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I'm not a great programmer, needless to say
I still have to write my own everything
I didn't say I was smart for hating all frameworks. Although I do think the JS community at large is starting to swing to the other extreme way too hard.
@Neil Largely, I think that's the argument behind pieces of code having a single purpose.
@twiz I agree. That was kind of the beauty in linux
Every tool did a very specific thing, and it did it well
All the major JS frameworks are a conjumbling of a ton of different concepts
@Neil You basically summed up why Linux is amazing.
Everything is well-defined and simple
I don't think complexity should ever truly be hidden unless you'd never need a reason to know that complexity were there
Though I do think you shouldn't have to dabble with that complexity every single time you use that library
@Neil Linux isn't complex, it's quite simple. As in, tasks are simple, but there are more of them
@KendallFrey Wasn't referring to linux, but frameworks in general
the same concept applies
Windows does an excellent job at hiding complexity.. just that they do a horrible horrible job at letting you tweak that complexity if you ever needed to
I find it very hard to learn a framework that wraps existing functionality
For example, I wouldn't want to learn jQuery until I can do what it does without it.
I'm the same way. I have to know how it works
@KendallFrey No dedicated client-side dev should, IMO.
At least on some basic level
@Neil precisely
@KendallFrey There aren't more. They just don't try to hide
The weekend!
@Florian ping me when you get online
@Neil Haha mouseOver and read the title too
@Jhawins You mean my avatar?
@Neil No, the picture you oneboxed and I replied to
They often have another sentence or 2 hidden :P
Oh, I didn't even notice that XD
Just changed out 58 broken links T_T
Kill meh
@RUJordan what editor do you use?
Dude I want a manual labor job or non-mac computers
Somehow these people have broken everything every day this week
@Jhawins Douchebag Apple strikes again
@Jhawins it was drupal D:
Everybody uses macs here at work except for my boss. But he has a macbook pro that he uses too
@KendallFrey How? Wut?
anyone here use uglifyjs? And if so know how to stop it from mangling certain variables/funcs/props?
@Jhawins their chargers aren't even USB at all, are they?
@RUJordan Oh this was unrelated :P sublime is zalgoing more-or-less
I use ST3
@KendallFrey hahahaha nope. They have consumers convinced they're different somehow. It's crazy
I'm like dude it's metal shit touching metal shit in your phone and bringing it life. Your phone is a whore and doesn't care as long as something is pumping juice
bleh I still use st2, I should switch to 3
But Apple has to be the one
ah nm found it
With the custom phone penis
reserved name param if anyone cares :P
@Jhawins My old BlackBerry refused to charge unless it was plugged into a computer that had the drivers installed. No wall charger.
I have to now rewrite a coldfusion script in PHP. Could this day get any worse? D:
@Gil Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RUJordan Yes. I could post a picture of my banana hammock.
can we add caption to the multiple <tbody> in table elements ?
Banana Hammock > CF => PHP conversion IMO
@RUJordan At least it's not 18 layers of JSP, JSP fragments, and with Ajax-injected scripts bringing more JSP into play somehow but I can't remember how exactly. Thank god for hysterical amnesia.
@rlemon did you summon me?
Actually I'd have to say the only CF I've ever worked with was a lot less painful than the vast majority of JSP I've seen.
jsfiddle.net/ZZ7DN does anybody know how to add caption to the <tbody> elements ?
Never used JSP so I don't have a comprehension of difficulty.
@samitha HTML tag IIRC. Should be easy to look up.
i didn't get it
@RUJordan There's nothing all that different about it compared to old-school PHP or CF. Just something magic about it seems to shut down Java dev higher reasoning and they start doing insanely stupid shit with it like moving all the business logic out of their classes and into the JSP.
can we have it for <tbody> ? @Cereal
jsfiddle.net/ZZ7DN and click Division wise in output
First child of the table so I think just one per table.
@ErikReppen do you have an idea about with my fiddle ?
i have make a grouped data using angular
now i'm struck with the layout
all other function is working well
!!> {a:2}['a']
@MehLON ["a"]
why does this not return 2
{} is just a block
!!> ({a:2})['a']
@FlorianMargaine 2
and a:2 is just a label, hence no syntax error
aha, thanks
bleh in gulp/grunt its except rather than reserve.. how annoying
@samitha I have no idea what you're asking. I see groups with yellow items at the top of each.
@ErikReppen jsfiddle.net/56cWG
i used caption.
Your JSP code looks like html to me? — RUJordan 19 secs ago
le sigh
@Kanalkyte Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Ej. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Is there a story behind the name "Caprica Six"?

This page is about "Caprica-Six", the copy of Cylon Model Number Six who seduced Gaius Baltar on Caprica in order to sabotage Colonial defenses in the Cylon attack. For information on other named Number Six copies, see Shelly Godfrey, Gina Inviere, and Natalie. For general information on the model, see Number Six.
Hey Kitten
@Cereal Yes. It's a tragedy that ends with an at first interesting but ultimately horribly written character's entire subplot ending with her becoming an Angel to explain everything and an entire race of humans acting completely irrationally so that a TV writer could satisfy his bizarre fixation with achieving closure through killing people off and blowing up the ship.
@ErikReppen Sounds like the entire mass effect series
@SomeKittensUx2666 I'm invoking both the 3 year rule and the "it ended so badly you're better off being spoiled" rule.
Great battle in the second to last episode though. Took them long enough.
@rlemon are you afk after pinging me? :(
I pinged you before I went afk
to be fair
hope on miaou
@dystroy Difficulty was just right for me. There were some easy ones, but others were a little trickier.
Had to brush up on my bad practices
@Zirak I published quite a bit before I stopped.
@Cereal Yeah I suspect I'm better off with my no-origin policy preventing an ME3 purchase given how much I loved the first two seasons of BSG and how much the series now just seems like a waste.
I have three articles written (and semi-edited) but unpublished
@ErikReppen I hear they fixed the ending in ME3. I just stopped playing it when I found out it wasn't forth finishing, and haven't gone back to it yet.
@SomeKittensUx2666 same for me : it made me play the time of the coffee and I felt happy when I found the solutions. Perfect for a mind awakening game in the morning.
@Cereal It was apparently better. There was a minority of folks who thought the original was fine including one of my former Game Informer comrades (who's still there).
@dystroy @Zirak etc
(apologies for double ping)
@Sujeewa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon utterance.voice = voices[2]; ಠ_ಠ
what does speechSythesiser.speak do when voice is undefined?
My function "iteminvoked" handler doesn't work and I have no clue why!
@DemCodeLines Were you looking for help, or wasthat joke I missed?
@JanDvorak It errors apparently
@Cereal I don't know if anyone would be able to help, since it's WinJS.
bah I suck at that xss..
I just beat the 2nd one god.
Hey is anyone familiar with the Web Audio API? I'm having a problem with Firefox and AudioContext.prototype.createJavaScriptNode / createScriptProcessor
It works fine in Chrome 35 but I have the most recent version of Firefox and it can process the audio for about 1 second before just stopping without any errors
That sounds very specific and is probably worth an SO question
I think I ran into that once.
If you put a bounty on, you can go to a bar, get drunk, and when you come back have the problem solved
Lemme google for it.
I've googled it constantly, but the posts are like a year old and are related to Chrome not working, not Firefox
I'll link the file in question, it's a server I'm working on.
@JanDvorak iz noice voice.
@PatrickRoberts Yeah. No dice. I did run into some stuff about loading behavior that scratched an old memory but not sure if that was it.
I'll check that code to see if there's something obviously kludgey in there.
Not really. The loading is fine because the AudioAnalyser class internally creates an Audio instance and immediately hooks to the 'canplay' event
natural-harmonia.herokuapp.com If you have Firefox, open this, and you'll see what I mean about the "1 second" thing.
@rlemon on your PC
oh wait... that was with my old code, let me revert, just a sec
It's such a bummer to have Firefox start to take IE's place as turd in the punchbowl.
lol Firefox isn't a turd, it just doesn't seem to be caught up with the API, which was updated just a few months ago if I understand correctly.
It's been a bit of a mess in recent years.
AudioContext.prototype.createScriptProcessor is the new standard and the old one was AudioContext.prototype.createJavaScriptNode was the old one. Firefox never supported the old one and now has buggy support for the new one.
The changes on my server took effect by the way
It plays the first two chords on Firefox then stops
@PatrickRoberts Have you tried killing off some of the animations and stuff to see if hiccuping on resources somewhere?
Mmm, no not really. I've already isolated it to that one line
this.jsNode = (this.context.createJavaScriptNode||this.context.createScriptProcessor).call(this.context, 2048, 1, 1);
Works great in Chrome and Opera.
Firefox craps out after one second :P
Wait a sec!
okay that's REALLY weird...
so Firefox plays it for one second then freezes. But if I navigate away from the page, then click the back button, it works perfectly.
But if I control-shift-R, it stops working again.
@JanDvorak some sexy italian sounding accent ;)
actually, control-R makes it stop working too.
@PatrickRoberts Yeah it's more of an under-the-hood browser problem I suspect.
damn it, Firefox...
what do you think of the 3D effects though~?
Try a setTimeout for like 300ms before loading it.
Hmm... I can try that.
They're fun. Love playing with that stuff.
Err... wait, the visualizer, the audioanalyser, or the audio?
@rlemon I've got SpeechSynthesisVoice {default: false, localService: false, lang: "en-GB", name: "Google UK English Female", voiceURI: "Google UK English Female"} as voices[2]
The CSS 3D stuff.
I was asking about the setTimeout
@PatrickRoberts I'd try the audio itself first.
Q: ListView iteminvoked works fine in Windows app, but not in Windows Phone app

DemCodeLinesI am building a universal Windows 8 App in JS/HTML and the following code is giving me problems. This code works fine in the Windows app. I see a "Hi" logged in the console when an item is clicked on. However, on Windows Phone, the following code refuses to run the consle.log("Hi") command. hell...

@PatrickRoberts But I'm just groping about in the dark. My money's on FF not allocating enough memory for its media stuff.
I'm gonna try it anyway. It's really weird that it works on a sequential page load but not when loading it directly.
@PatrickRoberts I think the more bleeding edge animation and audio and streaming stuff often tends to break down when you have a bunch of stuff loading at the same time. That's why I was suggesting seeing if reducing the loading of other stuff or a timeout might help. When you hit the back button there's probably some process that's been cached so it doesn't choke.
@DemCodeLines Not the old windows phone that was basically IE7 for its web technology stuff is it?
@ErikReppen No, targeting Win8.1
if(class.itsid != "id11")
Is there a real way to detect html change in page except the one in #id11?
@JanDvorak UK? ohh. well okay
I just suck with accents I suppose
@DrogoNevets I was gifted a like-new armored jacket :)
@DemCodeLines Not to sound like a broken record but I would try a setTimeout before adding the event listener to see if that fixes it. The phone app likely doesn't load everything as fast. Haven't worked with the Windows stuff though.
@rlemon I know you can speak with an accent, but...
There might be some app ready event you can follow if that's the problem.
@VladGincher you really have to keep the conditional, but do check mutation observers
SpeechSynthesisVoice {default: false, localService: false, lang: "en-GB", name: "Google UK English Female", voiceURI: "Google UK English Female"}
@ErikReppen I'll try
Says "level 3 armor" - translates to you can run into the side of the garage shoulder first and it feels funny :D
yea, same for my pc
You know how Chrome has monitorEvents?
Is there something like that for Firefox?
@JanDvorak What "mutation observers" is? :D
!!caniuse mutation observer
ohh sweet
latest everything
!!tell vlad google html5rocks mutation observers
!!tell vlad mdn mutation observer
oh shit i made it to level 6
that^^^^ and that^^
!!explainshell ls -alGRF
@Jhawins That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Damn. On that
This is what happens when you give me a star wars themed code test : )

@VladGincher way faster than mutation events, more compatible and handles cascading modifications way better.
> House hunting is incredibly boring, they never move.
@SethMacPherson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!help caniuse
level 3 was annoying
@Jhawins caniuse: User-taught command: searches caniuse.com <>caniuse: [$1](http://caniuse.com/#search=$encode($1))
I was too lazy to make it a plugin
How did you do it
Markdown is eating all my $
position: absolut;
There's potential for a great nerd absolut ad there.
You could do like the CSS is Awesome thing and have the text overrun the border.
@PatrickRoberts Absolut is a brand of vodka
I didn't realize we were talking about vodka
so position: absolut; would have all of the elements hanging at angles, with a few in the corner puking.
I thought you were referring to the css rule :P
I wonder if you can still get those.
@PatrickRoberts we were talking about both
My new favorite thing
!!define pun
@SomeKittensUx2666 [pun](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=35368) (transitive) To beat; strike with force; ram; pound, as in a mortar; reduce to powder.
He would pun thee into shivers with his fist.
.-. Pretty dry humor in here.
!!explainshell cowsay youre a dork
@PatrickRoberts about as dry as the vodka!
as dry as my Saturday Night
:( I'm so lonely.
Fuck. Now it's not
My first name is your last name. this is too weird for me.
!!afk dude is creeping me out
I sent them the man page for cowsay lol how can they not have that
!!explainshell rm -rf /
explainshell rm -rf /
i.imgur.com/RopFzyF.png <- text is normal, button is position absolute.
Any way to keep the text away from the button?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Try floating it at the end
Floating the text or the button?
Float the button to the right
It is, but unfloating it doesn't change anything
Floats should push other content out
@Onur Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
why isn't that working?
@user3291093 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
Use the console, Luke user3291093
@SomeKittensUx2666 do you have any absolutely positioned stuff?
@JanDvorak Pretty sure I don't
how do i fix it?
do you know?
@SomeKittensUx2666 fiddle?
Other than the button
step 1: include jquery
@SomeKittensUx2666 don't have the button positioned absolutely, just let it float without positioning
can i include the jquery in jsfille
just to check?
@user3291093 yes
@SomeKittensUx2666 What's it supposed to look like?
@user3291093 note the left column, top part
@JanDvorak That causes issues elsewhere.
@ErikReppen Text not obscured by button.
Button should be in bottom right
okay I tested out your setTimeout. Doesn't seem to work
the weird thing is that it doesn't fire a pause event or suspended or anything
@SomeKittensUx2666 I don't know any details of your case, but I still suggest solving those.
Anyone else that could help me out please?
it just stops emitting "timeupdate"
It's probably a small silly mistake
@SomeKittensUx2666 an alternative would be to pad the parent element enough and then insert the button inside the padding
that I fail to identify
!!welcome demco
@demco Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Woah, my dumb scoping answer got on JSWeekly and got +80
still not working
any idea?
!!tell JanDvorak "I asked earlier and I feel people will get annoyed if I ask the question again, even though there are a lot of other guys on now"
@DemCodeLines Command "i does not exist. Did you mean: hi (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@user3291093 still no jQuery
@SomeKittensUx2666 I would go absolute, no float, don't set top (or set to auto) right:0px; Adjust spacing of container with bottom padding so it doesn't snap up and hide the button.
what the heck
i do have jquery
its not giving the reference error
@JanDvorak I asked earlier and I feel people will get annoyed if I ask the question again, even though there are a lot of other guys on now
Oh and set container to relative if it's not the offset parent already.
man, where's tab complete when you need it?
@JanDvorak please check again.. i have jquery imported
@user3291093, You haven't properly closed your quotes in the HTML either
@DemCodeLines if you beg for attention in two-minute intervals, people will get annoyed if you repeat or if you reference. If you come back in two days, noone will remember what you asked the first time (and those who do, won't answer, otherwise they would've answered back then)
@JanDvorak jQuery is loaded, userman just loaded it via external link instead of the select dropdown fiddle offers
@DemCodeLines I don't think it's really being a pest to ask the same question an hour later.
what part?
the option part?
Alright, well, here it is:
Yes, user
Q: ListView iteminvoked works fine in Windows app, but not in Windows Phone app

DemCodeLinesI am building a universal Windows 8 App in JS/HTML and the following code is giving me problems. This code works fine in the Windows app. I see a "Hi" logged in the console when an item is clicked on. However, on Windows Phone, the following code refuses to run the consle.log("Hi") command. hell...

@user3291093 hmm. the HTML has a rogue "
@user3291093 it looks like you have PHP embedded in there
@ErikReppen @JanDvorak I just applied padding to the text element
yes i do
@SomeKittensUx2666 I still call it a hack ;-)
@user3291093, jsFiddle does not support PHP syntax.
but php is part of my script
@user3291093 thus the value isn't a single zero
@user3291093 then run it on your own server :|
@JanDvorak CSS is a hack.
updated it
still not working
@JanDvorak @RalphWiggum
@SomeKittensUx2666 this is a hack.
Actually, that padding makes the page as a whole look cleaner
I'm keeping it
Thanks for the help, though
@user3291093, shipping is not an ID, it's a name so you can't use "#"
@user3291093 $('#shipping') is for an ID, not a name, so add in an 'id="shipping"' attribute
!!afk dead battery / walking home (also, you've just lost the game)
Also, set the frameworks on the left to jQuery, not pure-js
hmm works fine now :)
would this work $('[name=shipping]')
Yes that would work as well.
thank you guys
it was dumb of me
But for better coverage, try $('[name="shipping"]') because I've seen some browsers throw errors if the value isn't wrapped in quotes.
not to see that :p
ok thank you
@user3291093 eh, not really. it could've been worse
general protip: modern browsers have lightweight selectors built-in. Just use document.querySelector[All]
But if you want to cover older browsers, don't listen to me :P

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