I agree you have the moral high ground here, but then again people are murdered around the world every day in concentration camps and most people wear clothes made by abused starving children, so I don't think about animals any more than I think about all those people.
I just like the taste of meat, a lot. Just like you like your electronics created by children whose childhood was stolen from them to make electronics for the western world.
yea its pretty much up for everyone. But the problem here is, actually there is no choice because people raise their children as meat eaters, industry raises society to meat eaters
like you see AD's everywhere from wendys, KFC, burger king, etc. etc. showing how good and great it is to eat meat and abuse animals therefore.. nobody cares about it and its "standard", but as soon someone brings up the hard facts about meat and diary industries
@Loktar you're dead on spot with that.. processed food is the evil. I'm not even saying that all animal products is bad for humans (even if I believe its healthier living without it), but industrial processed shit is our end eventually
@Neil not trying to myke any generalization, I'd say we should start eating true "food" with clean nutritions and stop eating.. crazy processed stuff with all kinds of chemicals, sugars and fats no one needs
@AwalGarg Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
like.. an Apple is food, a banana is food, but a fucked up peace of meat at Wendys.. where the animal was feed to the cheapest shit possible to make it grow fast and then warmed up in the cheapest oil available, basically killing any nutritions isn't food anymore
@AwalGarg Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks, I don't know if I should do this or not, but can I get some help for this (Please don't suspend me if this is wrong, you can just tell me so...)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes ofcourse, that imgur api...
The problem I am encountering is, how do I first take the local image to ckeditor, and then to imgur? It really baffles me! I just need some guidance as in how to proceed?
@dystroy And fyi, I am locally testing the service with wamp for now. Once the code is done, I would make it live... And I want everything to work only under https, thus, redirect any http traffic to https... I hope it is possible
I did that kind of thing with imgur uploading but only with a nodejs server, I don't have PHP code to help you (hey, it's the js room, not the php room)
If you want to see how it's done in js in order to understand the process, let me know
@AwalGarg In a few words it's how are commonly encoded parts in a POST request body. busboy helps decoding that and reading the parts as streams in a nodejs application. Using PHP this would be done very differently I think even if you'd still have to get (if possible in stream) the file from the POST data.
(not "encoded", rather "bundled" or a better word)