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hi lime
Where have you registered obscure domain names?
There was this site that had a decent GUI a while back with this obscure name that I can't find.
hmm, no idea
found it :D gandi.net
1 hour later…
Anyone home?
I'm listening to lectures, so semi
Hmm, do you have time to answer a quick jQuery question?
I'm trying to use this function: slider.bind("onSeek", function(e, i) {

		$("#index-columns .column")[i].css({ background: '#f00' });

but I get this error: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLDivElement> has no method 'css'
What can I do to solve this problem?
The $() is a jQuery object filled with regular DOM nodes
So by doing $(...)[0], you're selecting not a jQuery object, but a DOM node
Just wrap it with another $: $($("index blah blah")[i])
Sweet! Thanks :)
np at all
morning guys, gals and eldritch horrors
Q: How can I stay on top of things, when I have to deal with different programming languages in web development?

Sebastian Oberste-VorthRight now I am developing web applications with ruby-on-rails. Sometimes I am having a hard time deciding which language to chose to solve my problems. The difference between HTML,CSS and the programming languages is pretty clear. But when do I have to take JavaScript instead of Ruby? Thanks!

4 hours later…
Q: backend: deletable 'Tags' in a field

anonym-developerI want to realize the same Tags-field like here on StackExchange while editing/adding a post. I want the option to choose different tags from a list, delete and sort them (last one is not included here). I don't need the ajax-autocomplete functionality – the tags should be picked from a list I ge...

someone ?
I have a footer to snap on the bottom of the window if the document height is lower than the innerHeight of the window.
To avoid any FOUC on my page I place in the header a javascript that fixed the footer if the conditions below are approved. I need to know, if I don't wait that the dom is ready and fixe the footer before it loads in the DOM tree, is the instructions cached and applied at the time the object is ready to be manipulated ?
You can use sticky footer technique
@DEVastator hey ?
@Oddant So, you're basically asking, "If I tell my newborn babe that when he reaches 13 he should pick up some milk, will he remember to do it?"
Hey @Zirak
Do you have 5 min time for me? I'm having JQuery ui issue
@Zirak unless he has a big brain I don't think so
what's your point ?
@DEVastator Hola
@Oddant My point is: No.
Can we continue discussion in another room?
The DOM isn't created yet, so you're telling something that doesn't exist to do something. It can't do it
@DEVastator What's wrong with this room? If I can't help you, someone else can
@Zirak well it was a bit confusing me, since any new elements that has a class with css style related to is displayed with these rules
Of course they are.
Ok then. My ws located in local server. Can you connect to my pc via teamviewer so that i can show you my problem in action?
I have no url to share with you
so how to avoid FOUC if I need to place an element specifically in the page using a script after this element ?
No...Try to re-create your problem in here
The problem is
I have 2 selectboxes
@Oddant What's fouc? And why can't you attach an event-listener to the DOM ready?
and 1 radio button switch (like on/off) for second select box
@Zirak are you lookin at my problem
@DEVastator I can talk to two people at once
Flash Of Unstyled Content
Hi @Dennis
but hey I'm looking to CSS sticking great site
thanks @DEVastator
@Oddant You can't, unless you don't display it
@Oddant not at all. That's trivial problem that you can resolve without using js
@DEVastator Did you ever get that problem figured out?
@Dennis we was looking at this few hours ago
and you said "in progress"
Yeah, I couldn't figure out what was wrong
Then please pay attention
I have 2 selectbox and radiobutton switch for second one
When you choose some option from 1st one
appears radio button switches
when you "turn on" second select box with radi button
the ajax generates options for second empty select box
and in case success
it transfroms menu intoo jquery ui combobox
is it clear
That was one of the longest 3 minutes of my life. That could have been much better if you would've just written a sample test case for us
That's why i say you need to see it in action
I looked at it and was able to get the error
ok. and how do you think? why this error occurs?
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#options" ).buttonset();
$("#menu_switch").change(function () {
var selectedmenu = $(this).val();
if (selectedmenu != '' && selectedmenu != '0') {
var parentcheck = $(".parentcheck:checked").val();

if (parentcheck === "1") {
else {
You can isolate and replicate the error, and just show us the relevant code...we don't have to teamview into your computer to see your entire code
#menu_switch - first selectbox
Yeah, there is a lot of code to parse through
Which part doesn't work?
And don't copy paste it in here. If you do, at least pretty-print it (press ctrl+k)
the problem is I don't know where exactly problem occurs. getting error message in FF
[15:13:29.941] this.menu is undefined @ localhost/admin/includes/js/common/libs/jquery-ui.js:247
use the debugger
i already using debugger
and error from firebug
@DEVastator Did you try to google the problem first?
my problem is specific, it occurs only in my case
I'm php professional, not js. that's why, asking help. Thx for "great" help, guys. seems, no one wants to help.
Yeah, right
You're not helping us help
You just pasted a bagillion lines of code
Oh i've found conflict between 2 scripts
@DEVastator no you dont
A debugger lets you set a breakpoint
Set the breakpoint
Print the stack trace
Look up the stack.
Find the cause of the error. Fix it.
Be a professional.
On a related note, I don't see where you actually create the combobox, just where you destroy it
error at line x in jquery-ui is useless, you want to look up the stacktrace to find your code that called jquery ui with the wrong arguments
I dont see how people can claim to be php professional but not handle js
Are there that many serverside web developers that don't touch the client?
Yes, mostly java devs that think that js is a sub-standard language
I've had the luck to work with some.
It's fun to hear someone talk for an hour on the great disadvantages lambdas have.
Wait what?
Throat punch
instant throat punch
Ok i just found big conflict between 2 widgets
Rewrite the widgets or fix them
I'm using ipod style menu with breadcrumb from this page http://www.filamentgroup.com/lab/jquery_ipod_style_and_flyout_menus/


http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#combobox at the same time. they're conflicting. Ipod style menu with breadcrumb works well but combobox doesn't. The combobox giving bunch of errors. I suggest both using same var names.
I presume your html markup is broken
or the things are just broken
or your code is broken
But hey, your a software engineer.
Fix it.
Or all 4 at once (the 4th is what you didn't think of. the most terrifying bug of all.)
Well I presume your just a PHP hacker, so welcome to your limitations and welcome to step 1 of becoming a software engineer
> This menu plugin is a working design prototype
o/ you realise your using a prototype, a prototype is buggy. Have fun
> and with several known issues.
@Raynos you're genius))
if you want my genuine advice
Learn javascript, html and progressive enhancement
Then generate your own ui from semantic HTML
And when I say learn javascript, i mean learn js & the host objects, mainly the DOM.
How come when I flame people they don't call me a genius? :(
@Zirak Because you have a punchable face
Oh yeah? Well, your face smells like a girl!
epic fail
I meant your gravatar looks like a troll
What does )) mean ?
It's the awesome face! With a moustache! And hey, if we're gonna laugh about avatars, shall I bring yours back from the anime grave?
Its akagi.
Your not allowed to mock akagi
no u
@DEVastator That works a lot better if your google search actually returns results
@RyanKinal there is nothing wrong with new it's just a bit verbose.
You could just do this (and cause havoc). oh no you cant you break everything :(
Array is special, Date is special, Function is special
You might be able to write a very clever wrapper but that's a bit iffy.
@Zirak whats your new job like?
What new job? ;)
You just quit.
What do you do these days
Being unemployed has its benefits. I'm finishing some projects (canvas experiments! wooo), and can finally make my old but heavily modified computer work
Right now it boots, but nothing leaves it :P The mice/keyboard/monitor remained unactivated.
@RyanKinal "objects as constructors" pattern. Which one?
I mised nodeup 5 ;_;
A: A way to get the table param

Andy EYou can access the cellIndex and rowIndex properties of the <td> and <tr> respectively. Very simply: $('table').delegate('td', 'click', function (evt) { var td = evt.target, row = td.parentNode.rowIndex; col = td.cellIndex; alert("Row: "+row+", Column: "+col...

I always thought cellIndex and rowIndex were IE proprietary. Turns out they're DOM level 1.
it pays to look these things up sometimes.
@Raynos Ce qui nodeup 5?
@Raynos you can write a clever wrapper for Date - have you seen Kris Kowal's ECMA 5th shim? github.com/kriskowal/es5-shim
@AndyE I guess you could
I'm pretty sure you need the Date object though
Cause the es-discuss guys were talking about fixing Data.prototype to just work using private names.
@AndyE y u delegate?
@Raynos seemed like a good idea at the time.
3000 cells in a table... bind 3000 click events or a single click event and let them bubble? :-p
Food for thought, I guess
@Raynos I must have missed that discussion, es-discuss goes a bit too fast for me. Makes for good reading while I'm having a cuppa on a monday morning though.
@Zirak I'd vote to close but I wouldn't know which of the 10,000 other similar questions would be the best to pick.
@AndyE I mean why use jQuery
man... I replaced some cowboy spaghetti coder, my boss just told me I'm way slower at making stuff than him, and how awesome it was that nobody sees the mess of code he left behind, and how great it was because he'd just cut+paste and be like "oh lets make minor tweaks here..." in production and boom features just worked.
rather then table.addEventListener
@Raynos jQuery was tagged, and addEventListener isn't available in IE8 and lower.
@AndyE shim it.
Strange, jsbeautifier.com isn't available for me
@Incognito tell your boss he writes bad code
@Raynos No, he know,s I'm just totally disillusioned by this whole thing.
Because he know that, and sounded like he was praising it.
@Zirak I know, but it doesn't help me figure out why I can't access it
@Incognito tell your boss that you have pride as a programmer
@Raynos that would increase the answer more than necessary :-p
Despite admitting features broke after a week.
I don't think he cares about pride.
@AndyE no you just use DOM4 and then assert that he can use the DOM-shim for browser compliance.
You may have to fix issue 10 >_>
@Incognito but you do.
@Incognito Tell him you're a kitty-killing psycopath, and that if you work on fixing a shitty broken feature because he can't be competent, you'll destroy everything he cares about.
@YiJiang I think jsfiddle has a built in tidy feature.
lol I thought this might have been some sort of long-winded plug for your DOM-shim :-p
another lol for issue #10
Seriously though when I have time I will make the DOM-shim work
@Zirak ahhhhaahahaa :) Yeah... snipet: programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/66438/…
Am I the only person who wants A DOM-shim :\
Q: Getting what the current class is declared as

Chris GoddardI am writing a class which manipulates some innerHTML & onclick tags of a div, which puts some function in it that is calls something within the class, however, as there are going to be more than one use of the class on a single page. I was wondering if it was possible within the class to wo...

> @Incognito don't be cantankerous, it may not be called a class, but its acts close enough to one for me to refer to it as one if i want. its not like its throwing anyone off
FFS what is wrong with people?
@Incognito Can you send him a delivery of spaghetti and tell him to fix it himself?
@Raynos It'd be nice to have it, but right now it's a vaporous concept.
Alright everyone I'll be back in an hour or two...
@Raynos If you can completely normalize the event system, as in make IE act like a sane thing, I'd fly over to where-the-hell-you-live and give you a great kiss right on the lips, or in any other place of choosing
@Incognito oh so there's only value in the dom-shim when i've written it
It's tiring to do evt = evt || event, evt.stopPropagation && evt.stopPropagation(); evt.cancelBubble = true; return false; and so on
@Zirak that's already been done :\
No seriously, flowjs does it. base.dom does it.
...le what?
there may be edge cases I need to handle
and they probably dont handle the dom3 events things
Holy shit batman
it should be an hours work to copy and paste port the code from those libraries
mylibrary probably has a similar abstraction
Seriously though the dom-shim isnt hard to make, its just a matter of stealing code from base2, mylibrary and eli grey
Mornin' lads
Quick question, is there a way to tell the difference between a list and a dict?
A list is numerically ordered, a dictionary is another name for a map/associative array/key=>value container
Hah, I know that, but programatically, is there a way to tell them apart?
Well, since everything is js is an object, which is a map/associative array/key=>value container/dictionary, there's no real difference.
@Filipe sorry what?
A list is an array, a dictionary is an object
Well, I'm basically trying to build an xml string, where [] is <array> and {} us a duct
An array is also an object, it's just an object with sugar.
But if you mean detect for array vs object, it's easy. The constructor of an array is Array the type of an object is object
Coincidentally, the type of array is also object
Sorry what, xml string?
No u.
In javascript we have data
No no no, I'm making a textmate theme editor
and if you want a textual representation of data you do JSON.stringify(data);
Which uses an xml representation
and your using javascript?
I don't just put a blindfold on and pick a format, believe me I'd rather be using json
It's a small, mostly personal application
but I guess I might have to send it off to the backend
function dictOrArr (thingy) {
    if (thingy.constructor.toString() === Array.toString())
        return "array";
    if (typeof thingy === "object")
        return "dictionary";
    return "godzilla";
This assumes there only exist dictionaries or arrays. This is a very wrong assumption. I will fix that now.
Yeah, that's my problem, there can be anything in the mix
I guess I can check against all possible types
But if you're already doing that, I'd suggest a more general type-checking function
Can you give me an example?
@Zirak that's bad
It's not future proof for subclassed arrays
Please just use Object.prototype.toString.call(thingy) === "[object Array]"
@Filipe Not right now, but I usually check the constructor. The problem, as @Raynos suggests, is subclassing.
@Raynos I never made sure that's cross-browser
var type = function (obj) {
  var str = Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
  str = str.substr(8);
  return str.slice(0, str.length - 1);
type([]) === "Array" && type({}) === "Object"; // true
Alternatively you can instanceof but that's has funny behaviour
My personal favourite is Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf({})
@Raynos Nice one
Unfortunately, type(otherWindow.myArray) is "Object" in IE 9, 7, 6 and lower. They fixed it in 8 and then regressed the bug in 9.
But it's still the most robust method we have.
Wrote about it a while ago: whattheheadsaid.com/2010/10/…
@AndyE really ?
(function () {
    var toString = Object.prototype.toString,
        strArray = Array.toString(),
        jscript  = /*@cc_on @_jscript_version @*/ +0;

    // jscript will be 0 for browsers other than IE
    if (!jscript) {
        Array.isArray = Array.isArray || function (obj) {
            return toString.call(obj) == "[object Array]";
    else {
        Array.isArray = function (obj) {
            return "constructor" in obj && String(obj.constructor) == strArray;
That sucks :(
hmm where's the rest of it, SO chat?
Then again i really dont do cross window communication without something sensible like cors
I recommend solution 3
because feature detection > browser detection
I like to give people options and they can choose for themselves :-p
So do I
choose to use my library or choose to not use my library
Like my libraries punch .new into Object.prototype >_>
deal with it.
And yes the Object.defineProperty shim doesn't work with the enumerable flag in IE8 so it breaks for ... in in IE8
the funny thing about the cross-context array checking is that even Array.isArray gets it wrong in IE 9.
Wait what
srs? ;_;
once es6 comes out I'm going to feature request IE rewrites the DOM/BOM in es6
Yeah. Like, behind the scenes it must just do Object.prototype.toString.call(arguments[0])
Seriously though
Proxy. cmon, proxy!
It brings static typing in disguise all over.
@Zirak where?
if you have actual problems
All. friggin. over.
raise them.
@AndyE what do you think of es:h
@Raynos: I think you should write a shim for WeakMaps :-p
The problems are more like "I hate Java and Ruby" problems, not "this is wrong" problems.
The for of loop was absolutely ridiculous, the yield operator made me gag
Also, <| looks just horrifying
@AndyE they already did that, it leaks
for of is useful sugar
yield is important for concurrency
It's basically something akin to asynchronous code patterns
<| is a triangle symbol, suggest better syntax
yield is magical voodoo return, which can be easily replaced
yield, yields the function
I suggest no syntax over <| and that adding new syntax is horrid
and remembers state of the current execution of the funciton
Also, function*? Seriously?
yes, you need it. for the parser
suggest something better
I suggest not doing it at all, and that there's nothing wrong with the callback system
@Raynos: do you have a link to for of, I don't think I've seen that. I saw that the WeakMap shim leaked, and I wondered why.
@Zirak sorry, what?
@AndyE it has to leak. You cant do it without leaking, thats why its a native proposal
I cant tell you why ti leaks
I can just tell you "some clever guys tell me it leaks and I trust it"
lol fair enough
@AndyE for-of
I like the concise object literal extensions and quasis. quasis are probably the feature I'm most excited about.
@Raynos What what? The yield operator was "Hey, we don't like to indent in callbacks and don't know how to do it otherwise, so we made a special operator that does it for us!"
The next thing we'll have is the ability to write the if statement after the expression! Look look: answer = 42 if universeExists
Guys, is there any simplest jquery plugin for fulscreen background image sliding? I've found supersized, but there is bunch of unused things like progress bar, buttons etc. I need simplest one, just fullscreen background slideshow with fade in effect
yeah...i wanna write my perl in javascript
answer = universeExists && 42
Oh, and how about omitting parantheses after function calls if the argument-list is empty? That's useful! dog.run
no need
@Zirak no
@AndyE Thanks for summing up my point so neatly
its an alternative mechanism to write elegant code
@AndyE quasis is grawlix if you ask me
@Zirak: my pleasure :-p
"There's no need" is exactly what I'm going for.
there is a need
yield and generators have a real purpose
Take a look at the x0 number of libraries in node which emulate sync async code
@Raynos This is also elegant code: b=[x*x for x in a if x%2]
@Raynos just looks like they'll simplify a lot of things.
@AndyE I cant read it
@Zirak so what,
Seriously so damned what.
Make a style guide, stick to it.
Write in your preferred subset of es.
But appreciate that other people find value in these things

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