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String.prototype.repeat = function(num) {//Another random useful function
    return new Array(++num).join(this);
!!urban cookie 2
@rlemon cookie a food that is fun to eat, but also used as a sarcastic reward.
@rlemon [Cookie](http://cookie.urbanup.com/1031684) Noun

1. Delicious delicacies

2. A small text file stored in your computer when accessing websites, sometimes helpful (saving login information for future logins), often used for malicious purposes (tracking movements on web, spam)

3. A person, commonly used during the Roaring 20's in America and old detective films depicting said time period.
Why didn't the link work? [Cookie](http://cookie.urbanup.com/1031684)

@bjb568 Linebreaks break markdown
"I like rap" -rlemon
Q: Repeat .then() as often as there are items

ClawishSuppose I have an array var numbers = [0, 1, 2] and an $http request. I want to chain as many .then() functions after the $http.get() as there are items in numbers. So I want code like $http.get(...) //for each item in numbers .then(function(){ console.log(item); }); so that the cod...

I like a lot of music
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about Facebook, not programming. — bjb568 11 secs ago
@Feeds First promise answer! I have no idea what a promise is, but OP didn't know how to use a loop… so… yeah.
@bjb568 You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/2888561/bjb568) have 3714 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 15 questions, gave 196 answers, for a q:a ratio of 15:196.
avg. rep/post: 17.6. Badges: 4g 13s 32b
Ooh, almost 200 answers.
Okay, I've been out of the layout loop for a while. WTF is up with all these floated CSS grid systems? I thought we bailed on this stuff like 3 years ago. Do people not know about the table display properties or am I not grocking the full benefit of having a crap-ton of non-semantic .row and .column-1-etc html all over the place?
@Braiam You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/792066/braiam) have 1398 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 8 questions, gave 35 answers, for a q:a ratio of 8:35.
avg. rep/post: 32.51. Badges: 2g 11s 27b
@ErikReppen Tables? What do you need that for? Yeah, people use crappy selectors, but only what they do in the selectors is relevant.
> could I log in using only a URL and PHP parameters?
PHP parameters
PHP parameters
CSS table display. Not table markup.
@ErikReppen it's responsive
@ErikReppen Yeah, you probably don't need it.
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol @ irony italics
So like Bootstrap's grid system is basically outdated garbage, correct?
@ErikReppen Outdated? What do you mean by that? It's definitely garbage and always was tho.
@bjb568 before the last of the browsers without table-display properties died off (IE7), you had to use floats for certain vertical col scenarios.
And I still do. What's wrong with that?
@bjb568 They're essentially used as a kludge 90% of the time and behavior is weird and not very robust for people less familiar with CSS. Occasional usage doesn't really bug me but architecting an entire grid system for them in 2014 when we already have CSS that can handle it seems kind of silly.
Netscape freaking navigator had table-display properties. It took IE a freaking decade to catch up.
@ErikReppen "people less familiar with CSS" Hahaha, use jQuery then.
And what's your alternate system?
It takes a lot more work to learn the crap out of CSS than the average median-level Java dev with "some front end skills" learns about anything. Let's just put it that way.
Are you saying… You need to learn a language to use it? Gasp! What a concept!
Container collapsing isn't exactly intuitive. Using clearfix or adding another cleared non-semantic markup element isn't exactly ideal, etc... Lots of reasons I'd rather be using something other than floats for vertical cols.
So what's the better alternative?
@ErikReppen most of the grid systems are designed to simplify responsive design
@bjb568 CSS display:table
Could you show me a nice way of using display: table-cell to have things snaparound nicely? I'd love to see it
It's a little quirky too though to be honest.
@ErikReppen Replicate this.
More importantly, make it snap to three rows when you get to < 380px
@codezombie Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@bjb568 That makes sense for floats.
Harder version: jsfiddle.net/HjZ5b/1
@phenomnomnominal Couldn't you just flip it to display block at <380?
@ErikReppen So what doesn't? Example?
You're missing the point of grid systems
@phenomnomnominal This is entirely possible. I've never been a huge fan.
<div class="mobile-grid-100 tablet-grid-50 grid-25">Thing</div>
<div class="mobile-grid-100 tablet-grid-50 grid-25">Thing</div>
<div class="mobile-grid-100 tablet-grid-50 grid-25">Thing</div>
<div class="mobile-grid-100 tablet-grid-50 grid-25">Thing</div>
@Erik Me neither. But that doesn't make floats useless.
@bjb568 It wasn't my intention to declare floats completely defunct.
Mostly and completely are mostly the same.
I think I'd rather be mostly killed than completely killed.
What's the difference?
@ErikReppen So like, be a vegetable?
In one scenario I'm not dead yet.
I heard it's boring being a vegetable.
Well I'm an organ donor, does it count as mostly dead if my organs are living on in other people?
@monners Good point. Me too. I could be mostly killed and still be completely dead.
@phenomnomnominal was that an argument for or against grid systems?
Does your body have anything to do with you? What is a body, anyway? You is a brain.
you simply can't do that with tables (or at least I've never seen a reasonable implementation of it)
@bjb568 true, I guess this really swings on what your definition of dead is
@mrkre Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
guys, I'm Brazilian and I'm going to buy a Macbook in US, but I didn't see the option to "split" the total value in 10x using the credit card neither in Amazon or Apple, wich is a common practice here in Brazil
@JackChin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can anyone who lives in US tell me why is that?
the right word I believe to be "installments"
@LucasB It's done a fair amount, usually for large purchases. I've never seen it done online though.
@phenomnomnominal Ohhhh. Durrr. I get it. I think. I thought the point in responsive was to not have a class for each layout type though.
It's probably up to the retailer whether they want to allow it or not.
@KendallFrey hmm, that's odd! Here it's pretty common to use it on online purchases, almost everyone accepts it... I was counting on it :p
@LucasB Americans don't trust each other with credit cards. : )
@ErikReppen rsrs
@ErikReppen media queries don't scale well
One way to get around that is having as few as possible that set 'global' classes, generally defining the type of display you are trying to match, and then using a grid system based off that.
@jfxiao Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal Yeah I'm beginning to suspect Bootstrap sucks more ass than I'd originally thought. How the hell did the Twitter guys build up the street cred to do a huge UI and layout library? Like Twitter is some kind of massively complex UI circus?
@ErikReppen You can wonder about all frameworks/libs/whatevers. Like jQ.
Is owning a sportsball team profitable, or is Ballmer's purchase of the Clippers just a vanity thing?
@sleepyfung Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@monners he can sell it for $$ in a few years
> Sterling acquired the Clippers in 1981 for $12.5 million
now they are being purchased for 2 billion.. I say he made out well :P
@user1545858 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
^^ I don't get it...
Me neither.
@AGDM Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
function (e) { //Random function - for making code-like tabs in a textarea
	if (e.keyCode === 9) {
	if (this.selectionStart == this.selectionEnd) {
		if (e.shiftKey) {
			var cS = this.selectionEnd - 1;
			while (this.value[cS] && this.value[cS] != '\n') {
				if (this.value[cS] == '\t') {
					this.value = this.value.substr(0, cS) + this.value.substr(++cS);
				} else cS--;
		} else {
			var oS = this.selectionEnd;
			this.value = this.value.substr(0, oS) + '\t' + this.value.substr(oS);
That is some hardcore nesting
if > if > if > while > if
} else cS--; That doesn't throw an error?
No. It's valid. Javascript never requires {}s.
Kinda bad form to include them everywhere else and not here
@monners Yeah. It handles tabs, shift key for undo, selected text or not, micro-optimization loops, etc.
@monners No, they can be omitted some places, not everywhere. It can change the meaning.
One statement in {} is implied, more is what {}s are for.
I get that, but if:
} else {

behaves the same as:

} else cS--;

then you shouldn't break convention.
I think it looks fine. "if this, do { some long thing} else shortthing;"
As long as you're just writing for yourself...
It really fucks up someone who might be counting brackets to make sense of your logic
Heh, I am writing for myself. If others want to use it, they will need to figure it out.
That's not very hard if you know what you're doing. (i.e. know javascript)
that's not even remotely true
Fine, know a lot about javascript.
@leetheguy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@kmgilbert100 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So I have a jQuery scrolling script on my page. On my page there is a top navbar with a absolute position that messes up the position of anchor links. So I was going to add a 100px offset but it doesn't seem to change anything in my jQuery code. I must be doing something wrong. Does it look like I did something wrong here?

$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $( $(this).attr('href') ).offset().top+'100px'
}, 500);
return false;
Don't use absolute.
Why wouldnt just normal +'100px' work
its not absolute
its fixed
Don't use fixed.
.... why not
Because it's really annoying.
W/e u say lol
@kmgilbert100 Put together a jsfiddle and we'll have a look
@monners can i just send u a link?
@MattRowles Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Scopey Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@kmgilbert100 How do I trigger the issue?
Man, you guys need a copy writer
1 sec
messing with some php
some errors on page now
Too much going on. Put the problem into a fiddle or I can't help ya
Well wait
its simple
on the right side
if u click on a link
it goes below where its supposed to
the header of that section should be placed on top
the code is located in the following file which is imported in the bottom
myelement.scrollIntoView() //Is this what you want?
myelement.scrollIntoView() //Is this what you want? what u mean
Basically i guess?
!!tell kmgilbert100 mdn scrollIntoView
@bjb568 Command men does not exist. Did you mean: man, mdn (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@bjb568 ur fiddle isnt loading for me
theres like a loading circle stuck
@CapricaSix hmm let me have a look
@ShadAmez Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@kmgilbert100 Ha! That wasn't a fiddle, that's a loading circle.
@user3526002 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@kmgilbert100 I'm a bot.
@bjb568 oh :D well how can i put a fiddle in with all my bootstrap code and images i feel like that would takes ages?
Oh, fine. Don't make a fiddle then.
Haha i just dont know how i could in this case
@kmgilbert100 You don't. you just recreate the problem with the minimum amount of markup and assets
wuold be a huge fiddle
Often you'll solve your own problem by breaking it into something for others to tackle
@kmgilbert100 Done: jsfiddle.net/S7Lnm
my script would work fine
i can reporduce on jsfiddle
1 sec
so if u go here
ull notice if u click on one of the links it will scroll to it
but since the header is fixed it is hovering on top of it
i want to make it so it scrolls below the anchor say 100px
@bjb568 there we are :D
@kmgilbert100 jsfiddle.net/5EdWb/1
:o thanksssss!!!!
@kmgilbert100 Feel free to upvote one of my answers as a show of thanks :)
and one of mine
Feel free to downvote one of @SomeKittensUx2666 answers as a show of thanks
Better: jsfiddle.net/5EdWb/2 Fixed is annoying.
@monners there, now you have an upvote from me! Muhahaha!
@SomeKittensUx2666 I shall forever be in your debt
Derp. I just tried to nest an anchor tag within an anchor tag
last level was fun
How many levels are there ? Just made 3
BTW I feel I didn't use the intended way for the second one, as the message as the start of the third one doesn't make sense to me
I'm stuck on level 3
I used the same trick for level 2 and 3
What trick's that?
well... will there still be fun if I tell you so soon ?
I guess not...
BTW those small tabs are painful, especially on my small screen, scrollbars everywhere...
I'm having trouble identifying the insertion point
Wait, I think I see it
@monners 1-5 are roughly the same
I got 1 and 2
Never used location.hash before
!!mdn location.hash
i had a question when long pollling does ajax only update the data for example if im outputting html with a foreach loop and i long poll with ajax will it only update everything that the foreach loop output or just specific data... via dotnet.dzone.com/articles/…
Did them all, pretty easy.
/frame#(function() { alert('Cracked');})() :(
@monners Maybe that explains your objection to "That's not very hard if you know what you're doing." :P
@bjb568 Wait, you're using my inability to XSS attack as a justification for your sloppy use of syntax? Oh yeah! I forgot, you're an asshole.
/frame#(eval("(alert('Cracked');)")) Am I even getting warm?
The vulnerability is in the dynamic construction of the img src, right?
did them all
@monners No, you don't know what you're doing. So you don't know what it feels like to know what you're doing. Wikipedia
I probably didn't solve them all the way they were supposed to be solved... didn't use an external file for the last one
can you help me lol
@ThinkkSo Run-on sentence.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Thanks, that was fun. I wonder if it's a trick to make us learn some python...
Curious question as the end : they ask us if it was too hard. I guess none of the guys who made them all found them too hard ^^
@bjb568 I suppose he's not the only one in this room.
@bjb568 what I'm trying to say is, what does long polling ajax exactly do? Does it update all the data or only the data affected?
@ThinkkSo It creates a stream from the server to the client. Every time the server sends more data, the client picks it up, instead of the client pinging the server asking for new data.
Most programmers suffer from Impostor syndrome more than anything else
@ThinkkSo exactly what @bjb568 said
@monners I really see no problem with it. As a human, it makes logical sense.
@Neil Wut?
@bjb568 What? Did I stutter?
@bjb568 Of course you don't. You don't know what you're doing. So you don't know what it feels like to know what you're doing.
@ThinkkSo more precisely, the complete:longpoll will ensure there's a new request after the server answered. Each time success is called, it's with the last data
@bjb568 i understand that. Say I have posts and within those post they have comment. If i want to update the post comments how would i go from their? and these post with comments are being output from within a php foreach () : loop
@monners I'm sorry, but you cannot make a definitive answer to "does this look good?". If you understand it, that's enough. You can't make people agree on whether it looks good.
@ThinkkSo PHP and long-polling don't really mix.
@ThinkkSo See WebSockets.
@bjb568 My entire argument is that chucking a bit of codegolf syntax into the fourth level of a five-level nest is bad form. Does it work? Sure. does it make sense? To you it does. Will the next guy that touches your code spend twice as much time trying to find a bug in your logic? Abso-fucking-lutly
@monners This isn't codegolf syntax. There is no consensus that it's bad practice.
Readable, consistent code is a good practice. That's pretty firmly established
@Neil websockets pain in the ass for me maybe latr
@monners I think it satisfies both.
@bjb568 You'd think wrong.
@ThinkkSo Agreed, but it is the only way you'll be able to scale your application linearly
@monners An opinion cannot be wrong. By definition.
@ThinkkSo Use Node.
Imagine several thousand users polling your server every second
Level 7 of XSS injection game : make miaou alert in other users browsers !
@bjb568 Oh god, that's what your resorting to? Ok, have fun. -ignored-
In here you're welcome to be a douche, though no one by any means has to listen to you being a douche
@monners If you're going to say "Most people find that to be bad practice", back that up with data. If you're going to say "You're wrong because I said so", that's a logical fallacy.
@chanjianyi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@bjb568 i would but im not their yet im going to keep searching for a way to do this.
@ThinkkSo Get there. I promise you it's better. I switched a month ago.
morning morning
@ThinkkSo php is not infamous for the programming language that meets cutting edge technology needs :)
@bjb568 switched from what to what
@Neil thanks for the heads up
@CodeGeek Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yes, node.js is worth knowing, even if only for the sake of knowing what you're missing
BTW you don't need node to do websockets. Any language/framework which lets you run things for a longer time than a page are able to do websockets (maybe not logo though).
@ThinkkSo PHP to Node (sorry internet problems, restarted router)
Hi All, JSON.parse of this simple stringifird array is not working
JSON.parse("[[[],[],[],false,false,["How are you",null,null,null],"2014-05-30T07:30:42.835Z","+345_2","+561","+456"],[[],[],[],false,false,["Meow",null,null,null],"2014-05-30T07:33:08.532Z","+123_3","+123","+123"]]");
What would be the reason...
@Exception Escape the "s.
@bjb568 what do you mean lol
@ThinkkSo I switch from using PHP to Node.
@Exception JSON.parse("[[[],[],[],false,false,[\"How are you\",null,null,null],\"2014-05-30T07:30:42.835Z\",\"+345_2\",\"+561\",\"+456\"]‌​,[[],[],[],false,false,[\"Meow\",null,null,null],\"2014-05-30T07:33:08.532Z\",\"+‌​123_3\",\"+123\",\"+123\"]]");
@bjb568 Actually I have copied from chrome console, that was stored in file using JSON.stringify and retrieved through file read api. Then why chrome is not escaping strings while using stringify...
@bjb568 I have checked it again, JSON.stringify is not escaping things when I use it to stringify an array of arrays
@bjb568 for complicated thing except fetch data from mysql db right?
you don't need to escape them
just use ' instead of " to wrap the whole
@dystroy The problem is not that, the string was copy-pasted.
@ThinkkSo Wut?
ready my second to last message after you read your second to last message
Oh, yeah.
@dystroy You are correct, The string was copy pasted.. Actually I am storing stringified array in file using HTML5 api and reading it. Then if I try to parse I am getting error illegal token.
@bjb568 am i right or what?
@bjb568 but is it possilbe to use node.js with php?
@ThinkkSo Yeah.
is it easy to learn node.js?
@ThinkkSo I don't think you can make them listen on the same port.
@ThinkkSo Yes, if you already know client-side javascript.
@bjb568 i know basics of javascript?
@ThinkkSo Define "basics".
@bjb568 objects prototype array variables enough to have learned jquery lol
Ok, sounds fine.
You don't need to be an expert.
…because you have free ones here.
@bjb568 well if i cant get an answer to a question that im about to post i guess im going to learn node.js
Yay. Good idea.
nothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpful‌​nothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfuln‌​othelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulno‌​thelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpfulnothelpful — bjb568 2 mins ago
Guys found the weird problem. I was having an obj = { messages : [1,2,4] }, I was stringifying JSON.stringify(obj.messages). This was causing as issue. I don't why, but it looks weird to me. If I try messages = [1,2,4] and stringify, it works perfect.
!!>JSON.stringify('{ messages : [1,2,4] }')
@bjb568 "\"{ messages : [1,2,4] }\""
Seems to work.
@proxyfabio Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@bjb568 I want to stringify only messages array..
not entire object
@bjb568 "\"[1,2,4]\""
Seems to work.
@bjb568 Create an obj = {messages : [1,2,3]}; JSON.stringify(obj.messages) then store it in file using HTML5 file API, read it back and parse
!!>obj = {messages : [1,2,3]}; console.log(str = JSON.stringify(obj.messages)); JSON.parse(str)
@bjb568 [1,2,3] Logged: "[1,2,3]"
Seems to work.
@bjb568 Its third time I am mentioning, store it in file using HTML5 file api and read it back and parse the same stringified array
What does the file api have to do with anything? It should work.
That is what I have tried and it was not working. Now what I am also doing is escape before storing it to file and unescape after read and before parse as you have mentioned in first reply.
What do you need to escape it for?
JSON.stringify was not excaping " characters, so I used escape and it stripped of all "
Um… don't escape. That will just cause problems.
The output from chrome was probably just a bug (or feature) of chrome.
i mean seriously .... ?
why the fuck i will need almost 5000 lines of angular jquery bootstrap less mess ass and what the fuck ever cookies and blad di blah for a simple static homepage ?
@ThinkkSo Is that you ?
Q: long polling php foreach loop data

this.TonyI was wondering if its possible or how can I get ajax to update data from php foreach outputted data using long polling. So far my code is set up like the following. <?php if ( $posts ) { foreach ( $posts as $post) : $postid = $posts['id']; $request_posts_comments =...

@dystroy , @florian , @BenjaminGruenbaum what do you guys use for making good old static websites ? (if you use something ?)
[ don't say you guys use macaw ]
@Vidhu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AbhishekHingnikar A simple code editor. There's probably better but my job isn't to make static websites.
neither is mine but you know we sometines just have to. :D
i want to make a product page
@AbhishekHingnikar data:application/xhtml+xml,<!DOCTYPE%20html><html%20xmlns="http://www.w3.org/199‌​9/xhtml"%20lang="en"><head><title>Title</title></head><body>Doesn't%20this%20work‌​?%3C/body%3E%3C/html%3E
i thought lets re use some code ..
and i was presented generators focussed for web-apps
etchapps.com <- what a website
@AbhishekHingnikar ux.stackexchange.com/questions/54117/… Font to big. Font to thin to anitalias nicely. Images are very low res.
@bjb568 what are you viewing it at ?
I checked it out on a Full HD, 24" display
it was magnificent
Safari 6.1. Resizing window from tiny to 2600px width.
@AbhishekHingnikar It's pretty. Problem is it's slow to initially start, and not efficient on ergonomics, but to demonstrate design abilities I guess it's very good.
@bjb568 interesting.
@dystroy as a portfolio i'd give it 7/10

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