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> This search engine is not made for illegal downloads
@SecondRikudo This search engine is made for illegal downloads (source)
There, that's better.
!!s/ not/ for you and me/
@SomeKittensUx2666 !!s/for you and me// (source)
@SomeKittensUx2666 This search engine is for you and me made for illegal downloads (source)
> This search engine is in no way intended for illegal downloads.
@AhmedMahmoud Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi everyone. I'm back in action.
These meds may have gotten me a little high.
Crap. I need to be productive.
@RyanKinal why are you on meds? :( You ok?
I hurt my back. Should be fine. But it's really painful.
Acrobatic sex does that
jk. I hope it gets better soon, back injuries SUCK.
Apparently so does some combination of cleaning, playing guitar, and playing LoL
All at the same time?
Yes. I am that good.
!!doge impressive,skillz
                          so impressive
very skillz
Is LoL any good? My friends swear by it but I wasn't really wowed by "kill X of Y" quest games
It's not one of those games.
@RUJordan Not really.
It's nice to some degree
I like it. It can be frustrating, and sometimes people are jackasses.
But it's fun.
@RyanKinal It would be more fun with some more game modes
Heroes of the Storm man :P
its coming
I'm addicted to Clash of Clans right now
But I also hear DC Universe Online is good
I have it on my PS3 but haven't played it
@RyanKinal For example, it would be awesome to have a one lane 1v5 match, where the 1 is overpowered ridiculously (some sort of boss fight, with one person playing the boss)
@SecondRikudo Ooh, interesting
ever play Dota 2?
Halloween mode had something like that
My buddy plays DOTA and he's beyond addicted to it
Like he has tickets to Australia for a DOTA tourny
yeah all my friends as well :/
my friends have also traveled to tournies
@Loktar Meh, I'm not that into MOBA (that's how they call them, right?) games.
yeah moba games
I'm not a fan either
although Heroes of the Storm sounds really promising
I'm more into RTS style games
@SomeKittensUx2666 So far, I don't exactly like his text editor => canvas example.
The only games I really like are tower defense games, or FPS, or some text-based MMOs
@Zirak context?
@Loktar See what it feels like!?
haha thats why i said it
31 mins ago, by SomeKittens Ux2666
@Zirak You'd like this: http://vimeo.com/36579366
@Mikeb Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
and I know dat feel now.
ah yeah I've seen that
that made its rounds a while back people were creaming over it
the top of my foot itches and I can't reach it and I hate tying shoes so I wont take my shoe off #struggles
I wish websites were default background black for easier-on-the-eyes purposes
@user3335940 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Really? Are you serious? $your_php_variable = "42' someHorribleThing(); '". At the very least, escape your variables. — Second Rikudo 11 secs ago
@FlorianMargaine no way!!!
Read the answer too lol
@RUJordan yes way
@FlorianMargaine I wonder how it works.
I mean, does it have a single general stylesheet and hope for the best?
Or does it have that and some custom ones for popular websites?
@SecondRikudo no, finds out contrasts et al
it's not just random
Well one of the best extensions I've found is this one
!!google spreed chrome extension
Yeah, that first one ^
@SecondRikudo clearly you're a beginner.
@RUJordan How so? :D
@SecondRikudo in one of the answers the guy said "That's it!!! It's not a perfect answer, but the questioner is clearly a beginner" xD
@RUJordan I remember it as questioneer :D
!!define questioneer
@RUJordan My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
Clearly not.
!!urban questioneer
@RUJordan No definition found for questioneer
@SomeKittensUx2666 That editor is just too much magic
!!php or js
@rlemon js
but the php code deadline is sooner :/
!!js or C++
@AbhishekHingnikar C++
@mikedidthis I don't like seeing that much detail in my porn.
@rlemon ALL the hair.
ass pimple. NOPE!
that is just horrible.
I think it's hilarious D:
@SecondRikudo that's awesome
@FlorianMargaine I know
someone wanna give me a 30 second "how is this different than Spritz" explanation
Wait until you can do 600WPH with 2 words at a time
@Zirak There's a lot of magic, but I think it's good juju
I like Spritz, but after a while It was giving me a headache
The action->response loop is tighter
hacker vision SO chat
@RUJordan Needs more glowing green text
@rlemon it's a chrome extension
@RUJordan blegh
@FlorianMargaine so basically Spritz chrome extension?
It's not too bad. Much easier on the eyes
Q: How can I use jQuery promises when referring to methods of an object?

Michael LynchI am trying to make multiple ajax requests and then display some content only after all ajax requests have been made. I know I should use jQuery promises but I'm not entirely sure how they work. Here is my code: //make first ajax request $.ajax({ url: 'http://api.com', success: function...

@SomeKittensUx2666 I would be interested to how he played it out.
Because that's certainly not an actual, ready tool
Looks like it just inverts the colors. But I like how it can go to normal mode if I need it
@Zirak I'd be willing to be that there's a pile of edge cases he didn't cover
I have thought about skinning the chat
but that would be so tedious
I would love monokai chat
(then it would match my editor and I would get less looks for being on the chat all day)
@Jhawins you are the second post in this room, and almost two full days on reddit :P
@SomeKittensUx2666 If he did even implement some of it, it's mighty impressive.
aaand a 6k user accepted my answer, but didn't upvote. Wut?
@RUJordan I'm pretty sure it's Linux.... — deets 4 mins ago
Changing some constant in a nested function, which refers to this? That's insane
It took all my willpower not to reply "No shit."
@Zirak Yeah, it's crazy. I'm wondering if the whole deal is just canvas.
@rlemon Agreed
@rlemon Oops
and it looks like there is a filter, just a shitty small one. looks like it may get blasted with sunlight. That + the top light === that much algae
@rlemon yeah
@rlemon I want SO chat in emacs
@rlemon You're a total dick and you ruined the photo. Happy
@Zirak up for the challenge? github.com/ahyatt/emacs-websocket
28 secs ago, by Florian Margaine
@rlemon I want SO chat in emacs
My elisp is so crappy, toilets run away
@Zirak a good occasion to brush it up then
And images...the chat speaks html...it's...huh...
I'll think about it
@Jhawins still a shitty tank owner
/me opens php file. shudders
also, where the fuck has @RyanKinal been?
have I just been missing him or has he been away lately?
Q: Javascript promise conversion

user3582665I'm having a hard time understanding how promises works. I've seen some examples and some of it makes sense. However, when I try to actually use it I get stuck. I have the following example: (I'm using q and nodejs. getItem() returns a promise, but my function doesn't wait for it.) function calc...

@rlemon he was there an hour or so ago
> And when I see an idea dying, it hurts.
@SomeKittensUx2666 I figuratively roflmao'd
@w1res Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak at what, the ending?
Around minute 35, where he said the quoted thing.
@rlemon I'm here. Just barely.
It's also funny how he laughs at Vi
And I've been, like... productive lately.
Strange, I know
@RyanKinal ewww
I know, right?
Also, Emacs!
@Loktar The other 2 videos too
lol you mean that guys?
^ I'm subbed to that, has tons and tons
> From the creators of more shooter games with the same concept
@RyanKinal will you be around later?
I need to pick your brain about sms stuff
Off and on, yeah
TS this weekend?
but it is Wednesday
how am I supposed to know what my weekend will be like
I don't even know what the drive home will be like
I know what my weekend will be like
Multiple trips to the liquor store
@Martin Eating ice cream, crying and masturbation?
I'm not a girl
I don't need ice cream to do those things
You callin' me a girl?
@Martin why multiple?
I buy my weekends worth friday night (and hope it lasts)
Yeah the hope it lasts part is the important part
@Zirak Possibly
Also it's depressing to watch my bank account plummet
or just over buy and have some for monday
I stopped watching my spending account
I only watch my savings now
That's a good plan
I have a rough Idea what is in there.
You're my favorite other Canadian here
and I keep track in my head how much i've spent week to week
well it is me or Kendall. and no one likes Kendall.
> ParisHilton.js - removes everything between the <head></head> tags
ParisHilton.min.js was even funnier
minified a whole semi-colon
and spaces!
> 9 commits
but uses " instead of ' which is more to process on the eyes
@SomeKittensUx2666 his first draft was horrible.
document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].innerHTML = '';
lol, noob.
Yeah that's pretty bad
Maybe he wanted IE8- support in the early days
So grooveshark emailed me and apologized for fucking me around lol. They promise a phone call tomorrow.
If I don't get one, I don't want the job anymore anyway.
You're applying at Grooveshark?
@rlemon I do! >:D
what is that little footnote symbol called?
I hate trying to google things when I don't know what they are called :/
lol I googled footnote symbol
@rlemon And then you try and remember a document where you saw it, so you could copy+paste it...and now you're drawing blanks everywhere
it is like searching operators when you don't know their name
@Zirak I... ok.
@rlemon ↵
!!> '↵' === '\n'
@SomeKittensUx2666 false
haha searching operators when you do n't know their name. I feel your pain there.
in search side-projects! anyone need help? preferably paid ;P
@Xander If you're paid, it's not a side project
@SomeKittensUx2666 gwat!?
@Xander I want to create a chrome debugger. The built-in one isn't good enough, it just shows javascript. I want to see my variables go through the browser's code.
@Xander If you're looking for paid work, that's contracting.
Also, analyse a javascript library by running its test and seeing the different code paths.
I could do with a script that formats Wheatly's hard drive every time he commits to one of my projects.
@SomeKittensUx2666 I could work on that ;P
sounds like fun
Challenge: You can't use commit hooks, for reasons already stated.
what OS?
Then how about a loose js => js? A js dialect that doesn't have the new operator or with or switch, but only allows pure object cloning and so forth.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Just tell him to use the halt editor
@SomeKittensUx2666 Do you have access to his computer? You can override the git command
Or rather git-commit
@Zirak Very clever.
alias git-commit="echo 'Code did not pass quality tests.  Please refactor.";
I can't wait to get home to fast internet
@BenjaminGruenbaum Were you the one to recommend this book?
@Zirak BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: beer party and bday part of friend.
I will slam you with a salami. Page 19, where they write an "Interface class that we use throughout the book"
@Loktar's pen is awesome!
!!afk home time - My computer has been stolen so I'm 9-5 only :(
@Shmiddty thanks man
@Jhawins ouch, man
Who is closest to the JS badge?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Nah you don't know the half of it... It was stolen by my Dad at the same time he tried to sell my $2K bike out from under me and he loaded everything I "can't prove I own" up and idk what happened to it.
@Loktar wow dude that is fucking great!
thanks, abhishek told me it was too basic.. but I thought it turned out cool
lol because I accidentally woke him up Sunday
!!afk for realz just had to say that hahahahaha wtf
this is what the pen started out as jsfiddle.net/loktar/27HJv
I was going to post that.. but I was like eh, there has to be more I can do
lol then it evolved into me creating the lines by drawing
@jacklittleton Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So instead of getter/setter, I just create watches for everything!
getters/setters are dumb anyway
@RUJordan AngularJS
@phenomnomnominal your retweet from earlier about the Adam and Eve game... bahahahahaha
I lolled pretty hard
@Mosho I was AFK all day, I haven't forgotten though. Sorry.
Hi guys, I am backend programmer learning javascript.
And I need some help.
In script I use something like:
And if element with this id exists then I get it's value.
It's input field.
But if I remove this input field $('#some-id') gives empty array: [].
And calling $('#some-id').val(); gives undefined.
Why is that?
Can someone explain me little bit.
you said it your said, you removed the element. lol
Ok, but I've got empty array.
Why calling val() function on empty array gives me undefined?
@f.cipriani Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ИванБишевац it sounds like some-id doesn't exist. Can you show us a snippet of HTML? (we don't need the whole template)
It's that, or you're running your script before the document has finished loading.
I know there is no such element.
I removed it from document.
I am not asking why $('#some-id') gives empty array.
I am asking why calling val() on empty array gives undefined?
@xkonnectDeveloper Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Because an array doesn't have a value
Input elements only have values
^ exactly that.
How do you mean doesn't have a value? Array doesn't have val() function?
jQuery val() grabs the value attribute of the element
So a JavaScript array does not have said attribute
What if this selector returns array with multiple results. Say I have 2 div elements with class "blue".
What will be result of this code:
Again undefined?
That's called a NodeList. You'd have to iterate the list to access the elements, which will have a value
So yes, calling val() on a NodeList will be undefined
I opened console on this page.
NodeList.prototype.val = function () { return 'penis'; };
@phenomnomnominal you and penises...
// 1197
// ""
So it's not undefined.
I repeat, only input elements (input, select, textarea) have a value attribute
!!> [].value;
@RUJordan "undefined"
Read the source, Luke.
jQuery is your father, Luke.
@RUJordan, you are right.
Protip: The .size() method is deprecated as of jQuery 1.8. Use the .length property instead.
Why 'search' is output of last command?
@RUJordan, roger that.
Look to the top right of your screen, you'll see a search box.
Ok, I've got it.
It has a placeholder "search"
Oh good
So seems like jQuery picks first element in array and grabs it's value?
damn.. is godaddy down or what. my domain stoppped working. =.=
@ИванБишевац just a moment, I'll make a fiddle for you

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