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Mornin' ya'll
C'mon now ya'll
Today I'm going to riaus.org.au/doctorwho
VIP tickets too
Reception after with the cast :D
NOTE: not the cast of Dr Who
I wonder if the sonic screwdriver is run on node
@Squiznab Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mr.eXoDia Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So what exactly is this about
Any angular ninjas ?
I'm good with AngularJS
not sure what qualifies one as a 'ninja'
i have a quick question :)
!!welcome Shyju
@Shyju Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
trying to set the selected option in a select control using ng-model and it does not work !
A and V should be selected
not sure what am i missing
Where are you getting the schema for $scope.dataElements
How long, if ever, before using the command line stops making you feel pro as heck?
upgraded my 486 to 32mb of ram
been using it like crazy, still feel pro :P
@Loktar What OS?
dos 6.21
lol note... not 22 :?
only have the 6.21 disks
Word :)
Just wrote a function that greps for files and opens the matches in Sublime Text
just got a CF to IDE adapter in the mail too, going to replace the HDD with it
I remember when I thought of the command line guys as being these legendary heroes of code.
^ thats the 486, its so tiny
has an onboard nic as well (which was a bitch to find the drivers and get it working)
@SomeKittensUx2666 Share?
stgrep() { grep "$1" -rl . | xargs subl; }
someone write a tidyup plugin for ST that jsfiddle has :P
There's a built-in auto-indent feature?
we have even had this discussion before on here how it would be so awesome to have
and no one ever mentioned that..
doesn't seem quite as good as what jsfiddle does, but its something
oh man I sped up this oil paint filter considerably
way faster now
even uses a rather large image
haven't even used typed arrays yet
That's awesome!
thanks, I did it for a question someone posted earlier
the original code I pretty much copied exact from an article I found (in c#), but it was crazy slow
Any way to factor out the nested for loops?
I wish :? not quite sure how
it works by getting the most common intensity in neighboring pixels
and then applies that common value to the target pixel
as it finds vals that match it sums the r/g/b as well
so the vals are different depending on the target pixel
made a pen with datgui to mess with the vals
hah wth
so if you enter 0 for intensity and increase the radius, its a blur filter
wow thats actually a pretty awesome side effect
@RDub Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 hour later…
@TylerRash Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@wolfemm Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mosho can I add you in Facebook?
Request sent :)
don't use it much :X
I wanted to ask
I see, but at least now I know you're really a Doge
how do you and copy make it work when you're on different continents?
He goes to sleep at 5am.
And we love each other very much.
how often do you meet?
Twice a year, I guess
don't you get lonely horny
No, we talk fap every day.
But it's only 4 months until we move in together permanently.
how long has it been
a year and a half
Did you know that we met on SO through @CapricaSix?
that was my next question
Jun 29 '12 at 22:16, by Zirak
in Room for ChatBot, 30 secs ago, by Badger Girl
I love you, chatbot.
how did @CapricaSix facilitate your having met
where does copy come in
Jun 29 '12 at 22:16, by Zirak
It's just fun to watch what people do with it
Then he texted me, then we met. Everything is on the transcript: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/4657084#4657084
and unlikely
Yeah, that was my last day in Germany when we met.
It was destiny.
when will it be my turn
There's a girl in the php room, but it's php.
:weighs meeting love of his life versus learning php:
Good for you.
JavaScript got me laid once
Really? How?
girl I was working with was blown away by my power level
Girls are always attracted to superior programming skills.
and dbz references
kind of off topic, but a really cool image
omg shadow warrior
Tyrian :O dat carrot ship
:nostalgic high:
yeah that image brought back a lot of good memories man
I actually played MOO2 a couple years ago
still amazing
Incredible machine
gonna get some of these running
yeah I've been playing some on my old 486
there is this fantastic set of network tools for DOS brutman.com/mTCP so I run an ftpserver on it and transfer games over
thanks, will give it a go
@firthh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@devwhatev Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello JS Engineers, please see why is the above code not working. I followed the tutorial that @JanDvorak suggested me yesterday... learn.jquery.com
define "not working"
I do get the values in the console
it is not logging what I want it to log...
What do you want it to log?
console.log ( o[c].value ); <--this statement is not working
what should it do?
it should log the values of the input elements on screen...
it does
should it print a new set of logs if some value changes?
no. it should print abcdefg on screen. It only shows the elements of the dom
it logs their values for me
where are you looking for the logs?
in the output ofcourse
"please don't rate down" - oops, I missed the "don't" part. Sorry. — Jan Dvorak 2 mins ago
@AwalGarg look into the browser console. F12 should do.
@JanDvorak u mean the chrome dev tools console?
eek, I want it to print them on the screen. How do I do that?
I though console.log does that only...
do you mean the document? someEl.textContent = ...
this is crazy... wat is the use of console.log then?
to show stuff to yourself in a way that doesn't disturb the document
and then, why did you tell me not to use document.write?
for the delete everything reason? right?
it doesn't work after the page load, it slows down everything...
ahh, alright. Thank you so much.
yep. The delete everything is a pretty serious downside.
is there any echo or print command in JS?
@AwalGarg there is alert, which pops up an ugly dialog box, and there's print, which is a firefox-only alias for (I think) console.log
I use print, and it pops me with the print dialog box in chrome...
or that.
Its pretty scaring JS doesn't allow you to straight way echo something on the screen... maybe it is to fit the aim of what js is to do.
where on the screen exactly?
where it is executed exactly :P
that would be document.write, but the problem is... normally javascript executes after the page is long done loading.
hmm. can you also please tell me, like in php, I can open a <?php ?> tag anywhere inside html and use the php vars and all... is the same possible in node.js? and if so, then in what way?
@BenjaminGruenbaum o/
what does o/ mean? I see that a lot of times here and there...
It's the Nazi salute
@AwalGarg careful about escaping. You can JSON encode some data and the javascript engine will parse it for you.
@AwalGarg Google "Templating"
@SomeGuy lol
@JanDvorak wait wait.. whats that? JSON and everything. I don't know anything about that...
@BenjaminGruenbaum you mean the new html5 template tag? I know about that (surprisingly)
@SomeGuy u got to be kidding
@AwalGarg JSON is a data encoding format that is essentially a subset of the javascript object literal syntax.
look it up
oh the javascript world...
@AwalGarg not at all...
@BenjaminGruenbaum google dumps me with some python wiki... something that I hate, a wiki on a new language
So add the word JavaScript to the query...
ok, wait
JavaScript templating refers to the client side data binding method implemented with the JavaScript language. This approach became popular thanks to JavaScript's increased use, its increase in client processing capabilities, and the trend to outsource calculus to the client's web browser. Popular JavaScript templating libraries are Angular.js, Backbone.js, Ember.js, Handlebars.js, and Mustache.js. A frequent practice is to use double curly brackets (i.e. ) to call values of the given key from data files, often JSON objects. Example {| class="wikitable" |- ! Explanation !! Result |- | w...
^ I read this, is this what you mean?
Who made this ECMA script thing? I will kill him.
anyone with a gold algorithm tag? stackoverflow.com/questions/24227135/…
Jan, is there any way you can inject the entire JS scripting knowledge in me at once?
I'm afraid not
is there any way to do that templating without jquery...
@AwalGarg yes
oh alright, I will have to master js first, right?
depends on your needs. Regex has few options, but it's built-in
Q: Can I await an enumerable I create with a generator?

Benjamin GruenbaumLet's say I have a sequence of integers I obtain asynchronously. async Task<int> GetI(int i){ return await Task.Delay(1000).ContinueWith(x => i); } I want to create a generator over that sequence, if the sequence was synchronous I'd do: IEnumerable<int> Method() { for (var i = 0; i <...

Help please
wow, ben needs help
it's a first for me
Q: Can I await an enumerable I create with a generator?

Benjamin GruenbaumLet's say I have a sequence of integers I obtain asynchronously. async Task<int> GetI(int i){ return await Task.Delay(1000).ContinueWith(x => i); } I want to create a generator over that sequence, if the sequence was synchronous I'd do: IEnumerable<int> Method() { for (var i = 0; i <...

@RyoArmanda Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlaMM3R Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@131 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak needs 1 more cv
another film like fight club anyone?
@towc nope, that film is special - what about lucky number slevin?
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's it about?
@towc mphhh, just watch it :P
Also, if you haven't there is always the obvious like watching Firefly or watching stuff like Pulp Fiction etc.
@BenjaminGruenbaum never seen firefly
Need to print some javascript motherfucker tess
wasn't firefly a series ?
downloading it ow
I only watched Firefly's pilot
It didn't really sway me
Might give it another try later
I'm watching The Sopranos right now
@BenjaminGruenbaum can't find a good streaming link for it
are you serious
@BenjaminGruenbaum I need help with my pants
yay , passed the condition !
@KarelG not really
var derp = "true";
@user2481296 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
was making pun with the title :|
nvm :P
a dog doesn't need pants
can we downvote that so we can delv it? Otherwise I have to make a memo and remember to del vote it in two days :P stackoverflow.com/q/24227359/1348195
who has tagged it as fav question ?
Probably op
not enough seeds for firefly :P
It's gonna take a while
@MarekHám Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Just buy it...
couldn't even if i wanted to, living in lebanon
maybe i should play UN, to see if benj wouldn't bomb patsy
@BenjaminGruenbaum you across the border?
Ah yeah, actross the border :)
Looks like we're heading for quite the shitstorm :( @PatsyIssa
I'm doing this: <form action="DownloadTemplate" target="_blank" method="get"> how do i redirect the source tab to go somewhere after submit?
Some dumb ass blew himself up again?
just redirect the request on your server ?
@PatsyIssa some retard kidnapped 3 kids
can't they give it a rest already
God I hate politics
@KarelG thats what im asking, how do i do that
@BenjaminGruenbaum : they think only of their buttocks
need to find a deserted island with internet and waffles
it depends of your server language, but if you're using PHP, just use header('Location: url_here'); after submit
I hate violence and I hate using it for politics.. not that any one side is right and the other wrong.. it's just really depressing.
@PatsyIssa : aww, belgium isn't an island, but it meets the other 2 conditions :o
Frankly I blame the US
oh, do you know that most american politicians got "controlled" by the jewish people
their influence in USA is very high
lol, I love saying that, biggest lie ever
yea, jews control the world with their big noses and their gold-shitting asses and their money, right @KarelG
Obviously, we're in such a shitstorm because of the US because we influence their politicians and not vice versa haha.
let me ask you, 3 kids were kidnapped - du think its ok?
I v met jews i like jews, you ll always have extremists everywhere
They made this country go into several wars (Lebanon war, Six day war, Yom Kippur war etc) to proxy war with the Russians. Shows how much influence we have.
that israel country is a big mistake of UN btw
where u from karel?
why there ?
We're fucking stuck occupying a whole people, costing us a shit storm of blood and money because of US foreign policy.
i'm from Belgium
@KarelG seriously -_-?
any rational, loical reasons for your claim or simply "biggest mistake" ?
because i dont have a problem debating if u have any reasons for your thoughts, but im not fighting with dimwitted people
thing is what's done is done, why keep fighting over it instead of working out a solution that involves both parties living together
Well </politics> I just hope no missiles fly this time and the kids will get returned safely to their families. Bombing the PA is a really dumb course of action :/
more js :D
@PatsyIssa wanna guess which party benefits from no peace in the middle east? (hint, that party likes oil)
It's all @rlemon's fault tbh
They're not even a real country anyway.
So, I'm looking into async generators in ES7 :D Looks fun
@JomarSevillejo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
so anyway, for my question im using java and javascript (jsp files), <form action="DownloadTemplate" target="_blank" method="get"> the new tab downloads the template as expected, how do i make the source tab go somewhere after the form is submitted?
@Infested in short : that place was already occupied by arabic people for years before UK had control over it after world war 1 (they fought against the ottomans, which controlled that area). After world war 2, the UK government decided to stop their mandatory on it. So the league of nations (previous UN) has to find a solution of that area. Their solution is a partition plan of palestina.
The state israel got born on that ground. Since then, multiple conflicts occurred, started by all parties in that area.
( sorry for digging up the topic, was a reply)
what are u trying to say? that because conflicts occurred israel shouldnt exist? what about all of europe then? they had many conflicts; in any case, during that time many countries were born.
exactly, these idiot didn't and doesn't learn from history
Jews were in Israel for a long time, which by the way is completely irrelevant to the conflict as it only matters who is there now. Two people that can coexist and prosper..
@KarelG i dont follow, basically ure saying that if theres a conflict, we should wipe out one/both sides?
I hate politics :*(
we should chill the fuck out and distribute joints instead of ammunition ^^
@Infested i meant that picking up the guns or throwing rockets shouldn't be a solution
me gusta joint
It'll probably be legal in a few years
At least here. There is a large movement towards it.
@KarelG well obviously; we dont want wars or conflicts.
Surprisingly there's a movement here as well
Even though we still have a backwards society
They were talking about legalizing production and exportation but everything will follow
Yeah, it's hard to legalize production and export but not usage.
so anyway, for my question im using java and javascript (jsp files), <form action="DownloadTemplate" target="_blank" method="get"> the new tab downloads the template as expected, how do i make the source tab go somewhere after the form is submitted?
all youtube video's are crashing at me ...
location.href and window.postMessage
post a message to the other tab
tbh i d be happy with decriminalization

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