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George is already turning out to be a prat it seems
What the cheese is Ooyala?
@NickDugger Where BadgerGirl works
I found the original Roller Coaster Tycoon on Steam. The nostalgia... it must stop...
that game was epic
My internet went out a few days ago and I found roller coaster tycoon 2
It was great
@rlemon I'm doing that soon as I get a new place. I used to grow chocolate mint and a few other cooking herbs. It was just something productive to do.
@kendall I have all of the series from when I was younger
I played 1 and 2 a lot
3 never made it to the cereal boxes, so I didn't get a chance to play much
@rlemon I used to be a laser fanatic lol. Had some pretty powerful shit. Course with that came the general obsession with light and I made a detector with LEDs. Most people don't realize that just about everything works both ways. Electric motors can be generators, a TEG/TEC will do either function. Stuff like that. It's hilarious haha. People just don't know.
I managed to generate about 15V by hand-cranking a big motor from a printer
@kendall 3 was my least favorite anyway.
Sea world tycoon is badass too!!
Yeah, I kinda lost interest
Sea World tycoon dude shit was awesome
It suddenly turned into a party night when someone handed me a mason jar.. With devious contents.
Hi guys, quick question. Why isn't this working: jsfiddle.net/T9Nm6
I swear my truck would run on this shit. Oh my god
@Derek朕會功夫 What's not working?
It logs the e.target
@Derek朕會功夫 Why don't you reduce the problem yourself? First, what exactly is the result of $("*:not(input)") and which of those causes the event to be triggered on input?
@copy Actually this is a simplified demo from the actual thing. $("*:not(input)") should return an array of every element, except input, which it does return the result I want. However, the event seems to still propagate through to body and thus making the code still execute when I click on input. That is not the behavior I wanted.
Oh, you're trying not to log input
yea that's why I put :not(input).
@Derek朕會功夫 Oh, you need to read up on event order then
@copy I know I can add
and it fixes the problem
but is there another way doing this
Yes, but probably not with jQuery
Although I'm not quite sure
@copy Thanks I'll take a look at it
if (e.target.tagName !== 'INPUT') { console.log(e.target); }
@monners This works too, let me try it.
I'm trying to ignore files like: _foo.js. What's wrong with this pattern? !_*.*
Awesome interview
I think it should be [!_]*.* That seems to be working.
Not sure where to put install logic.
I'm working on a SSG for Node.js
and I'm trying to figure out where to put the code that initializes the database (CREATE TABLE and the like.)
as well as the checks
Don't you basically only have to run it once then?
I may have no clue what an SSG is...
@FarwallGhost Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@twiz Yeah, it only needs to be run once, but I need to check to see if it was ran
make sense?
Well if your app completely fails, that probably means it didn't run.
Oh, you mean so you don't accidentally run it twice?
How to detect the page whether the user share the Facebook page or not and I and using two radio button [low] [high] if radio check but enabled by default but if high ckecked button disabled untill user share the Facebook page. Please help
@FarwallGhost bananas
@SomeKittensUx2666 Are you using MySQL? You can just add into your SQL to ignore if the table already exists.
The solution should be database-agnostic
though I'm currently working with postgres
How to detect the page whether the user share the Facebook page or not and I and using two radio button [low] [high] if low radio check button enabled by default but if high ckecked button disabled untill user share the Facebook page. Please help
Have you tried bananas?
I am using this code.

<script type="text/javascript">
$('input[type="radio"]').on('change', function(){
else if($(this).val()=="high"){

Yep see there's your problem. No bananas.
You'll need at least two bunches worth.
to start
What? Please help.. This code only allow to disable my submit button even after share
Personally, I prefer to use a bushel, but its really just a matter of preference.
Sorry, we don't mean to be horrible people, we just are.
And by that I mean I don't know what you're asking.
!!tell farwall format
@farwall Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
Is there a secret etiquette to visiting a sex shop?
A friend of mine wants to know
Yeah just be cool
Don't act ashamed
But I... my friend is ashamed
Because obviously people in sex shops are extremely judgmental...
Are they?
They are literally the least judgmental people on the planet
Well if so, they are probably suicidal, so you wont need to worry about them for long.
walk in, beat someone to death with a dildo and establish your dominance.
If you go there, you can be certain someone's bought something a lot weirder
@SomeKittensUx2666 Ah, thank you. Kittens - forever the voice of reason.
Now when you walk OUT of the shop, make sure you are openly holding something large black and offensive.
I'm too cool for commas...
Can it be purple? I'm kinda a Saints Row fan
Too far. That's just offensive. How dare you!
Oh look guys, that movie that no one watched is here...
Ugh, that was such a bad movie
Was it? I honestly don't know anyone who saw it...
I didn't see it
Well, I heard it was bad, third-hand from someone who's friend's friend worked on the set or something
Although I can't verify that my source's source ever actually watched it in its entirety
I'm still waiting on a camp lazlo movie
I don't think it'll ever happen
Like a new one not the one they already made I don't want any snark
can any one help me when i click on div it is showing error....
I have hiccups :(
You didn't include jquery
@Meredith I included more than one version of jQuery
@monners You didn't include enough
How much is enough? 3 tablespoons?
Idk try including mootools
Way ahead of ya. I even migrated to WordPress, then Drupal, and then back to WordPress
No dice
a beginners workshop on html/php
enjoying knowing everything 3:-D, in html
lol. Sounds like a waste of time
@monners no i wanna learn php
want to expand my knlwedge
And how is a class in html going to help you learn PHP?
Also why PHP???
@monners want to expand my knwledge
PHP is to every other programming language as kidz bop is to normal music
and he knows his shit :D ( the tutor )
@Meredith still powers 2 most scaled websites in the world :P
wikipedia & ofcourse facebook.
@AbhishekHingnikar Facebook doesn't count. They've replaced PHP with their own language
@monners own version of PHP
@AbhishekHingnikar It's not PHP anymore
It's FHP
its fhaaap :D
wiki is still going to stay in php
Facebook: Hypertext Preprocessor?
@Meredith they built a VM for php and an event loop
@AbhishekHingnikar Wiki kinda makes sense though. It's not like its functionality requires a whole lot of fancy shit
oh also compiled php code to c
Also, did you read that FB are developing their own network switch?
You can do all kinds of fancy shit with PHP
@monners exactly, i am probably going to make something like wiki for my "ex" college
@Meredith LIES
> I don't like it therefore it's inferior
I don't like ruby
Actually PHP was my first backend language. It's the one I know the best
Well, other than farting
I'd love to use node but it isn't a realistic option
^ i JUST LEARNT COL and ROW spans
idk whats worse learning them now, or never having to use them ever yet ?
that used to be so common
if you were a webdev and didnt know it that would be like not knowing what display:inline means now lol
can any one help me when i click on div it is showing error....
@AbhishekHingnikar Or that you're using them wrong
@ASR select jquery from the left
/me goes to bed
can I come?
@Loktar i never wantd to use tables so never learnt em
shrugs sure but I'm not promising anything exciting
and i was born in the era when browsers thankfully had better grid options :P
you werent born after 2005 or you just look old.
wouldn't be fun if you did
@Loktar born in the dev world matey
@Loktar when i click on smoke testing it is showing some error
i was born after 2005 here
@AbhishekHingnikar has a baby face. He'll never look older than 12
haha I love that so much
@Zirak @SecondRikudo I'm … speechless
2008 to be precise in html world ... 2010 to be really practical usage
.. i'd say the real web-dev stuff began after joining this ROOM and getting RANTED by raynos and teresko combined ... with salt from loktar :P
... and also feeling inferior as crap to loktar's canvas demos -_-
that i still do :[
like what
his awesome game which changed lives for many people
HELL his kids make CANVAS GAMES !!! ( 7 & 5 )
hes the game jesus :xD
sounds like someone has a crush
no not a crush lol
i respect him
and his will to take the pain
and the fact that he will share being bald in this room with me
See so hard core XD
@Loktar don't block me :D
has no crush, keeps a "loktar<3" album folder on his pc
no thats just facebook
I come back on to do one more thing
and see a bunch of pics of me..
the knife one was my fav profile pic for a long time
haha and thanks for the kind words @AbhishekHingnikar (if you aren't being sarcastic that is :P)
lol man.. the last one is from college.. from like 2000 :?
so fucking long ago.
@Loktar i was not being sarcastic :D
you, rlemon, florian and esliaja & raynos & benji and even amaan are people i respect a lot :D [ also zirak, copy ... almost all the owners in this room ]
yeah same goes for me and all of you guys
except @Mosho
that dude is just weird :P
@AbhishekHingnikar Looks like you've got a man-crush
alright got my mame roms downloading to the computer I'm using in the arcade... now its time for bed for realz
@SomeKittensUx2666 ... WHAT ?
metroluxegroup.com is there any JS library for same functionality ?
my tutor lost my respect, he is using notepad++
@Loktar not just weird
@AbhishekHingnikar And what's the problem with notepad++ ?
Isn't it one of the best code editor on windows ?
@dystroy sublime exists
and is best by far on any platform.
Some vi or emacs users may disagree
But really you can't lose respect for some guy just because he doesn't use sublime ?
hey can anyone help?
Q: Jquery Validation Don't work on Submit if Submit has some Code

DhwaniI am using MVC Data Anotation with jquery validation for validating my form. It works perfectly on submit but if I write some code on submit click, it doesn't validate it. Why so? Where am I wrong? I am using jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js and jquery.validate.min.js I am not getting any kind...

@dystroy is using tables layout a good reason ?
$("<style> *::before{ display: block; content: attr(class); position: absolute; font-size:6px; }; <style>").appendTo(document.head); try it
Am using lynx its so awesome !
Yo =)
Did you guys see the Web Starter Kit by Google ? It looks strange...
morning all
@dystroy why strange
@copy Hmm? About?
Elfen Lied?
hello guys.
@ejay_francisco Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AbhishekHingnikar I didn't look deep enough but it looks like Google is presenting a set of opiniated choices, including a css boilerplate, as something everybody should use
i have this function
$(document).ready(function() {
 $('#insured_list').tableutils( {
		fixHeader: { width: 1000, height: 200 },
		paginate: { type: 'numeric', pageSize: 2 },
		columns: [
			   { label: 'First Name' },
			   { label: 'Last Name' },
			   { label: 'Concept' },
			   { label: 'Rating' },
			   { label: 'AKA' }
         var newRow = $("<tr>");
         var cols="";
        cols+='<td><input type="button" id="tdAdd" value="+"/></td>';
        cols+='<td><input type="button" class="tdDelete" value="-"/></td>';
@ejay_francisco Please format your code.
@dystroy weinre looks great though :D
weinre is buggy as fuck
in my jquery plugin tableutils.js there is a function loadTableSettings("tableId")
question is how can i use the loadTableSettings("tableId") to run whenever i click the #tdAdd button from my table. because i want to refresh the table to recount rows
@FlorianMargaine but the concept looks great :D
honestly? chrome dev tools in android make it a breeze nowadays
ios without a mac ?
@FlorianMargaine cordava ?
Q: Passing scope data into $http function

hakiI'm constructing elements from metadata and i need to set a calculated class for each element. This is what I currently do, var promisses =_.map(templates, function (tmpl) { return $http.get(tmpl.template, { cache : $templateCache, // Generated class name is carried to the resolvi...

@SecondRikudo jsfiddle.net/X5Emx/1 Background: so when you hover (mousenter: div needs to expend or get smaller) when you click one of the divs, it needs to become full width and the other one 'disappears' another buttons pops, when you clikc that one, it will go back to original state
So... Reign of Giants is -20% during the steam sale. Anyone know if it's worth buying? (looking at you, @rlemon)
it works 'perfectly' with back-ground color, but as soon as you pop images in it, the image doesn't go smaller, it just goes behind the one that is expanding
Browser support @Naruto?
all and IE from IE9
Why not use transitions then?
mm? :)
!!tell Naruto mdn css transition
its going to be a slow news day - bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-27907358
@Kippie Going off my experience, it's worth it if you're into rogue-lite games with a reasonable learning curve :P I personally enjoyed it and will still play it if I can find time
@SecondRikudo Let me try creating it like you said
i dont understand what that is
@SecondRikudo Just a question, but if you use a css transition for 1 element in css, how can you set a transition for the other element that has to shrink?
Thanks, kaas. I actually did enjoy Don't starve alot, but haven't played it since a while. Was wondering if the expansion was worth getting into
@Kippie Though I would wait until it's cheaper, as it will probably get cheaper later in the sale
Doubt it. It's a daily sale, meaning it's at its lowest
@Kippie The expansion does add alot more challenge to the game, so get it if you're up for some more challenge :P
it's a pretty recent expansion, so don't think they'll go any lower
@Kippie Flash sales or last-day sales? -20% is not much
Or do you mean 80% off?
@Naruto I would have solved that one with flexbox, but AFAIK there's no support for IE9
Only 10 and above.
@Magikaas Nope, 20% off the expansion, 75% off the original (which I already own, obviously)
Aha I see, well, if you're okay with risking it at 20% (which I would still do, if I didn't already have it) then go for it, I'd recommend it :)
But, just like now you are using jQuery to change the width of both elements, you keep it the same.
@Kippie Also, they're going to add multiplayer in future, so that's something to look forward to
The only thing that changes is the fact that you use CSS for the transition (animation, if you want to call it that)
can any one help me regarding jquery, this is my fiddle , when i click on any link i have to display corresponding content
@SecondRikudo Well the jquery solution works, but when you use an image as background, the image doesn't go smaller, it just gets pushed behind the other one
@ASR Where's your javascript? Or am I missing something?
@ASR theres no javascript in that fiddle what so ever
@Naruto I suspect it won't happen with CSS transition.
i dnt know javascript
we aren't going to do it for you
we would help you fix a bug or something, but doing it for you....
@Magikaas Oh, btw. Apparantly Amazon is doing price matching to steam sales. So you could probably buy stuff at steam dollar prices instead of paying hard euros
@Kippie Oh nice. I already have way too many unplayed games on my steam, but if I find something, I'll keep that in mind :P
Well the only question I have then is how to trigger double animation? Because 2 elements have to move when I only enter 1 div? :)
@DrogoNevets by default i will display all content, when i click on each link it should go to corresponding div content. can u give me clue i will try my own
@Naruto I'm already on something.
Also, what with all that repeated code?
@Kippie Also, you've played quite a bit of Dota 2, dayum :P
I haven't played nearly enough.
Same can be said for me, on league
@SecondRikudo When I make something I never done before, I just make it first, then go for code cleaning when it works.. :)
Yeah, I used to play league, but then I beat the game and stopped playing
@Kippie Hahaha

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