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var Avengers = {};
Avengers.cast = [
name: "Robert Downey Jr.",
character: "Tony Stark / Iron Man"
name: "Chris Evans",
character: "Steve Rogers / Captain America"
name: "Mark Ruffalo",
character: "Bruce Banner / The Hulk"

I have some ajax request. How can I store value like this using for loop.
Your question is a bit vague
Do you get the data like that? Where do you want to store it?
store where? value like this? for loop on what? ajax request?
@sabbir store where? db, local, in your closet?
Be more precise or give an example of what you want to do with the data
!!tell sabbir format
@sabbir Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@Zirak Command format does not exist. Did you mean: forget (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
Why are there two bots
@Zirak: whaddya mean
I don't see two bots here
@Mr.Alien, I just want to store as javascript object type
@Zirak 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, findcommand, github, google, hang, inhistory, jquery, learn, aliens, fa, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, joystick, fools, cake, cool, vengeance, ln, protip, slidepoop, zirak_naked, loktar, artisticpoop, crustypoop, buttstuff, poopkittie, daybreak, rfc, man, ಠ_ಠ..., getit, resources, html5unleashed, jspattern, ajax, xhr, guesswhat, amazon
ihazbukkit, solution, sandbox, gayclubs, kumar, echo, pizza, wherearemypants, yourwrong, martyhuggi
@Zirak help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, findcommand, github, google, hang, inhistory, jquery, learn
@Qantas94Heavy ^
@sabbir we asked WHERE you want to store, and anywhere you store, you cannot store it as an object
@rlemon or @SomeGuy, I guess?
!!tell Zirak hmm, weird
@Qantas94Heavy Command hmm, does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@Qantas94Heavy Command hmm, does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@Oleg ︵ ┻━┻
@Oleg That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
she is broken again...
@ShulhiSapli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak I awoke on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 10:09:00 GMT (that's about 16 seconds ago), learned 277 commands, teleported 61 goats
@Zirak I awoke on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 10:09:30 GMT (that's about 21 seconds ago), haven't done anything yet!
Is Angular super-slow or is it just me?
@Mr.Alien, I already have some json value in json file. I get value from ajax request and now I want to use this info in angularjs.
Yeah I don't like this one bit
Good. I'm going to run a copy from the last memory dump
@dystroy I love you <3, your code worked like a charm... I don't get why I skipped that at first place
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
@Mr.Alien thanks. Are you blonde with big titties ?
@sabbir aaah am not that good with js so sorry, I cannot help you on that ..
@dystroy I forgot to mention #nohomo tag there.. :p
to my wife : I was joking, he!
cheating with a guy when you're married to a woman, is not really cheating
cheating is cheating
it's not really cheating if you get consent from your partner before
@dievardump Yeah, realising your sexuality is different than your partner's isn't a big deal.
Because homosexual sex is conceptually different than heterosexual sex.
@Zirak Depends, your sexuality can be vaster than you partner's one. But still containing it.
It's like when you live with a vegetarian and you are not. You oked to eat no meat and fish at home, and you can handle it for a time, but every two months or so, you go get a nice steack with pepper sauce in a good restaurant.
If you're in on it from the start, then sure. But if your roommate decides to convert vegetarian, you'd like to know.
@dievardump twice a week!
im living it, its not so bad, but twice a week, tuesdays and thursday i need my meat fix!
Especially if you decide to get some steak. That shouldn't be a secret.
It's a lot of meat, twice a week. Be carefull with your body :)
@Zirak There is extremists everywhere.
@Zirak nope its no secret, i eat it in front of her, and waft the smell in her direction
@dievardump its 5 times a week less than i used to eat it!
If you're guzzling chicken in the stairway, away from your partner's sight, it's a breach of trust. It's not what you eat that matters, it's what you agreed upon.
@Pooja Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak I was jocking, i 100% agree with you. That's my rule : Follow the rules
Loved the food analogy. Makes the discussion fun.
@Zirak kind of, we agreed i was allowed to fancy and find other girls attractive as long as i dont mention it, soon as I mention how attractive miss e watson is, i was in trouble (ok for about 10mins but still) :P
(same goes for her btw)
what the hell is up with IRC on freenode? there are a namespace change or something but I simply don't get it...
@Zirak You like the steak, eh, Zirak? Want to "guzzle chicken"? *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* Say no more...
@Neil You ruined the song
I was having fun, suddenly PING
...wait for it...
A curse upon your house
@FlorianMargaine Where did you find that?
@dievardump reddit
Yeah surem why not!
boom shake the room!
@saifur Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hey guys i have modified my question can u help me to reopen?
my bad
I have a function

function hello(first, second, third){ alert(first + second + third); }
I am trying to bind that function to window.onresize = hello;
but how should I pass parameters while binding my function to an event?
ohh nice
any other way to do this?
just curious
I mean using something like apply ?
@rlemon Want to run the bot, kill mine?
!!are you alive
@rlemon Absolutely not
Whatever that is :p
I'm running one
@Mr_Green You can probably hack your way around it, but why? bind accepts a bunch of parameters, that's what you need.
Kk. My main not PC I'm afk from. So you run her.
@Mr_Green - Uh, anonymous function
window.resize = function() {
     hello(first, second, third);
@Zirak yes thanks
@adeneo I know about that.. I do that always :)
So why not do it again ?
I want to move.. :)
and also it looks weird to me
an anonymous function looks weird, by apply/call/bind doesn't ?
I also use bind but I wan't aware of that it can have more than one param
@PleaseTwo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
yeah means wrapping a function in another function
Then go for jQuery, it does all things
$(window).on('resize', {first:first, second:second, third:third}, hello);

function hello(e) {
    var first  = e.data.first,
        second = e.data.second,
        third  = e.data.third;
prototype.js provide a function which bind parameters while still passing the event as the first parameter
but people dislike prototype.js
wow nice
I am actually using prototype.js here hehe
nice :)
hello.bindAsEventListener in this case
ohh I will check that thanks
do anyone know how to use meta stackoverflow for reopening question?
@Dhwani there will be a link just below your post called "reopen" click on that
it will be visible if your post has been successfully closed
once you click on reopen, other users on SO will decide whether your post is in good structure or not
Hi, I'm using jQuery append to add new divs to a page when a user clicks a button. At the moment I'm storing the HTML for what gets appended in a variable inside the function. Is there a better way to store the HTML? THe reason I ask is because its stored as a long line which is hard to edit. Also, I'm very new to JS so go easy!
@DKS - If it's a duplicate, anyone with a gold badge can reopen it, but there's usually a good reason for it being closed.
@James - post an example of what you've got ?
@james It depends. show us
Simplified example of code would be:

'//Add Task
$( "#addTask" ).click(function() {

var task = '<div class="newTask"><p>New Task</p></div>';

$( "#taskArea" ).append(task);
@adeneo wrong ping I think.. "Dhwani" not "DKS"
Hmm, what button is it to post code again?
I hate jQuery.
^ me too
@Mr_Green - hmm, she came up as DKS here, and even in the autocomplete, but refreshing the chat shows Dhwani ?
ohh ok
What's bad about jQuery then, that you hate it? "Because it makes you lazy"?
var task = document.createElement("div"); task.classList.add("newTask"); task.innerHTML = "<p>New Task</p>"; document.getElementById("taskArea").appendChild(task);
@Magikaas Yeah, that's part of it.
actually, it takes all the taste away
That's interesting, I ust started using it because a couple of developers I know use it a lot, but they have a lot of experience with pure JS as well. Is it much better to learn pure JS first?
of programming?
@axon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
pure JS is a framework. You mean native JS.
Because it makes you doing things you do not understand. Because it makes you load thousands of lines of code when you need hundred, because it makes you say "there is a plugin for that I think" instead of thinking "oh I can code something"
Yep, sorry - native.
@NickDugger So that is what I would write if I wasn't using any jQuery?
You're probably better off learning native JS first, because jQuery will probably not be around forever, native JS will be around longer I reckon :P
@Mr_Green, i have done it already. i need just 2 more votes
@James, there are many, many ways to do what you're doing. It was just the first thing that popped into my head.
Yeah, but I mean, what does programming taste like to you, when comparing native js to jQuery?
@James if you're still new to JS, give CodeCademy.com a try
@NickDugger Ok, so even in your example, supposing the HTML part was a lot larger, would this be an appropriate way to store the HTML, or should I be looking at something else?
@Dhwani link? I will not reopen if it is not in good structure.
@NickDugger I did actually use Codecademy.com about a year ago and it was excellent, I then stopped developing for a year and I'm getting back into it as of yesterday!
Q: How to know if browser has PDF viewer or not?

DhwaniI am viewing PDF into iframe. It works fine. But some of the client don't able to see it in IE. They get it as download option. How can I identify if browser has pdf viewer or not and prompt user that he hasn't pdf viewer? Note: I am using asp.net mvc 5 (c#). I tried this, but don't help me. ...

@James, I like to use document.createElement() and appendChild() more than I like to create elements within an innerHTML statement. I rarely will put html tags in a string like that
So you could create a <p> tag, append it to your <div> tag, which is then appended to the parent ,div.
@James : You should use the DOM API. = createElement / appendChild
@NickDugger Ok, I'll play with that approach and see how I get on. Further down the line, if I wanted to store these HTML snippets somewhere for later use because there will be multiple variations, is it acceptable to store them in a DB and recall them from there as and when needed.
@NickDugger @dievardump OK, I'll try doing it that way rather than the lazy way!
Acceptable, sure; logical? I dunno. I don;t know anything about your project./
@Dhwani AFAIK, all browsers have pdf viewer
except IE8 and below
Haha ture, well I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Lots to learn first I think!
so you should look for user agent, I suppose
@Dhwani I still don't understand why you want that.
Just freaking link to the pdf file - people are grown enough to dl a file they want to read
The google viewer thing seems cool
@dievardump - pdf.js still fails on some things, but it's gotten a lot better the past year or so, but setting it up can be somewhat complicated.
And the google document iframe ?
<iframe src="http://docs.google.com/gview?url=example.com/mypdf.pdf&embedded=true"; style="width:718px; height:700px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
If that use Google pdf rendering, it should be more than enough for anything
But I still think that people are grown enough to download a file
Haven't really tested that one, but I guess it's the same as crocodocs and the others, and they work pretty well.
@dievardump, yes i know but how can u convience your TL which developing SAAS app with so much privacy?
I generally use github.com/coolwanglu/pdf2htmlEX and convert the pdf to valid HTML, and it's worked pretty darn good, a few years ago pdf->html converters sucked balls.
@Mr_Green, yes i knw ut there are some client with old IE 9 and they have problem
Yeah I used to have to use pdftohtml ome years ago, and on some pdf it was a pain
We had an ETL retrieving big pdf files and we had to convert them to index them in a SolR
@Dhwani you can use conditional css then
Linkedin "JavaScript" groups are so full of crap
@Mr_Green not getting ur point. css? how can it help
@dievardump LinkedIn is the last place I'd look for anything on anything, lol. Business people are the most full of crap.
@Dhwani sorry "conditional comments"
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
script here to say client that pdf is not supported
@Dhwani I did not understand except you have a problem about privacy. But render your pdf in an iframe won't make it more private than viewing it with pdf.js or google docs iframe
(there is probably a way to make it private even with the google thing)
Hum, <embed src="http://yoursite.com/the.pdf" width="500" height="375"> works in ie 7+
what is difference between embed or iframe?
what is difference between embed & iframe?
we have used Object As well but it will not make any difference
IE is garbage, that's your difference.
@NickDugger, US clients recommand that
what to say
@Mr.Alien so wht to follow in ur way?
@Dhwani I don't know your requirements
@DrogoNevets That's a stupid article. Google is a company, not a historical institution. They have no responsibility or obligation to display doodle's for specific events.
I don't see why blaming a private company to honour what they want to honour, if it is not against law/people/freedom.
(I live in Germany, and it's still the old Doodle ^^)
except its such a big company, I wouldve expected something, maybe a doodle and thats it, but to honour something else.....
i think thats more the issue, to pay respects to a Go player who no ones heard of, on the 70th anniversary of the largest naval invasion in history
@dievardump seems it works even in older browsers of IE if we have adobe reader installed
@SureshSavage Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DrogoNevets "except its such a big country" -- Google is not a country. It can do what it wants, within the confines of the law.
@NickDugger sorry, company
That's just weird to expect things from Google.
@dievardump hi btw, didn't have time earlier, sorry :)
It'd be like expecting the Government to manufacture paper plates for your birthday party.
@FlorianMargaine Aaaah! I was frustrated :(. Nearly went to buy an ice to confort me.
@NickDugger While that's not really a fair comparison, I see your point, I agree that you can't really say the company was doing something wrong for not putting up the content you expect and want it to put up, no matter how much you think others agree with you (even if they do)
@NickDugger hardly, if it werent for op overlord, not one of us would be here today
@fallenPhantasm Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rawpower Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DrogoNevets Sure. I was born in the middle of what were "Les maquis de l'ain". I would definitely not be here. But still, blaming Google for forgetting to do a doodle for that or do another one is just "wrong" imho
@dievardump im not blaming, im just saying its poor show
@DrogoNevets I didn't even know it was D-Day's anniversary
@Ben Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Cereal Same here lol
There's nothing "poor show" about it. They can do what they want. Hell, I didn't know it was D-Day's anniversary either. They have no obligation at all to do what the public wants.
Q: Why are my kids naked?

DaveTheGamer I was playing my old hearth fire save in skyrim when my kids where only wearing their underwear and when I attempted to give them cloths they didn't do anything with them. Anyone else have the solution? EDIT Now the rest of the skyrim kids aren't wearing cloths EDIT2 wtf they are not wearin...

Q: My head keeps falling off. What can I do?

Ben BlankI have an… unusual problem. What? How'd it happen? No, no, that isn't impor— Okay, fine. It might have something to do with the tim command, a bandit chieftan, and an accident with an ebony greatsword. But that's all you're getting out of me! Now where was I? Ah, yes. Wherever I go, my...

what countries are you from?! half the worlds state leaders are here or in france commemorating it
arqade is notorious for its awesome titles.
@DrogoNevets commemorating what?
@FlorianMargaine D-Day I guess?
what's d-day?
lol you kidding Florian?
Yes you are!
| combatant2 = | commander1 = | commander2 = | strength1 = 156,000 | strength2 = 50,350 + | casualties1 = At least ~12,000 casualties; 4,414 confirmed dead | casualties2 = 4,000–9,000 casualties | notes = }} The Normandy landings, codenamed Operation Neptune, were the landing operations on 6 June 1944 (termed D-Day) of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. The largest seaborne invasion in history, the operation began the Allied invasion of German-occupied western Europe, led to the restoration of the French Republic, and contributed to an A...
never heard the term "d-day" to mention this day
Happens, I guess :P
Strange naming, there's no D involved
Well,k NormanD
Oh, French
@Zirak some how I got returned to the list of rooms??
'Scuse me
In French it's "Débarquement de Normandie" I think they took the first D to make it the D-Day
> disembarkment
Ok ok! Well close enough :p
Good point, though that's not a word many people know/use. At least it didn't pop into my mind when I was thinking of words starting with a D that could be associated with that event. But it does make sense
Ahoy hoy
Ello Monners :3
I have come to clean zeh pool
Are we at the poolboy scene?
If all goes well....
Are you by any chance also a plumber?
Only when peaches and princesses are involved
Mamma mia!
We've got a plumber
Dang, you're fast with your linking
Sadly, not only with my linking :(
Do you keep a list of copypasted images on standby? :P
No, Google Image does it for me.
Google is your friend
fuck it I messed it up, so whatever.
Fridaaay yeeeah booy
@Magikaas well the few thousand people who died on 6th june 70 years ago
Ah yeah its DDay
totally forgot.
Rebecca Black... oh maaaaan
@DrogoNevets Nvm, just found the arrow next to the tag links to my message...
It's a long weekend here
Woot Queen's birthday! Yeah!
Pentecost weekend here (according to wikipedia and google translate, don't hit me!)
@Rajan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon you got something to watch ^
@Loktar btw, it's already almost 4pm here :D
Friday: Obviously the perfect day to go live with a project
I mean, what are developers going to do in a weekend?
They just refresh your website twice an hour to check if it's up, right?
Yay, no more orange strange pattern icon thing :D
@monners hold up, you get Monday off, for our Queen's Birthday, yet we don't? That's some bs...
Chould you recommend an npm package for running CRON tasks on a Node web server?
@mikedidthis lol, that is some shit
@mikedidthis Hahaha, I'd write a stern complaint to the Australian government if I were you
@Thijser Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I think I would rather work :D
Haha xD
you guys looking forward to the world cup?
World what?
Nah, just kidding, but I don't watch soccer/football
soccer is the most overrated sport ever
@mikedidthis Cry me a river

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