find it on the app store in some fashion. New pooping game
> “We’ll ship 20 to 30,000 in July,” said Nate Mitchell, VP of Product for the Oculus Rift, in an interview with Tested.
that was said 4 days ago
so I have hope
PS4's thingy is gonna be better
I'm gonna try to find a ps4 and pick one up soon
@Loktar pretty wide range
PS4 is making VR?
@Mosho I think he meant 20K to 30K
@NickDugger lol
it will not be better
its still a ways off as well
Terrible link, I will find a different one
but there are a few reasons it will not be better.
@KendallFrey it was a joke, but thanks for making me look like an idiot
#1 it has to use the PS4, which is underpowered compared to the PC.
#2 it has a much lower FoV
First time chat user here: On the first time you visit this chat, are you blocked from speaking? Had a message where the textarea is saying I couldn't talk until nominated. Now it's fine, though.
@slickplaid Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
#3 good luck getting great resolution at 60fps.. they cant even do that without vr on the ps4
I give up on linking to it. Fuck me and brains and shit
#4 They don't have Carmack.
booyah bitches
@slickplaid I'm pretty sure they restrict some people's chat priviledges when the chat might be more busy
@RUJordan page not found
@Loktar would you sell your DK1 for really cheap? :P
Ah okay, makes sense @mrzepka. Thanks
@KendallFrey :( no the kids get it
forreal? Works for me O.o
minecraft and team fortress VR for them
but I bet there will be a ton of cheap ones on Ebay
@slickplaid No, our room is in gallery mode so we can block spammers. Nothing to do with busy chat
Minecraft is boring, and Team Fortress got hat-cancer
flag flag flag
Minecraft is epic
TF2 is great
TF2 is a hat collecting, conga-line simulator with a FPS side game.
@Slickplaid we auto allow everyone in, but one can lose that privilege by not following the rules
I'm just stuck on league
@SomeKittensUx2666, must have been something wrong because I simply clicked the link to join the chat and it was like that. Closed it to go read how to actually join the chat, couldn't find anything so I opened it back up and was able to chat. No idea.
Or, like you say, I just hadn't been "auto allow"ed
league is "haven't been raged at enough today" simulator
@slickplaid Most of the time we're 100% open, unless someone needs to be blocked.
is there a better way than calling .parentNode twice to get the parent's parent?
the auto allow isn't instant
@slickplaid Yes, you're automatically added the first time you visit chat.
@cereal I'd create a method to do it though
Is that a JS thing? @somekittensux2666 ?
@mrzepka no, lol
too ofeensssiv
I simply cannot believe how long it took @AwalGarg to grasp the concept of VanillaJS
Yeah, I'd make a function or method to do it, would make null checking and such cleaner
too offensive
I just want to declare that as a Jew, I do not find any of the worst Jew jokes offensive.
My uncle is jewish
Although to be honest I barely consider myself Jewish anymore. Was how I was raised.. don't really believe.
Jokes about yourself are always the best
I'm not sure many people who browse the internet actually get offended by racist/offensive jokes any more
black people love black jokes
most of them maybe
feminists don't like feminist jokes :(
@mrzepka you'd be surprised. People will legit rage out for no reason on the internet and sometimes it's 100% not trolling
feminists aren't people
There are people on facebook who do. But then again, that's like calling AOL the internet back in the day. Same thing.
@NickDugger No, they're jokes
feminists are in the same category as people who call people racist
@RUJordan Sounds like I'd be surprised at a lot on the internet apparently
@KendallFrey I don't know how to phrase this so bear with me.. but in my viewing experience, I find that black people make funnier vines than anybody else.
Anyone who describes something as racist is themselves racist.
bare with me?
Fuck it
@RUJordan You could say they're a gas!
@KendallFrey AUGH BEARS!
bare with you would mean sexy time
@SomeKittensUx2666 omg LOL
@KendallFrey well... I'm not opposed to either. I love you and bears
Can the bears join in?
Or at least watch
Sweet, we can have a threesome
I die a little each time I see the crack on my phone screen. :(
@KendallFrey I dgaf a little each time I see the crack on my phone screen. :( (source)
That's me
I never had a "sweet" phone
0 bytes uncompressed, 25 bytes gzipped. Does gzip not have zero file length detection or some sort of operand for (gzip > unzipped) ? unzipped : gzip;?
This is my first smartphone. Had it for 1.5 years now? Had a case for about 6 months before concrete smashed it (fell off a balcony).. not a scratch on the phone though.
I don't have an upgrade until 2015 so I gotta be careful or get a new screen asap
This is my current phone (that i've had for years)
Although it's only a side crack.. will prolly get much worse though
Oh, it's for the file format, not the transport mechanism. d'oh
finally upgraded to this bad boy
Lumia master race reporting in
@SomeKittensUx2666 i feel sorry for you.
htc one m8 reporting in
Don't h8
@jAndy dude i am going to get them abs :D
Nexus 5 , iPhone 4S
and i find my iPhone 4S more reliable, don't h8... but seriously the nexus is a huge turnoff now for me .. (less after i installed fb home)
I haven't used android since my brothers Droid3 and it was awful.
Always crashed, lagged and restarted on me
and the battery life was shit
HTC One is okay
Not a single problem with my iPhone
@AbhishekHingnikar wat
N5 is a beast
@SomeKittensUx2666 nexus 5 is a horrible hardware
I liked my Motorola HD Razr Maxx whatever the fuck it was called
"less after I installed FB home" <- you must be trolling
and don't use camera apps like snapchat or whatsapp or facebook. cause it will leave the qq-camera-deamon running
Galaxy Nexus is da besss
and that will eat your battery life in 1 hour.
Nexus 4 was way better then Nexus 5
<3 snapchat
dude did you notice the NEXUS on back is stickers ?
oh and don;t use location services or LTE
Did Google change something with their analytics tracking code? For some reason on localhost it's always just hanging rather than loading the ga.js code from https. Anyone else experiencing this?
@slickplaid I always found that ANALytics will sometimes hang for no reason
oh and did i mention @SomeKittensUx2666 please switch to ART over DALVIK
you will get some boost of performance and stuff
What's impressive is that the door contents are still nice and tidy.
@SomeKittensUx2666 FB home is really nice :P
atleast it has inertial scroll :P ( I use the launcher not the lock screen)
Actually, the ga.js loads according to the chrome dev tools, but keeps the status indicator spinning for some reason. Used to not do that. Could be something in the update to the chrome canary version of the browser.
Samsung S5 is superior.
@RUJordan what's your username?
stackoverflow.com/a/24392128/774078 should I delete this answer?
@SomeKittensUx2666 uhhh
hold on
snap me brah
10AM selfie
the j is silent
RU Hodan
Feb 7 at 20:37, by RUJordan
Not really, I was really drunk and bought an xbox in college and spelled my name wrong and ever since my usernames are usually RUJodan
I knew this day would come.
@Loktar samsung ?
i'd say HTC M8
/me looks to changing his name to RUHodor
@SomeKittensUx2666 that snap was so hawt
HTC has a slower processor
smaller battery
Loktar :-( you sometimes make me sad
I rarely use snapchat
@Loktar unless you're removing the Samsung bloat with a ROM, the HTC will probably always feel faster.
samsung also has bloatware
lower screen ppi
@SomeKittensUx2666 read about the qq-camera-deamon
psh idc about software
@Loktar difference please ?
@Loktar lol the bloatware i meant the samsung air guesture and samsung s*
which eat up your processor aswell
root it
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol forreal? I prolly snapchat like.. 50 times a day
like me saying PC X is shit with Windows
Mostly responding to annoying females -_-
> OMG but windows is so slooow
@RUJordan I do it when I'm really bored, which is rarely.
.. so?
but the occasional bewb is worth it lol
the hardware is still better newb
Arguing about indiscernible differences on several very good phones sounds fruitless. We'll all need to buy a new phone in 3 months anyways given release cycles to stay current...
I am waiting for iPhone 6
or Nexus 6
its always a waiting game
hope google doesn't use LG for production but HTC instead :D
there might not be a nexus 6 :X
I might wait for the iPhone 9s
htc is making the new tablets
but it doesn't change the fact there are devices which are better than others spec wise.
I hear projections are almost futuristic
but this device wont last more then a few months
with a phone i don't expect 2.4ghz processor
can't wait to get the new nexus tablet(s)
@RUJordan itll have embedded VR capabilities
do people still buy tablets?
I just want a damn phone that I don't need to charge for like.. a week straight
Thought that fad was over
@Loktar yeah my brother and his gf both just got galaxy tabs
They love them
@Loktar yes. In droves.
I'm tempted to put my clash of clans account on his tab
friggin tablets
big screen raiding ftw
so useless
Yeah, aside from games.
I just want an eyephone
I own two, and they barely get used, one has like an inch of dust on it
@Loktar not for grandparents and other people who don't know how to keep up a regular desktop computer.
I got the Moto Xoom the day it came out and got bored with it within a month
@Loktar what kinds?
@RUJordan yeah I have a galaxy tab 10.1, and a nexus 7
oh true
I use the tab to watch movies on the treadmill
I've probably saved myself years of tech support time recommending tablets to family members over new laptops when all they do is facebook.
Maybe just me
but i find iOS more user friendly ( I mean the lockscreen notifications and stuff ).. but since fb home i atleast found a replacement
Hello guys, I need to manage some data in a chrome extention. It can become quite a lot of data, and I will get it from multriple API's.

Know any good frameworks for this?
@slickplaid I just suggest chromebooks now
Ugh, I'm too uncoordinated for a treadmill. The second I start running I trip because I stepped on the side
@Loktar hey i must ask you
cheaper than a tablet in a lot of cases, and allows for more productivity.
i have a intel i7 4770k @3.4Ghz should i overclock ?
and i have a 1gb nvidia gpu
haha idk, I never overclock
shall i upgrade ?
I always run stock
@Loktar, I honestly have never tried one out to make any recommendations on it. I have an old laptop I might try it out on, and I'll definitely buy the new refresh of the chromebook pixel if it comes out.
well a 1gb gpu doesn't tell me much :p
I dont know shit about intel/nvidia @AbhishekHingnikar
I am full AMD
wait lemme give u the number
Wooo Chromebook
I might buy an ipad in the future
I wanna play games :'(
prolly a mini
just for games lol
@RUJordan i have a mini its sweet
and email
and porn
been up for almost 4 days :P with no charge
dannng that's not bad
but i have just used it for mails and light browsing
its on 5% though :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar, is a unnoticeable (for only but the most demanding users/gamers) 1-5% boost in performance worth losing possible lifespan of the processor?
@AwalGarg Thank you, you made my day.
Nvidia GeForce GT 625 [ for those who care]
new sales sooon
@Zirak lol... o/
@AbhishekHingnikar Mobile?

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