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@Zirak <3
@Zirak crack babies are awesome for soccer
close this ?
Q: how to manage graphics synchronously in javascript?

SebasMaybe you never noticed, but within a javascript event handler for example, all the graphical changes you can do to an element (for example an image) will be computed and only the final state will be displayed. At least this is the behaviour with chrome and firefox. The workaround to this is to ...

@Zirak sup?
Still alive, and you?
Hanging in there :)
Did you
Did I
Wait, I can't use the rest of the reference here, it's too offensive :P
A "numeric literal" in JS is a number whose value is "literally" what it says in the source code? True or false?
@sammyg True or false is always true.
Badly said but about true. A numeric literal is a part of code.
@BenjaminGruenbaum How is that?
har har...a logician has his first child...his friends ask him whether it's a boy or a girl. The logician says "true".
@sammyg well, try it, type true || false into your console.
@RUJordan I can't even understand the question
@Zirak I hope your vacation is going well
@dystroy it took me a minute -- the default size if the input is 13, but if a period is entered, the size should change to 16 to accommodate 2 decimal points
Why it has 4 upvotes I'm not sure though
@sammyg Well, kinda. Is 4e2 literally 400? Is 9007199254740993 literally 9007199254740992?
OK, forget about "true or false". So var x = 9 means that the value of variable x is 9, "literally"?
What do you mean by "literally"?
literally means it's a literal, I think
The value of x is however the js engine feels like representing the primitive value 9. It could be an array of nine nulls. It could be the js expression 4+5 which is evald every time.
While x = 9+1 would mean that the value would be 10?
@sammyg that would raise an error.
You can't increment the number 9, it's a number. Its value is 9. It's not a variable.
Incrementing the number 9 makes no sense. It's like saying 9 = 10 in math.
@C-link jQuery is next to redundant when working with string manipulation and attributes. — RUJordan 1 min ago
Damn people suggesting jQuery like it's going to get them laid...
It isn't ?
I mean I'm sure they have a plugin for it..
No pun intended on plugin.
@Zirak @BenjaminGruenbaum Would you care to explain what "numeric literal" means in JS?
ah, now that's a question we can answer
@sean.nuon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@sammyg its basically a constant
@sammyg You want the definition or example?
but it's not great
A literal is like a "bare value", for example null is a literal, "Hello World" is a string literal, 16 is a numeric literal and /asd/g is a regex literal.
Examples please.
A literal is a piece of code, first. It's a piece of code that describes a value.
@sammyg -1e9
(sorry, can't provide other examples, don't know other numbers)
ahh let me understand and then try, i just copied and pasted it. — Shivam 24 secs ago
@CapricaSix. Yep. I am just looking around. I am new to Stackoverflow and I just got the privilege to chat here and just then check it out ;).
@BenjaminGruenbaum he put his faith in me :3
@Zirak Sup!
Gave birth to a crack baby. Just a regular weekday.
Somebody for a game of Tribo or should I go back to work right now ? ^^
Q: Trigger Event On Server Shutdown (NodeJS)

RUJordanAs we all know, when you update a nodejs file and upload it to your server, it needs a restart to be applied -- but if you're using something like nodemon where it automatically restarts your server, your clients that are logged in would need to refresh the screen. So I was wondering, is there a...

Any advice here guys? This guys answer doesn't help because my game is completely async... which he assumed wrong.
@RUJordan my advice is to always use the REPL module and expose an administrative coding interface
I have no idea what that means
That way, you can run scripts on your server when it is running (like in the dev tools in chrome) and you can simply do what you want.
Does nodemon do anything before it sends a restart?
@Zirak not that I know of, I've been searching all night
If not, then the exit event is what you have.
So if the server crashes, is shut down, or restarts, this exit event will run first?
Maybe not if it crashes, you should check what happens when you kill -9 it, but that event should fire, yes.
Thanks, I'll read up on that today
oh yeah, @FlorianMargaine, since you like new stuff: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/secure-shell/… (maybe @copy as well). I've been using that instead of putty, and I must say, it's better.
I have created a mini game as web application and stored the score in a live database(mySQl). But now I need to develop the same minigame as window application. My doubt is.. how to store my score in local storage.???
!!mute 2452810 24h
You were warned
@RUJordan Muted user 2452810 for 24h
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
@RUJordan that guy is awful :(
That's what happens when you don't listen shrug people are stupid
@RUJordan: didn't that user ask exactly the same question earlier today?
He has been asking the same question in multiple rooms for days sadly.
@OneKitten yup. dystroy told him off twice already
@Illaya: Stop it! If you continue spamming flags I have to suspend you.
@ThiefMaster lol wow...
what a child
@ThiefMaster that was flagged as well... :D
> This user has been temporarily suspended by a moderator and cannot chat for 5 hours 59 minutes.
problem solved
Mah hero <3
@ThiefMaster boom boom~ thanks
Yep, thank you :D
@RUJordan can we switch the room mode please?
its safe now...
Sure thing, sorry about that
@RUJordan erm, I don't quite get your answer. What's ctrl? It seems to be the input element since you set maxlength, but you're also calling its toString. Did you mean ctrl.value?
Oh shit
you right
Also, why do you only take the last character (which can really just be x[x.length-1], and why did you call that x instead of something more meaningful)? What if it's copy-pasted from somewhere?
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
@ZNot entirely sure, I haven't slept so I'm going to delete that answer. I don't feel right about it
You don't have to delete it, it's a good starting point for him.
I'm just feeling like being nitpicky.
i just dont want to lead him down a bad path, but ill leave it for him
@Kwaak Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dystroy it's a lambda
x => fn(x) is (almost) the same as function(x){ return fn(x)}.bind(this)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Damn, I was hoping nobody had the time to notice what I had posted. Bad excuse : still drinking the first afternoon coffee
and yes, I know about the fat arrow... was... just... stupid...
(and his tweet is bad and misleading, he should feel bad)
JS should have a native partial anyway
Also, check out the ES7 :: operator
Almost every morning before coffee, and every afternoon before coffee, I'm on the verge of posting stupid things on SO and not always do I catch them in time. I should work at that precise time instead of coming to SO...
My intern brought me some JS code with :: in it.
@Oleg and it works ?
@Oleg he used :: correctly?
I was amazed until I realized it was a copy-pasted PHP snippet inside .js file.
@s.m Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum: haven't been following too much about es7, what does that do?
@JayEdgar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
On an unrelated question with JS, is there any TrueCrypt user here ? =)
@Neil Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Oleg are u there?
 <% i=1,  _.each(data.cinfo.postsdetails, function( listItem ){
            if(listItem.constructor === Object){

here i want to read array index that data.cinfo.postsdetails
how can i count how many array
use of backbone.js and _ .js
any one can help me
@Sport data.cinfo.postsdetails.length?
data.cinfo.postsdetails how to check array
and its value
i want
data.cinfo.postsdetails to check
length you must call
you have
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look?
look at this console
i want to reply detail
postdetails[0].reply_details.length would be the firt one.. ya?
@Sport So you have an array with arrays within.. you want to know the collective number of reply_details?
@JFit I think he means in total, not just for a particular postdetails object
           <% i=1,  _.each(data.cinfo.postsdetails, function( listItem ){
            if(listItem.constructor === Object){

here i am reading postdetail
@Neil ok. i would use a loop but im sure you could do it better :/
in same look
how to read
@JFit If you used underscore, underscore would use a loop, so not like we're talking about a better way of doing it
reply_detals and likedname
Though maybe it would be easier on the eyes?
@Neil u got my point what i want
never used underscore, could you do counter += $(this).reply_details.length equivelant within the each?
Q: How can I process the response from $http, return a promise and bind to the result in AngularJS?

RoyI'm using AngularJS 1.2.6 I'm making a call to a service using $http.get(). I want to process the response in the service to keep the controller clean, then return only the relevant data. I thought that I could bind directly to the promise, and when the async call finishes a property on my $sc...

do u have any idea
var total=0;
for(var i=0; i<data.cinfo.postsdetails.length; i++)
    total += data.cinfo.postsdetails[i].reply_details.length;
@Neil gosu
Oops, added index
@Zirak used it for a while, it sucks when the terminal isn't full screen. And I use M-x ansi-term nowadays anyway :p
!!study haskell or sleep till it's time to go home?
@Oleg study haskell
@CapricaSix lol
@kikyalex Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Oh hai @BoltClock
scontent-a-sin.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1.0-9/… @SomeGuy i guess you can understand this one without being offended.
Swarg - Heaven
Not racist or stupid at all :P
I think Abhishek is trying again to be flagged... in a more subtle way...
@AbhishekHingnikar Hey what's so bad about an American wife? ... ... Well ok.. you may have a point there.
@Neil Indian preception of that is a girl who will never be loyal ... sadly
who goes out boozes etc , Indian girls are supposed to be saints & should be very loyal to husbands ... etc
That's one of the most racist things I've heard recently.
I can see how American women may get a bad rap
A few years ago I saw a study comparing woman and man fidelity in various countries. I don't remember details except that stereotypes weren't verified at all.
@dystroy How would you know, racist?
@Neil I don't understand your comment
India is doing great by the way.
Good upwards trend.
@dystroy You're saying that the results were different than the expected stereotypes, but you'd have to know the expected stereotypes to see that they were different
@Neil "expected" ? I didn't say "expected". As to know the stereotypes (or some of them), it's possible without being racist...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Except if the label at the right is to be interpreted literally...
@dystroy If you're offended, then that means that joke was not funny at all
@dystroy its okay man. we know how you feel, we all see the monkey on your back.
@Neil I'm not offended. It's just I didn't understand.
It was supposed to be something resembling a joke
More or less
@BenjaminGruenbaum Number of cases of rape is fast growing, reports prove
Yeah, it is
So is the population
The curb might be more about how rapes are more frequently reported now
@rlemon haha
@dystroy yeah, that's why it's a good upwards trend
impressive load and hip shot with little recoil
@dystroy havent you watched the news?
there have been protests in India due to the rising rape
a few girls have died after being gang raped on buses
its a huge issue there.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's why I said "except if..."
It was supposed to be something resembling a joke
@Loktar Yes, I know.
^ not trying to sound confrontational either lol
was j/w if maybe you weren't aware :P
@SomeGuy I'm going to unfollow/refollow you on twitter a few times :) testing something
This being said, there are many things I missed in the news those last weeks, having spent most of my time in hospital...
In unrelated news, this was me this weekend: i.imgur.com/t0XHtgJ.gif
@LeartS Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Why is there no haskell room? :(
Python room ate it
@Oleg there is one
It's full of all the Haskell programmers who make a living using Haskell
And build productive stuff with Haskell
@Neil :O I'll go complain in Python room!
@user3400450 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MaheshMajeti Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
jshint finds an "unexpected use of >>" in my code. What would be a non unexpected use of >> ?
there, both >> are "unexpected"...
Why do you even use JSHint?
Because sometimes it may point dangerous things. I vaguely remember one time it pointed a bug (can't remember what, maybe a missing var)
but I'm curious, if my >> are unexpected, what are the expected ones ?
@dystroy That's deep
@dystroy I think it means they are unexpected in general in JS.
but... that's a regular documented operator...
@m59 Haha, cool. What were you testing?
@Zirak You're back again! How are things?
is /review not working today? :c
hi there
hows it going?
still hatin' me?
That shit has more alcohol in it than vodka //What I had typed into the message window here for some reason?
Must've been an interesting conversation yesterday.
just finished implementing paypal from scratch in pure php using the classic API
next week: new CMS
next week: eat donuts
@RalphWiggum Yeah, doesn't seem to be working
@SomeGuy dang :\
@dystroy - jsHint doesn't recognize bitwise operators at all, you can force it with

/*jshint bitwise: false*/

at the top of the file, that way it at least should ignore bitwise operators, otherwise it will complain.
@RUJordan I'll have to sue you for slander.
@dissw.geek9 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy In fact I had to read it again. I really initially thought it was about you.
See? I have a legit case here
I take 20%
Is it bad if your website looks much much better on mobile then it does on the desktop? :)
@Jhawins Is it bad if your website looks much much better on desktop than it does on the mobile?
I don't get the reasoning here
I've made a site that looks bad almost on the desktop, but awesome on the mobile.
Well if barely anyone uses it on desktop, who cares...
unless of course no one uses it because its so ugly... haha
But really, yes its bad. Why wouldn't it be bad? hah
@twiz It was sort of a rhetorical :P
Just bitching
Its too early for rhetoric
@Jhawins Me too, of course
local times?
yea, its 10:30 here too haha
still too early
it's 7:30 here :<
I measure my hours by the number of cups of coffee, which is currently at 0
@twiz So drink 8 cups of coffee and rocket out of the office
What do you get when you mix a bad joke and rhetoric?
I live in a town of ~8K people officially.
This shit is what I saw today from like 6 people. Guess it's good Friday
> Don't mind me I'm just wasting my life dragging this wood around
lol how do they think that helps there cause?
Maybe its just a more convenient way of carrying lumber...
what cause ?
@dystroy Christianity
Maybe that's actually what Jesus was doing....
He was a carpenter.....
Just walkin around and then all of a sudden someone nailed him to the lumber he was carrying?
Maybe their cause is romanity, they want to promote Crucifixion ?
maybe it just fell on him and killed him, so they made up that story so he didn't look like an idiot
@lilwupster Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
But I'm like dude, you wanna "reach people" and you're walking around in this 8K person town 35 minutes from the closest on/off ramp? Go to the big city. Wait you won't because they'll tell you to stop being annoying? Exactly
Just strap on some ankle weights if you're looking for a workout, no cross required
@Jhawins do you hate cos players too? :P
@Loktar lol never seen any of that shit irl
On the other hand, how is that annoying, as long as they're just passing ? It's just a little ridiculous...
They're like walking extra slow, even through intersections and stuff. I waited for 4 people with crosses to do this weird dramatic walk-by on my way to work.
I think the ridiculous part is that he put wheels on it...
They get in front of you to make sure they see you.
@twiz ikr
Jesus didn't have wheels!
Plus the wheels
@Loktar proof ?
Go give him a flat
I just implemented apple's layered blur in internet explorer 9/10/11
on >30fps without canvas :P
link ?
codepenning :-)
its written in WinJS and i assume that won't please yall :P
[ps chrome might crash so use ffox]
it's mainly to understand what's "apple's layered blur"...
@dystroy oh that. ugh just open any Apple iOS app's website
@Oleg thanks, that was useful
Happy Good Friday fellow Christians! <3
Happy good friday @JFit
Lets get drunk!
I wonder if there are actually people who use the Nyan unit test reporter...
there we go.
> Got a big cross damn its heavvvyyy
> Gotta die on good friday!
@SomeGuy you good with design?
No, sir
I suck. I just absolutely suck.
He lies, he is totes good.
I can't imagine things for that
I got a shell of html I need themed for a DBMS basically and was going to see if I could pay you to do it :P
@mikedidthis Hahaha, you did see the design I had earlier for Phone to Chrome, didn't you?!
any RoR developer here?
@Jhawins @mikedidthis might be up for it
@SomeGuy yeah, I used it as my muse.
But it's getting tricky. I need more horizontal screen space then I actually get because of other stupid reasons I don't have control over
@SomeGuy just some twitter widgets
im dealing with some issues wih the jquery show("blind") effect
@JuanAndresRodriguez its becuase jQueryUI.
@JuanAndresRodriguez - And you need someone who knows Rails to figure out your jQuery problem? Seems logical!
Anyone seen Songza's redesign?
the whole div appear as a show() and the blind effect doesnt work properly
codepen.io/anon/pen/Bvtag - Try in chrome, then try Internet Explorer and Firefox
@JuanAndresRodriguez you're including jQueryUI I assume right?
Chrome's SVG is shit slow
Firefox is epic !
SVG is teh stupid.
Id love to see a new spec, or that one updated.
@Loktar not really.
@AbhishekHingnikar there is cool stuff with SVG, but I hate dealing with it
@Loktar <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.js"></script>
like doing anything by hand
PS look at what i made atleast x) [u gotta move the mouse]
@Loktar oh yes.. its like HTML but way inferior
@JuanAndresRodriguez - You know you've included jQuery twice
SMIL is ages behind
posted on April 18, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Slightly worried someone beat me to this joke. Wish me luck.

nice @AbhishekHingnikar however for me in FF its a tiny window..
whereas chrome is full screen
yes, because i try all the solutions at the web hah
thats weird.
@adeneo is that bad to do? WordPress sites often include jQuery 5+ times.
my vs of FF is probably out of date
did you try Internet Explorer. :D
hmm vs 28
@m59 i often wonder how do those jQueries not fight for each other.
I only have IE10 on here but ill check on sec
@CarlT Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
it should be fine
@m59 - Wordpress only includes jQuery once, bad developers include jQuery many times.
@adeneo you gotta know I'm kidding =D
oh yeah IE10 works great

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