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@KarelG *grabs pitchfork and torch*
Didn't I unmute everyone on that list?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Think so
Or maybe not
I would think unmute would do that
Perhaps that is just a mute list
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
@BenjaminGruenbaum : i hope that you aren't testing the mute functionality on frequent users :p
anyone fancy fetching me coffee?
i'm at home
@MichaƂRakowski Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
but i'm not fancy
Hey guys
Help me with this pls
@KarelG I was just unmuting people..
I have an attribute on my div to state priority level
and I'm updating it every few minuites
but when I try to read it again
it reads the old value instead of the updated value
@SecondRikudo You do not have permission to use the command mute
Needs MOAR permission
and when I saw e page source, the value wasn't updated
how are you updating it ?
@SamyS.Rathore Is it pure javascript or are you updating from ajax requests as well?
yeah, we are using ajax requests
@SecondRikudo Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@BenjaminGruenbaum was joking :(
@SamyS.Rathore And have you tried checking the attribute immediately after being updated?
In debug, I mean
man ... i just got an email from my old faculty that my js script will be removed. That script is similar to the google's attachment checking tool. Their reason is that it's not used, and annoying.
yeah, correct value there
it's a free service, for everyone
I mean, I saw it wtih inspect element
insta dupe close on the way!
@FlorianMargaine yay :D
@benjamingruenbaum Either the mute list is borked, or rlemon didn't get or write the memory right
Since there was a handover...yesterday or something
How is this chat created... i Like it :)
@cpoDesign It's run by unicorns.
@NateKerkhofs Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Quick question: if I use decodeURIcomponent on a string that has no encoded characters, does it just return the original string?
@NateKerkhofs what else would it return?
An error or just nothing
@NateKerkhofs TIAS
This needs to be a command ^
TIAS? what does that mean?
@SecondRikudo That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@NateKerkhofs Google it :D
!!google tias
@NateKerkhofs Try it and See
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks
@SecondRikudo @Second lol
!!afk ml class
@BenjaminGruenbaum ml class?
Machine Learning?
'mornin everyone :)
@FlorianMargaine first hammah time
@KarelG yep
so, today I have an interview for a possible client of this company
disadvantage of being a belgian, the online language detector is struggling with either french or dutch ... i have to select it myself ;_;
... they are still using SOAP + PHP :|
Also, I just spent 5 hours trying to debug a 300 line piece of javascript code in IE11, only to find out that it's because of a comma at the end of a Jquery.attr() array. Is there a way to avoid this in the future?
@MoshMage PHP's fine, but SOAP? :|
@NateKerkhofs : use a good IDE ...
I'm using VS 2012 with resharper 8
@SecondRikudo yep. SOAP. and XML.
@NateKerkhofs Use a proper IDE or use the comma-first writing style.
@NateKerkhofs Yeah, no.
!!tell Nate google webstorm
VS isn't designed for javascript language
@SecondRikudo comma-first is ugly as hell
the only real problem with WebStorm is that's like $50 bucks a piece :/
@JanDvorak It's effective.
use a crack then ...
@MoshMage .. And?
I use JSHint to hunt for sytnax errors
(wich is still cheaper than Sublime, wich is $70 a piece xD)
@KarelG sometimes, aka no at home, you can't use cracked software :(
i have sublime text and use it without paying the license. if a prompt shows, i just OK'ed it
The problem is that I'm a Dynamics CRM developer, and I don't think Webstorm has support for deploying to CRM straight from the client
@MoshMage Well, convince your company that Webstorm is exponentially better, and have them buy the licence for you.
@SecondRikudo they have Visual Studio 2013 -- it's neat enough but not WebStorm near :x
1 min ago, by Second Rikudo
@MoshMage Well, convince your company that Webstorm is exponentially better, and have them buy the licence for you.
wtf password check at a site
aint no time for that lengthy
@KarelG Use a password manager.
i don't use it
memorized all my pws
Also, did you combine letters, numbers and symbols?
ofc yes lol
@KarelG Wow dat epic password checker then :D
@SamyS.Rathore And you receive no further ajax updates? Of that you're sure?
sometimes my pw's got rejected because there were "non-existing" characters... but these are on my keyboard >.>
When does it change back? Immediately after or is there a delay?
@KarelG I think it's silly to put a max limitation on someone's password.
Both in length and in allowed characters.
nah, but that script to fill out the bar should be rechecked
I want to have my password as Second Rikudo♩
@SecondRikudo yeah, you only store the hash anyway, so it's not like it matters
@FlorianMargaine People who limit their passwords to only X character length or only Y characters allowed suffer greatly from the 5 chimpanzees problem.
i remember it once. that i couldn't access or reset my password. The reason was that they have changed their database format. And my password contained an illegal character. they had to update it manually to a temporary password.
@KarelG That means that they aren't hashing your password properly.
Even worse, they are storing it in plain text in their database.
yes, i guessed it too
or that it didn't passed the validators
the character was ' [ '
@SecondRikudo no, they mostly do it to be certified by X or Y government-based agency
@KarelG First of all, just the mere fact that they were able to "change their database format" without forcing a password change on everyone, means that they were storing the passwords in retrievable format.
Second, the fact that your special character bothered them, means that they were probably storing it with plain-text.
@SecondRikudo The password on the usaa account requires the password to be at least 8 and at most 10, with both numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters
@Neil Wait what? Why? The level of idiot is too damn high!
The password I use all the time doesn't contain uppercase, but it contains numbers and it is longer than 10
I always have a hard time remembering my password for the usaa site for that reason :P
@Neil that doesn't work well
@KarelG Yeah I know.. I can see why they'd have a minimum.. but a maximum?
there was a pw leak back then, and one of the password was "Password123"
Q: What technical reasons are there to have low maximum password lengths?

enderlandI have always wondered why so many websites have very firm restrictions on password length (exactly 8 characters, up to 8 characters, etc). These tend to be banks or other sites I actually care about security. I understand most people will pick short passwords like "password" and "123456" but ar...

just don't force max length
@KarelG The idea was that old hashing algos were truncating characters past X of the password
"old" ;)
i know that history
got a course about that during security courses
Current hashing algos do that as well.
Like blowfish
@SecondRikudo Great answer :)
But not on 10, but on somewhere around the 70
Where it's improbable that the user will have over 70 characters of password.
I suspect things will change a bit once we have quantum processors
@Neil Not really
algorithms like blowfish were designed to be scalable. You determine the cost parameter, which basically means "how slow will this algorithm be"
So if your processor gets stronger, you just bump up the cost parameter, and the hash remains slow enough to be secure.
since we're talking about hashing pw's, i hope that you don't forget to add a salt on it
@KarelG Of course
PHP has password_hash() which is awesome.
i have seen many hashes functions without salts during my reviews
@SecondRikudo Well not for brute forcing passwords, but for decrypting passwords
@CapricaSix Hi
You can just password_hash("password here") and it's secure by default.
@Neil How can you decrypt a hash..?
There's an infinite input space, and limited output space...
@CapricaSix You there ?
It's like inferring the password from its "password".length
!!tell AnandSolanki yes
@DrogoNevets Command yes does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@DrogoNevets Are you talking to tiny avatar people?
@SecondRikudo no just trying to be funny! lol
@SecondRikudo I see your point
@Neil Hashes by definition are one way :)
If you can retrieve the original content, it's not a hash, it's an encryption.
;_; due of my bank card issues, i'm too late with pre-orders of watch dogs
Then what was all this huff about quantum processors and encryption?
@Neil Dunno, got a link?
Encryption and Hashing are two different things
Maybe it was the fact that it could deduct the private key from the public key
@Neil That could be
You can't do that now because of modulus calculation makes it tedious to find it
@CapricaSix I need your help in javascript
but maybe that would change with quantum processor, let me see if I can't find a link
@AnandSolanki , you're talking with a bot ...
how do you call the attention one has to make sure X website works seamlessly on all browsers?
@KarelG But she's so nice
@KarelG Yes
why ?
Please help me if anybody knows
history.pushState function is not working in IE
history is IE10+
Q: Ajax-search, appending search query and page number to the url

SrleI'm building search (ajax-based) functionality and pagination module and everything works fine. But i have problem with sharing search urls. Basically search form is on the home page and when user hit search button most of the content is removed ($('...').remove()) and ajax results are apended. S...

@KarelG So any solution or other option ?
Hi dudes and dudettes
How do I look for errors in in my .js? DO you guys use the Chrome dev tools?
@ArchieButler yep. But for syntax errors, I use jshint
@SecondRikudo hashing IS NOT encryption and should never be used as such
@DrogoNevets Never said it was.
@ArchieButler and firebug, MSIE dev tools, what is the issue you have?
@SecondRikudo just making sure (pet hate!)
anybody knows ?
@SimonW Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AnandSolanki if it's not important, just don't use it at IE
i don't see a huge reason to manipulate the browser history
does .data() in jquery always reads the page-source value??
I want to change URL in ajax response.
I want to cry this morning :( Everything was going great with my js project until late last night I realized it only works in Firefox :( Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, try clicking the video thumbnail or the crosshair above it : archibaldbutler.com/projects/PA-consulting-v6/internals/advanced-manufacturing/i‌​ndex.html
@AnandSolanki why him?
or anyone from here yar
@ArchieButler 404
Give answer if you know dear @JanDvorak
@AnandSolanki why would you do that ?
@AnandSolanki why me?
@AnandSolanki can you respond to AJAX? Can you change the URL from javascript?
it's not hard to find out the URL, even if you change it .........
it's an obsolete thing in this situation IMO
@AnandSolanki why not perform normal navigation instead of AJAX, though?
@ArchieButler : not, but load time is a bit long
@KarelG That's the requirement
possible or not ??
yeah it will be installed locally as a finished project so I am not too worried about loading speeds @KarelG
as said, for IE < 10 not
for the rest, you're fine
you have to add a < IE10 script functionality
@ArchieButler most of the time spent loading pages is usually spent generating them. LAN can't fix your PHP code being slow as hell.
do you know that functionality ?
there is no one ...
there is no php @Jan Dvorak
just do a standard redirect
html and js
@JanDvorak ?
@JanDvorak ?
@AnandSolanki ???
@JanDvorak You know ?
What should I know?
@KarelG okies
@KaustubhKarkare Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak I ask q question
@AnandSolanki I have replied; have you replied to me?
@JanDvorak Stop talking to tiny avatar people!
I have a shit server too, need to upgrade to tso host soon as they have quad core servers
@ArchieButler : your site works fine in chrome
@JanDvorak That's the requirement yar
heh quad core servers doesn't bring solution to the speed
@SecondRikudo you're right; ignored
it only provides less latency if you have a lot visitors
@KarelG you have to double click to open the lightbox :(
@JanDvorak I am a very patient person.
Infirefox i only click once
If this guy was on my tiny avatar list, there's a very good reason.
Even though I don't remember it.
@SecondRikudo just your average-day help vampire that ignores advice
@JanDvorak Yeah, I inferred that from the one-sided conversation :)
@ArchieButler : i get what you mean. You may refer to this
Thanks KarelG I will look at this now, it has been a depressing morning :(
is it bed time yet?
Hey guys. Can any of you recommend me good plugin/snippet for checkbox hierarchy control? (checkboxes must be checked in order, by stages). Example, we have 5 checkboxes, second can be checked after first, third can be checked after second etc.
@BikerJohn i dont know of any, but im sure it wouldnt be too hard to write one
which framework?
@DrogoNevets what would be the best way to approach the problem? Jquery.
@BikerJohn give me a wee while....see what i can think of for you
@DrogoNevets ok :)
@BikerJohn <hint/ sarcasm>
@JanDvorak What? : D
@BikerJohn translating to XML: <hint> sarcasm </hint>
@BikerJohn translating to JSON: {hint: sarcasm}
Q: Promise.all resolving earlier than expected

marxjohnsonI'm writing my first piece of code using Promises and am getting some unexpected results. I had some code that looked like this (using jQuery): $('.loading-spinner').show(); $('.elements').replaceWith(function() { // Blocking code to generate and return a replacement element }); $('.newEleme...

@BikerJohn translating to english: hint: sarcasm
@YuriiVykaliuk Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak yea i get it... well is there something wrong with my question? i just asked if anyone knew a plugin, dont need people to write code for me. I can do it by myself ;)
@BikerJohn and the answer was that you should write one yourself
@BikerJohn I was afraid that you'd actually wait for @DrogoNevets to write the code for you.
@JanDvorak sure, why not, he offered to write the code, i didnt ask him to. :))
@BikerJohn I'm pointing out he didn't ;-)
@JanDvorak okay hehe ;) no problem at all
lol. He didn't. He'll probably SEARCH for you, it's as far as I'd bet :P
@MoshMage unlikely
friends Please help me.In this fiddle jsfiddle.net/Wy22s/99 there are 3 rows and these rows are coming from json.Initially the drop down is disabled.Now when I select a check box then that particual drop down should be enabled.can any body please tell me how to do?
@BikerJohn he's right, i dont do other peoples work for them
@prasad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Bludream Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
but....i think the best bet would be a plugin that takes a jQuery object as a parameter, and on change checks their values before allowing default behaviour
@JqueryLearner I don't like to give full solutions, but look up: .checked, .disabled, change event
I got a problem in javascript with replace, but it seems specific to me, so I thought to just ask it here, is it ok?
also, addEventListener
@Bludream you may
@JanDvorak yes I know we can do removeAttr('disabled')
Hi @CapricaSix
@JqueryLearner I mean the disabled property. The attribute merely defines the default state.
well, I am replacing a var test= keys[0]; text.replace(test,"jj");
@DrogoNevets yes, something like that. tnx :)
but it doesn't work
@Bludream replace returns a new string
@JanDvorak ok then how to link
strings are immutable in Javascript
I know that
if first row is select then I have to call removeAttr() of 1st row
I just wrote it so it would be short
@JqueryLearner parentElement to traverse up, then (say) querySelector to traverse down.
in jQuery, that's parent and find
var str = 'something';
str.replace('o', 'doodle'); // voided
str = str.replace('o', 'doodle'); // result kept
@JanDvorak do you have a fiddle for it?
@JqueryLearner Write some code and I'll try to find a mistake in it ;-)
@JqueryLearner : please do what your name is suggesting. writing code is a good source for experience
so please use the search tools, the documentations from js and jQuery, ...
@KarelG @JanDvorak Thanks by writing our code we will learn.I just want your guidance
jan has already given the guidance
@JqueryLearner what kind of guidance? I've given you enough bricks, you just have to connect them
@JanDvorak you said to use parent but I want to know how.I have
<tbody id="addNew">
@BikerJohn and because im bored, hows this? jsfiddle.net/DrogoNevets/PS85V
so here parent will be table ,am I right?
@JqueryLearner correct. Another hint: start from the checkbox. The element that received an event can be found as this inside the event handler.
@DrogoNevets was the goal that the next cb's are disabled unless you have checked the prev one ?
@KarelG i might of got it a bit backwards, but its all configurable
@KarelG eg $("#2").checkDepend({elements: $("#1")});
Q: AngularJS executing promises in turn

Leon RevillI need to be able to execute a series of asynchronous events in turn, but the execution of each depends on the result of the last. Is there anyway to achieve this dynamically? Consider the following code as an example of what I am trying to achieve. $scope.queries = [ { id: 1, ...

@DrogoNevets haha great :P
still i can check the 3th box after the page load
while it shouldn't i thought
@BikerJohn i charge £500 per day, regardless of how much of that day you use, give us your email and I'll send you invoice
@KarelG i haven't configured all of them......! im too lazy for that!
@KarelG Yes, it doesnt kinda work like it should, but Drogo's effort is appreciated :P
@JanDvorak better?
@DrogoNevets but it's an ill offer nevertheless.
@DrogoNevets em... :D
@BikerJohn its not a complete solution, but it should be more than enough to get you started
@DrogoNevets *it's
@JanDvorak no its not :P
@DrogoNevets Yes of course, i appreciate it. Will handle from here ;) Thanks for the guidance
@JanDvorak oh shhhh grammar police!
@BikerJohn dim prob
lol @ rlemons "ParisHilton.js removes everything btween the <head></head> tags" xD
@MoshMage fair.....
@MoshMage ahahahahh good one :D (Y)
@MoshMage that's an old plugin
@Zirak :(

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