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@JoeFrambach Woah, haven't seen you in a while
My face when it's 23:59UTC and I have 0 points
I've been busy
not a bad tune

Java, Spring,JPA, PHP, jQuery & Javas

This room is for Java, ,Spring Framework, JPA, Javascript, jQu...
Weird combination or stupidity?
@twiz Always assume stupidity!
do any of you use cordova to compile ios apps on the regular?
@false minitech?
@ClarusDignus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone happen to know anything about Android Studio and Gradle?
@SomeKittensUx2666 ^^^
check the leftmost tile.
(I made edits to the css/html)
@rlemon 5.71% discount?
Apologies for the randomness but I was hoping one of you could confirm a very basic thing for me so I can rule out a local cross-browser issue. When you run either of the following JSFiddles, are you presented an alert box? 1- jsfiddle.net/clarusdignus/rHYLM 2- jsfiddle.net/clarusdignus/TFAvd/1
@SomeKittensUx2666 oooo border ooooo
anyway. let me know if you like it before I forget what I changed.
@ClarusDignus I don't get an alert box
not for 1
not for 2 either
both b
but that was expected
in either case the $().val() call return the selector in the $()
which is b
so it should be the only element acted on in the next chained method.
Damn you, Babblo! A member provided an answer (stackoverflow.com/a/23818769/2971649) to one of my questions INSISTING that he could see the alerts. I've been wasting time checking my browser settings.
@linstantnoodles - Thank you for confirming.
@rlemon - Apologies, but are confirming that 1 and 2 produce and alerts?
both fiddles. the b input altered as expected
in Chrome
@SimonFeltman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@relemon I'm not being presented alerts in Chrome (or FF, or IE).
Google Chrome	35.0.1916.114 (Official Build 270117) m
OS	Windows
I get an alert in both
I'm not getting alerts in either
elinks 0.13
I'm getting it only on 2. Safari 6.1.
check this out!
found the first ever mobile electronic game
No alerts on Chrome 34.0.1847.137. No alerts on FireFox 29.0.1. No alerts on Internet Explorer 9.
@Loktar That's awesome
yeah its crazy man, the only thing that uses electricity is the light..
the rest is powered by the crank timer
Considering I don't use two of the mentioned browsers and they're therefore at default settings, why are experiencing inconsistent results?
Im so curious as to how the randomness works
gotta love patents.
haha nuts
I own it, but to prove so I have to tell everyone how I did it
Any takers on why alerts in JSFiddle are acting inconsistently for different members and their respective browsers?
so waiit this is for that game eh?
it sounds just like it
and its 3 years before the game came out
I clicked through from this patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/… from the wiki en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blip_(game)
the link i originally linked you too is three clicks in
ahh ok
man.. the fact I saw it today was so crazy
it was in a bin with other hand held games
I was like holy shit!!!
only $3
good deal?
But it's not random
I mean they sell for $20-ish, so its not like they cost alot normally, but still the history man
@copy it "acts" like it is though, I wonder how its done
like it cant be random but they must do some cool trickery
I uhh.. have a ~8 year old fish. they only live ten years. so yea.. the history.. god I wish fish were cooler
fish are badass man
well, the whole setups are
Tetraodon nigroviridis is one of the pufferfish known as the green spotted puffer. It is found across South and Southeast Asia in coastal freshwater and brackish water habitats. Tetraodon nigroviridis reaches a typical maximum length of about 15 cm (5.9 in), with reports of up to 17 cm. In February 2009 it was successfully bred in captivity at University of Florida using a new variation of the ovarian lavage technique. In the Aquarium This Pufferfish, known as "Midori Fugu" in Japanese is a popular aquarium pet. Typically younger fish are sold with a length of 2–3 cm. The...
he is ^^
yeah.. that looks cool as hell
he's been from freshwater, to complete salt, to back to brackish, to salt, back to fresh.
he's been through fuckin everything.
had him a long time. Tony is his name
i've had him longer than both my cats :P
hah crazy
also damnit I was wrong, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mattel_Auto_Race is the first ever handheld electronic game, damnit.
Came out the same year.
so... that fish has been alive 8 years?
I've had it 8 years.
I didn't even realize you've had tanks that long, for some reason I thought you started in the past 3 or so years
was probably 6mo to a year when I got it
i've had freshwater for a long time
my first venture with saltwater was a huge bust and everything died.
lost like $800 and was like 21
so that was a lot of $$ :P
like a LOT
so only kept him and freshwater until 4ish years ago
@knuckfubuck Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
jesus yea
if I lost $800 at 21 my wife would joke me out
Dude it sucked. I didn't think timers and regular light schedule was important and in like 36 hours one day after I forgot to turn on the light before work everything was dead.
You could see it going and couldn't do a thing at that point.
Like watching a stock Fall after trading closes.
why must Apple bone me?
because it is Apple
iOS Developer Program - by enrolling in this program, you agree to be boned every step of the way.
So don't enroll. Google surely has a better program. Oh wait
@lix Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon Yes
Can anyone help me solve this jquery cookie issue?
Q: Fancybox popup and JQuery Cookie - how to get to work?

redshiftI'm trying to get a video to "popup" for a first time visitor to my site. I've loaded the JQuery cookie plugin and implemented some code, but not really sure what I am doing. My live sandbox site is here. Here's what I have: head: <link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen"> <

can you maybe describe "the problem" ? — rlemon 16 secs ago
you just say "i'm trying to do this, here is my code"
it is usually more helpful if you describe also what is going wrong
@Loktar ch, choke?
I like to think he meant tell him jokes until he pees himself.
that is probably what happened
bleh its time to get back to work on learncanvas
I didnt realize I said joke me out thats great
@SimonSarris hah I was wondering about that
I have a good article for it
write it up!
preferably in markdown but html is cool too
I have 3 articles that are done but need cleanup
A: draw 10,000 objects on canvas javascript

LoktarI can get you 10,000 but there are two main drawbacks. You may notice the images don't respect transparency entirely, its possible to fix.. but that's beyond the scope of this answer. You will have to use math to do any sort of transformations because the standard canvas transformation matrix ...

and then I need to actually make the effing site design itself
^ was going to do one on that method
you did one before that was this great writeup....
I need to do a simple one on pixel perfect mouse coords
ah thanks, thats my best article ever..
and I havent written since lol
@rlemon yay, not bad
@kevin.groat Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar I know that feel sadly
http://jsfiddle.net/cDKM5/ <-- Trouble afoot

http://jsfiddle.net/HH38X/ <-- Sweet release
Inquiring minds will want to know!
Thus a simple article on pixel perfect canvas mouse coords is needed
hah nice
all you change is display:inline-block;?
nay look at the CSS
a border on the canvas itself? Very bad, messes up coords
a border on a canvas container = all is well
oooh I see
There are more complicated ways to account for border/padding/margin on the canvas
but this mouse code + carefully observing that you always use a container to make the border instead of the canvas itself is the best route
mouseMove : function(event, self){
        if(event.pageX ||event.pageY){
            self.mouseX = event.pageX - self.renderCanvas.offsetLeft;
            self.mouseY = event.pageY - self.renderCanvas.offsetTop;
            self.mouseX = (event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft) - self.renderCanvas.offsetLeft;
            self.mouseY = (event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop  - document.body.clientTop) - self.renderCanvas.offsetTop;
^ thats how I get the mouse coords
in Jest anyway
and I could revise that.. not sure why I did some cross browser stuff
never really thought about the fact canvas only works with ie9+
some issues may be because android browser/webviews had some screwy coords for a while
scrollX or clientX was simply wrong, I forget which
eh it looks like in GoJS I'm not accounting for that (anymore?)
oh yeah how is that?
you havent mentioned it in forever
since you did the svg stuff
we are doing well
it is my day job!
what butters my bread
also what buys my bread if we're gonna extend that metaphor completely
bleh I wish I got to work with canvas at work
closest thing is making pens while at work
I love javascript
same here, but if I'm just displaying data on a page I get bored fast
I like crazy problems to solve
with canvas there is always something crazy interesting to do
yes it is the most creative part of javascript by far
so I'm still plugging away at learncanvas, I hope its up by at least mid summer
I'm really liking jekyll so far too
nice cant wait
I need to get it setup on my local machine
glad you wrote a setup doc
<-- what we'll be using for syntax highlighting
haha, really should have been ^ and not <--
oh man that looks nice
so much better than the one I use
I use it on the gojs site
cant even remember the name of it now..
I used to use... rainbowjs
this is better, there may be others, so if you find an even better one let me know
wow man.. I may switch mine to this tonight
my js looks horrendus
I think I use syntaxhighlighter2 or something
ah yeah SyntaxHighlighter 3.0, lol 2010
Simon join my Comp in the HTML room.
HTML room?
I'm roomnogamous
See pinned message
hah no one starred it
I just did, its crazy awesome people need to do it
Ill try and get laughed out of it, but itll be fun :P
top prize is nice thanks to the writer
tl;dr dude was watching his analytic data and saw us visiting. saw me offering lowest prize and offered up top deal for free to the winner.
So while we're in the microsoft fanboy room
I'm really excited for the Surface Pro 3
and I will probably buy one
(it does actually look nice)
I might get one too
because of steam streaming
plus you can play a few games on it natively as well
people were playing Halo on the surface pro 2
I have to think of a reason I need one for work
is it possible to get a touchscreen device that works as a moniter without buying the whole computer part of it? Just to use it as a second moniter and touchscreen device? I kinda want to try to see if I can do any digital art at all, and that seems like it might be cheaper, not sure though.
@theHeretic yeah
there are apps for android devices to do it
probably for ios as well, but have only tried the android ones
basically is just remote desktop and the touch emulates the mouse
there are ones to do extended desktops with too (again have only tried an android one)
I mean, that sounds like it has the whole computer part of it. I mean like, you take a visual cord (and probably usb) and it is just a screen.

Although, that sounds like it could work as well. How large is the screen though? Do you mean like a phone?
I want a less-than-laptop that I can write up notes on while traveling
I've seen tablets for less then that moniter.
Q: Are these users not obviously ban-worthy?

bjb568I flagged two user's posts asking for a review-ban. declined - You're going to need to point out some specific examples here, because I'm not seeing anything ban-worthy at first glance. So, ok, neither of them are approving everything, but… That has to be at least a little bit suspicio...

"3,111 --low rep"
For reviewers, yeah. :P
oh. what is a reviewer in this context? is it anything like a mod?
500 rep and you can review first posts and late answers. 2k and you can review edits. 3k and you can close and reopen.
Jeff Atwood on May 17, 2009

We believe deeply in community moderation. That’s why we appoint Pro Tempore Moderators and, ideally, democratically elected community moderators for every site in our network. But what do community moderators do? The short answer is, as little as possible!

From the very first version of Stack Overflow faq way back in mid-2008, our goal has always been to give power back to the community:

Stack Overflow is run by you! If you want to help us run Stack Overflow, you’ll need reputation first. Reputation is a (very) rough measurement of how much the Stack Overflow community trusts you. R …

yep, the "stackoverflow community" doesn't trust me at all.
@SimonSarris found a use for my chromebook
How do you "positively contribute to the site" anyway? For people who can't answer questions because the ones I can are either deleted or answered the moment they pop up.
steam streaming
has ubuntu on it, hooked it up to my tv downstairs, can now play my entire library
I like my chromebook, its OK for light travel use
lok, were you talking about phones earlier?
(and linking them to your desktop?)
oh sorry I was talking to my wife, I used my tablet
on my nexus 7
no problem with a delay. it looks like cell phones cost more than tablets though.
@theHeretic You can go for the highest voted unanswered questions.
best coding background music ... GO!
(only music I ever really listen to, but it is noteable I can't focus well with any noise.)
ambient, downtempo are my gotos
anything else i'm missing?
listening to this now ...
good morning all
best coding background music is silence and noise cancelling headphones :(
nahh, dubstep and dancing shoes
+ standing desk
!!afk sleeping with the fishes
@SimonSarris depends on the mood ...
html5 unleashed eh?! sweet...
@Xander hardcore punk.
@Xander you should buy that book
HTML5 the definitive guide.
HTML5 the definitive guide is a different book!
hardcore punk?! that'd preoccupy the main thread of execution in my brain. not so productive ...
What about the worst sounds while working?
"HTML5 Unleashed" !== "The Definitive Guide to HTML5"
is there a book called that?
yeah, lol
because your book is the definitive guide to html5
fuck that other book
wow lame.
@SimonSarris you have a nice rating man
4.5 stars on amazon
we're in good company
ouch, one 1 star rating..
and I bet its something you can't even control
> No page numbers in the kindle version. Makes it a pain when you are taking a class and required to read a certain page range. Even more painful when you have no idea how to refer classmates to pages.
@Loktar yeah the guy gave it one star because it doesn't have page numbers on the kindle version :(
just read comment
well might as well help him out
god though.. a 1 star for that?
and wtf... kindle books dont have page numbers
they have a progress bar..
thats not something the author controls tmk
"the mob is fickle"
some kindle books have "real page numbers" that correspond, but not all
mine does not ._.
I hope he's happy
Though I doubt he'll change the star rating ._.
that would be awesome if they change their review, it was pretty recent so they might
how do we want to organize content on learncanvas.com
no idea :?

@lexap Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
just wondering if I should split up the content into categories
that's probably getting ahead of myself though, first I need good content :P
lesson 1-x makes it seem like they are in a series
unless that is your plan
I just mean the names of the pages as the second part
right now I have nothing but
also accessible by the url /guides/canvas-performance.html
yeah I like the difficulty break down
like basics, intermediate, advanced
I was thinking more like...
basics, guides, physics
nah thats too klutzy
yeah idk lol so many ways it could be done
animation and physics may only be 1-2 articles each
I guess by difficulty would be hard too.
because what is intermediate I suppose
lets peek at the competition
who is the competition?
Hi pals
god that homepage reeks of confusion
can i ask something out of topic in between?
haha, well they use tutorials, labs, articles
nay nay ask away
I have never seen this..
looks like a money grab, look at all those oddly placed ads
@Maes go ahead
haha right!
thats why I wanna do better
GoJS advertises on that site and its crap
well its not crap, just not very good
how to group more than ne images in a shape of circle
is there a better software toachieve that?
@Maes I'm not sure I understand what you mean
get a circle, find it's perimeter, divide by number of images, find those points on the circle, put images there.
@phenomnomnominal sounds so much mathematics
Any better software for it?
@@Belinda Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Maes it sounds pretty easy to be honest
@Loktar loads o' updates: github.com/simonsarris/learncanvas
for now we will just have the categories "basics" and "pages", later we may add ones like "effects" that have articles about how to do different effects with canvas (blur algorithms, procedural terrain generation, whatevs)
awesome, checking out your article right now, learning stuff lol
didn't realize save and restore were such performance killers
the canvas one is hella in need of a rewrite
part of the problem is that my claims that were true in 2011 may not be true anymore :D
@SardorI. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user3291093 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
lol so I'm looking at domains
and I look up loktar and see the .me is gone
and im like wow who the hell bought it
whois says someone in panama
but it was on namecheap.. so Im like wait a second
turns out I bought it in April lol
If anyone is a boss with Cordova, I really freakin' need some help.
1 hour later…
@sanjee Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 hour later…
hey guys I have table td like this
<td width="35%" class="Fsize12"><a href="#" class="checkbox-inline" onclick="getModal()">Get Options</a></td></tr>
function getModal()
	function removeCheckbox()
		//$('#myModal :checkbox').remove();
		$('#myModal').find(':checked').each(function() {
and this is my modal
<div class="modal-body">

<input type="checkbox" value="1" id="1">Excellent

<input type="checkbox" value="2" id="2">Good

<input type="checkbox" value="3" id="3">Fair

<input type="checkbox" value="4" id="4">Poor

so when I hit the close button
How will show the selected check boxes in the td
Always use prop() for checked. And IDs cannot start with a number (and shouldn't)
I got the solution
console.log(($("input[name=chkboxName]:checked").map(function () {return this.value;}).get().join(",")));
Q: Jquery Element pop out calendar not rendering Internet Explorer

Rich StevensI have a website with a pop out calendar that renders fine on all browsers, however, when I try it on IE9 other page elements appear on top of it so it's obscured. I have the feeling this is a css issue, can anyone help? http://dorraslim.com.sg/promotions/ Sorry, didn't think I was allowed to p...

Q: How to show a string on changing drop down

JqueryLearnerIn this fiddle when any of the check box is selected then the drop down menu will be enabled.There are 4 options text,boolean,option and option1.Now when I select the option drop down then another 3 check boxes are shown good avg and poor but nothing happens when I select options1 or text or boo...

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