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is there a debug.stackexchange or smth like that?
stackoverflow? :|
@towc lol
@towc stackoverflow. You've been here forever how do you not know this? lol
Last guy that came in here for us to debug his program got shit on by everyone
Just don't word your question like an idiot and you'll be fine
Wait wtf
!!stat 3161092
@Jhawins Could not process input. Error: a.findUserId is not a function on line 205
@Jhawins towc (http://stackoverflow.com/users/3161092/towc) has 67 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 13 questions, gave 4 answers, for a q:a ratio of 13:4.
avg. rep/post: 3.94. Badges: 0g 1s 10b
I thought you started actively participating?
on SO it's for general knowledge, not very specific problems
@Jhawins nope
No, it can have very specific problems
In fact, the longer SO is around, the more specific the questions are goign to get
Just don't post your entire codebase and say "debug pls"
It's just a matter of asking it in a manner that is clear, concise, and doesn't give people a headache
@towc No dude, you don't know what you're talking about.
lord help you if it's on googles first page
Most of my answers have been the result of a google search on here
Or even a glance at the documentation
Don't try to tell me you know how a site works that you clearly don't use and never have hahaha
@Jhawins well, that's what I understood about it
You misunderstood, but that's okay
I've seen that when asking general questions I received good feedback, otherwise I was insulted
Yup. Just word your question intelligently, don't provide more information than you need to but make sure you post enough to diagnose the problem.
define insulted
Link us one of those insulted questions
We can tell you what to improve
If you have no inline documentation, you need to do comments and explain every bit of the code you want to post that isn't idiot-proof
@RUJordan negative feedback
That's what I remember seeing from you, no documentation ever and that's why you pissed me off :P
people often take constructive criticism as personal attacks for god knows what reason
For the same reason we told you to quit using those 1 letter variables. Readability is key, especially when you want to ask on SO. If readability isn't great then you have to explain it in a comment
It's like.. You: :downvote: Them: You said WHAT about my mother?! >=(
Don't post shit like this: jsfiddle.net/B4TSz/5
> Stop going down on my mom!
Nothin like a mother to bring @KendallFrey out of hiding
@JanDvorak Considering we just told him to post to SO, I hope not
@JanDvorak why should it? I don't even code in java
That's debatable
mass debatable, to be sure
@RUJordan ass debatable, to be sure (source)
you ruined it D:
Did not!
dirty puns are better than dirty words
@Cereal dirty buns are better than dirty words (source)
oh i didn't get that
lol oops
@Mosho @Cereal dirty nuns are better than dirty words (source) (source)
@Cereal @Mosho @Cereal dirty funs are better than dirty words (source) (source) (source)
Help, I'm addicted to making innuendo in the JS room. Someone help me out of this hole.
Chaps, is there a common convention for choosing element ids such that if I write e.g. Selenium tests, the code is clear and easy to understand?
!!s/ (?=[^ ]*$)/ ass/
@Cereal Chaps, is there a common convention for choosing element ids such that if I write e.g. Selenium tests, the code is clear and easy to assunderstand? (source)
That would have worked like 3 minutes ago
well done, but a little slow
protip: \S
What does \S do?
Matches any non whitespace character
Everything that \s doesn't do
Wait, wat
Q: minigame: css animation queue and level maps not unloading

towcI was working on a minigame of mine whilst I've run into a few things that concern me. The first one is that when you send 2 moving commands before the animation finishes it doesn't first finish the first animation and then the second one, but it performs both of them at the same time, and, as sh...

Wait, yeah
node guys, if I'm not responding from a post should I still res.end()
doesn't HTTP require a response?
app.post('/tick', function(req, res) {
  res.end(); // do I need this on the post?
@KendallFrey but it is a post
I'm not sure if it is required or not there
@rlemon well... I didn't, but now I'm scared for my game lol
still needs a response I think
but you can time out
Did you really dump all of your code
so tl;dr better safe than sorry
end the response
@towc Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. See: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.
I like it!
@rlemon "there is not a simplification of the complexity itself" - Hari Seldon
you can quote people all day long
still doesn't make your question better :P
I didn't DV, but I did VC
you need to make it a minimal example, not a code dump
make a JS fiddle that JUST outlines your problem
@towc I just finished foundation and earth
I prefer the old stuff
lol I didn't see this
If you have a PHP question, ask SecondRikudo
going to vegas next week
Why was this question reopened ? Event the author asks to close it... — dystroy 21 secs ago
close it please
@rlemon you know, the fact that it's a post or get request is just a different word in the http request
The tcp connection is kept open as long as the response isn't sent + keep-alive timeout
So unless you want to keep your server busy with connections until they timeout, you better send a response
xss-game.appspot.com level 6 was the easiest of all.
@FlorianMargaine uh oh...
42.toString() is a syntax error. I think you wanted 42..toString() ;) — rlemon 13 secs ago
5 seconds. No shit lol that was pathetic. 4 took me a minute.
@RUJordan LOL
@rlemon lol shut up T_T
@rlemon you should create an http server using the net package of nodejs
Or in C if you want to go hardcore
Who striked-outed my message?
Didn't know someobdy else could edit my posts
if( frm.elements.sn.value === 0 ) {
  alert('  you did not read the instructions did you? ');
  return false;
internal tools. co-workers don't like to listen to my instructions and then bitch when they do the thing I tell them not to do
now i'm going to mock them
I think there's talk of setting up an intranet here where I work. I'll have to use similar tactics.
like I know the interface is confusing / and there is little to no error handling. but you guys wanted it "yesterday" and so fuck you it is half assed.
Anybody have experience with microphone access via JS?
@RUJordan I don't see a striked-outededed message.
@RUJordan Microphone is not web scale
@Shmiddty you're not seeing that? ^
you got a strange userscript maybe
ohhh that's right, I installed the cv-pls extension
neat, that's really cool actually
Let me consult my magic 8-ball... — RUJordan 6 secs ago
!!weather moncton
@Cereal Moncton: 20C (293.15K), scattered clouds
!!weather moon
@Mosho Moon: 88.43F (31.35C, 304.5K), heavy intensity rain
The moon sounds pretty nice right now
> heavy intensity rain
I trust caprica
> 88.43F
Warm rain are you kidding me?
That's heaven
Especially in Space son
loose ;-)
Mashape interview went well
next up, coding challenge
I'm trying to hone in on an error
I might be doing this all wrong, but I need to maintain an ssh connection even after the internet has been disrupted (for any amount of time)
function checkSSH() {
	exec('pgrep ssh', function puts(error, stdout, stderr) {
		if( stdout.length === 0 ) {
		setTimeout(checkSSH, 1000 * 10); // scans every ten seconds.
so I run this in node.
!!weather seattle
@RalphWiggum Seattle: 66.0559F (18.92C, 292.07K), broken clouds
@rlemon it was perfect D:
@CapricaSix Oh no!
perfect i tells ya!
The clouds, they're broken! Fix it!
problem is that it appears to not kill the proc when the internet connection dies.
does anyone see any issues in checking for the ssh connection that way ?
I'm really not sure
@rlemon Were you screwing around with passportjs recently? Or was that somebody else?
@RUJordan @rlemon Were you screwing around with hookers recently? Or was that somebody else? (source)
fuck it lol
@RyanKinal uhh I had some stuff but no not really
why ?
oh my god so many unkempt connections..
I value your opinion, and was wondering if you had any on that particular product.
res.end(), save my program D:
@Mosho cool!
@towc what does towc mean/stand for?
@RUJordan The One Who Could rlemonTM
The one who could what?
@RUJordan just in general
not that I actually can, but it sounds cool
I think a train engine already beat you to that name :P
The little towc that could
@RUJordan not that I care much
Good, caring is for humans.
@RUJordan exactly
but wait... sharing is caring, therefore if I share the name with a train engine I care
@RyanKinal chumps (source)
...which makes you a human >=(
Aww, that didn't work at all
@RUJordan unicorns care too
Whenever I use !!s, I try to use the shortest possible regex. Stupid regex.
Unicorns are the most selfish beasts
They only care about their horns
Much like man...
seriously. Angstrom Distro sucks balls
no syslog
can't find any logs for ssh
logs seem to not exist
outside of mysql logs
!!google angstrom distro
Ah, an empty "Needs response" list for job hunt.
That first link had me at Toaster.
that fucking smiley
@RalphWiggum isn't that smiley from like.. AIM Messenger from 1996 or something? lol
no idea
it was on that one website
I still want a wifi connected toaster that tweets at me or something when my toast is done
Tweet from @JordansToaster: @RUJordan MY AUTO STOP IS BROKEN SON YO TOAST BE BURNT
@RUJordan I built that once.
Serious question. Do you guys know if some creative coders do use drugs ? Anybody well known for that ?I don't like the idea of damaging own's health using them but some writers have success using them and I know some of my most innovative things have been invented while seriously drunk.
@dystroy I know of coders who have had all kinds of drugs
LOL shit
so I sent out the xhr thing @zirak wrote
to our whole dev team
@dystroy I've done some impressive coding blacked-out drunk. And I have a couple friends (wont mention) who are heavy users of things and are very impressive developers.
totally forgot how harsh the language was
I just remember it being pretty damn informative
Oh shit, lol
@Loktar what xhr thing?
Yeah, that is some nsfw shit right there
shit.. oh well we will see what happens
Zirak's gist you mean?
oh. :O
I'm sure they'll think it's funny
my boss cusses all the time
one time I heard him down the hall "NOOOO! FUCK! NOOOO!"
I died laughing
so yeah this is the email chain from me
> Friend of mine from Stackoverflow wrote this it’s pretty informative and explains using ajax/xhr and exactly what’s going on if you ever get bored and want a good read check it out,


haha after that you can totally do jQuery-less ajax.
then i reread it a bit and am like.. oh shit
we have the worlds shittiest internet (it drops CONSTANTLY) and so the SSH connections are interrupted. I honestly can't think of another way to verify the connection other than testing to see if there is an ssh session running
> Uhh the language is a bit harsher than I remember.. so take it for what you will.
and that is proving to maybe be not reliable
read it some more.. then send this out
> Yeah.. so its nsfw language wise.. I read it a while back and just remember it being informative, heh sorry for the link :?
lol can't wait for responses :?
> Jason, This is your mother. Why would this XHR character want to fuck me?
> I don't get you kids now-a-days Jason
current status : slightly drunk
We'll see who shows up
@dystroy \o/
@SomeKittensUx2666 I clicked, but I'm scared
Error: Server Error

The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds.
where is "here"
It's nothing bad
it is in the transcript
I want a sticker
@SomeKittensUx2666 irc
good game, wordpress?
Getting Groovy With Porn?
!!urban ggwp
@RalphWiggum GG WP good game, well played
ooh, nodejs update
Ugh Mick still isn't here
you don't know what gg wp means?
I hear people say that after every exam
They're just telling you that so you'll stay in the office longer
@Mosho gonna get wasted and puke?
Cuz... that seems like something somebody would say after an exam
lol, good point
next time I hear it I'll ask
There's no such thing as a 'test database' - everything (local, dev, live) connects to the same database.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Yeah... yeah
I encountered a bug earlier that occurred because I was hitting the live API from a particular page, but the rest of the site was using the beta database.
I have to change something on the database so I can test code that runs against it.
@rlemon just met him
His daughter is beautiful
like wow
just wow
yes she is
and her dad is the #1 badass
imagine having to grow up and watch this
that is his actual blood
(they hid small razors in their costumes and made small cuts in the hairline when they wanted to look extra hurt)
Does anyone know if it's possible to have two distinct session cookies on a single page? E.g. I'm authenticated on main!server.com, but also want to authenticate at secondary!server.com. Using a CORS ajax just overwrites the first cookie, and loading secondary!server.com in an iframe either uses the main!server.com cookie, or if sandboxed, has origin: null, which just messes up everything.
:peeks at profile. Colorado: you stoned?
@AdamHart Are you @Shmiddty's brother?
@Shmiddty is @copy
Ah, nope, this is my first time using this chat
@rlemon no, I am @copy
Shmiddty is love, Shmiddty is life
22 hours ago, by copy
Sorry, wrong account
Q: How to cast jQuery $.ajax calls to Bluebird promises without the deferred anit-pattern

JeffRight now I use promise.deferred in a core file. This allows me to resolve promises at a central location. I've been reading that I may be using an anti-pattern and I want to understand why it is bad. so in my core.js file I have functions like this: var getMyLocation = function(location) { ...

@BadgerGirl and you are also @Shmiddty then
I am
which is creepy because Shmiddty plays diablo with the GF some times

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