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First commit is up: github.com/JavaScriptRoom/Zoe
As you can see, it's teeming with activity
@adeneo where's the original code? to compare
Hi everyone.
Good Morning :)
Morning >.<
Morning ^.^
@Zirak Are you planning on building this in node?
@Connor replace the last eval with alert of console.log, it's about 5831 characters something if I remember correctly. The packed data = 3510 characters (excluding unpacu/run code). However I did enjoy dissecting the code, but think it doesn't really help me with my question, since it feels more like a transport minification (disregarding gzip) where the packed data is still unpacked to something (whereas I wonder if I should unpack to array(s) or string(s)).
@GitaarLAB i did thanks, it's minified beforehand
@Connor yes, that to!
@BigShow Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@leonardfactory Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi, morning
@Catalyst Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
sad part is they accomplish nothing ( cc @ThiefMaster )
Seems legit…
off to bed :)
It seems like a lot of effort.
Offender has nothing else to do
Any angular expert ?
Q: Browser getting struck with angular ng-repeat

samitha<div ng-controller="branchList"> <input type='button' value='click' ng-click='submit()' /> <ul> <li ng-repeat="branch in data">{{branch.db}} : <table class="table table-condensed"> <tr> <th ng-repeat='sets in branch.sum'>{{sets.TYPE}}<...

Argh. Why do people use so much bloatware? They wonder why things don't work…
Good lesson to be learned: motherfuckingwebsite.com
Does anyone here use gulp?
I'm wondering what the proper way would be to combine two streams and pipe them through something together
I guess that's it
I didn't want to do it that way it annoyed me needing a plugin
soo... I went about it a retarded way
I make 2 files, a dependency.js file, and the main.js
and just concat both
and I make one of the tasks dependent on the other
Hi, I know there is a jQuery plugin that shows tooltip in sequence, like a detailed presentation. I don't remember the name. Does anyone know any? Please.
@JamieLester Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Cadence96 qTip
@Cadence96 intro.js
So, kind of a random question, but it's for work. Our website helps sexual assault victims, and we have a link in the footer for "emergency leaving the site" just in case the victim is in danger -- I was wondering how we could make it so that when they click that link, it deletes their browser history for safety reasons?
@RUJordan: I don't see how a webpage can manipulate the client's history, unless I'm misinterpreting your question.
No, you aren't. It doesn't have to be javascript, I was just curious if it was possible. It would be good for victim safety in case the attacker was keeping an eye (domestic reasons etc)
Q: dot.js templates define a global helper function

lhwparisi want to define and use a global helper function for the dot.js template engine how can i do this? What i want to do is is something like this: var xyz = function(p1, p2) { return p1 + p2;} And use it in a dot.js template like this: {{xyz(2,5)}} Is it possible to do? Where can i define th...

@fred Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RUJordan I think, the only thing you can do is location.replace which will remove the current page from the history, but not any before that
@RUJordan I reckon the easiest solution would be to have instructions on the site for doing it yourself in all major browsers
we have that but I was thinking if they need to leave in a rush they wont be able to clear the history in time, especially in an emergency
@RUJordan You can't protect someone from everything
Yeah I know but anything we can do helps these victims.
It's not a task of mine, I was just thinking of ways to make it safer
Track the IP and send old bill round then
Naw, we don't track IP addresses.
Anonymity is big
Well, that's how you make it safer ;)
In node, what are "global" variables actually a property of?
I've heard someone say global is like window but that doesn't seem quite right.
@gee Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
nm people are silly on the internet
is this valid?
@CapricaSix are making changes to this or is @rlemon is the admin of this group.
$(window).on('resize', function () {
	$('.servicesButtons').each(function() {
		var currentParent = $(this).parents('.services');
		if (parseFloat($(this).offset().top) + parseFloat($(this).height()) >
			(parseFloat(currentParent.offset().top) + parseFloat(currentParent.height()) - 15.4800415039063)) {
			currentParent.find('.servicesBodies').height(parseFloat(currentParent.find('.servicesBodies').height()) -
														 (parseFloat($(this).offset().top) + parseFloat($(this).height()) -
														 (parseFloat(currentParent.offset().top) +
If it is, it ought not be.
my problem is that, it doesn't set the height in resizing window
I checked it with console.log and saw it returns the correct value in resizing window
you folk again
@SomeKittensUx2666 <3
That's the sweetest thing somebody could say on the internet now.
It's like the equivalent to diamondzz
Morning everybody. Hope all is well in the world. Need some help and debug experience to guide me towards a fix. Relaunched our website last night and cannot get a particular feature working - namely adding/subtracting products within the cart page. For example please add a product and proceed to checkout, add/minus product hangs ukelectricalsupplies.com/byron-shop-bell.htm
Now, we have the old site spun up elsewhere and it still works. oldsite.ukelectricalsupplies.co.uk/byron-shop-bell.htm
What exactly is causing the hang, I've checked console and no JS errors aside from a warning -> Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html: "http://www.ukelectricalsupplies.com/scripts.js".
could that be my issue?
@Daffy most probably
@Daffy actually, scripts.js includes this
document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write('');
@Connor erm!?! When i look at the actual code it doesn't. Very odd.
harrumph, there's something going on with redirects then as that's not the actual location. That is a great starter to investigate though! We are on Apache
What does your .htaccess look like?
big and confusing, and not changed by me as I'm useless at that stuff. Now, I've just looked on oldsite and scripts.js does exactly the same, suggesting that isn't the issue as it works there
I think the right route might be this mime type thing, but that's pretty much 99% guesswork
@Daffy That would probably be caused by your .htaccess file
really? in what sense
as in headers are wrong?
I also neglected to mention that the function works per se, so if you refresh the page the cart has actually been updated
@Daffy add alert('alert') to one of the files and see if the code is actually executed
While i listen to coldplay
Hahaha, I've Miles Davis on myself. It's keeping me calm!
> If peeing your pants is cool call me Miles Davis. - Old Woman from Billy Madison
I love that film, don't remember that line though
@RUJordan Who's your favorites artist?
It was the old woman from the field trip to like that old town recreation thing
I'm guessing spice girls..?
@Connor artist as in band or paintings (etc)..?
I guess I would have to say Bullet for My Valentine
@Daffy I get no alert.
Make sure your cache is proper clean
@BenjaminGruenbaum happy birthday man! Wishing you the best <3
on the up/down qty buttons? Very odd, will incognito and try again
@RUJordan never heard of um
ah welsh
Metal band from Wales
Takes me 10 mins to get to wales :D
I did it on a different URL btw, don't want to do it on live.

Have you heard of Royal Blood? They're very up and coming and even better the singer is my brother in law
But I also like rap so I would say Meek Mill is my favorite rapper or A$AP Rocky
@Daffy Nope, i'll ave a look later
I definitely get the alert on incognito too
@Daffy What am i supposed to be doing?
add to cart, go to checkout and click up/down on the quantity buttons\
@RUJordan I used to listen to a bit of eminem, untill you realise that they're all a bit f*cked up, everything they do is about hate and violence and blood and death and sex and drugs, but that goes for 90% of the music industry
What I find funny is women who love rap are just degrading themselves
@Daffy did you write all the js?
no chance, i rewrote html and css and tiny bits of js, i'm only an amateur you see
@Daffy Ok, well the js I'm seeing is dreadful
that doesn't surprise me, and funnily enough you're not the first person to say so, my friend helped me on one bit once and was a bit puzzled by most of it!
bedroom warriors built the site, an office warrior tidied it up (me).
@Daffy does it work on the old site?
link if so
yeah, perfectly well
Ok, I've found the problem, i think
@Daffy do you know much about update_cart.php?
ok, that sounds hopeful
not a lot, but i can figure bits of it out
is it the time thing?
@Daffy Well, when you click the addition buttion, javascript queries update_cart.php and then it sends a response, on your new site, update_cart.php is not sending any response
on the old site it sends this back from the server
"2|16.00|0.00||<select name="update_delivery" id="update_delivery" style="width:250px; font-size:11px" onchange="change_delivery('cart.htm')"><option value="">Please Select</option><option value="2-5 DAYS DELIVERY" selected>2-"...
on your new site it sends this back
thats really strange because the code hasn't changed
then it could be the URL
which ultimately could be down to the time part of the query string? or a.n. other from a plethora of possibilities?
@Daffy The request URL look the same
there is a timeout part of the code
could it be timing out?
no, it's something to do with the serverr
@Daffy actually, what's the time param of the url?
oh god, i'm sorry Connor now I'm in above my head, i've no familiarity with this side of the code. I've pasted the function here pastebin.com/RF3NTexT
@Daffy Yeah, I've been looking at that for the past 10 mins, that is the same as the old code
is there anything i can do that may help - if i put the time in an alert perhaps?
@Daffy you'll have to compare the code of oldsite update_card.php and newsite, or post the code and ill look
i've had a look at the code and it genuinely appears to be identical, i'll have to leave it for now because my colleague can look into some of the URI stuff and has a better understanding. 1 million thank yous for all your help this morning
@user2225118 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Does anybody know a place where i can find collection of good questions all together of JS
@TusharGupta What do you mean by good questions?
Q: Javascript Promises/Q - Am I Doing This Right?

MichaelI'm trying to use Q within NodeJS to create some amqplib wrappers. The wrappers are working correctly (so far), but I have the feeling my usage of Q is... incorrect. First, there's an initialization method: private static Startup(): void { var sub_YoMsgHandler = (msg: any) => { con...

@monners Questions difficult to solve .
@monners i know that link :)
@monners any other place to find question which are interesting .
Nothing in terms of a list of em
@monners oh ..!!!
Please stop pinging me
@monners Sorry :)
@Imieee Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
its going to be bad, today !
Bad in what sense?
Michael Jackson bad?
Bad in girlfriends family coming over to meet mine, they are pissed bad.
#define inIndia Thats Bad
@AbhishekHingnikar Why are they pissed?
@monners worries every boyfriend ever.
parents need to grow the hell up
true that.
after today things might become too good or too bad
@AbhishekHingnikar You're a man of extremes, aren't ya? :P
granted i am leaving india without her, thats too bad in both the cases
@UmarFarooq Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@monners i am a developer, my life is binary :P :P
@AbhishekHingnikar Just wait till quantum state computing comes in. You'll be screwed :P
@monners thats equivalent to falling in love with female. :-(
Yeah, girls sound complicated
the more scared i am the better my jokes are.. Hmm i should probably do standup comedy with somebody holding a sword up my head
@Alex Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AbhishekHingnikar Yeah, girls ARE complicated (source)
!!s/girls/ recursive functions/
@monners @AbhishekHingnikar Yeah, recursive functions ARE complicated (source) (source)
@AbhishekHingnikar @monners @AbhishekHingnikar Yeah, recursive functions ARE simple (source) (source) (source)
my question is long and you can read it here and ans me
@monners @AbhishekHingnikar @monners @AbhishekHingnikar Yeah, recursive functions AREN\'t simple (source) (source) (source) (source)
!!tell UmarFarooq echo Learn JavaScript
@UmarFarooq Learn JavaScript
@UmarFarooq are you kidding me ? like seriously ?
cant u just declare a variable and define its value in php and then use the variable in javascript ?
the reason to goback to that function is
var start = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(start, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
var end = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(end, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
tell can i get the values of these variable outside of that function?
!!echo for(var i=0; i<10; i++){echo i;}
for(var i=0; i<10; i++){echo i;}
@CapricaSix you idiot, you have to execute it.. /help
@AwalGarg Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
You know, there was this funny idea once upon a time that people were supposed to test out commands and "play" in the sandbox
@Meredith Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy o/
You never sent me the beta for Snapick
@t1wc great
12 messages moved to bin
:16379228 now how do I override the max execution time?
You don't.
That's the point
@AwalGarg Are you trying to crash our beloved Caprica?
@SomeGuy certainly, it possible, just that I don't know it..
@monners no I am just trying to have fun by seriously slowing it down...
Good luck with that
Why would a bot have a command that allowed someone to crash it?
@monners That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: erase
@monners and yep, also crash it
!!help erase
@AwalGarg erase: User-taught command: tehe
Well, we have die, but that's an emergency thing for owners
@AwalGarg And what does that achieve, other than pissing everyone else off?
@monners fun, ofcourse Zirak would bring it back in a minute or so..
@AwalGarg Ain't nobody got time fo dat
@SomeGuy Reading Hitch-22 at the moment. Will need your next recommendation pretty soon
Try Chaos Walking
Not that into walking...
Is there a Chaos Cycling version?
@AwalGarg Hl Awl Grg! H i awsm.... I l hm :
Haha, the first book is called, "The Knife of Never Letting Go"
@AwalGarg You do not have permission to use the command undo
@AwalGarg Stop spamming the room. We will ban you from using the bot
@SomeGuy is it possible?
I think a demonstration might be in order
hm, the sandybox is calling me
someone has got to come and see sandbox
@monners it arrived just a while ago...
Hitch-22 looks pretty interesting
I'll add it to my list
!!oh this silence
@SomeKittensUx2666 First line of the README github.com/JavascriptRoom/Zoe
A question
does the .show() and .hide() feature work perfectly in chrome ?
I have tried [this fiddle](http://jsfiddle.net/y7dKT/3/) on chrome. It works fine for the first time, but after it not anymore. The snippet however works fine in FF / IE.
if i use .hide() to hide the elements in js instead of in CSS, it even doesn't show the content when hovering.
@KarelG That's actually really weird
Congrats, you win the "legit question concerning jquery of the week" award
The display : block is set, but it doesn't seem to be doing much, for some reason
Going to the style directly has the same results: jsfiddle.net/y7dKT/4
(note that I moved the declaration of currText, it makes more sense this way, as each container has his own, it's not some shared state)
...messing with a class also has the same effect
I'm missing something obvious. And I'm also talking to myself.
@rlemon So how would you describe it? Such a...zone of danger.
@Zirak What time is it over there?
I... but.... ugh....
@KarelG It's not a javascript thing: jsfiddle.net/y7dKT/5
That is a peculiar bug. Maybe because it's in an iframe?
No! Locally it also doesn't work
wtf chrome?
@KarelG Sorry, I don't know what to tell you. Report a bug: crbug.com/new
Not sure that is a bug
try messing with removing the float left
or clearfixes
I'm waiting for the dime to drop on what I'm missing...but it's weird. Why would it work only the first time around?
wtf, removing the floats does actually cause correct behaviour
Oh this CSS bullshit...
That's seriously strange
Never seen that before
Removing the float on tab-text makes it work
Still, submit a bug. At the very least it's non-conforming behaviour (to the status quo. Though I'm pretty sure it's a bug.)
!!should I play GW2 or work a bit on Zoe?
@Zirak work a bit on Zoe
Strange that this isn't already a well-known issue. Seems like something that'd crop up quite a bit.
Just two more weeks until campjs
nah it is a css issue
the floats are fucked up
Definitely an issue. Meriting a bug report.
The content is floating off frame
put the content into a div and you can see that the div is collapsed
the phrase content is not cleared at any point
.tab-container:last-child {
    clear: both;
@Imanol Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
let me just try and make a fiddle instead.. what I am saying is making no sense =]
here is a working example, by adding float left to the image.jsfiddle.net/y7dKT/6
Also try boxing the current html in div, you would notice that the content is properly put inside of it (it has no height).
Another way would to put the image after the div that float left.
Another way would be to avoid using floats for layout
Just inline-block those suckers
or making sure to clear them =]
Q: Cannot read property 'promise' of undefined

LukasI have this code: var someFunction = { option01 : function($el){ $el.css('color', 'red'); }, option02 : function($el){ $el.css('background-color', 'blue'); } } var my_div = $('.my_div'); someFunction.option01(my_div).promise().done(function() { console.l...

NodeJS header properties are stupid, ie response['Content-Type'] do you think renaming them all to camelCase is acceptable?
Yeah...that's not quite node specific
It's kind of, you know, ubiquitous to http
Yeah, but i mean, working with them in node, response['Content-Type'] kinda takes the piss
i forgot about setting
is getters & setters going to far? it's really annoying
Helper function, or stop caring
@Zirak probably take an overdose
Hello all. Anyone online here?
!!welcome macroscripts
@macroscripts Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Did Mozilla fail with sweets.js?
@CapricaSix Hello Caprica. I think that it's polite to ask if anyone is online but it could be just me. :) The question is is there a way to recognize English and non English text in JS ? I have a project to get some text and I want to get non English text too to use in google translate.
That's not trivial, and a widely studied field of area.
Language identification is the process of determining which natural language given content is in. Traditionally, identification of written language - as practiced, for instance, in library science - has relied on manually identifying frequent words and letters known to be characteristic of particular languages. More recently, computational approaches have been applied to the problem, by viewing language identification as a special case of text categorization, a Natural Language Processing approach that relies on statistical methods. Non-computational approaches In the field of library sc...
@macroscripts I think you have top pay for google translate, but IIRC microsoft have a free service
@Connor There is this node.js solution but I am not good with node.js . A total beginner in it. github.com/FGRibreau/node-language-detect
@macroscripts Yeah, and if you look, you'll find that it's around a thousand lines of code, so it's not a simple task
So, are you using node?
@Connor For this task I am not using node . I am beginning to learn it. I am using iMacros FireFox addon and JS scripting.
@macroscripts Do some research on either Google Translate Api or some other service, see if the offer a free Javascript api, then come back when you've found the answer and need some help
@Connor Thanks. Going right now.
@ImranBughio Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Connor Found something that I am not sure how to use. github.com/richtr/guessLanguage.js
Is there a way to use some of these .js files , paste in my JS code. Use it as a function to pass text to and return which language it is?
@Annabel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
sorry @dumdum told you it was pointless
19 downvotes? wow
@macroscripts yeah
@Zirak : thx
@rlemon Aww, shit
@KendallFrey I got 35 the other day :)
@KarelG You're welcome. What for?
for looking in the show/hide behavior. But ronni pointed out that it's a CSS thing. Didn't looked to that :o
But...I pointed out it's a CSS thing ;-; removed all js from the equation
And still, I'd submit a bug report.
At least for non-conforming behaviour
Hi Kendall. Long time haven't had a chat :)
Can you extract useful function from this https://github.com/richtr/guessLanguage.js/blob/master/lib/guessLanguage.js
@BenjaminGruenbaum How was your birthday?
Hung over?
Did you wake up somewhere funny?
@rlemon I just woke up and it's 3:30 pm
Do you remember calling me from the playground last night asking for advice on the best angle to squat from?
@Sobieck00 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone who helps me to extract useful function from this github.com/richtr/guessLanguage.js/blob/master/lib/… I will pay gladly :)
does anyone speak/write Ogham anymore?
apart from beards in college basements
Beards can speak Ogham!?
@Zirak did you even have a doubt?
@macroscripts Hi. If you can't figure out how to use that file, I suggest you stop claiming to be some js authority and go back to learning. It literally has the one function...quite obviously named.
@t1wc I only have a doubt about jquery
@Zirak when did I claim I was js authority?
@macroscripts tomorrow
> I've gotten a lot of experience with iMacros JavaScript scripting so I decided to contribute to stackoverflow community.
And a website (quite blank, admittedly)
@Zirak iMacros JavaScript
read what it says :)
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that iMacros javascript is completely different than javascript
^ for the room in irc
They're like two different languages
@Zirak well if you are such authority then explain how to use this function.
What? No...first, I never claimed to be anything. Second, that destroys the whole point of you knowing how to do it yourself
You don't tell someone "learn how it's done", and then tell them how it's done :P

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