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PHP - Copy and Paste code from the past to renew your site for the future!
Sadly. Assumptions lead to bugs.
@SecondRikudo any php fiddle?
s/Assumptions lead/PHP leads/
Do people outside america even have a $ on their keyboards
when you assume, you just make an ass out of u and me
@Meredith Yes
@Meredith yes
source: Canada
I don't have a euro key so idk
@Meredith Potato
@Meredith are you a girl?
My name is meredith
What do you think
@BadgerGirl stop hitting on room members!
you've been warned about this before!
Javascript Lesbians
@Cereal Could not process input. Error: unterminated parenthetical on line 208
@Meredith according to the lemon Meredith is a unisex name soooooo... it's anybodies guess
Shit I'm still wondering myself
@Meredith you could be a male or female
the name started in the UK and was traditionally for males, recently has been used for female names as well
!!@Meredith is male or @Meredith is female
!!urban meredith
@Cereal @Meredith is male
@SomeKittensUx2666 meredith Women named Meredith are enigmatic. They are extremely intelligent but have a tendency to act amazingly stupid. They have loads of factual knowledge but little knowledge of the "ways of the world." There two varieties of Merediths. One variety encompasses the Merediths who use their intelligence to act pure and innocent but soon the truth of their scandalous side comes out. The other variety of(snip)
"Meredith" is like the Welsh version of "Jamie"
I always think of Meredith from the US Office
I really don't think he/she wants to tell us. Last time I asked he/she avoided answering it
I've never met a guy named Meredith
I have
he was weird, and sucked at Java
Meredith is an uncommon given name, and a surname common in parts of Wales. It is of Welsh origin and, as a personal name, was until recently usually given to boys. Meredith has many derivatives which have become personal names and surnames as well. Etymology and history In Old Welsh (c. 800–1150) the name was usually rendered as Morgetuid or Margetiud. The exact meaning of the first element, Mere, is unclear although some Welsh scholars have translated it as "great" or "splendid". The final element of iudd has the meaning of lord, and is found in other Welsh names such as Gruffyd...
Always asking me for help...
> It is of Welsh origin and, as a personal name, was until recently usually given to boys.
he was like deytookmyjerbbbb
Well I'm not Welsh
So you're a she then?
and I'm not a Lemon
doesn't mean my name doesn't hold some historical meaning
That's debatable.
@RUJordan Yes lol
I am a Rikudo though.
@SecondRikudo thanks
@Meredith cool. It's good to have another smart female in our midst
he lost his virginity to a lemon.
I can't believe Florian is not butter.
Oh god
I can't woo people online
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
^ it haunts me
I can't woo either. I'm trying to figure out a fun python error
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'
@SecondRikudo this bit me a few weeks ago :( 3v4l.org/ljJBF
what a crock of shit. my co-worker gets the error, but I can't reproduce it in my IDE
@FlorianMargaine Is it really? Damn... I love that stuff.
You cant add NoneType and str
I have literally no experience with python
Had a ton of it when I was in France.
@RyanKinal heh
it's fucking delicious
@Meredith yeah, NoneType is basically Null in python, so something is coming back null that's not coming back null when I run it
Which is weird
wget domain.com/file.tar.gz -O /home/user/file.tar.gz
cd /home/user <- can I & $_ or something on the previous line and omit this?
tar -zxvf file.tar.gz -C /home/user/output
I know I can just call the full path on the tar command
I'm just curious
@RUJordan Then watch him run it
tar xf /home/user/file.tar.gz -C /home/user/output
not enough?
56 secs ago, by rlemon
I know I can just call the full path on the tar command
58 secs ago, by rlemon
I'm just curious
@Zirak I am D: I'm going into mad debug mode to find out which variable is coming back null
I think it's $! to get the last argument
let me check
if someVar == NoneType:
    someVar = "Unknown"
Should do it
wget domain.com/file.tar.gz -O /home/user/file.tar.gz && cd $_
i'll try this
I can't see why it wouldn't work.
That's not a good solution
@rlemon sorry, it's !$
oh, you want to cd ?
gets the last argument
yea so cd the last argument which is teh... ugh. nvm.
that won't work
wget domain.com/file.tar.gz -O /home/user/file.tar.gz
tar xf !$ /home/user/output
not what you might want though
$_ gets the last argument
well, both do.
@FlorianMargaine idk why but I read !$ as NOT jQuery
@Zirak python's Null
@Meredith mind explaining? I'm pretty new to Python
@RUJordan You mean, None?
So i'm learning as I go here
@Zirak yeah sorry, that one
hrm. now can I carry that over two commands?
type(None) is (surprisingly) NoneType
@rlemon You wrap it in a function or whatever
@RUJordan Because you're letting the variable get to that section as null
When there's a good chance that it shouldn't have been null to begin with
wget domain.com/file.tar.gz -O /home/user/file.tar.gz
tar -zxvf $_ -C /home/user/output
rm $_ < - I will not work.
@Zirak eh, i'll just type it out in that case
just trying to learn some more BASH tricks.
Bash tip: Use zsh
@Meredith right, I'm trying to pinpoint the error right now
And I think I found it
@rlemon rm !:2
i'll test it out
!:<n last argument?>
!:<1 for -zxvf, 2 for $_, 3 for -C, etc>
cool cool
@rlemon I tried to use ovh, btw... but their american site was buggy as hell.
Read that as 'Soy OU Start'
@rlemon Wow, the UDP of their game-server is anti-DDoS
oh yeah, help me test the welcome-on-first-message please: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/55728/lemurs-fly-at-night
@Zirak let me know when you want me to type something in it
It doesn't do anything
Just like your mother
I'll have you know, my mother does plenty. She makes almost as much money, being a nurse, as I do.
I have finally made my form on jsfiddle
@NickDugger if you mis-spelled that deliberately, please don't do that again. Its not a very nice joke.
I thought it was pretty funny.
But the form has a problem.
dat box-shadow
Whenever blur is executed, no matter what, the field is blurred
@FlorianMargaine sanity check for me please? gist.github.com/rlemon/f5e72a2849f38fda6a09
@AwalGarg Did you..uglify this and then expand it?
@Cereal what?
    function $g(id) {
        return document.getElementById(id);

    function $l(id) {
        return document.getElementById(id).value.length;

    function $i(id) {
        return document.getElementById(id).innerHTML;

    function $s(id) {
        return document.getElementById(id).style;

    function $v(id) {
        return document.getElementById(id).value;

    function $w(id) {
        return typeof (document.getElementById(id));
None of your variables have meaningful names
that is a horrible solution
thats a real fail
@rlemon haha, I know. its just a fiddle man.
still a horrible solution
212 line fiddle
@Cereal oh c'mon. its just a fiddle.
And they don't even spell anything... "glisvw"... wtf is that?
I see what you were after. but HORRIBLE
@rlemon sounds good
@FlorianMargaine thanks
I wouldn't test this in production right away though
run it with bash -x somewhere "safe"
@ben Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
like a quick chroot or something
how do I make it not do that red thing on blur?
@FlorianMargaine I have a local "client" I test on
so it is production, but not in a clients hands
I test on production :/
hold on a minute
it really isn't an issue.
my.domain.com .. is the public facing
it is where I cannot shut things down
@rlemon chroot /some/folder
@rlemon I am not after anything...
and you can test as if your root were /some/folder
@FlorianMargaine made you nervous once you saw /home/root ;)
if you know what I mean
@rlemon rm always makes me nervous
@AwalGarg It looks like your validation might be broken? Not sure.
@FlorianMargaine pixar almost lost toy story 3 that way
pity they didn't
yeah, I know the story
someone had a backup they shouldn't have had, actually
rm -rf /florian/margaine nervous now?
oh no wait, shouldn't it be green?
@RyanKinal haha, me iz trying to practice js
@AwalGarg I don't know when the hell bp is called, but that's where it's being set to red
@RyanKinal password.onblur
@MarkKCowan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AwalGarg Oh, you mean p.addEventListener('blur')
@RyanKinal yes... isn't that one and the same thing?
Yes, but I couldnt find password.onblur
Because your code is damn near unreadable
how do I make it readable then?
I wonder what shadowdom means for ad-blockers
I just saw the signup button closely, eek. wtf is it looking like!
@FlorianMargaine Thanks, can you try saying something there?
@AwalGarg Use real variable names
@RyanKinal ok wait.
Is Future Garg going to remember what lb and lf are?
The answer is "No, and Future Garg will hate Past Garg"
Future Jordan hates Past Jordan
Past Jordan is a dick
no, no need to remember...
once it works, leave it like that.
> Yeah I can drink another Jagerbomb. Fuggit. It's Future Jordan's problem
no makeovers
@AwalGarg That is just a flat out lie.
There are always makeovers.
and lovemakers.
"Code as if the guy maintaining your code is a violent psychopath that knows where you live"
if there would be, I would definitely do it from scratch. But I guess, I will edit the variable names.
^ my co-worker has that on his cube wall
I can't believe I'm saying this, but a cubicle would be an upgrade
@AwalGarg Yeah, because completely rewriting your software for every change is super efficient.
...do you even cube, bro?
@RyanKinal well, looking at that code, it would be
@RUJordan Open floor plan!
@rlemon lol, fair enough
in 2-3 weeks no one will have a high chance in hell of maintaining that.
who needs privacy and quiet?
@rlemon haha, lol
Oh god
@Zirak seems buggy.
Thanks, I haven't noticed
@SomeKittensUx2666 so Wheatly steady watches you internet pr0n?
what is happening to this room??
So weird
@AwalGarg FUTBOL!!!
se servers are gonna explode any now
@AwalGarg What do you mean?
@AwalGarg lol, unlikely
@RUJordan I'm actually not next to him
which is nice
@BenCraig soccer
Soccer for the north americans.
!!s/north americans/USA folks/
Aren't you a north american?
@SomeKittensUx2666 No matching message (are you sure we're in the right room?)
@SomeKittensUx2666 Soccer for the USA folks. (source)
Oh yes, world cup is on right now
just for @KendallFrey
@SomeKittensUx2666 we also call it Soccer
which is why I specified all of north america
+1 canada
Never thought I'd say that
is it possible that I write readable code now, then change all variables to abcd afterwards? minification I mean...
@AwalGarg yes
World cup is on, and I'm just here php'n. Gotta get this stupid wordpress theme finalized so I can never touch it again.
but you don't do that by hand
you let a machine minify for you
yeah, thats what I want.
@amrav Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
FYI, this is how I feel about the world cup
@amrav Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Ok, I will update the fiddle and make it super readable.
!!tell AwalGarg google grunt
umm. that isn't me.
Oh cap
@Zirak ??
chill the fuck out
Sorry, closed
@AwalGarg Seriously, telling people "Here's my minified code, can you help me with it?" is a good way to get people to ignore you.
Occasionally I open this browser and because the chat sucks it gets 'suck' in a period in the Transcript. I just happened to open it to this:
Jun 12 at 0:51, by SomeKittens Ux2666
user image
@RyanKinal the same goes for a minified penis.
Indeed. Indeed.
That picture is creeping me out
FF lags pretty bad when Caprica gets 'stuck' and the chat doesn't auto scroll for her
she'll get DAYS worth of transcript in one page.
@rlemon Yeah, since I quit running FF 24/7 my computer no longer needs a restart once a week.
unattended chat is a bitch
Caprica will go unattended for days and days
Ninja Echo did too
normally I can avoid sports pretty well because I don't watch TV
This is why browser extensions don't make good bots
but this world cup coverage
it's spammed everywhere
google is like, holding me down and injecting soccer into my eyeballs
@JakeGearhart Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RUJordan s/$/ndjob/
What does the $ do?
ohhh lol
would that have even targeted my string?
cap snuck a post in
not since you got ninjad by caprica
she's sneaky
I could have done s/\b$ I think
@rlemon is there a minified code reverser?

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