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anyone know of any good linux laptops?
like laptops made for ubuntu, that they use?
hello friends, am new to jQuery program. need 2 know how u get the btn in2 container with click but no more click. if u dunt knw then just shut up ok. if you know will you help please. @Loktar @SomeGuy @SomeKittensUx2666 @BartekBanachewicz @Zirak
Chrombuntu didn't work out?
@SomeGuy it works again but I want a better laptop for it
@rlemon Well done
@Loktar askubuntu chat may have suggestions
12.04 is the furthest I can update to :?
@Loktar System 76 or Lenovo
@Loktar It's LTS
14.04 is isnt it?
but yeah I mean my video driver isnt detected higher than 12.04
it falls back onto software and unity runs like ass
its a common problem with the acer c710 chromebooks I guess
yeah I was looking at that as well
was j/w if anyone here had personal experience
my lint is broken
@Loktar I already started asking for you: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/201/ask-ubuntu-general-room
cool ty :P
yeah these are the same answers I've seen when searching around
kind of crazy that thats all there really is
system76 has been around for a while, and Dell has scaled back their offerings
considered just getting a chrome pixel and throwing ubuntu on it
the pixels are damn fine machines
yours die?
or just feel like a new machine
nah just want a new one. I mean it kind of died from an update so I had to start from scratch
but then I was wondering why I'm forcing myself to use it in the first place
more of just wanting a new toy is all :p
I'm really considering buying myself a 3d printer
laptops with undetachable keyboards are clunky
hah yeah I was considering a surface last week @BartekBanachewicz
I still am up in the air about it all
I like having a dev machine, but if I have a windows one its easier to get distracted.. and also whats the point since I have a win desktop
@Loktar SP3 is pretty nice
yeah it looks really damn nice, a bit pricey though
@Loktar I dunno, I have a windows workstation but I still consider switching from iPad to a WP8 tablet/ultrabook
@Loktar that's why I was aiming at Vaio Tap 11
I would probably just play steam games on it if I were to be completely honest
a bit lower specs, but still great.
at least on an ubuntu one I'm pretty limited in what i can "play"
so it forces me to work more
install SteamOS :)
oh ill have steamos when I get a steambox later this year
the streaming works so well, cant wait
lol, this one answer of mine got downvoted, reversed, and then downvoted again haga
this one , wonder why the downvote
Illaya is mad
@rlemon only 8GB?
I didn't look
I was just relaying messages
the dells have a nice form factor compared to system76
lol the system76 ones look like... "programmer art" laptops :P
Can anyone help me to get answer for this question stackoverflow.com/q/23875703/1008575
@BenjaminGruenbaum he has -2 for the day
@SomeKittensUx2666 his ban lifted
nvm. that was his question
I like @Illaya :( I don't know why he doesn't like me, I want to be friends with him. He is always so mean to me and says not nice things about my jQuery powers.
he tells me to shut up a lot
but in fairness. so does everyone else :(
I like that guy :(
@Loktar I've got the system76's Gazelle, it's great
@SomeGuy NO
@Zirak how is the casing?
some people have said the casing easily breaks
@Zirak You know you want to
So far so good, though I haven't dropped it yet :P
@rlemon Sir may i query ur doubtful?
hav u tried using my free energy converter?
oh damn they come with 14.04 installed too
nice, looking at the galago
sd card duplicators are expensive. so I bought 4 high speed card readers and cable tied / rubber banded them together
BOOM. cheap card duplicator
man my desk is looking sexy
I wonder how long i'll keep the underlighting before it annoys me
@Zirak do they ship overseas? oh they do
@Vivek Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
guys, miaou needs a better link styling
and yes, that is a clean desk for me
any suggestion for colors?
@rlemon holy cheese
@rlemon Are you standing when on the chat ?
I'm standing all day
except at home. at home I sit
@rlemon not sure if joking or serious
I don't sit at work.
hence my keyboard and monitors being raised up so high
@rlemon I'm jealous
me tries to imagine more than 1/10 of the time he spent at the computer spending it standing and shoots a bullet in his head
y u jelly? mah sikk lights?
@t1wc standing is proven to make you more productive
not to mention it is better for you health wise
only the first week really sucks
after that it is okay
@rlemon well... I usually stay at my computer laying on a bed
would already be a glorious step up if I'd learn to use it while on a chair
actually lemme try to sit down
That is even worse :p
You are young. You'll understand in a decade.
@rlemon even standing in front of SO chat ?
Guys, help me decide :P ark.intel.com/compare/80806,80909 - prices here are pretty much identical for both and I won't need the GPU
the only place that reaches the height of my hands is the piano
The only time I sit is eating lunch
I'm trying hard mister lemon
I can't stand and eat.
@rlemon I actually usually do that
I have a tick that makes my right knee spazz out if I sit and eat
When I do I rush.
so I usually stand up
I like to enjoy lunch.
if I'm alone
I like not constantly having to try to control my knee
@dystroy do you think its odd I SO standing.
if it's true that I'm more productive let's see if this time I'll get the design to feel right
(yep, for the nth time)
Yea they've done some pretty good case studies on it.
10-20% productivity gain iirc
photo of how to stand while using the pc? I can't seem to get the right position
do you have your arms on something or floating?
well if you look at the photo you'll see I have (in front of the two larger monitors) my keyboard raised up
I learned a long time ago not to rest my hands on the keyboard.
again, it is apparently better for you
surely not on the keyboard, but on the table it's standing on
I'm not sure what you are asking
@rlemon yours?
@rlemon Odd ? No. Just interesting.
You're working on a standing desk too?
@BenjaminGruenbaum have been for a while now.
Cool, that makes me you and @Florian :) I'm on a walking desk most of the time though
beginning of, or end of aug.
@RyanKinal was the first one I can recall
he's been using one for like 2 years or something
@BenjaminGruenbaum And me!
I wish I had a walking desk
but do your guys have fucking neon blue underlights?
huh?! HUH?!?!
I win
@rlemon like this
or like this
I am closer to this posture
in the second the guy (let's call him billy) has the left arm on the table
my arms float
I don't rest my hands or arms on anything
@rlemon I have neon blue keyboard backlights. And bright red speaker backlights. And green touchpad backlight and control buttons. All customizable of course.
gotta try harder then ;)
but do you have a standing desk?
I have a piano
@rlemon No, who gives a fuck
@rlemon I see a problem with this kind of desk : it must make it harder to use paper, no ?
guess it's high enough
@dystroy I write underneath my raised keyboard
and I do sit for that. but it isn't often I'm writing on paper (once a week, if that)
I've started taking most notes digitally
I have no idea when the last time was I used paper.
occasionally I will for random things
does anyone know of a website that has collections of devices for making these types of images
googling "mobile" and "template" or "shell" doesn't produce very useful results.
I'm sweating after 10 minutes of trying, rlemon
@KendallFrey I can't work 5 minutes without paper. It's an old habit... But I might try to work standing...
@SomeKittensUx2666 I just have a treadmill and a high closet I can put my computer in
@t1wc It takes about a week to adjust
anyone know how I can pull location.href data from inside an iframe?
@rlemon ? :P
@emilhem Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Valid point, though W3Schools has been around since 1999, and I'm 99.7% certain they had Array.prototype.push at the end of 2008. — Paul Draper 2 mins ago
@Purify you host the iframe?
yeah... i just figured out why though. I essentially needed to get the location.href of the contents of an iframe although apparently you can't get the contents due to cross side scripting issues
why do you need the location?
essentially the user logs into fb via an iframe and i need the get data that get data that facebook sends back... ÖP
also i just reread what i said, dear god
hmm... which of the bit's meaning was born first: the 'tiny' adjective or the pc one?
probably tiny
'bits' in computer science were first described long before this point, but the first coin of the term was in 1936
What's up @rlemon? How are the fish?
pretty good
I found three babies so far. haven't found anymore
they likely got eaten
A bit is just short for "binary digit"
How's the gf?
and the family business?
@t1wc actually come to think of it, i'm not sure. it seems 'bit' as a unit of measurement is solely for computer science. We've adopted the term to mean small amounts of anything
@rlemon that is so cool man
and that concludes my most pointless research of the month :P
@rlemon so, conclusion: it could either be A or B, I don't really care ;P
GF is good. Business is going well.
Bit originated from "bite"
As in, a bite of something, or a part of a whole
@rlemon great :)
@SomeGuy now I'm confused
> The term bit is a portmanteau of binary digit. - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit
however if you jump to 'history' you'll see when it was coined
oh, wiki ;)
@FlorianMargaine thanks. I just had the idea today to stack the monitors to save space
so far I like it
@t1wc I'd rather use this etymonline.com/index.php?term=bit
Bit, the English word was coined in the 1200s
Bit, the binary digit was in 1948
yeah, bita, sure... who doesn't use that word on a daily basis?
computerese word...
are we talking computerese?
It isn't an actual language.
Just describes computer jargon
well, surely the answer is the first
Happy birthday, @GNi33!
Hello guys, why I can't do this:

    function resetForms(){
        var forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form');
@Almis document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0]
try adding the [0]
@Almis A form isn't an array, unfortunately
You can use call though, to achieve this popular trick: [].forEach.call(forms, function (form) { ... });
just use a for loop
!!tell Almis mdn Function.call
ok guys thank you
@BenjaminGruenbaum This theme...I've seen quite a few blogs recently with that exact same layout and favicon
Love the torn page screenshot effect.
Wow, poor answer on popular question got +3… stackoverflow.com/a/19485538/2888561
Means it helped people.
We get those on "How to return a response from an AJAX call" sometimes.
What wrong with chrome, why to add -webkit-autofill its killing me. I need to setTimeout for 100ms to remove its content. Anyone had similar problem? What solution you found?
autocomplete attribute mixed with JS to force clear them
unfortunately there is no cleaner way until everyone respects the attribute
I wrote this function, writing autocomplete off had no effect.

function fixChrome(){
        var forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form');
        for(var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++){
    }, 80);
Autocomplete has a non standard implementation. You will have to keep checking for the attribute support
!!caniuse autocomplete
@rlemon hmm ok
Well that isn't helpful :p
!!google disable auto fill and auto complete in forms
Wow. No so link.
Says it works in chrome 17+
Can you show us where it is failing for you?
@rlemon not for me :( maybe they removed it in newer version?
Show me
there is a comment that says This used to work fine, I used it too, but since a Chrome upgrade some time ago (between then and May 5th), Chrome ignores the form property :( –
Then consider it a bug that chrome will fix
EDIT Queue overflow! Please go reject all the minor crap edits, since I've done my 20.
@Almis jsbin.com/miniriyo/1/edit works for me
Google Chrome	35.0.1916.114 (Official Build 270117) m
OS	Windows
Blink	537.36 (@173968)
JavaScript	V8
Flash	11,5,502,110
User Agent	Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36
(couldn't test before, was on mobile :P)
so once again, can you show me your code
@rlemon the problem is that Chrome remembering what you have entered e.g. for name=username or name=password and automatically fill them.. its not exactly autocomplete
that is the user over powering you with "remember password"
Which you shouldn't be allowed to disabled, by the way
Unless you're a bank
yea I think you can in FF currently but they are changing it?
> Note: The ability for websites to disable the password manager using autocomplete = "off" is being removed in Firefox 31 (bug 956906)
@Almis in short, you can't and shouldn't do this
I mean you can, with JS, but you can't in a valid way
nope FF is already fixed
I don't use FF so I have no clue what version it is on :P
Neat, that was annoying on some websites
@rlemon I just didnt want this to be inside register page, Its right to have it inside login page but its fill weird to have it in register page
I didn't know it was there already
@Almis so don't name the fields "username" and "password"
reg_username, reg_password
probably would suffice
@rlemon yeah you right :)
or ⓤⓢⓔⓡⓝⓐⓜⓔ and ⓟⓐⓢⓢⓦⓞⓡⓓ
1 hour later…
Can this be condensed to remove the function?

I tried this but it doesn't seem to work (I assume because of the "jQuery(this)"?):
var e = document.getElementsByClassName('sppb_text');
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) e[i].style.width = e[i].previousSibling.offsetWidth + 'px';
@bjb568 Hmm yup that would work. Though really I was just wondering if you could write it in jQuery without the .each parameter. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't jQuery automatically loop through all the selected classes? So I shouldn't need a .each?
this only works inside a function.
Otherwise it's Window.
@bjb568 Right that makes sense, so there is no way to write it without using this?
I'm not too worried either way to be honest, I am just trying to understand it better
@user3470815 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@joshhunt I dunno everything about jQuery, but probably not.
Hi fast question, cant you add markers to gmaps after initialize?
@bjb568 Thank you for your help.
Best. PR. Ever.
@joshhunt already read that thanks. but in those examples i dont see any markers added after google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
I think im going to have to set all markers at the beginning and set them invisble, and then through users controls html button or similar filter the markers to show up or not..
@joshhunt You know there's a js box on jsfiddle, don't you?
@bjb568 I didn't make the fiddle... But yea that is a bit strange.
@Zirak @SomeGuy I'm out of Archer episodes on Netflix
what should I watch now
@rlemon Silicon Valley
alright i'll give episode 1 a go
@joshhunt its looking good, ill try to implement it on my code . Thanks!!!
Imagine that @SomeKittensUx2666 is the main character and it gets 15% funnier

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