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I need to get better at explaining things
!!afk walk
@RalphWiggum actually I think this is the best and fastest way:
for numbers below 100
wait... why not n>=10?
n >= 10 is probably the best way, OP had this really convoluted way of doing it using strings
I dunno what I was thinking
@monamona Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittensUx2666 I completely agree with your thoughts
@BenjaminGruenbaum It works in Bluebird
it's an array of promises, correct?
@SecondRikudo For what it's worth, a user intentionally pissing another user off with the bot is reason enough to mindjail said dickbrain. I'd have bot-banned him; @FlorianMargaine was just being a dickbrain himself.
@Zirak I honestly don't care.
If you'd tell me he's currently mindjailed, I'd remove my ignore from the bot
Promise.all needs an array of promises, and also returns a promise. So I can have an array populated with further Promise.all calls.
@NickDugger Don't be a dickbrain
As long as he is not, I will not.
!!ban 1408759
@Zirak 1408759 added to mindjail.
@SecondRikudo Done
@SomeKittensUx2666 what are you actually trying to do?
@RyanKinal all parts are ordered.
minus the motors actually, but I have some laying around I can use
@Zirak oh, my bad then
I didn't see it as intentional harassing of rikudo through the bot
@rlemon Rock on. Looking forward to seeing it.
all in all I'm pretty sure overall construction costs will be (including buying the motor) < $40
it was just a s// mocking php :|
@BenjaminGruenbaum Get all customers, then for each customer, get all recipients in the next month for that customer, then email ourselves a csv of those addresses and charge the customer.
I'm using .bind so I can't just create a new promise chain.
Arduino Nano - $10
RGB LED - $3
random resistors + photo diode - $2-3
motor - $5
case + stand ??? I imagine cheap construction here.
@FlorianMargaine I realize, but it was getting targeted, and I was getting pings from it, because he specifically used messages that contain my name.
So, I'm probably going to expand the Certified Random site to multiple pages: Home/Information, API docs, Stats (more in-depth - value distributions, etc.), and once your (@rlemon's) device is up and running, probaby a page for that too.
you can get the Arduino for cheaper, but it is an equivalent and I never trust those
@rlemon Good deal
well with my device it really would be certified random
if it all works i'll put something up on instructables.
var customers = getAllCustomers();
var receipts = customers.map(getReceiptForCustomer);
var pairs = receipts.map(function(r,i){ return {r:r,c:customers.value()[i]});
var mail = "";
    mail += "customer " + pair.c +" had receipt" + pair.r + "\n";
@SomeKittensUx2666 something like this?
@rlemon @RyanKinal what are you guys trying to do?
If sending an email for a pair is a function is already a method, then this requires exactly 0 levels of nesting.
@FlorianMargaine i'm making a dice rolling robot
rolls a d6, reports back to the pc what the results were, rolls again.
@rlemon A physical robot rolling a physical die?
@SomeKittensUx2666 the .value() works because we know that receipts will resolve after customers so it's ok to map it like that.
Q: 'ReferenceError: httpResponse is not defined' When parsing JSON response of Parse httpRequest

GhobsMy promise statement pings eBay multiple times, each time with the properties of a matchCenterItem as the parameters. When it has run through all the instances, I want it to then send all the responses over to my iOS app. My attempt to do this in response.success results in an error stating http...

@rlemon Ooh... maybe I'll set up a different DB for machine-rolled results.
i'll just create an account
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not quite
@SomeKittensUx2666 explain
also, if anyone else has any ideas on a small 'robot' they want built, ping me.
you missed the billing bit
I've got the hardware itch
@BenjaminGruenbaum Let me get the actual code - one sec.
I'm afk, so ping me and I'll check it later
is portugal on self destruct today ?
i mean penalty, red card, hamstring... whats next ?
Oh wow, that was a close one
@BenjaminGruenbaum noooo
I just had a promise question
well more of a "just tried to convert some callback code to promises and wanted a sanity check before I ran it"
@rlemon Create a robot that can poke a keyboard and type out the code for a robot that can poke a keyboard and type out the code for a robot that can poke a keyboard and type out the code for a robot that can poke a keyboard and type out the code for a robot....
chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1234000001808/index.html << Is this a good book to start from?
Remember that I know JS fairly well and I have experience with OOP.
Q: jQuery animate gets resolved immediately

jpouI have several animations in jQuery and want to run function when they all are complete. I create promise object and put it in a "promises bucket". Unfortunately, my animation is getting resolved straight away. Is there something missing in the code? I get message printed to console way before 5 ...

okay well two questions: a) would this even work (the promises one) and b) it seems to me (in this example) that promises are not really offering much here. gist.github.com/rlemon/dce11e753dfc0fde59d5
Q: Angular js - resolve and run() order of execution

sbaaaangThanks to AngularJS app.run() documentation? i see the order in which modules are runned by Angular, my question is: if i have: app.config(function(){ $routeProvider.when('/',{ .... resolve:{ //something to resolve } }); }); app.run(function () { something to run }); Will run() be execut...

@SamJ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
promises don't give you immediate benefit there, but it allows you to chain on this though. If you want to do something, you can keep the chain going
how does resolve() know to pass back ret?
I'm not mentioning error handling there... but you catch my drift
@rlemon it's a function...
f(g); is the same as f(function(r) { g(r); })
still don't follow you boss
but ret isn't the first arg of .on('end'
Agreed with @FlorianMargaine - converting a simple thing into promises doesn't add much unless you plan on inserting it into a larger chain
I build it up
@rlemon better?
1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
f(g); is the same as f(function(r) { g(r); })
@FlorianMargaine yes I know that. I think you misread my code. in any case.
var ret = "";
res.on('data', function (chunk) {
    ret += chunk;
res.on('end', function () {
you couldn't just call res.on('end', resolve) there
oh yes, my bad
discard my gist then
@SomeKittensUx2666 I think you are right. but I am trying to get "behind promises" so simple exercises like this are helpful for me
try to chain even more
you don't see the advantage of promises by transforming one callback into promise
@FlorianMargaine no worries. it may have done some voodoo. i've found myself thinking "how the fuck does this even work?" in node a lot
The wife is finally uploading wedding pictures to Facebook, so I've been bombarded with notifications for the past few days...
then learn there is a lot of "behind the scenes shit" going on
@SomeKittensUx2666 heh, saw that
you're cute
D'awwww, adorable kittens Kittens
I don't have facebook :(
Shaving machine lost power midway. No charger at hand :((((((
@SecondRikudo I'm american :P To me it's soccer
don't give rlemon your facebook... he'll shop you
@RUJordan FUTBOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@SecondRikudo Ooooh, that sucks
just call it futbol
I have no idea what I'm going to do :| I don't even have a supermarket nearby to buy a razor
@AbhishekHingnikar I wasn't watching the game lol I wouldn't know
the urban results for "futbol" are stupid
"football is for pussies who are covered in pads, futbol is a real mans sport"
@Shmiddty Problem is I'm already midway!
umm, they wear pads because tackling is allowed.
they don't fall over and cry when someone touches their calves
@AnthonyBenavente Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittensUx2666 so many ducks!!!
inb4 s/d/f/
@Hubbitus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon do you have a link to killit?
How do I even cover this disaster to go down and look for a store? XD
@RUJordan it's like a/s/l, but square footage of domicile/direction (cardinal) currently facing/felonies committed per capita in hometown
my tabs lost their icons.
I think it is time to close some
perforce.com/company/careers/… <- virtually guaranteed this job.
@SomeKittensUx2666 you lost me at domicile
@SecondRikudo Your beard is just modern
@Zirak :(
@s4nji Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Fuck society if it isn't ready for tomorrow's beards today.
Anyone here worked with/as a Sales Engineer?
@Mosho All good, I think I got it on my own
I'm debating between trying my luck with an open store, or wait on my roommate to return and see if he's got something to help
@SomeKittensUx2666 I have a buddy who was one
A charger or a free razor
@SomeKittensUx2666 What the hell is a sales engineer?
@Canon Um what
@SecondRikudo Call your roommate and ask?
@Zirak He left his phone...
@Martin mis-tag. Chat updated as I clicked "respond"
@SecondRikudo sharp knife.
@rlemon No?
@SomeKittensUx2666 I once sold an engineer.
@canon No worries, I noticed afterward
Got two goats
@rlemon Thoughs?
@SecondRikudo why not?
The position. I have an in as one at Cisco
does the trick and you look like a badass
@SomeKittensUx2666 he seemed to enjoy it
@rlemon Or I bleed to death
only if you slip
I'd rather not take that chance :D
!!use promises for the sake of using them or use a single callback
@rlemon use promises for the sake of using them
sounds good Cap.
@SecondRikudo Slipping means failure, and obviously, you can't tolerate failure.
!!youtube extreme shaving

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