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@DrogoNevets nice!!
@RUJordan Damn you!
That's way too much fun for an antisocial programmer to be able to have
By the way, looks like a nice house
It's my parents place lol I have an apartment ~1.5 hours north of them
And I lead a very social life surprisingly :P There's a reason I'm barely here on the weekends or weekday nights
@RUJordan so jealous
@RUJordan Nice. Sounds like a fun day
@EytanSchulman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
wow why so many downvotes
those loans sound like a good deal
@Jhawins I was driving on south on the west loop of 465 on Sunday and the lineup of cars waiting to exit was insane.
@Loktar bring your kids over. I'm sure it wont be weird when I tell my folks how we met lol
@Retsam Hahahahahaha. Never take 465, never try to go to speedway between like 2pm Saturday and Monday morning
It just isn't doable unless you hate your life
@RUJordan lol right. Some of us are only here ~9-5
@Jhawins It actually wasn't that bad at that time on Sunday (11AM), other than that exit.
There was a massive line at the Crawfordsville Road exit, but I wasn't exiting there so I drove right past.
Ah the race started at 12 :P. We made $2.1K parking cars in the yard between 9am and 11 :)
I took the bike anticipated insane traffic. Wasn't as bad this year because my brothers house I actually stay at is out on 47 near Thorntown now
@RUJordan Not anymore it isn't
every time I use a definition list I feel like it is under appreciated. then I forget about it again until next time.
I didn't get the money. They just pay property taxes with it and such haha. But they gave me $95 in "beer money" and sent me to the track lol
@RUJordan haha
Shit yeah I had a good weekend
> Met this dude on the internet he brought his family over for a swim
Hi, my names Jason promise I'm not weird
just wearing my lucky green thong
damn, I just got an enticing email. but I don't have the time / ambition to take it on.
payed gig. requires canvas / particle system / 3d crap
I never take anyone up on those
I feel bad sometimes
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you have the link for that?
@Loktar lol omggggg
promo site for the Audi DTM race in Moscow
the images... they hurts
no design, just js / canvas work.
@Loktar Not weird at all
need any $$ Loke?
or @SimonSarris
you two are the only ones I know who would be able to do it.
unless the rest of you are hiding your secret canvas skills
if I didnt have a day job I would do all of those
but when I get home I like to work on my own stuff
I'm too selfish
@rlemon jQuery is bad enough if you include it once
open your console and type $$
then be amazed!
What is this magic!
commandline api is awesome
@Loktar By the way, nice job on Grapple Hero.
ohh did you release the new graphics yet
does this only work in the console?
@RUJordan nice pool! :)
@twiz thanks, @rlemon nope not yet
!!> console.log($$('div.content')[$$('div.content').length - 1].innerText)
@Neil "ReferenceError: $$ is not defined"
worked on it this weekend, I think Im getting rid of endless mode
@Loktar something something get off your ass mate! I wanna play it!
its just not too fun, just going to basically have the chase mode where the liquids chase you
and where you race the enemy
@Xander gracias sir
I think it would be a fun idea for a game to be an enemy in super mario brothers and try to kill mario as he's going by
You get upgrade points for every mario you kill :P
@SureshKoya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar Hmmm actually I think your recent update might have broken things. The guy keeps sticking to the wall... haha
yeah thats old code
thats all old
@JAck28 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
super old :P
good morning gentlenerds
@twiz check your webmaster tools
how was everyone's weekend?
long and nice.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah, ok. thanks.
Its weird though, the other day when I downloaded your app, it worked fine.
@gordlonious Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@twiz I'm talking about google indexing though, of the website, check our site now :)
@RUJordan lmfao
@RUJordan Ba dum bum psh.
@SimonSarris they stole your joke!
Jul 24 '13 at 20:09, by Simon Sarris
The CSS color "whitesmoke" is undoubtedly the most refreshing #F5F5F5
or.. you stole their joke.
@rlemon sounds like a mystery for scooby doo
ruh roh
duck penises ftw
I need a joke explainer...
duck penises are corkscrew
!!youtube true facts about ducks
fun fact: duck penises are corkscrew. duck vaginas are also corkscrew, but in the other direction.
fun fact: I know way more than I need to about duck genitalia
lol, ::mind blown::
@KendallFrey fun fact: Now I know way more than I wanted to know about duck genitalia
Be glad I didn't post a picture
oh btw, it's as long as its body
and this is why people hate me
Good for ducks
@DimaS Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
lol thats so great
I'm assuming that's a bunch of bs?
It's a poorly worded description of a real phenomenon
Give a developer fast hardware, they write slow software
Give a developer some pancakes, they will ask for syrup.
@user3351722 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Give a developer a gym membership, they stare at you blankly.
what that dude is saying is BS
thats liek saying my computer is so fast it runs everything like shit
> guys I have the best computer in the world thats why it runs everything so poorly, TOO MUCH POWER
My truck is so fast it makes itself stay under 60mph because it is so fast
like, I'm so strong I cant lift heavy weights
too much power.
@Jhawins haha exactly
stackoverflow.com/questions/23893938/… vote for the split answer. It's better.
@KendallFrey you're right though about fast hardware slow software, but I dont think that guy was refering to that
If he was, he is a horrible writer
sounds like some fanboy arguing over ps4 vs xbone vs pc on yotube
was posted in /r/pcmasterrace so thats what I assume
Most annoying type of gamer is the mobile casual gamer.
Flappy bird is a dumb game, dumb people made it popular.
haha yea I agree
even worse are the studios catering to them
dumbing down games and ruining franchises.
I like my games fun, not addicting
@CagdasCan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I luled at this post from reddit/r/gaming a few days / weeks ago
lol yeah thats a good one
its all because of indies
an example of a beautiful recent game
I still need to grab it
Made by the Bastion devs
yea I was going to buy it
but I'm holding off. no time to play now anyway
hopefull it will go on sale in the meantime
just wait until July
I think I'm going to get Watch Dogs
but I can't decide. PS4 or PC
exclusive content for PS4
PC will run better obvy
well pc will be modded at some point
decisions decisions...
but, for amd users it wont run better
!!afk street meat.
Ill get it in a few years when its $10
Hey @Zirak what's that thing you kept bitching saying grooveshark should do?
The order of playlist, IIRC
He wanted it in the reverse order of what it actually is
Google... Music..
I bet if they said theyd interview you @Jhawins theyd actually call you back
hi o/
Has anyone experience with Javascript Web Workers to handle computationally expensive tasks? What's your opinion if any?
It's pretty cool
@copy So it helps? I'm going to handle operations on a rather large IndexedDB database so I thought I'd give it a try
As of now the browser hangs when you traverse past a certain number of elements
That depends
Uhmm ok
I don't know if you have access to IndexedDB in a worker though
Yeah, that's something I'm gonna discover right now
@Jhawins Profile -> Recent Listens. I want to be able to play them in their right order; i.e. reversed from what they are now.
I made a userscript which does that, but it'd be cool to have it built-in.
@rlemon lol
just checked my email
I got the same dude from Moscow asking me
haha this sounds like a craigslist ad
> So your task is to generate HTML particles that seamlessly in 3D rendering, naturally move and react to the movement of the camera (X mouse). When you hover some particles display information about the last 100 participants, and sort according to the place (1 — closest to the car, 100 — the most distant ). Click on particle with information invoke command opening audio player — this is our part.

Dates for the development of this project is very tight, so that we are ready to change the design scene with particles to accelerate the development process. Internal deadline for the particle
@SomeGuy I put Maggot Brain on medium
who would upvote this.. honestly..
A: jQuery remove all with exception

Hugo PedrosaI have tested your code in my computer and i it works...

@SomeKittensUx2666 hiiiii

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