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they do
community === reason they make money
if they didn't listen to the community the community would go somewhere that would
ok, that's one of the best quotes I've ever seen
3 hours ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@Meredith if you're not a pedantic asshole then you should not be a software engineer
@copy no, unfortunately
thank you @BartekBanachewicz for summing up the software engineering sector
@rlemon absolutely correct. There is no power without community, and a community without weight is a dictatorship and we all know how well those work.
@FlorianMargaine :)
Well, unless you haven't taken a history class. Then you might not know
you know who doesn't listen? w3schools.
and guess who we all hate? ...^^
alas their uber SEO still lands them first result half the time
I go out of my way to anti-advocate w3schools
they could make a mint just telling people how in the fuck they rank so high on google
@rlemon - well, this site is geared towards programmers, people that respond well to imaginary internet points and the chance of getting more power as an elected mod, so sure community is important, but none of those people have any real power other than "internet power", that they put a lot of effort into, and get nothing in return, and frankly many of those mods are rather rude.
it's first-mover advantage
I disagree. programmers (should) be interested in learning, professional development, and getting the job done.
"politeness" doesn't enter the picture.
I get a LOT out of this site.

It has short-cutted my C# learning curve by years -- well worth every question I've answered.
@SimonSarris awesome meta post.
what I think you have fallen into is this incredible feeling of entitlement that seems to be washing over the internet of late.
@user3649503 Yeah, educating is meaningless
When I help people (and by doing that, also learn), the world is unchanged
@rlemon - So you're saying it's okay to be an asshole so long as the people you're being an asshole to learns something ?
I would assume most SO users aren't interested in being mods, either.
no, I'm saying there is no reason to go out of my way to be polite
there is also no reason to go out of my way to be an asshole.
but hey, sometimes shit happens.
Me personally, I like to learn, and when I can, teach
you are not entitled to shit. the world owes you nothing. don't ever forget it.
If some noob comes in here "HOW DO I HTML" with no code and doesn't listen to us, of course we're going to become dicks
I have no interest in being a Mod. I also don't care about rep (now that I can see deleted content for the luls)
@Loktar kinda sad about the responses/comments its gotten though
I like reputation, but I wont trip the fuck out if I get a downvote or something
Unless it's a downvote without reason. If I'm wrong, tell me why D: That's all I ever want
I really hate the idea of being so mean to new-comers. Sure there are loads of bad questions, but how you help those people still matters I think.
We should be telling bad question-askers how to ask better questions
@465544 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I don't really give a flying fuck about how you people behave, but one would expect moderators to be a little more polite, I've seen some horrid comments from mods on SO.
nods to @SimonSarris I often do explain why a question is bad, or why I edited it -- but that gets really tiring after a while.
@user3649503 define polite?
sugar coating everything?
holding users hands?
@SimonSarris I agree, I half jokingly was suggesting a coach/mentor program in the html room
I thought we were professionals not kindergarten students.
kind of like Valve has implemented for Dota2/tf2
@rlemon we aren't all professionals, just people using a website
@rlemon - You would actually be perfect as a mod ?
I don't think people should go out of their way to be assholes. but why shouldn't I tell you your code is horrible if it is.
I don't get why people complain about the bad questions anyway. If you don't like them don't answer them.
"that code is really bad" <- truth
"find a new hobby, programming isn't your thing" <- being an ass
the ultimate goal is for a correct answer to come up for a question you asked on google.
@SimonSarris That's nice and idealistic and all, and severely impractical
Q: javascript conditional Questions

user3657803Hi guys I have forms in my html which they contains some questions,must of them just have to option yes or no. with choosing yes option a text box show to fill extra comments and with selecting no it will hide i used drop-down for yes/no thanx for you advices

this is where I can be a bit snarky
At least ask a question...
@Loktar yet if the question you find on Google isn't the one you're looking for...
@rlemon - That's not being rude, it the code is horrible, there's nothing wrong with saying it, but there are a lot of rude comments, and some of those comments are posted by mods, and they should know better in my opinion.
People have said it numerous times, and I'll say it again: It's easy to be nice in the first 10 comments. It's not when you hit triple digits.
@JanDvorak search harder then
well said ^
@user3649503 "your opinion" I would need to see some examples
@JanDvorak that's when you hit page 2 of google
lol jk that's when you reword your keywords
because politeness is very objective
Who goes to page 2 anyways?
@Loktar yet noone will be searching for answers to certain questions
@Zirak - So by that logic SO should be getting more and more assholes as more users hit that magic limit
> Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required.
@Loktar I never remember enthusiast
I feel bad for non-native english speakers on SO especially
@user3649503 It's happening all around us, yes
But thre's also the effect of people not going to main any more.
sometimes they don't quite know how to articulate something, and they get shut down very easily
If it weren't for this chat, I wouldn't be active
people are lazy @SimonSarris its easier for them to close than to try and answer
@SimonSarris my stand on that is: I will close if it is bad regardless, I will not downvote if OP is just misguided.
@Zirak and I wouldn't exist D:
if OP is lazy SOB... kill it!
@Loktar my intention when closing is to remove bad content
I would like to think if a Question was closed as "XYZ" they would read why it was closed and ask better questions
Blessed are the early lazy askers though
@rlemon you'd think that......
the next lazy askers will search and find that Q, and won't have to ask it
@RUJordan world isn't perfect.
@SimonSarris - Yes, the ones that asked basic stuff five years ago and got thousands of upvotes without the question being closed within two seconds, and getting three-four snarky comments.
Q: JavaScript and Threads

NiyazIs there some way to do multi-threading in JavaScript?

this would be closed today
but only as a dupe of this question :P
There is a difference between not being able to articular and not even trying.
@JeremyJStarcher it's not always easy to distinguish, though
@user3649503 who was your user before this one?
because I REALLY find it hard to have this conversation with someone who has been on SO for 3 days...
Its like when I worked retail, some folks and strange grammar but I know what they wanted .... Otherswere like:

You got that thing that goes on like that thing? I need that black thing that goes on the back of that silver thang I bought like last week
eh I rarely close vote or dv, I dont get paid in anyway by SO. I just answer questions to help others because I've found answers on the site as well.
@rlemon - what makes you think I had one ?
idc how clean the site is, because its not mine.
not my job to clean it :P
so you have this much of an opinion about a community you've been a part of for all of three days?
@rlemon - what can I say, I'm an opinionated person !
although I did try to clean up the canvas section.. but gave up because so many people tag android canvas questions as canvas.
@rlemon @rlemon - what can I say, I'm an trolling person ! (source)
bah, a/an/
news.ycombinator.com/newest <- Please upvote 'Show HN: Search the open social graph'
@Loktar used to retag like 3-4 of those a week
@SimonSarris yeah you asked me to I remember.. so I started
@rlemon - are you saying I can't discuss the Meta question posted, is it only for those that have been a member for a certain amount of years, everyone else surely must be trolling ?
needs to be a kind of warning
there would be a few at least everyday
then it just got to be too muich
id miss a day or two and have like 8-10 or so
@MarkE and umm the other high score canvas guy are doing a good job now though
@user3649503 no i'm saying the statements you've made as opinionated as they are, are pretty weak considering you are so new to the community you can't really speak about it. I personally would say even attempting to would border on trolling
@SimonSarris make me a list. i'll help re-tag
@rlemon - for all you know I could have been an avid reader for the last five years, without ever registering, and you're being somewhat elitist thinking that your opinion is worth more than mine just because you've been active in the chatroom longer.
lol okay bud
Click a Q, see if it is talking about JavaScript or Java
has strong opinion on how the community leadership is bad : member of said community for 3 days.
if Java: Click edit tags, click "canvas", the "android-canvas" button will pop up as an option. Click it. Click done. Next Q.
Do that over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and
and type the comment "retagged for android-canvas"
@SimonSarris there has to be a better way to automate this .... starts thinking
and when the edit isn't accepted do it again.
(sorry to be insistent, but I need that karma juice publicity)
But there are several that are legimiately HTML5 Canvas having problems on the Android browser(s)
ahh, they are rejecting them @Loktar @SimonSarris ???
@SimonSarris Do a query on all qustions containing both and or
@rlemon - I never said the community leadership is bad, I said it was good for business and some mods are rude, and apparently so are some regulars as well
So you cannot retag ALL
@rlemon not usually
just sometimes and its annoying
You can easily do it with data.stackexchange.com , and definitely so with their API
I hate hackernews.
time to make you mini. frankly I don't care if you think anyone is rude or not. Community can vote / flag mods and 'regulars' all the same they can flag new users.
Heresy right?
hacker news is an ugly POS.
like the fucking craigslist of tech sites
@Loktar Meh. There's good and bad. They drive traffic, so that's important
@Loktar Eww and it's ycombinator's haha
It's seriously awful
I just don't understand its popularity
Though I do need the upvotes. 2 or 3 more and I'm on the front page.
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol thats why i went to it, to upvote you :p
....upvote didn't register.
Is it appearing on the new page?
ok should now
maybe I never clicked it like I thought I did :p
Great. Looks like it's dead.
or rather, no more upvotes.
I tried for you bro.
/me looks at the rest of the room
Ugh someone I know just failed his A+ cert...
I checked out some sample questions
ouch, did he study?
> Which of the following hard drive types has no moving parts?

a) Solid State
b) IDE
And holy shit this one's gotta be D
> Which of the following is MOST commonly used as a heat transfer medium within a computer?

a) Power supply
b) Case fan
c) Thermal compound
d) Anti-freeze
@Jhawins w3schools cert?
@JanDvorak These are comptia's certs
That he was doing. And I shit you not the above are sample questions hahaha
!!wiki thermal compound
@JanDvorak That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Thermal grease (also called thermal gel, thermal compound, thermal paste, heat paste, heat sink paste, thermal interface material, or heat sink compound) is a viscous fluid substance, originally with properties akin to grease, which increases the thermal conductivity of a thermal interface by filling microscopic air-gaps present due to the imperfectly flat and smooth surfaces of the components; the compound has far greater thermal conductivity than air (but far less than metal). In electronics, it is often used to aid a component's thermal dissipation via a heat sink. Thermal conduc...
@JanDvorak Not your fault. This should've been aliased for sure
@Jhawins they aren't all that easy
there are some crazy questions they throw in there
How about this one
> Which of the following memory modules can be installed at a 333MHz bus speed and operate at that speed?

a) PC133
b) PC1600
c) PC2100
d) PC2700
but.. if you self study its pretty easy to get
Yeah, I studied hard for A+
@Jhawins there you go!
@Jhawins ow.
@Loktar Umm... This was another example of simplicity?
I'd guess B
If you aren't a HW guy you wont know that sort of thing
Idk I'm a web developer / trucks guy and I know every sample one they gave me
I'm going to do it just because why the hell not? Hahaha
Yea, the buss speed stuff I don't keep up on. Last time I really had to worry about matching chips I was putting 4164's onto a circuit board to get a 3M expansion working.
do it, pay the $200 and take it tomorrow! :P
If they stump me in the real quiz... Well I got hustled.
they have a rather large pool of questions they pull from
I took the network+ like... 8 years ago or so
Fuck man I don't even have an actual home right now I can't do a $200 cert hahaha
haha I took the novel 5 net admin one back in 12th grade
Yeah I was thinking I want to pass A+ (duh), Network+ and Linux+
For myself
they are a bit pointless for devs, but just for your own knowledge aren't bad, however now they expire
oh god A+ certification
@DavidGonzalezShannon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
comptia is a racket man.
@llKoull Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is there anybody to help me with this question
lol I took a CiW one as well
its a total masquerade of authority
still have the cert was so easy
wow their site wont even load now.
A+ cert?
bam. Certified internet webmaster bitches.
How many of you can say that?
@llKoull bonjour
still counts more than a w3schools cert
the gov actually cared about that garbage :?
haha true
I really wish there were some decent web ones, just so I could do for fun
@Hussein have you tried CSS ?
but then I'm glad there aren't because companies would start looking at them
@CS_STEM what do u mean
@Loktar Impregnate me, o' superior one.
I will with my certified web master dick. Ill also be wearing my turtle neck sweater and have the cert attached with a gold chain.
the babies will be glorious.
@Hussein CSS is a language that deals mainly with Display here is a link to the info on CSS animation w3schools.com/css/css3_animations.asp
Oct 13 '11 at 20:25, by Zirak
$("wife").impregnate({success : recursion, error : blameGod});
@Loktar Oh yeah? Are you ... CompTIA Net+?!?
@Jhawins Fuck I'm awesome
Feb 13 at 17:12, by Kendall Frey
impregnate all the things!
@SomeKittensUx2666 no
nor novel certified either :(
@Jhawins Command kendallhumps learned
/me has A+, Net+, Security+, and MCP
Feb 13 at 17:12, by Abhishek Hingnikar
> News Flash : In canada a guy named Kendall Frey was spotted humping random objects. As per our sources he is trying to "impregnate all the things".
I failed the novel cert as a senior. But I didn't have to pay which was nice
@SomeKittensUx2666 when did you get them?
Do they matter?
@Loktar High School.
I haz no cert
wasn't it like 2010 that they started the expirations?
@CS_STEM hay i know what is the css
ah nice, so yours are good forever right?
@Jhawins lol no
Will companies stop wasting my time if I get them? I don't care if they make a real world difference, but man if I get hired it's worth the money and time.
only if you want to work in network administration
@Loktar Yes, my Windows XP certification won't ever expire.
There should be oop certs though
@SomeKittensUx2666 yet Windows XP will
thats what I went to college for initially. You'd be surprised how far you can get in netadmin with programming knowledge
GoF patterns or stuff like that
you can automate so much shit
@Hussein what exactly do you need to know about CSS?
Be a devop
@CS_STEM hay i know everything about css
@JanDvorak thatsthejoke.jpg
@Hussein from W3schools? That doesn't count.
I think people should just start hiring developers the way it makes sense to hire developers... Call the guy, ask a language specific but common sense question, then call me back the next day when you say you will.
hahah @Jhawins yea
@Hussein What's the major difference between <div> and <span>?
the calling back is the important part
@Jhawins I've got two pending callbacks...
lol I'm just saying... This has happened 3 times from big name companies
@SomeKittensUx2666 are u okay??!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you sure your phones working ok?
@SomeKittensUx2666 I know I know I know, may I answer?
you ask me about block level and inline level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The other two called me like weeks later and were like oh we has a scheduling error but now we've filled the position
If you say you're going to "call me back" and you don't... Big deal.
@Hussein Fair enough, you pass the 'not an idiot' test with regards to CSS, but not chat room etiquette.
If you say "We'll call you back between 12-1:30 for a phone interview" after I tell them I'll take a lunch and coordinate with that. That's when you're a douche.
@Hussein then you know what you should use. IE: element:hover{animation will go here} in the animation you should change the position / size of the element for an options menu (if applicable)
@Hussein Then call you tell me how I can apply a background gradient over all of the body's height?
Oct 13 '11 at 20:23, by Ryan Kinal
jQuery.baby sends an email to John Resig, requesting that he impregnate you or your significant other.
That impregnate search was wonderful
@SomeKittensUx2666 You're always looking for a different job lol
@Zirak do you really not know or are you testing him?
@CS_STEM I really don't know
I couldn't find anything that works
sneaky bastard
But if he knows everything about css...
@Jhawins Nah, not planning on leaving. Just getting some practice in.
what happened with with room
Ah ok they got me. No idea. And why haha
> Which of the following technologies can support the MOST devices simultaneously?

a) USB 1.1/2.0
c) FireWire B
d) IEEE 1394
Yesterday's tech screen revealed I needed to know more about CSS basics (not just rules)
@Jhawins I thing USB/SCSI are both limited to 127 per controller.
Nice. If interviewing didn't mean traveling multiple hours I would be taking more
and IEEE 1394 === FireWire (63)
So I'm wrong somewhere. Probably SCSI
@Zirak try html{background-color:pick a color ie. red , blue ,grey} also w3schools.com/css/css3_animations.asp navigate around the CSS section
15 daisy chained right?
Yeah, just checked
so it's USB
fuck yea
@CS_STEM w3schools is a terrible resource...
15 can be chained
> A user reports that their laptop is very hot to touch when it is operating. Which of the following could be the cause of the increased laptop temperature?
127 via usb I guess
I choose > d) The system time may not be set correctly
@Jhawins dust in their fans duh
@JanDvorak yes it is but it is very useful to a beginner.
@CS_STEM it is not.
@CS_STEM Nope. In fact it's harmful
@user502290 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar Technically 128, but the controller counts as one.
Wait...now I can't reproduce the CSS mindfuck
I vividly remember having fucked up background gradients
I will not argue about it.

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