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!!afk perfect day free half day off off work
wuuuuu achieved my first 4096 tile manually!
you guys know how when you hover over something, the border turns blue and gets slightly bigger? Is that a standard bootstrap thing?
please take a moment to realize how much like I've spent in this
I'm probably not going to have luck for the rest of my life coz of this
@dondom I hope you find him somewhere in jungles
@Jacobi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@copy i remember you did something nasty to print alphabets
he is dead or alive
so where is rest of the family
7e9 light years :o ?
So I saw something that said 2048 was actually a rip off of another game...
I wonder if that's actually true.
@twiz Nah, it's a ripoff of a ripoff
yes you will find one if you grow lil more hairs
I found too many girls, was hard settling on one AMIRIGHT!
@twiz first game was "threes" i think
^ yeah
I feel bad for the threes devs
@Loktar that is because you have an acceptable amount of eye brow.
do u guys use strict mode or not?
my code flows free
@DevilAbhi nah I just hit up the 70 y/o's
I'm surprised they aren't taking that to court...
is there any reason to?
@twiz can't patent game mechanics
there is nothing they can do
can I just bin the last 3 hours of conversation?
that means you
@Loktar you work on ladies saloon at that time? :P
@Loktar Is the size of the board the same? I assume that would be considered IP
I beg you, please do it.
@twiz nope, that would mean that people could never make chess/checkers clones, ect.
@dondom if you grow some I am sure there will be a line of same species to marry with you
@Loktar Those would be old enough to be public domain, I assume.
I mean it sucks what happened, but I am not for allowing the patenting of any game mechanics
that would choke the shit out of the industry
Attention to all of the people I've never seen in here before: you are strange and damaging the fabric of this room. stop talking about monkeys, women, aliens, and other plants.
imagine if ID was the only company that could make FPS's for example
well he was talking about planets
@dondom If you wish it to be a plant...
!!afk ....
@Loktar Interesting though. Their fatal flaw was that they assumed users wanted a more difficult game.
@dondom i was talking about this
40 mins ago, by dondom
i come from the planet of the monkeys
What is happening?
like this one...
@DevilAbhi then go back
@rlemon which? :-)
@DevilAbhi LOLZZAAAERRRZZZ shut up.
/me takes of Canadian hat and turns into asshole, eh?
@rlemon are you canadian?? O:
not anymore
go away <- as a non Canadian I can now say this
@dondom wow ding ding we have a winner!
what gave you the idea he was Canadian?
@Loktar i thought because he said he wear canadian hat ;-)
Oh your skills of perception are far greater than mine, bravo good sir.
^ looks pretty Canadian to me
Who DOESN'T wear a Canadian hat?
@rlemon why away? what i do now?
err .. native american?
That's a woman?
I'm bulk trashing anyone who says anything over the top stupid now.
Funny how his username looks like something I'd fuck an ass with.
aaaah yes i reread it and can see the meaning now
@FlorianMargaine motex love extra large
!!mute DevilAbhi 2h
@rlemon Muted user 3409600 for 2h
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
@DevilAbhi you probably shouldn't test me
fine then I wont type things SO...
I was in the nginx conf files today
i'm not in a good mood
@DevilAbhi just fyi, room owners can see deleted messages
@Loktar That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
shit. I suck.
wait did it work?
@dondom you shouldn't be muted.
or did someone else do it
I did it
condom was muted?
ok good
Caprica may have been late with the access grant ???
@dondom can you speak in here?
Mute ALL the noobs
btw, access tab cleaned.
Only 64 people there now...instead of 11k
I like that
RSDL (RESTful Service Description Language) is a machine- and human-readable XML description of HTTP-based web applications (typically REST web services). The language (invented by Michael Pasternak during his work on oVirt RESTful API) allows to document the model of the resource(s) provided by a service, the relationships between them, and operations and the parameters that must be supplied for the operations. It specifies if parameters are mandated; and describes possible overloads as parameters sets. RSDL is intended to simplify the reuse of web services that are based on the HT...
wsdl for REST
but not mandatory at all
ew, it's XML
@LucianoPinheiro Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dondom you have write access now
@Zirak Caprica didn't grant him ??
Wait, you muted him, but he doesn't appear there?
I didn't mute him
I muted the other guy
he requested access after the page refreshed and the bot didn't grant it
And he's in the explicit write access
because I moved him there by hand
Sentience maybe?
@Zirak get on freenode
Mind being more specific?
i was going to say "please people calm down" and stop talking funny before the block happened.
@Zirak see edit
yeah, one sec
...how do I not have irssi yet
erc it is
i'm using CIRC
it isn't bad.
seems I was missing all the 'fun' whilst answering one of dondoms questions. lol
@Zirak irssi bros
erc is the IRC client that comes with emacs
We should write an irc client.
It's actually pretty boring
writing a <insert protocol> client is boring, generally speaking
Writing a server can be more interesting.
Want something cool? Write a router
The FBI and state police are raiding this giant company in the next county over right now.
@FlorianMargaine you have so many cool projects :P
@FlorianMargaine Not that kind of router
So something cool might have been happening near me. Like human trafficking :)
You know, the network device? Cornerstone of the internet?
// I'm joking. Please
@Zirak :P
I know. Just saying it's the same kind of thing though. Get packet in, see who it's for, read table, send accordingly
lol no wait. They just took every single scrap of paper in the building in uhaul trucks.
The FBI went and rented uhaul trucks instead of bringing their own.
@rlemon not as cool as your canvas demos
@jbejar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlorianMargaine nope. cooler. because they actually are useful :P
nobody uses them though, so the point is moot
@FlorianMargaine That's the gist. The implementation is hard.
You've got all sort of shit to think about, and it gets really hard when you're actually in the internet, not just bridging the ISP and a home network
@SomeKittensUx2666 lolwut?
@Zirak like what?
@rlemon THE FUTURE
oh btw... wrt soaj, there's a wink to my wife
default port is her birthday
wtf finally!!
but she'll never know :(
@FlorianMargaine How do you build the routing table? What happens on flooding? Is there a DHCP server in the network? (if there isn't, you need to be one) You're also likely to not just be a router but a PAT.
@FlorianMargaine you sly cat you
What should I do for Interview today?
biggest javascript file in the world <i>may</i> be 21,5MB
@Zirak oh, not just a router then
@MiloPrice Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dondom ?!?
@GitaarLAB Yes?
In relation to reading packets: What about corrupted or malformed packets? What do you do? Are you purely ethernet? You need to implement CSMA/CD
biggest javascript file in the world <i>may</i> be 21,5MB
@GitaarLAB I can do better
@Zirak ah, got what you're talking about
oh, just a curiosity i wanted to share :D
Just implementing packet forwarding isn't difficult...in case it's a perfect world.
@dondom based on what?
@dondom also, we use Markdown here
@GitaarLAB Google fairk
@SomeKittensUx2666 like this
@FlorianMargaine Do what better ? :)
Q: Chat Easy Input Tools - Provides keyboard shortcuts for common text formatting commands

rlemon About Provides keyboard shortcuts for common text formatting commands, reducing the dependency on mouse usage. Current version does not have a configurable set of hotkeys but later versions will. How to use. All of the following commands are run if the user has focus in the chat input area. ...

this: a javascript implementation of p2p chat
there is also this ^^^
@Jc. come back in 25 minutes
you now have enough rep but it takes some time to release

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