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Question: if you are all the same person how come @copy is so much smarter than the rest of you?
Shmiddty's pretty coo
The IWBTG avatar gives him superpowers.
his ears were burning
Yeah, hi @Jhawins
Alright, well thanks anyway. It didn't seem like the weirdest thing, but I can't find anything about a single page handling two session cookies from different domains. I feel like I'm using the wrong terminology or something.
I am not schmiddty
@Jhawins are you looking for a job?
@BadgerGirl Not actively. I will be in the next 6 months after I finish here
6 months is too long
Well.. I guess it would depend on the job then.
@BadgerGirl I hope you never get pregnant
I don't see anyone beating my bonus pay after this contract is done.
idk. I get pretty damn good bonuses
Damn.. @rlemon she has a bf :(
$45K good?
What's a bonus? :/
ask me next year. they've been steadily increasing
I'm almost there.
Bonus is not the right term for it
It's just a payout when I finish
seriously, who's upvoting these kind of answers... stackoverflow.com/questions/24313744/…
And once I finish I get to draw my current salary until the business is sold or I get a new job (just a courtesy thing). When the business is sold I get 10% in cash.
@TilwinJoy people are lazy and don't like to read
We're only a half mil company though.
your answer may be better ( haven't read it ) but it is long winded. Help Vampires don't want to learn, they want to copy and paste code
So obviously aside from that money, working here isn't doing me any favors and I could be talked into leaving.
@Jhawins We have three employees.
@KendallFrey Same here haha
but the other answer is plain wrong.. :)
Me, the CEO, and a 20hour/week office girl.
@HostileFork hi bestie
is she hot
We used to have 5.... But I eliminated their jobs with computers hahaha
And they wanted to stop working anyway
eliminate the CEOs job then hire her fulltime
I'm literally the only man over here right now. All the girls are swarming Noelle lol
I work alone 90% of the time. Completely alone.
@BadgerGirl "You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means." --Inigo Montoya :-)
@KendallFrey I'm literally the only man over here right now. All the girls are swarming me lol (source)
@HostileFork You're really Hostile
@TilwinJoy yes it is. I have upvoted yours, however imo it could also use some improvements :P
@Jhawins Make that 99% for me.
So why do you ask @BadgerGirl?
@KendallFrey Damn dude. I didn't know someone else was in my position too. Sometimes I love it but if I didn't have this chat...
@Jhawins woah wait
@Jhawins The company I work for has open positions in Mountain View :)
@TilwinJoy just a tip: jsfiddle.net/sh34D document.forms exists, and FormElement.elements also exists.
there are only 3 employees?
and your company makes 500k?
@BadgerGirl I'm in-ter-ac-tive. Now that bots have "passed the turing test" <cough> we should all work hard at being, um... in-ter-ac-tive.
I work from home, in my attic
@BadgerGirl Cali? Who do you work for?
you must be a very important part of the company being the developer...
@TilwinJoy form.elements['role[]'] would also return the elements you want and you don't have to call getElementsByName
I get paid $15/hour
@Jhawins Ooyala
you need to leave dude.
wtf $15?
Yes. I made $12 earlier this year.
Though with the exchange rate, you might be getting more
that guy is taking your bank account, wrapping his huge hands around it, and fucking it
yes... of course. am not a pro @ this... just posted the answer seeing the upvotes on something that won't work at all @___@ thanks for the info
No one I know within 2 years up or down of my age makes $15
That's the problem.
$15/hr buys a lot of twizzlers. Well, I guess not as many as it used to.
It's because other people get paid bullshit so they go "well you're so much better off then them so be happy". That's how it feels anyway
See why I have so many financial problems now?
I have no financial problems. I live with my parents. 90% of money I spend is on my car.
you don't know anyone 21 who makes $15?
@BadgerGirl Weird. I never heard of that. Seems interesting
@Mosho In my county, no.
@KendallFrey stealth picture taking has officially been put to use, and it was 100% steatlh
average wage of a walmart employee in the USA please?
I justlooked like a dumbass shaking my wrist xD
@rlemon Like $8?
@Jhawins Look the salaries up
@BadgerGirl Haha ok.
@rlemon iunno my mom says about $9-11 where she works
But that'a a bit of an isolated area
But it's in California, so better be damn good pay haha
@RUJordan Make sure you turn it off before you load up the porn
@Jhawins and they employ 1% of america (which is huge when you think about it)
Are we comparing salaries?
@KendallFrey so much porn is going to be made xD
@RUJordan I'm pretty sure average is < $8
@SomeKittensUx2666 My penis is the largest :D
I think @Loktar wins salary.
minwage in the US is so low
I worked at walmart for 19 months, had a dedicated position in charge of very important stuff (shopping carts bro) and made $7.65 when I quit.
@SomeKittensUx2666 He's old, and gets an advantage
Started at $7.25
ohh nvm. minimum wage averages in the states to $7.25
@BadgerGirl your hourly interns make ~4* what I do!
@KendallFrey minwage in us is so low..? lol it's my dream to go onsite in us xD
average walmart wage is like $11 which is still under the average for retail.
@Jhawins Top Google interns make 7k/mo
So interesting story: when I was in college, I was in one of the first ethernet connected dorms. While others were figuring out how to get Trumpet Winsock to run on their machines, I was taking my pre-college industry experience where I installed linux off of 3.5" floppies and if you set the dot clock wrong in the X config file you could destroy your monitor. Ah, those were the days.
a walmart empolyee only makes like 21K a year
that isn't enough to live on here
@KendallFrey psh whatevs
I dont even look old dude
Wait... I can be @BadgerGirl 's intern for money?
@rlemon Dude. That's hardly enough to live on here. I barely make that.
@Loktar another unfair
Anyway, I could login to my computer from anywhere on campus...run parallel chat sessions when other people were just running one, knew pretty much all there was to know... and y'know what?
@RUJordan Sure :P
Take-home anyway
@BadgerGirl waaiiit, who's money are we talking here?
It never occurred to me to start a Google or a Yahoo or whatever. I'd not been enculturated to even think of it. I could have, no problem.
also i was not trying to compare salaries by any means
Well @BadgerGirl you have my attention.
@Jhawins not here. :P
And what language shall I intern in
I just dont @Jhawins should make 15 if he is in a 3 person company that makes 500k a year
over 50% of my money goes to taxes :P
Anything else could cause problems
@HostileFork Wanna cofound with me?
@Loktar Idk the finances really. I just know our annual revenue is around that
@Loktar agreed. if he is in a small company and it is profitable and the owners are pocketing it all... they are douches.
I wonder what our revenue is
probably < 100K
If you know what you're doing, you should look at who might be hiring you... reverse engineer their revenue model, and beat them. Don't let them be the middleman. That's the beauty of the era in which you guys are living--you have lots of stories of people going direct. Stop being wage slaves.
If anyone's looking for a job in Mountain View: hire.jobvite.com/Jobvite/jobvite.aspx?b=nzpqvnwL
So expenses for the company do come out of that... But yeah man honestly I think the boss could pay me $3K/week and we'd be ok :(
our margins are fairly low
we pull like 2.5 million a year, i'm not sure what of that is profits after overhead and such
so we're not rich
@SomeKittensUx2666 If you are interested in any of my projects, sure. I would like to see something done with blackhighlighter.org for instance.
If I could partner with someone who likes people, and will talk to people, that would be of benefit. Because that's the part I am increasingly not able to do.
@HostileFork I'm currently looking for a cofounder for Card Minion
One day I'll visit Silicon Valley
I can do all the things but I'd like to do them faster
I heard the silicon:boob ratio is top notch
Look what someone did to/for me the other day
in C#, Nov 21 '12 at 0:47, by Kendall Frey
I'm not a code vending machine.
@RUJordan Let me know - you can crash on my couch.
@RUJordan you're thinking of LA
@RUJordan Apply! :)
The 'silicon' in 'silicon valley' refers to microchips
@RUJordan silicon !== silicone
@SomeKittensUx2666 I don't know if there's much I could offer such an effort.
With less than a year experience? lol I can't even spell neccessary without a spellcheck D:
@KendallFrey lol oops
@SomeKittensUx2666 I'd love to actually! I have to find an excuse to visit
silicone valley is something entirely
@BadgerGirl you guys have some hefty requirements... I'm assuming they don't actually matter.
silicone has silicon
!!urban silicone valley
We can gay with each other so much
I mean game
@KendallFrey silicone valley the area between two breast implants.
@HostileFork You know JavaScript
@Jhawins What matters is how well you do in the interviews. We have 3-5 technical interviews.
I feel like I would have so much more confidence in an interview now
Ah I see. Well I'm having trouble finding a position I fit... At all :P. But I'll keep it in mind
I've never done an interview in my life
@BadgerGirl can I haz internship
@RUJordan just remember to end your requests
@Jhawins how to rock an interview: start every one of your answers with "bitch"
@Jhawins phrasing
@Mosho Yes! :)
@RUJordan Yeah, using SO taught me how fucking stupid people can be and still make $120K and not know how to write a line of code
"Do you have javascript experience?"
"Bitch I might."
All you need to know is quick sort.
@rlemon that's happened to me twice. Once was my database connection release.. and now this.
like .sort or how to write your own quick sort?
Fun fact: Saying "and shit" at the end of a sentence makes it sound cooler and shit.
@Jhawins Why are we talking about Neal again?
@Loktar like write your own
^ lol
@BadgerGirl hmm, will keep that in mind for my next one
bleh.. I can write my own and have
@BenjaminGruenbaum o/
but .sort is insanely fast
so thats kind of a weird js req
Sorry mis ping
@BadgerGirl I probably can't write a quick sort from scratch right now without any mistakes
@Loktar \o/ for HS CS classes
Well, if you give me a computer..
they taught me how to write sort algos on my own!
@Loktar you can beat it
I wrote a heap sort, and I was so happy man
and that was about it :(
but .sort was like wut?
@BadgerGirl sorry, you can have the other direction. \o
@Loktar heap sort is just "copy it to a heap and call max heapify" right?
@BenjaminGruenbaum but is the requirement just to implement quick sort?
or make a sort faster than js's native .sort? :P
that is basically all we did in HS CS. learn what a variable / loop / if statement was, then implement our own sorting
@Loktar ask @BadgerGirl I'd never ask someone to implement a sort in an interview :P
I vaguely remember writing sorting algorithms in my java class.. quick sort, bubble sort etc
@SomeKittensUx2666 The last birthday card I sent was a random thing I bought, it was a totally bizarre experience how I got the card. Wacky Craigslist date actually, and she asked if I would go with her to check out a new place she was considering to live. The potential roommate was far more interesting than the date actually, and had walls of printed cards on racks that she had designed. I bought two while I was there.
@Loktar Well, Esailija did it a few times.
One had a poorly drawn picture of a monster on the front and it said "I was going to send you a present, it was a mix tape." and on the inside it said "But people say you don't like mashups of Bel Biv DeVoe songs. No wonder everyone says you're a wet blanket. Well, here's a card." Or something of that sort.
I mean I believe it could be done definitely, but damn.. that would be a crazy interview
ohh ohhh a week making pascal's triangle in VB4
The only important thing about sorting algorithms is to understand the concept of divide and conquer, that's the only really important part.
id walk out if they asked me to do it faster than the native one haha
that was time well spent.
@rlemon we never did sorting in HS classes actually
it was just gui building shit with VB
We don't actually ask for quick sort.:/
we did. we didn't get into gui shit until grade 11
@Loktar I'd be stuck there for a day
@Loktar get this... we didn't have an HTML class in high school
9 and 10 were just VB / QBASIC stupid shit
@BadgerGirl is vim with arch linux a requirement?
@RUJordan neither did we :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes.
You started programming in college too?
@BadgerGirl great :)
we had a VB class when I was in 11th grade that was the first year
My school didn't offer tech classes :(
I took a Flash class in HS. Dropped out because boring as shit
@RUJordan Loktar went to HS before HTML existed
we had ASP :(
@RUJordan no I started when i was a kid on my commodore
he's old.
Yeah if they asked me to write a quicksort in the interview I'd flunk
I'd write it in REBEL
What's a commodore?
Yeah, I could do .sort()
!!google commodore
@KendallFrey done
@rlemon ver funeh
uhh that's not it
you don't know what's a commodore? :'(
I'd write it in Haskell if I could, concatting stuff and pattern matching is such a pain
truth is, REBEL is brutal for math things like that
great for strings
oh yeah
will it parse HTML?
I'm still waiting for a language that'll be able to do:
comparing two numbers would probably be hundereds of characters
@rlemon Depends what "parse" means
One of the more interesting questions I've been asked was to find the number of anagrams in a dictionary.
I ended up solving it in a way the interviewer had never seen before
quicksort [x:array] = [[ < ] ++ [x] ++ [ > ]]
quicksort [x] = [x]
@SomeKittensUx2666 that's actually always a very good sign
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
At least when I interview
@SomeKittensUx2666 What was it?
it's raining... and I lost my umbrella this morning
@KendallFrey tokenizer possible?
It usually means that someone wasn't cheating, since I always read answers online before asking.
@RUJordan I have an extra in my car
@rlemon What constitutes a token?
Yeah. I also ended up teaching a few guys new things about JS. (Fat arrow, V8 optimizations).
you are free to borrow it
I liked answering swapping variables w/o using a swap var
@rlemon bet, ship it quick
@SomeKittensUx2666 I can't really think of many sensible ways to approach that. What did you do.
first time I had to do that and did it I was proud of myself
Seems like 1 option to me
I didn't get the job, but they are trying to find someplace I'll fit in the company.
Use whoever DX used, they were fantastic
I could maybe output a comma-separated list of tokens...
but I've rarely had to answer interview coding questions
I always get in based off of prev work fortunately lol because I suck at writing code on the spot
@SomeKittensUx2666 I always name drop people like @rlemon when I interview "Oh, I also speak frequently about JS with Robert Lemon, did you know he pooped on a slide once? At least he had the decency to apologize"
['open', 'div'],
['text', 'Hello'],
['close', 'div']
@Loktar easy. xor xor xor
have REBEL do that for me
@BadgerGirl Writing that up.
worst lexer ever
I want to work somewhere casual. That's big for me. I'm a casual dude.
@BenjaminGruenbaum "ohh and he is the creator of lorempizza which as you well know is the best placeholder service we have today"
@rlemon and lememe
@Jhawins come to DC. My job is very lax
my greatest achievement was when I was on the toilet and though "Wait, I wonder if I can add a variable to iself!!" ah. Before being able to search problems on the nets
But not where someone will casually waste my time... // grooveshark
you damn kids these days.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll brag about that once i'm done with the new site
There's a lot of work, but there isn't a lot of pressure
which. I gotta bug the designer.
@Loktar yes I remember those days all too well.
"trial and error"
I should try the toilet theory
@Loktar Yeah, I don't see how that applies. Just open the console and try it you vamp ;P
his toilet has a JS console?
what sorcery is this?
in 1993 there was no browser console, or js, or internet.
or fucking numbering lines
remember that shit?
my son was reading a basic book the other day that mentioned that
I was like ohhh shit I almost forgot!
it was helpful when you had a few hundred lines of basic (no functions)
I wasn't even born in 1993
@Loktar basic book like "Everybody Poops" or "Go the Fuck to Sleep"?
@RUJordan Beat this pay and I'm there ;)
basic like BASIC
gotta yell it
please tell me you know what BASIC is @RUJordan
it was umm crap wth is it called..
its the new qbasic
first commodore, now BASIC
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
@rlemon I've heard of it, but that's it
Haha it's funny how asking for literally double my pay anywhere would be totally reasonable...
Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction... damn
I don't know a single thing about BASIC
quick basic was one of my first programming language. It had a sound method and a delay method so I'd play songs I knew how to play on the piano with the computer speaker - that was a lot of fun.
qb64 thats what it was, a book on that.
REM <- the tools of your fore fathers
@BenjaminGruenbaum I did that in C#. Was amazing
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha yeah sound stuff like that was fun
@Jhawins I make pretty decent money for a junior dev
I did that on the c64, you could make the sid chip do crazy stuff
It's just... ColdFusion
@KendallFrey haha, didn't know C# had a command like that.
Console.Beep() :)
How do you guys know about just... all this stuff?
its fucking insane
Does it accept pitch?
@RUJordan I've been coding for 18 years now :D
lol as you'll see from the pin on the right. I can't even afford a new computer right now.
Y'all know like 100 languages I've never even heard of =/
@KendallFrey Awesome, how did I not know that.
I wrote my first language to write songs
@BenjaminGruenbaum I gotta step my game up.
18 years wow
I didn't even know I'd written a language at the time
That's why I never disagree with you Benjamin. xD
I've been walking for 18 years
@BenjaminGruenbaum boom! 20!
It's just history, it doesn't imply competence
and that right there shows you time spent means nothing
Well, anyway I have a mild migraine, so I'm going to sleep now. Good night everyone.
I've been coding (and getting paid for it) for 2 years...
I've been at it longer than Benji, he's more competent :P
Does it imply impotence? <.<
!!afk partying hard
Sleep well mate
Honestly I'm pretty damn happy with myself.
@rlemon aside from maybe Zirak, I don't know anybody that holds a torch to Benji
And you, you big lovable Canuck
@Copy > @BenjaminGruenbaum
@FlorianMargaine is pretty damn talented.
But somehow along the way I fucked up the ratio and ended up with like 8:5 linux systems knowledge to coding knowledge
I'd work with him over Benji
eh people are all good in their respective ways/areas
Benji is smart but can be a dick more often than Florian
I know a lot about JS, and so little about how to use it in a browser.
Shit... even copy is fucking brilliant. Can't really pick a "top dog" of this room
I don't want him teasing me at work
I wouldnt expect benji to write a procedural texture generator for example
or some awesome audio visualization
but I would expect @rlemon to
@rlemon lol
@RUJordan you are! you are the top dog my friend!
Copy is the master troll...
Sometimes I wonder
@RUJordan ahem
dudes honestly
What all is he puling over on us
you have the patience to code in ColdFusion.. that has to be worth something
@ivowetzel is a fucking master
Ivo is brilliant
and humble as fuck
not just clever.
@Mosho well played lol
not that anyone else here isn't either
but ivo is all over the spectrum
@rlemon eh, I learn quickly. I just don't have the "tools" to find out what to learn
Don't forget @SimonSarris
!!s/google/will this pick up that image?/
@deep is probably the best programmer we've seen through this room
@Jhawins !!will this pick up that image? commodore (source)
oh yeah for sure
I forgot about @deep
NO. It will not.
he puts us all to shame, really.
I just thought we were leaving him out because the scales are so skewed in his favor
everytime i need any canvas shit, go to SO, answered by SimonSarris
@BadgerGirl @BenjaminGruenbaum My solution: jsbin.com/tipavode/1/edit
@phenomnomnominal inorite!
Come to think of it, the sheer talent of this room alone is pretty intense
@phenomnomnominal psh whatever I've answered like 10% :P
every time I try to answer a JS Q on main, @RUJordan has already commented on it
actually MarkE has been a beast in the canvas tag lately
lol I spend more time close voting shit than i do finding things to answer
seriously. @RUJordan you are either looking at every question on main, or I just click ALL the same links as you
I can't help it
I have trouble convincing myself to go to Main ever. It's just so stupid
@rlemon I just refresh the main page and we have similar tag tastes..
I guess my work internet is too bauce for you
@Loktar I feel to gain any significant push on that tag I need to learn like Three.js or something
Or I am in a deep depression and SO is my crutch
It could be either or. We don't know!
@rlemon hah no.. fabricjs
@deep depression? We've all had that.
man so many are tagged that all the time
@phenomnomnominal LOLOL
@rlemon here's your parser:
I need to get active again on the canvas tag
I'm #5 currently
/^$/$</^<(\w+)>/$>open: $1/^<\/(\w+)>/$>close: $1/^[^<]+/$>text: $0
I was #4 for a while
Input: <div>Hello</div>
@RUJordan we're all lazy fuckers though
open: div
text: Hello
close: div
Who's done this? xss-game.appspot.com
@FlorianMargaine lazy is the new ingenuity
I was disappointed.
@Jhawins a few of us
"Man, I hate doing [some tedious job]. Let's write a fantastic script to do it for me!"
Only #4 had any difficulty to it
dystroy, myself, somekittens I know for sure
I never did the last one
#5 I think?
To me. It clicked. But I have spent a lot of time breaking other people's shit :)
I finished it
it was annoying, because i don't understand the python
I just did it start to finish between messages to/from @FlorianMargaine on Miaou
@KendallFrey lol you thought the python had something to do with it?
yeah, it did
@KendallFrey thankyou for being more curious than I am
the {{ stuff }} mainly
I never clicked the python tabs...
I finished it
only one gave me any issue
and it was apparently easy for everyone else.
Yeah, I didn't click a single python tab because they didn't have anything to do with it :P
The "do the bad-practice stuff" gave me a little bit of difficulty because I've trained myself not to think that way
Either that or I'm magic
Oh yeah, the last one was a bitch, you can't complete it in the game
The last one I literally spent 10 seconds on... It was the quickest of all :/
@KendallFrey not true
#4 took me a few minutes though. Idk why
JavaScript url
@SomeKittensUx2666 same here god man.
I had to read all the hints
like using the inline stuff..
@SomeKittensUx2666 We have a very similar question
I'm a god man?
pretty sure I tried that
@BadgerGirl What's different?
I think it was like 3 or something
Same here god-man.
all I remember was one was tough, the rest were obvious to me
@SomeKittensUx2666 return anagrams in groups
and the one I struggled on everyone else did easy peasy
@rlemon I struggled on one of them
@BadgerGirl Interviewer said that's what everyone else did - group the anagrams
might have been #1 idk
whichever one you needed to use onload or onerror
mine was like 4 or 5
because liek @SomeKittensUx2666 said you train yourself not to think that way
I'd have to go back into it to see the questions again and look
@Kendall // uses the current protocol
There's your hint
Interesting that different levels gave us difficulties
@Jhawins ohh didn't know that
Whoa I hadn't looked at the hints
I used a space
I used the google.com/jsapi suggestion haha
yea it was 3
That was a good game.
I spent like 15 minutes on 3
the rest were like ... "really? this is your test?"
I imagine it was the same for you @Loktar (maybe not the same hang up Q tho)
@KendallFrey Yeah if you look at the Google Analytics code (I'm sure SMBC will post something new eventually haha) you'll see the source starts with '//' instead of http or https. Because that will use the current protocol. Probably a better way to word this but I'm sure you get it
Man I can't even beat level 2
yeah, I do
@RUJordan 2 is easy :P
the point is to break the regex, which I did
@RUJordan I went back to see what it was and it came back up haha
@rlemon yeah after the first one the rest were easier for me
you must suck pretty bad
@rlemon What game is it?
@RUJordan Bro... If you've never looked into XSS, do that first and then come back to it. #2 is probably the most well known example of XSS :P
@RUJordan want a hint?
[see edit for hint]
@rlemon No dont'!
Ah you stupid bitch
if he wants to cheat himself he can
he is only cheating himself.
> 3. This level is sponsored by the letters i, m and g and the attribute onerror.
He already had that hint but it was clever lol
Yeah I viewed the source and onerror wasn't in the source
ohh I didn't click the hints
@RUJordan you are trying to make it alert bro. think about it....
<img onload was what I used to XSS Wheatly's code
I went back and clicked the hints a minute ago when someone mentioned they existed lol
Don't read this if you haven't beat #2 lol
... spoilers

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