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I was trying to press submit to submit the values to php and after that catch the response with ajax??? what do you mean by that?
@sabithpocker i think he means he doesnt really understand what AJAX is
someone response me
@sunman shhhhhh - there is responded now comply
@sunman has it crossed ur mind no one has the answers to your question? dojo clustered chart columns? try the dojo chat
@DrogoNevets i think you mean something like this?:jsfiddle.net/mC2Km
@user3470815 Can you just expose your site to the web and give us you ip address? If your not using static ip you can just hang up after you're done. It would be much easier to simply run ur page for ourselves.
@rism.ya really i am facing a lots of problem last 15 days in dojochart
i have 3 questions on dojochart
so kindly request to all of you if someone knows dojo so solve my querry
@sabithpocker I mean i wanted to press the submit button and by xhr send values of dropdowns to php, in php with those values make a query, output array json_encode($resultquery) and then in catch that arary in js , all without leaving the page
i think you need to go back to javascript basics...........
@Kite Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok thanks so that would only send, and then to retrieve another ajax function?
get the alert failed:error
@sabithpocker so i think youre saying in the same ajax call it sends and receives?
its like if you post 2 and 3 to a add.php via POST using ajax, the response will have the answer. Its the usual pattern
but where would you catch the response in the same ajax function that posted?
jsfiddle.net/4b8vK in call.done, "data" will be the result you return from php
ok thanks @sabithpocker
but im getting the call.fail alert
so what is the status now, what are you guys trying now?
we are not, ive just had a bomb load of emails to deal with
@sabithpocker Well, there's this new thing called cocaine
@monners new?
basically, @user3470815 ajax both sends AND receives at the same time.....
im good with marijuana, thanks @monners
anyone know how to parse above json link in js or jqury
jquery will do it for you
JSON.parse(<stringified json>)
@sabithpocker +1
$.getJSON( flickerAPI, {
format: "json"
.done(function( data ) {


i have done above
but what next
i got length
var yourvar = JSON.parse(jsonencoded); ?
but how to get name inside entity
you dont have to parse, jquery already done that for you in your case @Gamex
so how to get name
@Gamex data.name?
@Tushar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
showing error not define
Hello, can anyone help me?
today's a busy day huh
@Gamex what does your data look like? exactly as itunes.apple.com/in/rss/topalbums/limit=10/json ?
i dont think so because data.entity.length wont work with it, it doesnt even have a key called entity
Object {feed: Object}
feed: Object
author: Object
entry: Array[10]
icon: Object
id: Object
link: Array[2]
rights: Object
title: Object
updated: Object
__proto__: Object
__proto__: Object
so what should i don now
Hi, I need help
$.getJSON( flickerAPI, {
format: "json"
.done(function( data ) {


and observe how data looks like in console
!!/welcome Tushar
@Tushar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dystroy I have binded data in telerik grid and data is binded successfully. i have used edit and delete button. Delete fuctionality works properly. but edit operation does not performed.
I am using nopcommerce
@sabithpocker lets try
lol people writing code by guessing
"let's try this and see what happens"
"ok it worked next one"
@sabithpocker get objet object
dont alert it, console.log it, which browser are you on?
@BartekBanachewicz "oh it unexpectedly didn't work, let's just dump it to SO"
or to SO chat.
or this one ?
Q: Javascript XOR operation (trying to understand!)

vinco83I've been researching the caret (XOR) operator in Javascript, but i'm having a heck of a hard time understanding. Can someone explain why, for example, 1 ^ 1 = 0? I have some code someone wrote, and they are doing the following: if (shouldBeCollapsed ^ 1) { //code to collapse section of pag...

@sabithpocker {feed: Object}
Not really telling OP he is working with bitwise operations in those I think
@dystroy how do you usually find if a question is worth answering in SO? I am confused most times
@PeeHaa The one with the bag of lies accepted as answer wouldn't make for a good closing I guess...
@sabithpocker "worth to me" = not trivial, not boring, doesn't look like work, not an obvious duplicate
@Gamex your concern looks trivial and looks like work as well.
data.feed.title.label, data.feed.author.name etc is how you do it usually
@dystroy what about this situation like Gamex who doesnt know how to process the returned JSON, is it worth teaching. Or is it anyway offending the chat room or SO?
anybody is there to help me??????????
is your issue trivial, related to work or a duplicate......... ohh this is the sentence in SO questions page right??
@sabithpocker I'm not interested in this problem but that's not a valid reason for other people not to be interested. I let you judge on that. In fact I'm too lazy to go back to the beginning of gamex's question
Ok, i just wanted to know if its not generally appreciated by SO community, or seen as spamming.
@sabithpocker I have no problem with "related to work". What I don't like if when somebody doesn't want me to solve a difficult problem but just wants me to write code that he could have written himself. That's what I mean with "looks like work" : if it means writing code without fun or challenge, I don't answer
ok, got you .. "plese do this for me" or just "cmon guys fix this now" attitude
example : Find all elements that are in this array and this second array but not in this third array. Of course I can do it fast and better than somebody with less experience but anybody even a noob can do it with some effort and research.
@dystroy I actually had a question, the reason why i ended up in this room.
do you have any idea what all the 1:;1:; is doing there
opt out of inlining? what does that mean?
Short functions may be inlined by V8
why is benchmark preventing that?
So if you want to test some code and you don't want the engine to use this trick (maybe this algorithm is only part of a bigger one), then adding some code may prevent inlining
@sabithpocker because there's a check based on the length of the function in bytes
In fact it's usually less for inlining than for optimization. V8 contains a compiler whose decisions are greatly based on the length of the function (optimization is done per function)
What are some ways to use the most of v8 optimisations, is there any articles you can suggest? @dystroy
@dystroy TY let me read them
Asking a precise, succinct code based and fun question on performance in this room might be enlightening too
actually i guess @essiliaj wrote that jsperf when i asked for explanation in a comment
it was @Esailija
I'll never remember his username...
I do
i was trying to read it!!
how do you pronounce Esailija?
Spam again : Miaou is now running on socket.IO 1.0.3. I'd like people to test it works for them
@dystroy I think miaou is a beautiful name by the way
@Cereal Thanks. Are you from a French speaking country ?
var xyz = {'abc':'xyz'}
var abc = xyz;
delete abc.abc;
Object {}
how can i prevent to delete from xyz?
@dystroy Bilingual province
@NimeshVaghasiya you need to clone the object not just get a reference to it
@Cereal that must be why. I guess "miaou" won't be beautiful for everybody...
@DrogoNevets thank you very much. it's help me.
@sabithpocker it's not his real name
His name is Petka
I hate caprica, ive just lost the game, simply because i was thinking about what happened when you say....

I have a question about curly braces.
I thought, that this should be syntax error, but it's not, why?

{ var g = 7; { console.log(g); } }

@Givi curly braces can denote blocks or object literals. These look like denoting blocks
@JanDvorak But, it useless in this case, am I right?
@Givi free-standing blocks? Pretty much.
@JanDvorak Thank you.
@Givi not in ES6 though
Also, lol
Interesting question :
Q: CSS: hover not working due to opacity

JipoI'm having a strangs CSS problem. Below is a very simple code sample, demonstrating the problem. <html> <head> <style> .hover { float: right; } .hover:hover { background-color: blue; } .blocker { opacity: 0.5; } </style> <...

@dystroy to be fair it is in the spec IIRC
anyone seen MoshMage recently? i wanna know how he got on with my angular challenge
@BenjaminGruenbaum can you dig up the spec and quote it as an answer?
or did it cause his brain to explode?
Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that he calls something "blocker", then complains when it actually blocks?
@Kippie the question is why setting the opacity to 1 removes the behavior
It's at 6.6.something in the spec
@JanDvorak control+f visibility w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/…
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm sure it is, as it works the same in FF and Chrome. But where ?
@cc @dystroy
@AndriyKhrystyanovich Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm expecting an official answer on that question from you ;-)
Naa, I'm on the phone
Do answer it, please
g2g, sorry
@JanDvorak I didn't even understand the spec
fine, I'll answer
Just read the note. It doesn't mention opacity at all.
A: CSS: hover not working due to opacity

Benjamin GruenbaumSimply put - because the specification says so: On opacity: If opacity has a value less than 1, the element forms a stacking context for its children. This means that any content outside of it cannot be layered in z-order between pieces of content inside of it, and vice versa. If the element...

Wait, that might not be true since they're not children
Let me reread that
It still might, but I'm retracting my upvote for now anyways
in Sorry for this, 2 days ago, by Wulworine
are aa room create karyo khabar na padi su naam rakhu etle bas sorry for this aapi didhu ne salao 10k 15k 5k 6k 30k
That guy hahahaha
@RUJordan @SomeKittens did you adapt to the autosave shit in OSX now? Seems awful and I want to go turn it off but maybe I should give it a shot.
@dystroy added solution
I still don't get why this was so popular... Just got a badge from it
Q: Why does `isFinite(null) === true`?

JhawinsThe following are examples that make sense to me. isFinite(5) // true - makes sense to me, it is a number and it is finite typeof 5 // "number" isFinite(Infinity) // false - makes sense for logical reasons typeof Infinity // "number" isFinite(document) // false - makes sense as well, it's no...

@BenjaminGruenbaum Pointer-events was my first thought as well, but it's not really that widely supported yet. (IE11+ only)
IE10 does it iirc
not according to caniuse
oh, apparantly there's partial support if you prefix it with ms
lol today isn't much coding for me. But it's fun.
I'm choosing a cover photo for the paper on Thursday, basically looking at boobs and beer and going "how many copies will those move?" and then asking the boss to approve. This. Is. Great.
@everyone can any one help me in JQuery Mobile??
Q: I want to make a tracker header showing page number of the form in JQM

Vikram Anand BhushanI have this form of like 4 pages and some multiple pages and popups inside those 4 page . What I am trying to do is add a header kind of thing bellow the header which will show the number of the current page with something highlighted or arrow indicating its the current page . My website is bas...

here is my question
I am trying to make a header for submit adds form in my website
This header will contain page number of the pages with the current page highlighted
i any one of you can help me out in this I would be grateful.
Hey guys
@Jhawins autosave shit??
@RUJordan Yeah, there's autosave and version control starting in OSX 10.7
Also I fixed my Sublime Text zalgo problem. Somehow the theme package I used got added to the ignored packages list. Instead of reverting to another theme sublime turns your shit into zalgo.
@Jhawins g'day mate
Ahahaha that sucks
I need someone to help me with this... I'm making some alerts. I want them to slide down when shown then back up (out of screen) when they are supposed to disappear.

Everything is fine except that when they slide back up they don't go all the way up! So after a few pop in and out, the new ones show up much lower than they should.

I had no idea there was an autosave function
@Martin It works fine for me on chrome
@Cereal I think it's the icons
Check it out now with the /2/ at the end
It seems to work fine for me too (edit : not always, in fact)
@DrogoNevets Whats up
@Martin Oh, it broke after I clicked for longer
Nevermind it does seem to work in my fiddle...
@RUJordan Yeah and they disguise it in the general settings. The checkbox says
Here's what I'm doing to calculate height:

var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(el),
totalHeight = el.offsetHeight + parseInt(computedStyle.marginTop) + parseInt(computedStyle.marginBottom);
Very non-informative
@Martin this.style is undefined
thats your issue, also you arent calling _removeAlert that i can see
jsfiddle.net/DrogoNevets/5ETXc/3 this at least calls your method after 3.5 seconds
@Jhawins clouds that look like rain :'(
My method is being called though, or else you wouldn't get this.style is undefined
@DrogoNevets Next 5 days are shot for me :(
ive added the code to call it
Says the weather man
And your version pops it out immediately
not in the jsfiddle it doesnt
el.addEventListener(_whichAnimationEvent, _removeAlert, false); Is what sets off the _removeAlert
@DrogoNevets Actually...
@Jhawins it doesnt in mine at least.....
Congratulations @martin, you've severely overcomplicated one of the simplest tasks :D
The fuck is this.
I always do this -_-
@Jhawins +1
@Martin just use window.setTImeout to add your delay to remove the alert
But it does look pretty
That's not the problem though
@Jhawins again +1, the css is sexy
It does get called when it's supposed to
lol thanks
@Martin what do you desire to happen? When I click the button the "welcome to alert.js" comes up, then goes away,
Yup, but if you click like a maniac then after a bunch of them they start showing up really low
Pretty much instantly.
Really? Eww
Oh yeah?
No they don't. I just clicked ~50 times
Oh man. That's weird
@Martin firstly you need to update the js so that this.style exists, thats not going to help anyone
The "hello" gets cut off and the alert actually waits 3.5 seconds
@DrogoNevets I'm not getting that error :\
@Martin Do you know how to use breakpoints?
@Martin browser?
Something is seriously borked here...
@DrogoNevets Chrome
_removeAlert is called 4 times per press. On the 4th time this is window
window doesn't have style
@Martin firefox
@Jhawins Snap
@Jhawins 4 times per alert though is a little crazy!
unless hes calling it until its disappeared? and only moving it up sa few px each time?
Yeah that's not supposed to happen
Yeah no I realize why that's happening
window.setTimeout(_removeAlert, 3500);
This is obvious
I have the event listener listening to the animationEnd event. It listens to that event and if the timer is 3.5 then it atually does stuff
_removeAlert uses this
    // This is garbage but it works
    if ( e.elapsedTime !== 3.5 ) {
@DrogoNevets It wouldn't work in Firefox since it's only got -webkit- prefixes atm
welcome back to my life gentelmen
See the console log of outerHeight that's huge on the last log right after your error? That's because this === window and window.style === undefined
@Shmiddty is going to participate again??
Q: Function expected error in an addEventListener block of code

DemCodeLinesI am developing a Windows Phone app and using HTML/JS to build it. So there is a WinJS reference in my code. The following is my code: WinJS.UI.Pages.define("...", { ready: function (element, options) { var item = element.querySelector("#item").winControl; item.addEventListe...

Anyone, literally anyone please, at this point.
@Jhawins I'm not getting any errors. I'm using Chrome if that makes a difference. My issue is not the the timer or anything other than the fact that after 20+ popups, they show up too low
There is a link to a screencap of what I'm seeing
No errors
@Esotericist Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Martin If you want to make this script work, in this awful way, then I have no desire to help you.
@DemCodeLines answered
But maybe I'm looking at the wrong fiddle :)

I don't get why it's so bad
@DrogoNevets lol, great troll :) Upvoted.
@DrogoNevets I copied the code wrong... :|
@Jhawins :p
@BenjaminGruenbaum thank you, thank you
lol, and I'm capped again :/
better find some crap to dv

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