A user (arserbin3) has gone and edited a bunch of posts to replace all "xxx" with "example" — edit comment is along the lines of "remove porn links".
Here is one of the edits:
Here is the question:
@DaveDawkins Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
It took me more time to apply pureCSS to it (and I used a existing layout!) and pushing it to git than the actual code itself; BUT ITS MADE :D @m59 @RUJordan @DrogoNevets https://github.com/moshmage/angbookmark my first angular app :) [also @rlemon for PureCSS]
After reading this, it reminded me a bit of this (Group 4 here) as well. Reflecting on the second question in the post on sympathetic up-votes brought about this question. Perhaps my Google skills are failing me (again) and it is obviously posted somewhere... but I can't seem to find it. What is ...
According to the promise resolution procedure of Promises/A+ specification it is
possible to resolve a deferred with a promise.
For example in Q library you just do:
Whether the implementation of promises bundled with jQuery supports this? I tried the same with jQue...
@SimonSarris It's a byproduct of any large community where the community has a say in the rules/values. Those who care about enforcing the rules also set them
@SimonSarris Yesish. Basically, people feel important because they enforce the rules, so they create more rules to enforce so they can yell at more people and feel better about their worthless fedora-tipping neckbearding lives.
@RUJordan - so you're saying that Joel couldn't just pull the plug an shut this thing down tomorrow, he would have to ask the anonymous comunity elected moderators first ?
@dreilly83 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user3649503 I'm not saying anything about the site owner. It's pretty obvious he's "in control" but as for content, the community controls the content.
Stack's response has been to close down some of the wider avenues that the Fedora-Tipping Neckbeards (FTN's) use to shout down noobs - but that has the side effect of worsening the SNR, as said avenues were also used to close terrible questions.
/me was programming before the Internet was even a good idea. If you had a computer question, you waited till your next Computer Club meeting and asked then. Or you did conference calls -- like -- voice. On the phone.
@rlemon - I know there are investors and others, and they wouldn't shut down a money machine, just saying that the community doesn't really control anything, they just think they do, which is the brilliant part.